991 resultados para Quite
On the surface the subjects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Critical Management Studies (CMS) seem to be closely related. Both are concerned with reflecting on the impact of management and organisation on employees, the wider community and the environment. Both suggest that there may be a need for organisations to take responsibility for and account of people other than shareholders and both have used the concept of accountability to suggest that organisations may need to do more than just comply with the legal framework.
Airports, whether publicly or privately owned or operated fill both public and private roles. They need to act as public infrastructure providers and as businesses which cover their operating costs. That leads to special governance concerns with respect to consumers and competitors which are only beginning to be addressed. These challenges are highlighted both by shifts in ownership status and by the expansion of roles performed by airports as passenger and cargo volumes continue to increase and as nearby urban areas expand outward towards airports. We survey five ways in which the regulatory shoe doesn‟t quite fit the needs. Our findings suggest that, while ad hoc measures limit political tension, new governance measures are needed.
Synopsis and review of the Australian documentary Not Quite Hollywood (Mark Hartley, 2008). Not Quite Hollywood might just as accurately have been titled Not Quite Australian Cinema. The film begins from the premise that the vast range of films it covers have been unduly overlooked by critics, historians and scholars of the Australian cinema despite often enormous box office success. Much of the blame for the marginalisation of these films is placed at the feet of former Sydney Film Festival director and long-time film critic for The Australian newspaper David Stratton, well-known to Australian audiences as one half of the ‘David and Margaret’ couple who have dominated film reviewing on Australian television for many years. Stratton’s books on the Australian film revival The Last New Wave (1980) and The Avocado Plantation (1990) are said to have set the tone for later writers by reviling or simply ignoring many of the films produced in Australia in the 1970s and 1980s in favour of a canon of films and directors deemed more culturally and artistically worthy. Perhaps predictably, Not Quite Hollywood swings the other way. The back-slapping, anecdotal, revisionist history told through the many interviews with key figures from the time is only occasionally interrupted by Bob Ellis and Phillip Adams, who are only slightly uncomfortably cast as defenders of the mainstream views. The interviews and clips from the films are interspersed with the fan-boy enthusiasms of Quentin Tarantino whose geek-chic profile and encyclopaedic knowledge of exploitation and genre cinema are milked to the full. In sharp contrast, Ellis’s scorn for these filmmakers and their films is total, but it is his withering and slanderous assessments of the characters, talents and practices of producers like Antony I Ginnane and John Lamond that leavens this sometimes stodgy stew of selfcongratulation...
Dancing is an activity most people associate with after-hours exploits: parties, weddings, the lounge rooms of friends with great vinyl collections, a night out at the ballet – or television shows such as So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars or Got To Dance...
Communications between adults and young children can expose different ideas and opinions. Adults and children have different capacities to speak, these discursive spaces can become filled with assumptions, stereotyping and conventional thinking about power and agency. If communication shifts away from the purely discursive, what might be exposed about the explorations, investigations and fantasies adults and children indulge in? Some time ago my young daughter obsessively drew hybrid beings. Created from mixtures of animal, object, human and creature forms, these beings, which are ‘not-quite’, are becoming, able to transform via myriad mutations. We agreed to collaborate and draw additional hybrid beings to experiment with becoming-other through complex entanglements of forms, to complicate, morph and (trans)form from our human selves to hybrid others. The ‘not- quite-ness’ of our monstrous hybrids subvert the conventions of ‘being’ and prompt contemplations about childhood subjectivities, identities, conventionalities and actively interrogate the assumptive knowledges and subjectifications that are held about young children in early childhood professional and academic systems.
In this chapter I explore the accounts of adult children caring for a parent with dementia. Dementia is typically understood to be an umbrella term for a large number of conditions, the most common of which are Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and fronto-temporal dementia. These are progressive – ultimately terminal – conditions that affect memory, communication, mood and behaviour. I examine the accounts of interactions with parents with dementia that fracture and reconfigure normative familial relationships. In so doing I suggest that, in the absence of a primary spousal carer, caring for a person living with dementia can necessitate particular issues for adult children that trouble notions of how we understand familial roles, responsibilities and ‘duties’.
L’équité apparaît aujourd’hui comme l’un des enjeux majeurs de la négociation sur le changement climatique. Cet article procède à un état des lieux des négociations et de la question de l’équité. Le débat est actuellement confiné dans les approches économiques, qui le posent en termes de répartition des droits à émettre les gaz à effet de serre (“ partage du fardeau”). L’article montre ensuite les insuffisances du débat actuel, qui tient essentiellement en trois points: l’étroitesse et les présupposés du point de vue économique dominant, la non prise en compte des analyses venant d’autres domaines que l’analyse économique, et l’oubli du contexte historique et conceptuel dans lequel se pose le problème. Nous tentons de montrer qu’il y a urgence à élargir le débat et penser le problème en termes de définition commune d’un projet global. La question du changement climatique ne peut pas être résolue par la seule convention climat. Nous concluons en évoquant ce que pourrait être un régime international impliquant les pays en développement.
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Questo elaborato si concentra sulla serie televisiva americana How I met your mother e sulla traduzione italiana dei titoli degli episodi che la compongono. In particolare, si prederanno in esame quelle proposte traduttive che non rispettano appieno le regole che governano la tipologia testuale del titolo, e verranno proposte soluzioni alternative. In seguito, si analizzeranno alcuni dei titoli appartenenti alla stagione inedita in Italia, per i quali si proporranno delle traduzioni appropriate. Al fine di rendere più concreta questa analisi, una parte della tesi verrà anche dedicata agli aspetti teorici indicati da Maurizio Viezzi riguardo alla tipologia testuale del titolo. Inoltre, si parlerà anche delle varie funzioni individuate dalla studiosa di traduzione Christiane Nord che dovrebbero generalmente regolamentare la traduzione di questo tipo di testo.
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