23 resultados para Qualia


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Acquiring lexical information is a complex problem, typically approached by relying on a number of contexts to contribute information for classification. One of the first issues to address in this domain is the determination of such contexts. The work presented here proposes the use of automatically obtained FORMAL role descriptors as features used to draw nouns from the same lexical semantic class together in an unsupervised clustering task. We have dealt with three lexical semantic classes (HUMAN, LOCATION and EVENT) in English. The results obtained show that it is possible to discriminate between elements from different lexical semantic classes using only FORMAL role information, hence validating our initial hypothesis. Also, iterating our method accurately accounts for fine-grained distinctions within lexical classes, namely distinctions involving ambiguous expressions. Moreover, a filtering and bootstrapping strategy employed in extracting FORMAL role descriptors proved to minimize effects of sparse data and noise in our task.


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O princípio da cognoscibilidade, formulado sem restrições, diz que todos os enunciados verdadeiros são cognoscíveis. O problema é que, com essa formulação, ele está sujeito a muitas objeções, pelo que é necessário restringir o princípio. Com tais restrições, ele diz apenas que todos os enunciados verdadeiros interessantes em certo sentido são cognoscíveis. Não obstante, este artigo mostra que alguns desses enunciados também são incognoscíveis e, desse modo, evidencia que o princípio da cognoscibilidade, mesmo na sua forma mais restrita, é falso. Os enunciados em questão são enunciados que afirmam ou negam uma identidade de tipo entre qualia de diferentes indivíduos. Ao final, alguns argumentos que podem ser usados para defender o princípio da cognoscibilidade são examinados e refutados.


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This paper presents a proposal for the semantic treatment of ambiguous homographic forms in Brazilian Portuguese, and to offer linguistic strategies for its computational implementation in Systems of Natural Language Processing (SNLP). Pustejovsky's Generative Lexicon was used as a theoretical model. From this model, the Qualia Structure - QS (and the Formal, Telic, Agentive and Constitutive roles) was selected as one of the linguistic and semantic expedients for the achievement of disambiguation of homonym forms. So that analyzed and treated data could be manipulated, we elaborated a Lexical Knowledge Base (LKB) where lexical items are correlated and interconnected by different kinds of semantic relations in the QS and ontological information.


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No presente trabalho, apresentamos uma proposta de tratamento semântico de formas ambíguas do português do Brasil, no caso, lexias homógrafas, com o escopo de oferecermos estratégias lingüísticas para a sua implementação computacional em Sistemas de Processamento das Línguas Naturais (SPLN). O Léxico Gerativo de Pustejovsky foi usado como modelo teórico. Nesse modelo, a Estrutura Qualia - EQ (e os papéis Formal, Télico, Agentivo e Constitutivo) foi selecionada como um dos expedientes lingüístico-semânticos para a realização da desambiguação das formas homônimas. Para que os dados analisados e tratados pudessem ser manipulados, elaboramos uma Base de Conhecimento Lexical (BCL) cujo repertório lingüístico possui seus itens lexicais correlacionados e interligados por diferentes tipos de relações semânticas presentes na EQ.


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The aim of this paper is to present and discuss Fred Dretske's (1995) suggestion for analysis of the problem of qualia. Such a problem was acknowledged following Thomas Nagel's discussion in his classical paper What is it like to be a bat. In the paper, Nagel (1974) postulates the impossibility of knowing aspects of human experience from a third-person perspective. He considers that qualitative aspects of a subject's experience, fundamental for characterization of qualia, would be lost during the course of objective descriptions of it. Based on his Representational Thesis of Mind, Dretske argues that if we were to consider mind to be the representational aspect of the brain, the nature of qualia would thus be representational. In this context, mental facts related to experiences would be representational facts: if we were to know the nature of these representational facts, we would also know the experience the system represents. Given this understanding, we discuss to what extent the Dretskean proposal constitutes (or not) an alternative for the problem of qualia.


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The aim of this paper is to present and discuss Fred Dretske’s (1995) suggestion for analysis of the problem of qualia. Such a problem was acknowledged following Thomas Nagel’s discussion in his classical paper “What is it like to be a bat”. In the paper, Nagel (1974) postulates the impossibility of knowing aspects of human experience from a third-person perspective. He considers that qualitative aspects of a subject’s experience, fundamental for characterization of qualia, would be lost during the course of objective descriptions of it. Based on his Representational Thesis of Mind, Dretske argues that if we were to consider mind to be the representational aspect of the brain, the nature of qualia would thus be representational. In this context, mental facts related to experiences would be representational facts: if we were to know the nature of these representational facts, we would also know the experience the system represents. Given this understanding, we discuss to what extent the Dretskean proposal constitutes (or not) an alternative for the problem of qualia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Thesis (doctoral)--Vratislaviae.


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The human duplication thought-experiment is examined, and basic positions concerning the possible outcomes of the experiment are spelled out. A first position sustains supervenience, either from a reductionist or an emergentist perspective, and such views are contrasted. Certain moral aspects of the thought-experiment are then considered, especially in relation to the idea of death. Taking reductionism as a working hypothesis, two possibilities are suggested for investigating the hard problem of qualia: the postulation of some novel sort of physical interaction, and the postulation of a counter-intuitive law of scaling. One possibility for the latter would lead to a violation of supervenience.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estudos Portugueses


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In this paper address we the question as to why participants tend to respond realistically to situations and events portrayed within an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) system. The idea is put forward, based on experience of a large number of experimental studies, that there are two orthogonal components that contribute to this realistic response. The first is"being there", often called"presence", the qualia of having a sensation of being in a real place. We call this Place Illusion (PI). Second, Plausibility Illusion (Psi) refers to the illusion that the scenario being depicted is actually occurring. In the case of both PI and Psi the participant knows for sure that that they are not"there" and that the events are not occurring. PI is constrained by the sensorimotor contingencies afforded by the virtual reality system. Psi is determined by the extent to which the system can produce events that directly relate to the participant, and the overall credibility of the scenario being depicted in comparison with expectations. We argue that when both PI and Psi occur, participants will respond realistically to the virtual reality.


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El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es indagar si las habituales tentativas por descifrarel pensamiento desde un punto de vista sociológico, a pesar de su vehemente compromisoantirreduccionista, podrían aceptar en último término la reducción de ideas, argumentos y doctrinasa sus presuntos determinantes sociales. En una primera etapa analizamos el ¿sociologismoanómalo¿ de Martin Kusch, señalamos algunas de sus lagunas, y establecemos que la panopliaconceptual en losofía de la mente es fértilmente aplicable al ámbito racional-social. A continuaciónconsideramos el funcionalismo reduccionista de Jaegwon Kim, nos centramos en latesis de que los estados intencionales de la mente, al contrario de lo que ocurre con los qualia,son causalmente funcionalizables, e intentamos establecer sus posibles repercusiones en la interpretaciónsocial del pensamiento. La aplicación de la metodología funcionalista al horizonteracional-social, de todos modos, parece venir desmentida por la evidencia, ya que las propiedadesdel pensamiento equiparables a los qualia son de hecho eminentemente funcionalizablesen la medida que fundamentan la efectividad social de los recursos gurativos y retóricos. Enun sentido análogo, la obra de Hans Blumenberg demuestra que los inescrutables ingredientes gurativos de todo pensamiento que él denomina ¿metáforas absolutas¿ son tan decisivos paracualquier proceso abstractivo que los conceptos nunca llegan a agotar su alcance determinador.Con lo cual los conceptos y las ideas más generales, antes considerados del todo funcionalizables,ahora dependen de algunas metáforas básicas, aun cuando por analogía con los qualia selas creía inmunes a toda funcionalización. Por tanto parece que la reducción no puede resolverlas di cultades que plantean los presuntos ¿determinantes sociales del pensamiento¿. Al mismotiempo, y con rmando así algunos emergentismos, los aspectos causal-funcionales del ámbitoracional-social dan la impresión de ser inconciliables con la enigmática estructura causal queponen de mani esto las aproximaciones losó cas al problema mente-cuerpo.


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Christopher S. Hill advances a theory of conscious experience that employs the idea of representation to unify and explain a wide range of subjective phenomena, including emotions and pain. The theory shows the relevance of philosophical thought in a multidisciplinary view of the mind.


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Chalmers e Dennett se encontram em lados opostos da discussão do problema da consciência. Para Chalmers, ela é um dado indubitável que não pode ser explicada em termos de outra coisa. Para Dennett, o que existe verdadeiramente são múltiplos julgamentos sobre nossa consciência. Cada um acusa o outro de circularidade. Isto só é possível porque a diferença entre estas duas teorias é verdadeiramente uma diferença de princípios. A mesma oposição que encontramos no aparato teórico encontramos também em suas pressuposições mais básicas e fundamentais. Este fato torna extremamente difícil escolher entre as duas ao mesmo tempo em que radicaliza a diferença entre elas. De um lado temos que argumentos podem refutar intuições, de outro temos que é preciso primeiro sondar nossas intuições para depois criar argumentos a partir delas. Entre um extremo e outro nos encontramos com o velho dilema de "o que vem primeiro?". No entanto, mais importante do que escolher lados é mostrar o quanto é difícil escolher.