351 resultados para Pruning.


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With the increasing resolution of remote sensing images, road network can be displayed as continuous and homogeneity regions with a certain width rather than traditional thin lines. Therefore, road network extraction from large scale images refers to reliable road surface detection instead of road line extraction. In this paper, a novel automatic road network detection approach based on the combination of homogram segmentation and mathematical morphology is proposed, which includes three main steps: (i) the image is classified based on homogram segmentation to roughly identify the road network regions; (ii) the morphological opening and closing is employed to fill tiny holes and filter out small road branches; and (iii) the extracted road surface is further thinned by a thinning approach, pruned by a proposed method and finally simplified with Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Lastly, the results from some QuickBird images and aerial photos demonstrate the correctness and efficiency of the proposed process.


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A 2 × 2 factorial combination of thinned or unthinned, and pruned or unpruned 11-year-old Eucalyptus dunnii (DWG) and 12-year-old Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) was destructively sampled to provide 60 trees in total per species. Two 1.4 m long billets were cut from each tree and were rotary veneered in a spindleless lathe down to a 45 mm diameter core to expose knots which were classified as either alive, partially occluded or fully occluded. Non-destructive evaluation of a wider range of thinning treatments available in these trials was undertaken with Pilodyn and Fakopp tools. Disc samples were also taken for basic density and modulus of elasticity. Differences between treatments for all wood property assessments were generally small and not significantly different.Thinning and pruning had little effect on the stem diameter growth required to achieve occlusion, therefore occlusion would be more rapid after thinning due to more rapid stem diameter growth. The difference between the treatments of greatest management interest, thinned and pruned (T&P) and unthinned and unpruned (UT&UP) were small. The production of higher value clear wood produced after all knots had occluded, measured as the average stem diameter growth over occlusion of the three outermost knots, was approximately 2 centimetres diameter. Two of the treatments can be ruled out as viable management alternatives: (i) the effect of thinning without pruning (T&UP) is clear, leading to a large inner core of stem wood containing knots (large knotty core diameter) and (ii) pruning without thinning (UT&P) results in a small knotty core diameter, however the tree and therefore log diameters are also small.


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Presented here, in a vector formulation, is an O(mn2) direct concise algorithm that prunes/identifies the linearly dependent (ld) rows of an arbitrary m X n matrix A and computes its reflexive type minimum norm inverse A(mr)-, which will be the true inverse A-1 if A is nonsingular and the Moore-Penrose inverse A+ if A is full row-rank. The algorithm, without any additional computation, produces the projection operator P = (I - A(mr)- A) that provides a means to compute any of the solutions of the consistent linear equation Ax = b since the general solution may be expressed as x = A(mr)+b + Pz, where z is an arbitrary vector. The rank r of A will also be produced in the process. Some of the salient features of this algorithm are that (i) the algorithm is concise, (ii) the minimum norm least squares solution for consistent/inconsistent equations is readily computable when A is full row-rank (else, a minimum norm solution for consistent equations is obtainable), (iii) the algorithm identifies ld rows, if any, and reduces concerned computation and improves accuracy of the result, (iv) error-bounds for the inverse as well as the solution x for Ax = b are readily computable, (v) error-free computation of the inverse, solution vector, rank, and projection operator and its inherent parallel implementation are straightforward, (vi) it is suitable for vector (pipeline) machines, and (vii) the inverse produced by the algorithm can be used to solve under-/overdetermined linear systems.


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High-level loop transformations are a key instrument in mapping computational kernels to effectively exploit the resources in modern processor architectures. Nevertheless, selecting required compositions of loop transformations to achieve this remains a significantly challenging task; current compilers may be off by orders of magnitude in performance compared to hand-optimized programs. To address this fundamental challenge, we first present a convex characterization of all distinct, semantics-preserving, multidimensional affine transformations. We then bring together algebraic, algorithmic, and performance analysis results to design a tractable optimization algorithm over this highly expressive space. Our framework has been implemented and validated experimentally on a representative set of benchmarks running on state-of-the-art multi-core platforms.


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Gesture spotting is the challenging task of locating the start and end frames of the video stream that correspond to a gesture of interest, while at the same time rejecting non-gesture motion patterns. This paper proposes a new gesture spotting and recognition algorithm that is based on the continuous dynamic programming (CDP) algorithm, and runs in real-time. To make gesture spotting efficient a pruning method is proposed that allows the system to evaluate a relatively small number of hypotheses compared to CDP. Pruning is implemented by a set of model-dependent classifiers, that are learned from training examples. To make gesture spotting more accurate a subgesture reasoning process is proposed that models the fact that some gesture models can falsely match parts of other longer gestures. In our experiments, the proposed method with pruning and subgesture modeling is an order of magnitude faster and 18% more accurate compared to the original CDP algorithm.


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Presented at 23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France.


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Nous présentons une méthode hybride pour le résumé de texte, en combinant l'extraction de phrases et l'élagage syntaxique des phrases extraites. L'élagage syntaxique est effectué sur la base d’une analyse complète des phrases selon un parseur de dépendances, analyse réalisée par la grammaire développée au sein d'un logiciel commercial de correction grammaticale, le Correcteur 101. Des sous-arbres de l'analyse syntaxique sont supprimés quand ils sont identifiés par les relations ciblées. L'analyse est réalisée sur un corpus de divers textes. Le taux de réduction des phrases extraites est d’en moyenne environ 74%, tout en conservant la grammaticalité ou la lisibilité dans une proportion de plus de 64%. Étant donné ces premiers résultats sur un ensemble limité de relations syntaxiques, cela laisse entrevoir des possibilités pour une application de résumé automatique de texte.


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The combined effects of shoot pruning (one or two stems) and inflorescence thinning (five or ten flowers per inflorescence) on greenhouse tomato yield and fruit quality were studied during the dry season (DS) and rainy season (RS) in Central Thailand. Poor fruit set, development of undersized (mostly parthenocarpic) fruits, as well as the physiological disorders blossom-end rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC) turned out to be the prevailing causes deteriorating fruit yield and quality. The proportion of marketable fruits was less than 10% in the RS and around 65% in the DS. In both seasons, total yield was significantly increased when plants were cultivated with two stems, resulting in higher marketable yields only in the DS. While the fraction of undersized fruits was increased in both seasons when plants were grown with a secondary stem, the proportions of BER and FC were significantly reduced. Restricting the number of flowers per inflorescence invariably resulted in reduced total yield. However, in neither season did fruit load considerably affect quantity or proportion of the marketable yield fraction. Inflorescence thinning tended to promote BER and FC, an effect which was only significant for BER in the RS. In conclusion, for greenhouse tomato production under climate conditions as they are prevalent in Central Thailand, the cultivation with two stems appears to be highly recommendable whereas the measures to control fruit load tested in this study did not proof to be advisable.


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The inability of a plant to grow roots rapidly upon transplanting is one of the main factors contributing to poor establishment. In bare-rooted trees, treatments such as root pruning or application of the plant hormone auxin [e.g., indole butyric acid (IBA)] can promote root growth and aid long-term establishment. There is little information on ornamental containerised plants, however, other than the anecdotal notion that 'teasing' the roots out of the rootsoil mass before transplanting can be beneficial. In the present study we tested the ability of various root-pruning treatments and application of IBA to encourage new root and shoot growth in two shrub species, commonly produced in containers - Buddleja davidii 'Summer Beauty' and Cistus 'Snow Fire'. In a number of experiments, young plants were exposed to root manipulation (teasing, light pruning, or two types of heavy pruning) and/or treatment with IBA (at 500 or 1,000 mg l-1) before being transplanted into larger containers containing a medium of 1:1:1 (v/v/v) fine bark, sand and loam. Leaf stomatal conductance (gl) was measured 20 min, and 1, 2, 4 and 6 h after root manipulation. Net leaf CO2 assimilation (A) was measured frequently during the first week after transplanting, then at regular intervals up to 8 weeks after transplanting. Plants were harvested 8 weeks after transplanting, and root and shoot weights were measured. In both species, light root pruning alone, or in combination with 500 mg l-1 IBA, was most effective in stimulating root growth. In contrast, teasing, which is commonly used, showed no positive effect on root growth in Buddleja, and decreased new root growth in Cistus. The requirement for exogenous auxin to encourage new root growth varied between experiments and appeared to be influenced by the age and developmental stage of the plants. There were no consistent responses between root treatments and net CO2 assimilation rates, and changes in root weight were not closely correlated with changes in assimilation. The mechanisms whereby new root growth is sustained are discussed.


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The relationship between shoot growth and rooting was examined in two, 'difficult-to root' amenity trees, Syringa vulgaris L. cv. Charles Joly and Corylus avellana L. cv. Aurea. A range of treatments reflecting severity of pruning was imposed on field-grown stock prior to bud break. To minimise variation due to the numbers of buds that developed under different treatments, bud number was restricted to 30 per plant. Leafy cuttings were harvested at different stages of the active growth phase of each species. With Syringa, rooting decreased with later harvests, but loss of rooting potential was delayed in cuttings collected from the most severe pruning treatment. Rooting potential was associated with the extent of post-excision shoot growth on the cutting but regression analyses indicated that this relationship could not entirely explain the loss of rooting with time, nor the effects due to pruning. Similarly, in Corylus rooting was promoted by severe pruning, but the relationship between apical growth on the cutting and rooting was weaker than in Syringa, and only at the last harvest did growth play a critical role in determining rooting. Another unusual factor of the last harvest of Corylus was a bimodal distribution of roots per cutting, with very few rooted cuttings having less than five roots. This implies that, for this harvest at least, the potential of an individual cutting to root is probably not limited by the number of potential rooting sites.


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This paper deals with the design of optimal multiple gravity assist trajectories with deep space manoeuvres. A pruning method which considers the sequential nature of the problem is presented. The method locates feasible vectors using local optimization and applies a clustering algorithm to find reduced bounding boxes which can be used in a subsequent optimization step. Since multiple local minima remain within the pruned search space, the use of a global optimization method, such as Differential Evolution, is suggested for finding solutions which are likely to be close to the global optimum. Two case studies are presented.