819 resultados para Property rights on lands


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In two cases recently decided by two different senates of the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH), the following issue was raised: To what extent can the filming of sports events organized by someone else, on the one hand, and the photographing of someone else’s physical property, on the other hand, be legally controlled by the organizer of the sports event and the owner of the property respectively? In its “Hartplatzhelden.de” decision, the first senate of the Federal Supreme Court concluded that the act of filming sports events does not constitute an act of unfair competition as such, and hence is allowed even without the consent of the organizer of the sports event in question. However, the fifth senate, in its “Prussian gardens and parks” decision, held that photographing someone else’s property is subject to the consent of the owner of the grounds, provided the photographs are taken from a spot situated on the owner’s property. In spite of their different outcomes, the two cases do not necessarily contradict each other. Rather, read together, they may well lead to an unwanted – and unjustified – extension of exclusive protection, thus creating a new “organizer’s” IP right.


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FDI is believed to be a conduit of new technologies between countries. The first chapter of this dissertation studies the advantages of outward FDI for the home country of multinationals conducting research and development abroad. We use patent citations as a proxy for technology spillovers and we bring empirical evidence that supports the hypothesis that a U.S. subsidiary conducting research and development overseas facilitates the flow of knowledge between its host and home countries.^ The second chapter examines the impact of intellectual property rights (IPR) reforms on the technology flows between the U.S. and host countries of U.S. affiliates. We again use patent citations to examine whether the diffusion of new technology between the host countries and the U.S. is accelerated by the reforms. Our results suggest that the reforms favor innovative efforts of domestic firms in the reforming countries rather than U.S. affiliates efforts. In other words, reforms mediate the technology flows from the U.S. to the reforming countries.^ The third chapter deals with another form of IPR, open source (OS) licenses. These differ in the conditions under which licensors and OS contributors are allowed to modify and redistribute the source code. We measure OS project quality by the speed with which programming bugs are fixed and test whether the license chosen by project leaders influences bug resolution rates. In initial regressions, we find a strong correlation between the hazard of bug resolution and the use of highly restrictive licenses. However, license choices are likely to be endogenous. We instrument license choice using (i) the human language in which contributors operate and (ii) the license choice of the project leaders for a previous project. We then find weak evidence that restrictive licenses adversely affect project success.^


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El objetivo del trabajo es examinar la revisión oficial de las "donaciones condicionadas" implementadas en el partido de Azul y la respuesta de la sociedad rural durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Mediante un análisis principalmente cualitativo de la legislación, prensa, correspondencia, expedientes de tierras y otras fuentes coetáneas, se aborda el marco legal y el accionar social, considerando los argumentos esgrimidos para la puesta en valor de los derechos y el acceso a la propiedad formal. Así como los rasgos centrales del proceso, caracterizado por una gran interacción, complejidad, disputas y resistencias durante esta etapa de reestructuración hasta el cierre de la frontera. Se plantea que las "reformas liberales" no supusieron un cambio radical en las prácticas sociales y en el acceso al recurso, de raigambre institucional y social anterior


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El objetivo del trabajo es examinar la revisión oficial de las "donaciones condicionadas" implementadas en el partido de Azul y la respuesta de la sociedad rural durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Mediante un análisis principalmente cualitativo de la legislación, prensa, correspondencia, expedientes de tierras y otras fuentes coetáneas, se aborda el marco legal y el accionar social, considerando los argumentos esgrimidos para la puesta en valor de los derechos y el acceso a la propiedad formal. Así como los rasgos centrales del proceso, caracterizado por una gran interacción, complejidad, disputas y resistencias durante esta etapa de reestructuración hasta el cierre de la frontera. Se plantea que las "reformas liberales" no supusieron un cambio radical en las prácticas sociales y en el acceso al recurso, de raigambre institucional y social anterior


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El objetivo del trabajo es examinar la revisión oficial de las "donaciones condicionadas" implementadas en el partido de Azul y la respuesta de la sociedad rural durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Mediante un análisis principalmente cualitativo de la legislación, prensa, correspondencia, expedientes de tierras y otras fuentes coetáneas, se aborda el marco legal y el accionar social, considerando los argumentos esgrimidos para la puesta en valor de los derechos y el acceso a la propiedad formal. Así como los rasgos centrales del proceso, caracterizado por una gran interacción, complejidad, disputas y resistencias durante esta etapa de reestructuración hasta el cierre de la frontera. Se plantea que las "reformas liberales" no supusieron un cambio radical en las prácticas sociales y en el acceso al recurso, de raigambre institucional y social anterior


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Väitöskirjassani tarkastelen informaatiohyödykkeiden ja tekijänoikeuksien taloustiedettä kahdesta eri perspektiivistä. Niistä ensimmäinen kuuluu endogeenisen kasvuteorian alaan. Väitöskirjassani yleistän ”pool of knowledge” -tyyppisen endogeenisen kasvumallin tilanteeseen, jossa patentoitavissa olevalla innovaatiolla on minimikoko, ja jossa uudenlaisen tuotteen patentoinut yritys voi menettää monopolinsa tuotteeseen jäljittelyn johdosta. Mallin kontekstissa voidaan analysoida jäljittelyn ja innovaatioilta vaaditun ”minimikoon” vaikutuksia hyvinvointiin ja talouskasvuun. Kasvun maksimoiva imitaation määrä on mallissa aina nolla, mutta hyvinvoinnin maksimoiva imitaation määrä voi olla positiivinen. Talouskasvun ja hyvinvoinnin maksimoivalla patentoitavissa olevan innovaation ”minimikoolla” voi olla mikä tahansa teoreettista maksimia pienempi arvo. Väitöskirjani kahdessa jälkimmäisessä pääluvussa tarkastelen informaatiohyödykkeiden kaupallista piratismia mikrotaloustieteellisen mallin avulla. Informaatiohyödykkeistä laittomasti tehtyjen kopioiden tuotantokustannukset ovat pienet, ja miltei olemattomat silloin kun niitä levitetään esimerkiksi Internetissä. Koska piraattikopioilla on monta eri tuottajaa, niiden hinnan voitaisiin mikrotaloustieteen teorian perusteella olettaa laskevan melkein nollaan, ja jos näin kävisi, kaupallinen piratismi olisi mahdotonta. Mallissani selitän kaupallisen piratismin olemassaolon olettamalla, että piratismista saatavan rangaistuksen uhka riippuu siitä, kuinka monille kuluttajille piraatti tarjoaa laittomia hyödykkeitä, ja että se siksi vaikuttaa piraattikopioiden markkinoihin mainonnan kustannuksen tavoin. Kaupallisten piraattien kiinteiden kustannusten lisääminen on mallissani aina tekijänoikeuksien haltijan etujen mukaista, mutta ”mainonnan kustannuksen” lisääminen ei välttämättä ole, vaan se saattaa myös alentaa laillisten kopioiden myynnistä saatavia voittoja. Tämä tulos poikkeaa vastaavista aiemmista tuloksista sikäli, että se pätee vaikka tarkasteltuihin informaatiohyödykkeisiin ei liittyisi verkkovaikutuksia. Aiemmin ei-kaupallisen piratismin malleista on usein johdettu tulos, jonka mukaan informaatiohyödykkeen laittomat kopiot voivat kasvattaa laillisten kopioiden myynnistä saatavia voittoja jos laillisten kopioiden arvo niiden käyttäjille riippuu siitä, kuinka monet muut kuluttajat käyttävät samanlaista hyödykettä ja jos piraattikopioiden saatavuus lisää riittävästi laillisten kopioiden arvoa. Väitöskirjan viimeisessä pääluvussa yleistän mallini verkkotoimialoille, ja tutkin yleistämäni mallin avulla sitä, missä tapauksissa vastaava tulos pätee myös kaupalliseen piratismiin.


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The 1867 Reform Act in Britain extended the electoral franchise to the skilled but propertyless urban working classes. Using stock market data and exploiting the fact that foreign and domestic equities traded simultaneously on the London market, this paper finds that investors in British firms reacted negatively to the passage of this Act. We suggest that this finding is consistent with investors foreseeing future alterations of property rights arising from the pressure that the large newly enfranchised group would bring to bear on government policy. We also suggest that our findings appear to be more consistent with the Tory political competition explanation for the Act rather than the Whig threat-of-revolution explanation.


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Opportunistic land encroachment occurs in many low-income countries, gradually yet pervasively, until discrete areas of common land disappear. This paper, motivated by field observations in Karnataka, India, demonstrates that such an evolution of property rights from common to private may be efficient when the boundaries between common and private land are poorly defined, or ‘‘fuzzy.’’ Using a multi-period optimization model, and introducing the concept of stock and flow enforcement, I show how effectiveness of enforcement effort, whether encroachment is reversible, and punitive fines, influence whether an area of common land is fully defined and protected or gradually or rapidly encroached.


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According to the institutional economics thesis the role of IPRs is one of the relevant determinants of economic growth in long run. Measures of IPRs have been limited and empirical studies have not been able to evaluate their impacts on productivity growth. The major conclusion that the author can be drawn from his estimations is that the extent to which patent rights and trademarks, ceteris paribus, positively correlated with output per capita depends on the intensity of technology.


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Sustainable natural resource management has been a concern of governments and legislators for the last 20 years. A key aspect of an effective management framework is easy access to information about rights and obligations in land and the natural resources in, on or below the land. Information about legal interests in land is managed through a Torrens register in each Australian State. These registers are primarily focused on the registration of a narrow group of legal interests in the land, and rights or obligations that fall outside of these recognised interests are not capable of registration. Practices have developed however for the recording of property rights in natural resources either on separate registers, with no link to the Torrens register or on a separate register managed by the Registrar of Titles but having no legal effect on the title to the land. This paper will discuss and analyse the various ways in which registers have been used in Queensland to provide access to information about rights in natural resources, and provide examples as to how this approach has impacted on the desire for sustainable management. It will also provide a critique of the Queensland model, and call for reform of the present system.