998 resultados para RED PHOSPHOR
CaYAl(3)O(7):Eu(3+) phosphor was prepared at furnace temperatures as low as 550A degrees C by a solution combustion method. The formation of crystalline CaYAl(3)O(7):Eu(3+) was confirmed by powder X-Ray diffraction pattern. The prepared phosphor was characterized by SEM, FT-IR and photoluminescence techniques. Photoluminescence measurements indicated that emission spectrum is dominated by the red peak located at 618 nm due to the (5)D(0)-(7)F(2) electric dipole transition of Eu(3+) ions. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to identify the centres responsible for the thermoluminescence (TL) peaks. Room temperature ESR spectrum of irradiated phosphor appears to be a superposition of two distinct centres. One of the centres (centre I) with principal g-value 2.0126 is identified as an O(-) ion while centre II with an isotropic g-factor 2.0060 is assigned to an F(+) centre (singly ionized oxygen vacancy). An additional defect centre is observed during thermal annealing experiments and this centre (assigned to F(+) centre) seems to originate from an F centre (oxygen vacancy with two electrons). The F(+) centre appears to correlate with the observed high temperature TL peak in CaYAl(3)O(7):Eu(3+) phosphor.
Several series of Eu3+ based red emitting phosphor materials were synthesized using solid state reaction route and their properties were characterized. The present studies primarily investigated the photoluminescence properties of Eu3+ in a family of closely related host structure with a general formula Ln3MO7. The results presented in the previous chapters throws light to a basic understanding of the structure, phase formation and the photoluminescence properties of these compounds and their co-relations. The variation in the Eu3+ luminescence properties with different M cations was studied in Gd3-xMO7 (M = Nb, Sb, Ta) system.More ordering in the host lattice and more uniform distribution of Eu3+ ions resulting in the increased emission properties were observed in tantalate system.Influence of various lanthanide ion (Lu, Y, Gd, La) substitutions on the Eu3+ photoluminescence properties in Ln3MO7 host structures was also studied. The difference in emission profiles with different Ln ions demonstrated the influence of long range ordering, coordination of cations and ligand polarizability in the emission probabilities, intensity and quantum efficiency of these phosphor materials. Better luminescence of almost equally competing intensities from all the 4f transitions of Eu3+ was noticed for La3TaO7 system. Photoluminescence properties were further improved in La3TaO7 : Eu3+ phosphors by the incorporation of Ba2+ ions in La3+ site. New red phosphor materials Gd2-xGaTaO7 : xEu3+ exhibiting intense red emissions under UV excitation were prepared. Optimum doping level of Eu3+ in these different host lattices were experimentally determined. Some of the prepared samples exhibited higher emission intensities than the standard Y2O3 : Eu3+ red phosphors. In the present studies, Eu3+ acts as a structural probe determining the coordination and symmetry of the atoms in the host lattice. Results from the photoluminescence studies combined with the powder XRD and Raman spectroscopy investigations helped in the determination of the correct crystal structures and phase formation of the prepared compounds. Thus the controversy regarding the space groups of these compounds could be solved to a great extent. The variation in the space groups with different cation substitutions were discussed. There was only limited understanding regarding the various influential parameters of the photoluminescence properties of phosphor materials. From the given studies, the dependence of photoluminescence properties on the crystal structure and ordering of the host lattice, site symmetries, polarizability of the ions, distortions around the activator ion, uniformity in the activator distribution, concentration of the activator ion etc. were explained. Although the presented work does not directly evidence any application, the materials developed in the studies can be used for lighting applications together with other components for LED lighting. All the prepared samples were well excitable under near UV radiation. La3TaO7 : 0.15Eu3+ phosphor with high efficiency and intense orange red emissions can be used as a potential red component for the realization of white light with better color rendering properties. Gd2GaTaO7 : Eu3+, Bi2+ red phosphors give good color purity matching to NTSC standards of red. Some of these compounds exhibited higher emission intensities than the standard Y2O3 : Eu3+ red phosphors. However thermal stability and electrical output using these compounds should be studied further before applications. Based on the studies in the closely related Ln3MO7 structures, some ideas on selecting better host lattice for improved luminescence properties could be drawn. Analyzing the CTB position and the number of emission splits, a general understanding on the doping sites can be obtained. These results could be helpful for phosphor designs in other host systems also, for enhanced emission intensity and efficiency.
This work deals with a red phosphor. Y3BO6:Eu3+, and its corresponding poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP)/Y3BO6:Eu3+ luminescent composite film suitable for applications in the next generation of Hg-free lamps based on near ultraviolet (UV) light emitting diodes (LEDs). Well crystallized samples of Y3BO6 powders with the Eu3+ content up to 20 mol% were prepared by the Pechini method. After structural, morphological and optical characterization, the best doping rate of Eu3+ in the matrix was determined to be 15 mol%. This optimal powder, which is highly friable, was easily ground into fine particles and homogeneously dispersed into a PVP polymer solution to give rise to a polymer phosphor composite. Structural and optical features of the composite film have been studied and compared to those of a pristine PVP film and Y3BO6:Eu3+ powder. All the characterization (XRD, SAXS, luminescence...) proved that the red phosphor particles are well incorporated into the polymer composite film which exhibited the characteristic red emission of Eu3+ under UV light excitation. Furthermore, photostability of the polymer/phosphor composite film under UV-LED irradiation was evaluated from exposure to accelerated artificial photoageing at wavelengths above 300 nm.
The future generation of modern illumination should not only be cheap and highly efficient, but also demonstrate high quality of light, light which allows better color differentiation and fidelity. Here we are presenting a novel approach to create a white solid-state light source providing ultimate color rendition necessary for a number of applications. The proposed semi-hybrid device combines a monolithic blue-cyan light emitting diode (MBC LED) with a green-red phosphor mixture. It has shown a superior color rendering index (CRI), 98.6, at correlated color temperature of around 3400 K. The MBC LED epi-structure did not suffer from the efficiency reduction typical for monolithic multi-color emitters and was implemented in the two most popular chip designs: “epi-up” and “flip-chip”. Redistribution of the blue and cyan band amplitudes in the white-light emission spectrum, using the operating current, is found to be an effective tool for fine tuning the color characteristics. (Figure presented.).
The crystallization of laser glasses in the system (B(2)O(3))(0.6){(Al(2)O(3))(0.4-y)(Y(2)O(3))(y)} (0.1 <= y <= 0.25) doped with different levels of ytterbium oxide has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal analysis, and various solid-state NMR techniques. The homogeneous glasses undergo major phase segregation processes resulting in crystalline YBO(3), crystalline YAI(3)(BO(3))(4), and residual glassy B(2)O(3) as the major products. This process can be analyzed in a quantitative fashion by solid-state (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR spectroscopies as well as (11)B{(27)Al} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) experiments. The Yb dopants end up in both of the crystalline components, producing increased line widths of the corresponding (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR resonances that depend linearly on the Yb/Y substitution ratio. A preliminary analysis of the composition dependence suggests that the Yb(3+) dopant is not perfectly equipartitioned between both crystalline phases, suggesting a moderate preference of Yb to substitute in the crystalline YBO(3) component.
ZnS: Cu: Cl phosphor prepared under a vacuum firing process is found to give blue electroluminescence with emission peak at 460 nm which remams unaltered with the frequency of the excitation voltage. Addition of excess chlorine in the phosphor gives blue, green and red emission at 460, 520 and 640 run. The intensity of the blue band decreases and It fmally disappears as chlorine concentration is increased. A scheme involving three energy levels attributed to Cu2+, Cu+ and Cl- centres in Zns explains the experimental results completely.
Photoluminescence, thermoluminescence and phosphorescence studies of cerium and copper doped BaS phosphors are attempted. Cu+ centres in BaS lattice activate red emission while Ce3+ sensitize the blue emission. Results are explained on the basis of superposition theory involving monomolecular kinetics. In Randall and Wilkins model, the decay and TL studies are found to corelate each other.
Er(3+) doped Y(2)O(3) phosphor was prepared by the solution combustion method and characterized using powder x-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive analysis of x-ray mapping studies. Room temperature near infrared (NIR) to green up-conversion (UC) emissions in the region 520-580 nm {((2)H(11/2), (4)S(3/2)) -> (4)I(15/2)} and red UC emissions in the region 650-700 nm ((4)F(9/2) -> (4)I(15/2)) of Er(3+) ions have been observed upon direct excitation to the (4)I(11/2) level using similar to 972 nm laser radiation of nanosecond pulses. The possible mechanisms for the UC processes have been discussed on the basis of the energy level scheme, the pump power dependence as well as based on the temporal evolution. The excited state absorption is observed to be the dominant mechanism for the UC process. Y(2)O(3) : Er exhibits one thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) peak around 367 degrees C. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to study the defect centres induced in the phosphor by gamma irradiation and also to identify the centres responsible for the TSL peak. Room temperature ESR spectrum of irradiated phosphor appears to be a superposition of at least three distinct centres. One of them (centre I) with principal g-values g(parallel to) = 2.0415 and g(perpendicular to) = 2.0056 is identified as O(2)(-) centre while centre II with an isotropic g-factor 2.0096 is assigned to an F(+)-centre (singly ionized oxygen vacancy). Centre III is also assigned to an F(+)-centre with a small g-factor anisotropy (g(parallel to) = 1.974 and g(perpendicular to) = 1.967). Additional defect centres are observed during thermal annealing experiments and one of them appearing around 330 degrees C grows with the annealing temperature. This centre (assigned to an F(+)-centre) seems to originate from an F-centre (oxygen vacancy with two electrons) and the F-centre appears to correlate with the observed TSL peak in Y2O3 : Er phosphor. The trap depth for this peak has been determined to be 0.97 eV from TSL data.
This work reports on the preparation, structural and luminescent studies of nanosized up-converter phosphors Y2O2S:Yb(4%), Er(0.1%) and Y2O2S:Yb(4%), Tm(0.1%),both from polymeric and basic carbonate precursors. The precursors were submitted to a sulphuration process that was previously developed for oxysulfide preparation from basic carbonate. From XRD data, all phosphors presented the oxysulfide phase and the mean crystallite size estimated from the Scherrer formula in the range of 15-20 nm. Polymeric precursor leads to the smallest crystallite size independent on the doping ion. SEM and TEM results confirmed that basic carbonate leads to spherical particles with narrow size distribution and mean diameter of 150 nm, and polymeric precursor smaller spherical particles with diameter between 20 and 40 nm. Up-conversion studies under 980 nm laser excitation showed that Er-doped phosphors present strong green emission related to H-2(11/2), S-4(3/2) --> I-4(15/2) Er transitions as well as the red ones, F-4(9/2) --> I-4(15/2). Tm-doped samples show strong blue emission assigned to (1)G(4) --> H-3(6) and also the red ones, related to (1)G(4) --> F-3(4). Therefore, the sulphuration method was successfully applied to prepare nanosized and nanostructured blue and green up-converter oxysulfide phosphors starting from basic carbonate and polymeric precursors. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
SrMoO4 doped with rare earth are still scarce nowadays and have attracted great attention due to their applications as scintillating materials in electro-optical like solid-state lasers and optical fibers, for instance. In this work Sr1-xEuxMoO4 powders, where x = 0.01; 0.03 and 0.05, were synthesized by Complex Polymerization (CP) Method. The structural and optical properties of the SrMoO4:Eu3+ were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction patterns, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), Raman Spectroscopy, and through Photoluminescent Measurements (PL). Only a crystalline scheelite-type phase was obtained when the powders were heat-treated at 800 A degrees C for 2 h, 2 theta = 27.8A degrees (100% peak). The excitation spectra of the SrMoO4:Eu3+ (lambda(Em.) = 614 nm) presented the characteristic band of the Eu3 + 5L6 transition at 394 nm and a broad band at around 288 nm ascribed to the charge-transfer from the O (2p) state to the Mo (4d) one in the SrMoO4 matrix. The emission spectra of the SrMoO4:Eu3+ powders (lambda(Exc.) = 394 and 288 nm) show the group of sharp emission bands among 523-554 nm and 578-699 nm, assigned to the D-5(1)-> F-7(0,1and 2) and D-5(0)-> F-7(0,1,2,3 and 4), respectively. The band related to the D-5(0)-> F-7(0) transition indicates the presence of Eu3+ site without inversion center. This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the band referent to the D-5(0)-> F-7(2) transition is the most intense in the emission spectra.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper, a broad combined orange-red emission from Eu2+- and Eu3+-doped low-silica calcium aluminosilicate (LSCAS) glass is reported. Spectroscopic results demonstrate that it is possible to tune the emission wavelength by changing the excitation wavelength in the UV-Vis region. The color coordinates for the emission spectra were calculated, and using the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage 1931 and 1976 chromatic diagrams, it is possible to note that they are dependent on the excitation wavelength. In addition, the (u', v') color coordinates for the investigated LSCAS samples are close to the Planckian spectrum in the cold region between 2000 and 2600K. Our results show that the Eu:LSCAS system can be used in a white light phosphor when mixed in aggregate with phosphors using green-yellow luminescent ions. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America
Propolis is a resin that bees collect from different plant sources and use in the defense of the bee community. The intricate composition of propolis varies depending on plant sources from different geographic regions and many types have been reported. Red coloured propolis found in several states in Brazil and in other countries has known antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. Different analytical methods have been applied to studies regarding the chemical composition and plant origins of red propolis. In this study samples of red propolis from different regions have been characterised using direct infusion electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI(-)-MS) fingerprinting. Data from the fingerprints was extracted and analysed by multivariate analysis to group the samples according to their composition and marker compounds. Despite similar colour, the red coloured propolis samples were divided into three groups due to contrasting chemical composition, confirming the need to properly characterise the chemical composition of propolis.
In the Amazon Region, there is a virtual absence of severe malaria and few fatal cases of naturally occurring Plasmodium falciparum infections; this presents an intriguing and underexplored area of research. In addition to the rapid access of infected persons to effective treatment, one cause of this phenomenon might be the recognition of cytoadherent variant proteins on the infected red blood cell (IRBC) surface, including the var gene encoded P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1. In order to establish a link between cytoadherence, IRBC surface antibody recognition and the presence or absence of malaria symptoms, we phenotype-selected four Amazonian P. falciparum isolates and the laboratory strain 3D7 for their cytoadherence to CD36 and ICAM1 expressed on CHO cells. We then mapped the dominantly expressed var transcripts and tested whether antibodies from symptomatic or asymptomatic infections showed a differential recognition of the IRBC surface. As controls, the 3D7 lineages expressing severe disease-associated phenotypes were used. We showed that there was no profound difference between the frequency and intensity of antibody recognition of the IRBC-exposed P. falciparum proteins in symptomatic vs. asymptomatic infections. The 3D7 lineages, which expressed severe malaria-associated phenotypes, were strongly recognised by most, but not all plasmas, meaning that the recognition of these phenotypes is frequent in asymptomatic carriers, but is not necessarily a prerequisite to staying free of symptoms.
Frailty and anemia in the elderly appear to share a common pathophysiology associated with chronic inflammatory processes. This study uses an analytical, cross-sectional, population-based methodology to investigate the probable relationships between frailty, red blood cell parameters and inflammatory markers in 255 community-dwelling elders aged 65 years or older. The frailty phenotype was assessed by non-intentional weight loss, fatigue, low grip strength, low energy expenditure and reduced gait speed. Blood sample analyses were performed to determine hemoglobin level, hematocrit and reticulocyte count, as well as the inflammatory variables IL-6, IL-1ra and hsCRP. In the first multivariate analysis (model I), considering only the erythroid parameters, Hb concentration was a significant variable for both general frailty status and weight loss: a 1.0g/dL drop in serum Hb concentration represented a 2.02-fold increase (CI 1.12-3.63) in an individual's chance of being frail. In the second analysis (model II), which also included inflammatory cytokine levels, hsCRP was independently selected as a significant variable. Each additional year of age represented a 1.21-fold increase in the chance of being frail, and each 1-unit increase in serum hsCRP represented a 3.64-fold increase in the chance of having the frailty phenotype. In model II reticulocyte counts were associated with weight loss and reduced metabolic expenditure criteria. Our findings suggest that reduced Hb concentration, reduced RetAbs count and elevated serum hsCRP levels should be considered components of frailty, which in turn is correlated with sarcopenia, as evidenced by weight loss.