975 resultados para Public housing -- Baix Llobregat (Spain)
Desenvolupament d'un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG), que permeti analitzar les funcions dels jaciments romans de la zona del riu Llobregat i consultar els jaciments, emmagatzemats en una base de dades de forma espacial.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
The objective of this paper is to investigate, in a methodologically consistent manner, the regional effects of public capital formation and the possible existence of regional spillover effects in Spain. The empirical results are based on VAR estimates at both the aggregate and regional levels using output, employment, and private capital, as well as different measures of public capital. Empirical results suggest that public capital affects output positively at the aggregate level as well as in all but one region. For most regions, the effects of public capital installed in the region itself are important but the spillover effects induced from public capital installed elsewhere are also very important. In fact, the spillover effects account for over half of the total effects of public capital formation in Spain. Furthermore, these spillover effects have a clear geographical pattern in that they tend to be more important in the peripheral regions of the country. We also find that relative to their share of the Spanish output, the biggest beneficiaries of public capital formation are the largest regions in the country. This suggests that public capital formation has contributed to concentration of output in these regions. Finally, in terms of the effects of public capital formation on the private inputs we find that both private capital and employment are affected positively at the aggregate level as well as for most of the regions. Nevertheless, the effects on private capital seem to be larger. Also, the spillover effects are very important for private capital but not for employment. This reflects a great degree of dynamism and mobility in the capital markets as opposed to the labor markets.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2006. Projecte d'ampliació de les línies L3 i L5 del metro de Barcelona per tal de resoldre les mancances en matèria de mobilitat detectades al Baix Llobregat. Comença per l'anàlisi de la situació quant a tots els aspectes relatius a la mobilitat en què s'observa una deficiència considerable en el sistema de transport ferroviari. La proposta de l’ampliació consta d'una exhaustiva descripció del recorregut i de les diverses estacions que el constitueixen, juntament amb les actuacions complementàries que s'han de dur a terme per tal de millorar l'aspecte urbanístic. A més, es presenta una explicació dels diferents mètodes que es poden escollir per fer servir a l'hora de construir els túnels i les estacions, un repàs per diversos models de disseny que es poden aplicar a les estacions que s'han de construir, i també pels diferents sistemes de sosteniment i revestiment final de l'obra i la resta d'instal•lacions que s'han de crear. Per acabar, la resta de punts del projecte, tractats de forma resumida, inclouen els diferents tipus d'estudis i la memòria, les previsions de servei i la relació oferta-demanda, el material mòbil, el pressupost de l'obra i la tramitació final del projecte. L’acompanyen annexos com les fotos de l'emplaçament de cadascuna de les estacions i els plànols amb el recorregut que ha de seguir la línia.
Revisió historiogràfica de l’estudi del paisatge, el territori i l’entorn. Aprofundiment teòric en tres conceptes: entorn, interacció i percepció. Proposta metodològica destinada a l’estudi de la percepció de l’entorn i la interacció amb aquest per part de societats prehistòriques. Aplicació de la metodologia al jaciment de Can Sadurní (Begues, Baix Llobregat) a partir de l’estudi de les restes carpològiques dels nivells mesolítics i del neolític antic (des de la capa 21 fins a la 10) interpretades en el context arqueològic disponible.
El present treball analitza les restes de fauna procedents de la UE 3006 de l'església de Santa Margarida (s. VIII d.C.). El conjunt és compost majoritàriament per deixalles alimentàries de macromamífers, aus i mol·luscs. La ponderació del nombre de restes, l'anàlisi de la representació anatòmica i l'estudi de les traces d'origen antròpic han permés establir la composició de la cabana ramadera al jaciment i els patrons de gestió dels animals amb fins alimentaris (corba de mortalitat i patró d'especejament dels animals). El conjunt dóna testimoni de l'alimentació d'origen càrnic del baix clergat a finals de l'Antiguitat tardana.
El present treball analitza les restes de fauna procedents de la UE 3006 de l¿església de Santa Margarida (s. VIII d.C.). El conjunt és compost majoritàriament per deixalles alimentàries de macromamífers, aus i mol·luscs. La ponderació del nombre de restes, l¿anàlisi de la representació anatòmica i l¿estudi de les traces d¿origen antròpic han permés establir la composició de la cabana ramadera al jaciment i els patrons de gestió dels animals amb fins alimentaris (corba de mortalitat i patró d¿especejament dels animals). El conjunt dóna testimoni de l¿alimentació d¿origen càrnic del baix clergat a finals de l¿Antiguitat tardana.
Postprint (published version)