983 resultados para RADIALIS(RAD)
模式植物金鱼草的花对称性分子发育及遗传学研究揭示了花对称性的相关调控基因在花发育过程种的表达模式和功能以及它们的相互作用机制。然而,被子植物的花对称性丰富多样,远非模式植物的模式所能概括。根据目前的研究我们选择苦苣苔科马铃苣苔属作为研究对象,选取其中具有代表性的种大叶石上莲开展控制花对称性的几个关键基因的进化发育生物学研究,初步探讨这些基因的表达模式和功能以及它们与花对称性进化的联系。 RT-PCR实验结果显示,在大叶石上莲中花对称性基因ObCYC, ObRAD, ObDIV与它们的同源基因CYC, RAD, DIV在金鱼草中的表达模式有着明显的差异,这也意味着这些基因的功能及相互作用也有所不同。首先,大叶石上莲的ObCYC1C基因的表达与金鱼草的CYC基因相似,结合花形态比较认为ObCYC1C基因在花器官近轴区域的表达抑制了背部花器官的发育,在构建大叶石上莲微弱的两侧对称花过程中起到了主导的作用; 其它的几个ObCYC基因有着完全不同于CYC的表达模式,ObCYC1D的表达延伸到了花腹部区域而ObCYC2A在花发育中期和晚期没有表达,这意味着它们可能具有除控制花对称性之外的功能; 另一个特殊的现象是ObCYC2B因为在可读框架中一个终止子的提前出现而失去了功能。其次,ObRAD, ObDIV的表达与RAD, DIV的表达差异也极为明显,通过系统树和氨基酸序列比对分析发现ObRAD, ObDIV与RAD, DIV的保守功能区序列存在明显的不同,而ObRAD, ObDIV与BlRAD, BlDIV的保守区很相似,这与它们的花对称性以及基因的表达模式相对映,同时也说明了保守功能区具有极重要的作用。本研究显示了大叶石上莲中的花对称性基因的表达模式和功能与模式植物金鱼草存在显著的差异,在此基础上开展更深入的进化发育生物学研究将有助于揭示花对称性基因的分子进化及其与花对称性表型进化的关系。
被子植物菊亚纲原始类群的花为辐射对称花,伴随着适应性进化和传粉者的专性化,两侧对称花随之出现并快速进化和多样化。与花对称性相关的基因首先在模式植物金鱼草中被分离出来,它们包括TCP 基因家族的两个基因Cycloidea(CYC)和Dichotama(DICH),MYB 基因家族的两个基因Radialis(RAD)和Divaricata(DIV)。模式植物金鱼草的分子发育与遗传学研究初步揭示出在花对称性形成过程中相关调控基因的功能、表达模式及其相互作用机制。研究表明,金鱼草花中CYC 和DICH 基因只在背部表达,控制背部属性。DIV基因早期在所有部位表达,但只影响腹部属性。CYC 和DICH 通过激活与DIV具有颉抗作用的RAD 基因在背部的表达来抑制DIV 基因在背部的作用从而构建了金鱼草的两侧对称花。但是,被子植物繁杂多样的花对称性远非一种模式植物所能概括。此外,被子植物花对称性的演化也是一个悬而未决的问题。要全面了解被子植物花对称性的起源、多样化及其背后的决定机制,有必要进一步研究不同类群中花对称性相关基因的功能变化和进化式样。 苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)与金鱼草所属的车前科(Plantaginaceae)同属于菊亚纲的广义唇形目。研究表明广义唇形目的祖先已经具有了两侧对称花,苦苣苔科是广义唇形目的基部类群,具有与唇形目两侧对称花早期分化相关的各种两侧对称花类型。因此,在苦苣苔科选择两侧对称花代表类群开展花对称性的进化发育生物学研究十分有助于探讨苦苣苔科花对称性基因在两侧对称花类群的调控进化,从而揭示广义唇形目基部类群花对称性的进化发育模式。我们选择苦苣苔科两侧对称花类群烟叶唇柱苣苔(Chirita heterotricha)为主要研究材料。烟叶唇柱苣苔是苦苣苔科两侧对称性比较强烈的类群,主要体现在其只有腹部两枚雄蕊能育,背部和侧部雄蕊均败育,与金鱼草的近亲沙漠幽灵花(Mohaveae confertiflora)的形态类似。在沙漠幽灵花中CYC 类基因的表达从背部延伸到了侧部,但是在烟叶唇柱苣苔中是否遵循同一模式还是存在其他途径这是我们的主要研究目的。此外,我们发现在烟叶唇柱苣苔花序的顶花中偶尔会发生腹部化的辐射对称突变花。在金鱼草和柳穿鱼中,CYC 类基因的失活导致了辐射对称突变花的产生,而在豆科植物Cadia purpurea 中,CYC 类基因的活性从背部延伸到了侧部和腹部,导致了辐射对称花的形成。烟叶唇柱苣苔中的情形则值得我们关注。再者,革叶粗筒苣苔(Briggisia mihieri)是烟叶唇柱苣苔的近缘类群,但它具有四枚能育雄蕊(侧部和腹部各两枚)。苦苣苔科两能育雄蕊类群被认为起源于四能育雄蕊类群。我们在烟叶唇柱苣苔野生型两侧对称花和辐射对称突变花中开展花对称性基因的表达模式研究,结合在革叶粗筒苣苔中的研究,试图揭示烟叶唇柱苣苔两雄蕊类两侧对称花形成的分子机制和进化发育途径。 本研究从烟叶唇柱苣苔中分离到4 个CYC 类基因(ChCYC1C,ChCYC1D,ChCYC2A,ChCYC2B),2 个DIV 类基因(ChDIV1,ChDIV2)和2 个RAD 类基因(ChRAD1,ChRAD2)。从革叶粗筒苣苔中分离到4 个CYC 类基因(BmCYC1C,BmCYC1D,BmCYC2A,BmCYC2B),2 个DIV 类基因(BmDIV1,BmDIV2)和1 个RAD 类基因(BmRAD1)。序列和系统发育分析结果显示它们均为花对称性基因。进一步的表达分析显示结果表明:(1)不同拷贝CYC 类基因的表达存在着分化,与其氨基酸序列的分化一致;烟叶唇柱苣苔的CYC 类基因表达从背部延伸到了侧部而革叶粗筒苣苔的CYC 类基因仅在背部表达,与它们的形态分化密切相关。(2)DIV 类基因在种内两个拷贝以及种间的表达无明显的分化,在花的各个部位都有表达。(3)烟叶唇柱苣苔两个拷贝的RAD 类基因的表达存在分化;两个种的同类RAD 类基因的表达也存在分化。这些花对称性基因的表达模式分析揭示了它们在烟叶唇柱苣苔和革叶粗筒苣苔两侧对称花形态建成以及二者花形态的演化中具有重要作用。 同时,我们对烟叶唇柱苣苔的辐射对称突变花进行了自交和F1 代培育,但是F1 代没有出现稳定的辐射对称突变株。我们从辐射对称突变花中分离到的CYC 类、DIV 类和RAD 类基因的核苷酸序列与野生型的完全一致。说明突变体的产生与序列变异无关。RT-PCR 分析表明突变花中CYC 类基因全部失活,而DIV 类基因和在腹部表达的RAD 类基因的表达信号有所增强,这与其腹部化辐射对称的形态相一致。这进一步证实了花对称性基因在烟叶唇柱苣苔花形态建成中的作用。
La congregación de las Hermanas del Amor de Dios es fundada por Jerónimo Mariano Usera en Toro (Zamora) en 1864. Nace con el objetivo de evangelizar desde la educación y la promoción personal de la persona, siguiendo el estilo denominado la pedagogía del amor. Los ámbitos prioritarios de la misión de esta congregación son la educación integral de la infancia y la juventud, la promoción humana y la construcción de comunidades cristianas. Se elaboran programas para la promoción de la mujer, la alfabetización de adultos, la creación de centros de salud en zonas de pobreza, la acción social en contextos de marginación, y la formación de educadores sociales. Se realiza un trabajo conjunto entre religiosas y seglares. La congregación es consciente de los cambios actuales de la sociedad y pretende asumirlos para mantenerse acorde con los nuevos tiempos. Adjunta una ficha con los datos y direcciones de la congregación.
Flowering time and seed size are traits related to domestication. However, identification of domestication-related loci/genes of controlling the traits in soybean is rarely reported. In this study, we identified a total of 48 domestication-related loci based on RAD-seq genotyping of a natural population comprising 286 accessions. Among these, four on chromosome 12 and additional two on chromosomes 11 and 15 were associated with flowering time, and four on chromosomes 11 and 16 were associated with seed size. Of the five genes associated with flowering time and the three genes associated with seed size, three genes Glyma11g18720, Glyma11g15480 and Glyma15g35080 were homologous to Arabidopsis genes, additional five genes were found for the first time to be associated with these two traits. Glyma11g18720 and Glyma05g28130 were co-expressed with five genes homologous to flowering time genes in Arabidopsis, and Glyma11g15480 was co-expressed with 24 genes homologous to seed development genes in Arabidopsis. This study indicates that integration of population divergence analysis, genome-wide association study and expression analysis is an efficient approach to identify candidate domestication-related genes.
As revealed by the NADH-diaphorase and myosine ATPase, the M. extensor carpi radialis longus of the rat possesses at least 3 main kinds of fibres, with different distribution on the superficial and deep portions of the muscle. The superficial portion revealed that 67.68 % are FG (fast-twitch-glycolytic) fibres, 14.72 % are FOG (fast-twitch-oxidative) fibres and 17.60 % are SO (slow-twitch-glycolytic) fibres. Already the deep portion revealed that 71.29 % are SO (slow-twitch-glycolytic) fibres, 17.46 % are FOG (fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic) fibres and 11.25 % are FG (fast-twitch-glycolytic) fibres. The miosine ATPase reaction was used to demonstrate contracting characteristics. These findings suggest that the movements of fast contraction of the M. extensor carpi radialis longus are predominant.
This thesis is settled within the STOCKMAPPING project, which represents one of the studies that were developed in the framework of RITMARE Flagship project. The main goals of STOCKMAPPING were the creation of a genomic mapping for stocks of demersal target species and the assembling of a database of population genomic, in order to identify stocks and stocks boundaries. The thesis focuses on three main objectives representing the core for the initial assessment of the methodologies and structure that would be applied to the entire STOCKMAPPING project: individuation of an analytical design to identify and locate stocks and stocks boundaries of Mullus barbatus, application of a multidisciplinary approach to validate biological methods and an initial assessment and improvement for the genotyping by sequencing technique utilized (2b-RAD). The first step is the individuation of an analytical design that has to take in to account the biological characteristics of red mullet and being representative for STOCKMAPPING commitments. In this framework a reduction and selection steps was needed due to budget reduction. Sampling areas were ranked according the individuation of four priorities. To guarantee a multidisciplinary approach the biological data associated to the collected samples were used to investigate differences between sampling areas and GSAs. Genomic techniques were applied to red mullet for the first time so an initial assessment of molecular protocols for DNA extraction and 2b-RAD processing were needed. At the end 192 good quality DNAs have been extracted and eight samples have been processed with 2b-RAD. Utilizing the software Stacks for sequences analyses a great number of SNPs markers among the eight samples have been identified. Several tests have been performed changing the main parameter of the Stacks pipeline in order to identify the most explicative and functional sets of parameters.
This thesis is developed in the contest of Ritmare project WP1, which main objective is the development of a sustainable fishery through the identification of populations boundaries in commercially important species in Italian Seas. Three main objectives are discussed in order to help reach the main purpose of identification of stock boundaries in Parapenaeus longirostris: 1 -Development of a representative sampling design for Italian seas; 2 -Evaluation of 2b-RAD protocol; 3 -Investigation of populations through biological data analysis. First of all we defined and accomplished a sampling design which properly represents all Italian seas. Then we used information and data about nursery areas distribution, abundance of populations and importance of P. longirostris in local fishery, to develop an experimental design that prioritize the most important areas to maximize the results with actual project funds. We introduced for the first time the use of 2b-RAD on this species, a genotyping method based on sequencing the uniform fragments produced by type IIB restriction endonucleases. Thanks to this method we were able to move from genetics to the more complex genomics. In order to proceed with 2b-RAD we performed several tests to identify the best DNA extraction kit and protocol and finally we were able to extract 192 high quality DNA extracts ready to be processed. We tested 2b-RAD with five samples and after high-throughput sequencing of libraries we used the software “Stacks” to analyze the sequences. We obtained positive results identifying a great number of SNP markers among the five samples. To guarantee a multidisciplinary approach we used the biological data associated to the collected samples to investigate differences between geographical samples. Such approach assures continuity with other project, for instance STOCKMED, which utilize a combination of molecular and biological analysis as well.
This study investigates the results of a technique using an extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) tenodesis for symptomatic scapholunate instability. Symptomatic scapholunate instability has been corrected so far either by limited wrist fusion or by various techniques of soft tissue repair. Limited wrist fusion greatly reduces wrist motion and increases the probability of osteoarthritis in the remaining mobile wrist segments. On the other hand, most types of soft tissue repair are technically difficult to perform and have disappointing results due to the inherent laxity. The presented dynamic approach was used in 20 wrists of 19 patients with static scapholunate instability. Preoperative evaluation included in all patients clinical examination, radiologic evaluation, and arthroscopy for establishing the diagnosis of static scapholunate instability. The technique involves the fixation of the ECRL tendon on the dorsal aspect of the scaphoid by means of a cancellous screw and a special washer. Dynamic ECRL tenodesis of the scaphoid is a safe and simple procedure that enhances the extension forces on the scaphoid in all wrist positions. The results of this preliminary report in 20 wrists showed dynamic ECRL tenodesis to be an effective treatment option for treating symptomatic static scapholunate instability.
OBJECTIVES To report clinical signs, diagnostic imaging findings, and outcome in a dog with traumatic myositis ossificans of the origin of the extensor carpi radialis muscle. STUDY DESIGN Clinical report. ANIMALS An 8-month-old intact female Irish Setter Dog. METHODS After radiographic and computed tomographic evaluation of an osseous proliferation arising from the cranial cortex of the right distal humeral diaphysis, the protruding bone was surgically removed and evaluated by histopathology. RESULTS Traumatic myositis ossificans was successfully treated with surgical removal of the osseous proliferation resulting in improved postoperative range of motion of the right elbow joint. There was no evidence of lameness or abnormal bone regrowth associated with the surgical site radiographically at follow up. CONCLUSION Surgical removal of a traumatic myositis ossificans lesion resulted in full return to function in a young, competitive show dog.
Zalman Shazar
Eingebunden in: Senckenberg, Johann Christian: Nichtärztliches Tagebuch: Juli 1743 - Februar 1748