921 resultados para Profitability indicators


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This project will identify and evaluate grazing management and related practices for beef enterprises in northern Australia that will assist them to build resilience and adapt to a changing and more variable climate. With input from scientists and experienced producers, the trade-offs or synergies between production, sustainability and profitability indicators associated with different management practices will be evaluated in the target regions, using a bio-economic modelling framework. The latter will account for region-specific, climate-change outlooks.


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Economic analysis of the trawl fishery of Brunei Darussalam was conducted using cost and returns analysis and based on an economic survey of trawlers and B:RUN, a low-level geographic information system. Profitability indicators were generated for the trawl fleet under various economic and operational scenarios. The results show that financial profits are earned by trawlers which operate off Muara, particularly those with high vessel capacity, and that these profits could be further enhanced. On the other hand, a similar fleet operating off Tutong would generate profits due mainly to high fish biomass. Trawling operations offshore are deemed financially unfeasible. Incorporating realistic opportunity costs and externalities for existing trawl operations off Muara results in economic losses.


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En el trabajo de grado se realiza un análisis del mercado y se propone una planeación estratégica para el Hotel Campestre La Margarita, ubicado en Nimaima – Cundinamarca, con el propósito de aumentar los indicadores de rentabilidad para sus propietarios, con base a un Plan de Mercadeo que permita identificar factores claves de éxito y estrategias para lograr el posicionamiento deseado en los mercados objetivos.


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The study assessed the economic efficiency of the pacu with the piacu cultivation in fishponds hollowed in the Middle Paranapanema region, State of São Paulo, 2007/08 crop. It was used the structures of the effective operational cost (EOC) and total operational cost (TOC) and five profitability indicators economic. The TOC per cycle ha(-1) were US$ 12,182.90. The production cost of the pacu and of the piaucu it was US$ 1.20 kg(-1) and US$ 1.40 kg(-1), respectively. The gross income were US$ 17,077.30 ha(-1), operational profit US$ 4,894.30 ha(-1), gross margins 43.8% and profitability rate 30.3%. The break even point 6,125.40 kg ha(-1) for the pacu and 805.90 kg ha(-1) for the piaucu. The viable minimum module corresponded to 0,5 ha of mirror of water. Considering that in the Medium Paranapanema region the medium area of mirror of water for producer is of 0,6 ha, it was ended that this policulture is an alternative of income for enterprising rural regional.


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O manejo adequado da adubação, visando à otimização da produtividade e qualidade dos frutos, é uma etapa representativa do processo produtivo para rentabilidade do empreendedor rural. Neste contexto, objetivou-se analisar a viabilidade econômica de cinco tipos de manejo nutricional de bananeiras de cultivares do subgrupo Cavendish, na região do Médio Paranapanema (SP), em 2009/2010. Foram utilizadas estruturas do custo operacional efetivo (COE) e custo operacional total (COT) e três indicadores de rentabilidade. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre os manejos, sendo que o sistema de manejo que resultou em maior vantagem econômica para o produtor proporcionou índice médio de lucratividade 25,6% superior aos demais tratamentos, além de a receita líquida total ser, em média, 29,5% superior aos outros tipos de manejo. O custo por unidade produzida foi inferior no manejo nutricional mais lucrativo, apesar de a produtividade ter sido 9,5% inferior ao manejo que apresentou os maiores índices de produtividade.


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Objetivou-se analisar economicamente a cultura do maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis) na região de Marília-SP, safra de 2010/2011. Foram utilizadas estruturas do custo operacional efetivo e custo operacional total referente à fase de implantação e condução da lavoura por unidade de área e cinco indicadores de rentabilidade. Identificou-se um custo total de produção de R$ 37.751,67 por hectare ou R$ 1,89 por quilo da fruta. Os itens do custo operacional efetivo que mais oneraram o sistema de produção corresponderam às operações de máquinas (31,1%) e mão de obra (23,5%). Os indicadores de rentabilidade mostraram-se desfavoráveis para o sistema produtivo analisado, em decorrência, principalmente, do alto preço dos insumos e práticas para controle de doenças. Há necessidade de adequações técnicas relacionadas com o manejo fitossanitário da cultura para a redução do custo total de produção de modo a tornar a atividade rentável.


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This work was carried out in the city of Maringa, located in the Northwest region of Parana, with the aim of analyzing economically the yellow passion fruit crop (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Deg.), comparing organic and conventional production systems. To estimate technical coefficients, planting and production costs, and profitability indicators of culture, the data were surveyed from technicians of the region and based in experimental work, carried out at the Experimental Farm of lguaterm from the Maringa State University, in the period of june/2002 to july/2004. The total production costs of the culture in two agricultural years reached a value 12.94% higher for the conventional system, and in this same period the medium index of profitability was 21.39% higher for the organic system. The organic production system was economically feasible and provided a larger index of profitability.


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Este trabalho foi realizado na região de Jales-SP, com objetivo de analisar economicamente o cultivo da pinha. Para estimar a matriz de coeficientes técnicos, os custos de produção, os indicadores de lucratividade e os dados foram levantados com cinco produtores de pinha, no ano de 2001-2002. Apesar do custo superior do sistema de produção tecnificado quando comparado com o convencional na cultura da pinha, o sistema tecnificado apresentou-se mais rentável para os produtores rurais da região de Jales, com um lucro operacional por hectare de R$5.301,07 (US$2.031,06) e para o convencional de R$1.720,48 (US$659,19). Isto se deve principalmente por proporcionar benefícios, como antecipação da colheita para períodos de melhores preços, melhoria na qualidade e na quantidade dos frutos.


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Objetivou-se estimar os custos de produção e lucratividade do caju in natura na Regional de Jales, noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram levantados junto a produtores, a partir da aplicação de questionário e da elaboração de planilhas, para caracterizar todo o processo produtivo e realizar análise econômica. A produção de fruta para mesa exige um sistema de cultivo mais intensivo, principalmente no controle de pragas e doenças; por sua vez, eleva o custo de produção que, via de regra, é compensada pelos preços alcançados. Os custos de produção são altos, mas o que deve ser destacada é a participação relativa das embalagens que pode chegar a um terço do custo operacional efetivo, seguido pelos custos pós-colheita. Os indicadores de lucratividade mostram que a produção de caju é rentável nesta região, e o índice de lucratividade foi de 46,50%.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the production cost and profitability of the second season corn crop in the Medio Paranapanema region, São Paulo State Brazil, under two technological levels (middle and high technology), crop 2008/2009, and compare the results with the 2006/2007 agricultural year. Effective and total operational cost as well as five profitability indicators were used. It was concluded that the high technology production cost for corn crop (direct seedling, sowing during the recommended period, use of simple hybrid seed, application of side-dressing fertilization, and treatment of seeds with different insecticides) was superior to the middle technology production cost (direct seedling, sowing after the recommended time, use of double hybrid seed, and no side-dressing fertilization). However, the average cost was inferior (US$ 8.5), due to a higher yield (4 t). The high technology corn crop was profitable (gross income and profitability index of 14% and 12%, respectively). For the middle technology crop, profitability indexes pointed out that the cropping system needs to be reevaluated by technicians and research institutions, regarding the adequate technical recommendations. Profitability indexes decreased considerably in both cropping systems. It was verified that, in relation to the 2006/2007 harvest period, the total operational cost increased for both technologies, mainly because of the increase of supplies prices.


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Sustainable agriculture, reduced production costs and adding value to the system are achieved through the use of agricultural areas throughout the year, in integrated or mixed system. The study aimed to determine the technical coefficients to estimate and evaluate the operational cost and profitability indicators of the consortium of corn with two species of Brachiaria (B. brizantha, MG-5 and B. ruziziensis). The crops were submitted to N rates (0, 100, 200, 300 e 400kg ha-1year-1) at sidedressing, using urea, and winter common bean in succession, in crop-livestock integration under no-tillage, in irrigated conditions, in 2008/2009 agricultural year in Cerrado region (Selvíria - MS). The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications in a 2 x 5factorial. It was concluded thatcathe inputs were the components that most increased the producing cost of corn and common bean in the ILP study. The total operational cost has increased as a function of increasing doses of N. In all treatments the levels of profitability were positive indicating the viability of the system. The treatment that showed the best technical and economic performance was intercropped with corn and B. brizantha, fertilized with 100kg ha-1year-1N and common bean in succession.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Aquaculture is a crucial source of income and livelihood for millions of people around the world. Most fish farms require technical knowledge expertise and qualified staff. This research was developed in Santa Felicidade Settlement Project Cocalzinho de Goias city - GO, where a substantial part of the settlers by INCRA are exploring subsistence farming activities. After meeting open to the 76 settler's families, those who joined the project received courses on intensive farming of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in net cages. The production was an innovative technique, fully realized with the participatory labor of family members, without prejudice of the main activities. The economic analysis showed the return on invested capital in 7.5 years within the financial activity with 7.1% Internal Return Rate higher than the average interest rate market. The Net Cash Flow showed ability to fulfill financial obligations from the second year. The implementation of more productive cycles optimizes the workforce with increased operational efficiency. Diet alternatively produced with local ingredients can minimize the effects of critical variables of the project, since it does not affect productivity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)