952 resultados para Regular array
Thesis--University of Illinois.
The design space of emerging heterogenous multi-core architectures with re-configurability element makes it feasible to design mixed fine-grained and coarse-grained parallel architectures. This paper presents a hierarchical composite array design which extends the curret design space of regular array design by combining a sequence of transformations. This technique is applied to derive a new design of a pipelined parallel regular array with different dataflow between phases of computation.
We describe a high-level design method to synthesize multi-phase regular arrays. The method is based on deriving component designs using classical regular (or systolic) array synthesis techniques and composing these separately evolved component design into a unified global design. Similarity transformations ar e applied to component designs in the composition stage in order to align data ow between the phases of the computations. Three transformations are considered: rotation, re ection and translation. The technique is aimed at the design of hardware components for high-throughput embedded systems applications and we demonstrate this by deriving a multi-phase regular array for the 2-D DCT algorithm which is widely used in many vide ocommunications applications.
The dispersion of a point-source release of a passive scalar in a regular array of cubical, urban-like, obstacles is investigated by means of direct numerical simulations. The simulations are conducted under conditions of neutral stability and fully rough turbulent flow, at a roughness Reynolds number of Reτ = 500. The Navier–Stokes and scalar equations are integrated assuming a constant rate release from a point source close to the ground within the array. We focus on short-range dispersion, when most of the material is still within the building canopy. Mean and fluctuating concentrations are computed for three different pressure gradient directions (0◦ , 30◦ , 45◦). The results agree well with available experimental data measured in a water channel for a flow angle of 0◦ . Profiles of mean concentration and the three-dimensional structure of the dispersion pattern are compared for the different forcing angles. A number of processes affecting the plume structure are identified and discussed, including: (i) advection or channelling of scalar down ‘streets’, (ii) lateral dispersion by turbulent fluctuations and topological dispersion induced by dividing streamlines around buildings, (iii) skewing of the plume due to flow turning with height, (iv) detrainment by turbulent dispersion or mean recirculation, (v) entrainment and release of scalar in building wakes, giving rise to ‘secondary sources’, (vi) plume meandering due to unsteady turbulent fluctuations. Finally, results on relative concentration fluctuations are presented and compared with the literature for point source dispersion over flat terrain and urban arrays. Keywords Direct numerical simulation · Dispersion modelling · Urban array
Hybrid multiprocessor architectures which combine re-configurable computing and multiprocessors on a chip are being proposed to transcend the performance of standard multi-core parallel systems. Both fine-grained and coarse-grained parallel algorithm implementations are feasible in such hybrid frameworks. A compositional strategy for designing fine-grained multi-phase regular processor arrays to target hybrid architectures is presented in this paper. The method is based on deriving component designs using classical regular array techniques and composing the components into a unified global design. Effective designs with phase-changes and data routing at run-time are characteristics of these designs. In order to describe the data transfer between phases, the concept of communication domain is introduced so that the producer–consumer relationship arising from multi-phase computation can be treated in a unified way as a data routing phase. This technique is applied to derive new designs of multi-phase regular arrays with different dataflow between phases of computation.
The deep-sea pearleye, Scopelarchus michaelsarsi (Scopelarchidae) is a mesopelagic teleost with asymmetric or tubular eyes. The main retina subtends a large dorsal binocular field, while the accessory retina subtends a restricted monocular field of lateral visual space. Ocular specializations to increase the lateral visual field include an oblique pupil and a corneal lens pad. A detailed morphological and topographic study of the photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells reveals seven specializations: a centronasal region of the main retina with ungrouped rod-like photoreceptors overlying a retinal tapetum; a region of high ganglion cell density (area centralis of 56.1x10(3) cells per mm(2)) in the centrolateral region of the main retina; a centrotemporal region of the main retina with grouped rod-like photoreceptors; a region (area giganto cellularis) of large (32.2+/-5.6 mu m(2)), alpha-like ganglion cells arranged in a regular array (nearest neighbour distance 53.5+/-9.3 mu m with a conformity ratio of 5.8) in the temporal main retina; an accessory retina with grouped rod-like photoreceptors; a nasotemporal band of a mixture of rod-and cone-like photoreceptors restricted to the ventral accessory retina; and a retinal diverticulum comprised of a ventral region of differentiated accessory retina located medial to the optic nerve head. Retrograde labelling from the optic nerve with DiI shows that approximately 14% of the cells in the ganglion cell layer of the main retina are displaced amacrine cells at 1.5 mm eccentricity. Cryosectioning of the tubular eye confirms Matthiessen's ratio (2.59), and calculations of the spatial resolving power suggests that the function of the area centralis (7.4 cycles per degree/8.1 minutes of are) and the cohort of temporal alpha-like ganglion cells (0.85 cycles per degree/70.6 minutes of are) in the main retina may be different. Low summation ratios in these various retinal zones suggests that each zone may mediate distinct visual tasks in a certain region of the visual field by optimizing sensitivity and/or resolving power.
It is well known that under certain circumstances, magnetic fields applied perpendicularly to the plane of superconducting films can trigger flux avalanches. In such cases, the penetration has a tree-like profile. However, in samples where a regular array of antidots, ADs, is present, the avalanches follow the rows of ADs as if they were guiding lines for the abrupt penetration. In this work, we used the magnetooptical imaging technique to study the morphology of flux avalanches in two Nb films with a square lattice of square ADs, each one with a different lateral size, and a plain film for reference. We show that the morphology of the flux avalanches is greatly influenced by the size of the interstitial region. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Bacterial photosynthesis relies on the interplay between light harvesting and electron transfer complexes, all of which are located within the intracytoplasmic membrane. These complexes capture and transfer solar energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient. In this study, we identify one of the factors that determines the organization of these complexes. We undertook a comparison of the organization of the light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1)/reaction center (RC) cores in the LH2− mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides in the presence or absence of the PufX protein. From polarized absorption spectra on oriented membranes, we conclude that PufX induces a specific orientation of the reaction center in the LH1 ring, as well as the formation of a long-range regular array of LH1-RC cores in the photosynthetic membrane. From our data, we have constructed a precise model of how the RC is positioned within the LH1 ring relative to the long (orientation) axis of the photosynthetic membrane.
The On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) in the rabbit retina comprise four distinct subtypes that respond preferentially to image motion in four orthogonal directions; each subtype forms a regular territorial array, which is overlapped by the other three arrays. In this study, ganglion cells in the developing retina were injected with Neurobiotin, a gap-junction-permeable tracer, and the DSGCs were identified by their characteristic type 1 bistratified (BiS1) morphology. The complex patterns of tracer coupling shown by the BiSl ganglion cells changed systematically during the course of postnatal development. BiSl cells appear to be coupled together around the time of birth, but, over the next 10 days, BiSl cells decouple from each other, leading to the mature pattern in which only one subtype is coupled. At about postnatal day 5, before the ganglion cells become visually responsive, each of the BiSl cells commonly showed tracer coupling both to a regular array of neighboring BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of the same subtype, and to a regular array of overlapping BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of a different subtype. The gap-junction intercellular communication between subtypes of DSGCs with different preferred directions may play an important role in the differentiation of their synaptic connectivity, with respect to either the inputs that DSGCs receive from retinal interneurons or the outputs that DSGCs make to geniculate neurons. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The type 1 polyaxonal (PA1) cell is a distinct type of axon-bearing amacrine cell whose soma commonly occupies an interstitial position in the inner plexiform layer; the proximal branches of the sparse dendritic tree produce 1-4 axon-like processes, which form an extensive axonal arbor that is concentric with the smaller dendritic tree (Dacey, 1989; Famiglietti, 1992a,b). In this study, intracellular injections of Neurobiotin have revealed the complete dendritic and axonal morphology of the PA1 cells in the rabbit retina, as well as labeling the local array of PA1 cells through homologous tracer coupling. The dendritic-field area of the PA1 cells increased from a minimum of 0.15 mm(2) (0.44-mm equivalent diameter) on the visual streak to a maximum of 0.67 mm(2) (0.92-mm diameter) in the far periphery; the axonal-field area also showed a 3-fold variation across the retina, ranging from 3.1 mm(2) (2.0-mm diameter) to 10.2 mm(2) (3.6-mm diameter). The increase in dendritic- and axonal-field size was accompanied by a reduction in cell density, from 60 cells/mm(2) in the visual streak to 20 cells/mm(2) in the far periphery, so that the PA1 cells showed a 12 times overlap of their dendritic fields across the retina and a 200-300 times overlap of their axonal fields. Consequently, the axonal plexus was much denser than the dendritic plexus, with each square millimeter of retina containing similar to100 mm of dendrites and similar to1000 mm of axonal processes. The strong homologous tracer coupling revealed that similar to45% of the PA1 somata were located in the inner nuclear layer, similar to50% in the inner plexiform layer, and similar to5% in the ganglion cell layer. In addition, the Neurobiotin-injected PA1 cells sometimes showed clear heterologous tracer coupling to a regular array of small ganglion cells, which were present at half the density of the PA1 cells. The PA1 cells were also shown to contain elevated levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), like other axon-bearing amacrine cells.
Process variations are a major bottleneck for digital CMOS integrated circuits manufacturability and yield. That iswhy regular techniques with different degrees of regularity are emerging as possible solutions. Our proposal is a new regular layout design technique called Via-Configurable Transistors Array (VCTA) that pushes to the limit circuit layout regularity for devices and interconnects in order to maximize regularity benefits. VCTA is predicted to perform worse than the Standard Cell approach designs for a certain technology node but it will allow the use of a future technology on an earlier time. Ourobjective is to optimize VCTA for it to be comparable to the Standard Cell design in an older technology. Simulations for the first unoptimized version of our VCTA of delay and energy consumption for a Full Adder circuit in the 90 nm technology node are presented and also the extrapolation for Carry-RippleAdders from 4 bits to 64 bits.
Spatial and temporal fluctuations in the concentration field from an ensemble of continuous point-source releases in a regular building array are analyzed from data generated by direct numerical simulations. The release is of a passive scalar under conditions of neutral stability. Results are related to the underlying flow structure by contrasting data for an imposed wind direction of 0 deg and 45 deg relative to the buildings. Furthermore, the effects of distance from the source and vicinity to the plume centreline on the spatial and temporal variability are documented. The general picture that emerges is that this particular geometry splits the flow domain into segments (e.g. “streets” and “intersections”) in each of which the air is, to a first approximation, well mixed. Notable exceptions to this general rule include regions close to the source, near the plume edge, and in unobstructed channels when the flow is aligned. In the oblique (45 deg) case the strongly three-dimensional nature of the flow enhances mixing of a scalar within the canopy leading to reduced temporal and spatial concentration fluctuations within the plume core. These fluctuations are in general larger for the parallel flow (0 deg) case, especially so in the long unobstructed channels. Due to the more complex flow structure in the canyon-type streets behind buildings, fluctuations are lower than in the open channels, though still substantially larger than for oblique flow. These results are relevant to the formulation of simple models for dispersion in urban areas and to the quantification of the uncertainties in their predictions.
Turbulence statistics obtained by direct numerical simulations are analysed to investigate spatial heterogeneity within regular arrays of building-like cubical obstacles. Two different array layouts are studied, staggered and square, both at a packing density of λp=0.25 . The flow statistics analysed are mean streamwise velocity ( u− ), shear stress ( u′w′−−−− ), turbulent kinetic energy (k) and dispersive stress fraction ( u˜w˜ ). The spatial flow patterns and spatial distribution of these statistics in the two arrays are found to be very different. Local regions of high spatial variability are identified. The overall spatial variances of the statistics are shown to be generally very significant in comparison with their spatial averages within the arrays. Above the arrays the spatial variances as well as dispersive stresses decay rapidly to zero. The heterogeneity is explored further by separately considering six different flow regimes identified within the arrays, described here as: channelling region, constricted region, intersection region, building wake region, canyon region and front-recirculation region. It is found that the flow in the first three regions is relatively homogeneous, but that spatial variances in the latter three regions are large, especially in the building wake and canyon regions. The implication is that, in general, the flow immediately behind (and, to a lesser extent, in front of) a building is much more heterogeneous than elsewhere, even in the relatively dense arrays considered here. Most of the dispersive stress is concentrated in these regions. Considering the experimental difficulties of obtaining enough point measurements to form a representative spatial average, the error incurred by degrading the sampling resolution is investigated. It is found that a good estimate for both area and line averages can be obtained using a relatively small number of strategically located sampling points.
The automatic transformation of sequential programs for efficient execution on parallel computers involves a number of analyses and restructurings of the input. Some of these analyses are based on computing array sections, a compact description of a range of array elements. Array sections describe the set of array elements that are either read or written by program statements. These sections can be compactly represented using shape descriptors such as regular sections, simple sections, or generalized convex regions. However, binary operations such as Union performed on these representations do not satisfy a straightforward closure property, e.g., if the operands to Union are convex, the result may be nonconvex. Approximations are resorted to in order to satisfy this closure property. These approximations introduce imprecision in the analyses and, furthermore, the imprecisions resulting from successive operations have a cumulative effect. Delayed merging is a technique suggested and used in some of the existing analyses to minimize the effects of approximation. However, this technique does not guarantee an exact solution in a general setting. This article presents a generalized technique to precisely compute Union which can overcome these imprecisions.
The paper analyses empirical performance data of five commercial PV-plants in Germany. The purpose was on one side to investigate the weak light performance of the different PV-modules used. On the other hand it was to quantify and compare the shading losses of different PV-array configurations. The importance of this study relies on the fact that even if the behavior under weak light conditions or the shading losses might seem to be a relatively small percentage of the total yearly output; in projects where a performance guarantee is given, these variation can make the difference between meeting or not the conditions.When analyzing the data, a high dispersion was found. To reduce the optical losses and spectral effects, a series of data filters were applied based on the angle of incidence and absolute Air Mass. To compensate for the temperature effects and translate the values to STC (25°C), five different methods were assessed. At the end, the Procedure 2 of IEC 60891 was selected due to its relative simplicity, usage of mostly standard parameters found in datasheets, good accuracy even with missing values, and its potential to improve the results when the complete set of inputs is available.After analyzing the data, the weak light performance of the modules did not show a clear superiority of a certain technology or technology group over the others. Moreover, the uncertainties in the measurements restrictive the conclusiveness of the results.In the partial shading analysis, the landscape mounting of mc-Si PV-modules in free-field showed a significantly better performance than the portrait one. The cross-table string using CIGS modules did not proved the benefits expected and performed actually poorer than a regular one-string-per-table layout. Parallel substrings with CdTe showed a proper functioning and relatively low losses. Among the two product generations of CdTe analyzed, none showed a significantly better performance under partial shadings.