955 resultados para Radio Debate
La experiencia que se inició años anteriores consiste en la creación de un taller de radio ('Radio Jeromín'), dirigido a todo el alumnado aunque con un mayor protagonismo del Ciclo Superior. Los objetivos fundamentales son promover la participación de toda la comunidad educativa y crear un canal de comunicación e información de carácter educativo, cultural y recreativo. Así, los alumnos y profesores elaboran diferentes programas (Conversaciones, Musicalia, Un cuento para tí, La voz del CEP, Radio debate, Historia de las historias, Radio embajada, etc.) de contenido netamente pedagógico y educativo en los que se transmite información general, música, partes meteorológicos, programas de lenguaje y gramática, monográficos de historia, debates sobre actualidad educativa, etc. El objetivo final que se plantea es la creación de una red de emisoras en Leganés que permita el intercambio de programas pedagógicos, conectar con los canales de educación a distancia de Radio Nacional, etc., sin olvidar su carácter local y, por lo tanto, su entorno social. Como memoria se presenta el guión del programa 'Conversaciones'.
In this issue...Doris Torongo, Montana Fossils, President Hoover, Mine Rescue, First Aid, Radio Debate, Anaconda Smelter, nickel-copper alloy, Ore Diggers basketball
Taking a Media Anthropology’s approach to dynamics of mediated selfrepresentation in migratory contexts, this thesis starts by mapping radio initiatives produced by, for and/or with migrants in Portugal. To further explore dynamics of support of initial settlement in the country, community-making, cultural reproduction, and transnational connectivity - found both in the mapping stage and the minority media literature (e.g. Kosnick, 2007; Rigoni & Saitta, 2012; Silverstone & Georgiou, 2005) - a case study was selected: the station awarded with the first bilingual license in Portugal. The station in question caters largely to the British population presenting themselves as “expats” and residing in the Algarve. The ethnographic strategy to research it consisted of “following the radio” (Marcus, 1995) beyond the station and into the events and establishments it announces on air, so as to relate production and consumption realms. The leading research question asks how does locally produced radio play into “expats” processes of management of cultural identity – and what are the specificities of its role? Drawing on conceptualizations of lifestyle migration (Benson & O’Reilly, 2009), production of locality (Appadurai 1996) and the public sphere (Butsch, 2007; Calhoun & et al, 1992; Dahlgren, 2006), this thesis contributes to valuing radio as a productive gateway to research migrants’ construction of belonging, to inscribe a counterpoint in the field of minority media, and to debate conceptualizations of migratory categories and flows. Specifically, this thesis argues that the station fulfills similar roles to other minority radio initiatives but in ways that are specific to the population being catered to. Namely, unlike other minority stations, radio facilitates the process of transitioning between categories along on a continuum linking tourists and migrants. It also reflects and participates in strategies of reterritorialization that rest on functional and partial modes of incorporation. While contributing to sustain a translocality (Appadurai, 1996) it indexes and fosters a stance of connection that is symbolically and materially connected to the UK and other “neighborhoods” but is, simultaneously, oriented to engaging with the Algarve as “home”. Yet, besides reifying a British cultural identity, radio’s oral, repetitive and ephemeral discourse particularly trivializes the reproduction of an ambivalent stance of connection with place that is shared by other “expats”. This dynamic is related to migratory projects driven by social imaginaries fostered by international media that stimulate the search for idealized ways of living, which the radio associates with the Algarve. While recurrently localizing and validating the narrative projecting an idealized “good life”, radio amplifies dynamics among migrants that seem to reaffirm the migratory move as a good choice.
Advanced stage follicular lymphoma is incurable by conventional treatment. Important progress has been observed with the development of new therapies based on monoclonal antibodies and on the use of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy in the upfront setting significantly improved treatment outcome as compared with chemotherapy alone. Different studies also indicate that RIT has an important role in the management of NHL and could be beneficial in combination with chemotherapy. These two new treatment options have clearly distinctive mechanisms of action, rituximab being an exclusively biological treatment and RIT adding targeted systemic radiation therapy. Both RIT and the unlabeled antibody treatments might be further improved by different strategies including repetition of RIT or combination of different antibodies. We present here our experience with RIT using 131I-tositumomab (Bexxar) and discuss different topics regarding RIT, like the use of different antibodies, the best choice of the radioisotope or the place of radio-imaging. From the therapeutic point of view, we argue that the debate should not be as to which one among antibody immunotherapy or RIT should be best added to chemotherapy, but that all three treatments might be optimally combined with the aim to get the highest chance of cure for advanced stage follicular lymphoma.
The modern generation of Cherenkov telescopes has revealed a new population of gamma-ray sources in the Galaxy. Some of them have been identified with previously known X-ray binary systems while other remain without clear counterparts a lower energies. Our initial goal here was reporting on extensive radio observations of the first extended and yet unidentified source, namely TeV J2032+4130. This object was originally detected by the HEGRA telescope in the direction of the Cygnus OB2 region and its nature has been a matter of debate during the latest years. The situation has become more complex with the Whipple and MILAGRO telescopes new TeV detections in the same field which could be consistent with the historic HEGRA source, although a different origin cannot be ruled out. Aims.We aim to pursue our radio exploration of the TeV J2032+4130 position that we initiated in a previous paper but taking now into account the latest results from new Whipple and MILAGRO TeV telescopes. The data presented here are an extended follow up of our previous work. Methods.Our investigation is mostly based on interferometric radio observations with the Giant Metre Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) close to Pune (India) and the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico (USA). We also conducted near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope and the OMEGA2000 camera at the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) in Almería (Spain). Results.We present deep radio maps centered on the TeV J2032+4130 position at different wavelengths. In particular, our 49 and 20 cm maps cover a field of view larger than half a degree that fully includes the Whipple position and the peak of MILAGRO emission. Our most important result here is a catalogue of 153 radio sources detected at 49 cm within the GMRT antennae primary beam with a full width half maximum (FWHM) of 43 arc-minute. Among them, peculiar sources inside the Whipple error ellipse are discussed in detail, including a likely double-double radio galaxy and a one-sided jet source of possible blazar nature. This last object adds another alternative counterpart possibility to be considered for both the HEGRA, Whipple and MILAGRO emission. Moreover, our multi-configuration VLA images reveal the non-thermal extended emission previously reported by us with improved angular resolution. Its non-thermal spectral index is also confirmed thanks to matching beam observations at the 20 and 6 cm wavelengths.
El estudio responde las preguntas sobre injerencia política hacia medios radioeléctricos por parte del gobierno chavecista con el cierre de RCTV; con la identificación de instrumentos jurídicos hacia los medias y la examinación en que el gobierno manejó estos instrumentos de regulación.
Resumen basado en el del autor. Se adjuntan referencias de las webs de interés al final del artículo
Desarrollar una base teórica sobre la utilización de la radio en educación; encontrar pautas y procedimientos para sistematizar el uso crítico de la radio en el aula; y apreciar la influencia de la radio en la motivación para el aprendizaje significativo. Una clase de séptimo de EGB con 27 alumnos. Primero se analiza la sociedad del saber con los cambios tecnológicos, sociales y educativos. También se reflexiona sobre la relación radio y educación, con una breve historia de la radio, su tecnología, los elementos de la comunicación y su uso didáctico. Tras llevar a cabo el taller de radio en el colegio, se estudia la integración de la radio en el proceso educativo como recurso, como medio de expresión y comunicación, y como análisis crítico de la información. La autoobservación y las entrevistas a grupos de 3 o 4 alumnos y a profesores. También se utilizan métodos indirectos como el análisis de documentos tipo Proyecto de Centro, Proyecto de Innovación, guiones de radio y documentos elaborados por el alumno; el cuaderno de campo; el registro de radio; y las fichas de registro y observación. Se estudian dos casos durante los cursos 89-90 y 90-91. El primero se lleva a cabo en la clase de Lengua donde se trabajan informativos, entrevistas, debates, reportajes, y programas musicales, dramáticos y culturales. El siguiente año se emite Radio Cábala para lo cual se estudia el manejo de aparatos y la creación de efectos, la locución, guionización y documentación. El informe escolar de junio de 1990, concluye que el grupo donde se llevó a cabo la experiencia, alcanza un buen nivel de aprendizaje y desarrolla actitudes comunicativas, expresivas tanto orales como escritas, y de procedimiento para el tratamiento de la información. También aumenta su capacidad de comprensión y de puesta al día al manejar información de ámbito social y político que normalmente no utilizan, y deportiva para la reflexión y el debate. Más de la mitad de los alumnos demuestran capacidad para analizar hechos, situaciones y opiniones de otras personas. También aumenta su autonomía en organizar trabajos individuales y en equipo, y la capacidad de tomar decisiones. Por su parte los profesores se replantean supuestos metodológicos al evaluar el aprendizaje, la práctica docente y la organización de la clase. Las emisiones gustaron a los oyentes por la cercanía de contenidos y las grabaciones se empearon para mejorar la dicción y lectura. El uso de la radio supone un incentivo motivador y desarrolla procedimientos de representación simbólica para la comprensión y elaboración de mensajes; aumenta el conocimiento y el análisis crítico; y permite cierta autonomía en la toma de posiciones.
O presente relatório tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados finais do projeto “Transformar as ondas do rádio: informações seguras sobre aborto inseguro”. O projeto foi executado pelo Grupo Curumim e teve como objetivos: Fomentar entre as mulheres jovens um debate acerca do impacto da ilegalidade do aborto na saúde e vida das mulheres e na efetivação de direitos e políticas públicas relacionadas aos direitos sexuais e direitos reprodutivos; Produzir spots de rádio sobre aborto e os serviços de atendimento ao aborto legal; Articular comunicadores/as populares e divulgar informações sobre o aborto e os serviços de atendimento ao abortamento legal
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Aims. We calculate the theoretical event rate of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) from the collapse of massive first-generation (Population III; Pop III) stars. The Pop III GRBs could be super-energetic with the isotropic energy up to E(iso) greater than or similar to 10(55-57) erg, providing a unique probe of the high-redshift Universe. Methods. We consider both the so-called Pop III.1 stars (primordial) and Pop III.2 stars (primordial but affected by radiation from other stars). We employ a semi-analytical approach that considers inhomogeneous hydrogen reionization and chemical evolution of the intergalactic medium. Results. We show that Pop III.2 GRBs occur more than 100 times more frequently than Pop III.1 GRBs, and thus should be suitable targets for future GRB missions. Interestingly, our optimistic model predicts an event rate that is already constrained by the current radio transient searches. We expect similar to 10-10(4) radio afterglows above similar to 0.3 mJy on the sky with similar to 1 year variability and mostly without GRBs (orphans), which are detectable by ALMA, EVLA, LOFAR, and SKA, while we expect to observe maximum of N < 20 GRBs per year integrated over at z > 6 for Pop III.2 and N < 0.08 per year integrated over at z > 10 for Pop III.1 with EXIST, and N < 0.2 for Pop III.2 GRBs per year integrated over at z > 6 with Swift.
We study rf spectroscopy of a lithium gas with the goal to explore the possibilities for photoemission spectroscopy of a strongly interacting p-wave Fermi gas. Radio-frequency spectra of quasibound p-wave molecules and of free atoms in the vicinity of the p-wave Feshbach resonance located at 159.15G are presented. The spectra are free of detrimental final-state effects. The observed relative magnetic-field shifts of the molecular and atomic resonances confirm earlier measurements realized with direct rf association. Furthermore, evidence of molecule production by adiabatically ramping the magnetic field is observed. Finally, we propose the use of a one-dimensional optical lattice to study anisotropic superfluid gaps as most direct proof of p-wave superfluidity.
In this text we proceed through a brief review of Naomi Lee`s (2009) article, highlighting her significant contributions to social and cultural psychology. In our dialogue with her text we inquire about some arguments and methodological procedures she presents. We raise some specific questions related to how the issue of beauty is framed, and we ponder on how a broadening of the scope to include history-of ideas, of relations-would bring some important elements to her approach. As Lee relates beauty and class, we examine the nuanced meanings of lack and deficiency in her analytical work. We also discuss her assumptions and position concerning discourse and dialogue which mark her ways of proceeding through the analysis of the interviews. We speculate that the depersonalized answer appointed in the interviewees` discourse can be related to a way of considering beauty as disembodied.
The article discusses the right to lusophone literature - Saramago, as example - in the process of teacher` s formation and inside of adults` literacy through formation research process at Sao Paulo city.
All debates in history—who started the Cold War, how successful were the Chartists in achieving their aims, to what extent was the recession of the American frontier culturally significant in American history— are debates between competing narrative interpretations. Moreover, because the historical imagination itself exists intertextually within our own social and political environment, the past is never discovered set aside from everyday life. History is designed and composed in the here and now.