983 resultados para Postoperative Darmträgheit, postoperativer Ileus, Kaugummi, Periduralkatheter,
Ein wesentliches Problem der elektiven Colonchirurgie ist die postoperative Darmträgheit. Sie wird von verschieden Faktoren wie der Manipulation am Darm, Ausschüttung von inflamatorischen Substanzen und durch perioperativ notwendige Medikamente wie morphinhaltige Analgetika ausgelöst und aufrechterhalten. Sie führt zu körperlichem Unwohlsein, einem geblähten Abdomen und gegebenenfalls zu Schmerzen. Die Patienten leiden unter Übelkeit und Erbrechen, fühlen sich müde, abgeschlagen und haben einen höheren Schmerzmittelverbrauch. Hierdurch wird die Motivation zur Mobilisation herabgesetzt und führt zu längerem Aufenthalt im Krankenbett, wodurch wiederum die Darmträgheit gefördert, die Rekonvaleszenz verlängert und die Patientenzufriedenheit gemindert wird. Eine längere Immobilisation steigert die Komplikationshäufigkeit, vor allem für thrombo-embolische Ereignisse.rnrnDurch die Einführung des Periduralkatheters (PDK) und der laparoskopischen Operationstechnik in die Colonchirurgie sind die Voraussetzungen zur Frühmobilisation verbessert worden.rnDeshalb und durch den wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Druck zu kürzeren Rekonvaleszenzzeiten und zur Optimierung der Bettenauslastung, sind in den letzten Jahren eine Vielzahl von Konzepten zur beschleunigten postoperativen Rekonvaleszenz erarbeitet worden, die unter dem Schlagwort „Fast Track“ bekannt geworden sind.rnWesentliche Punkte sind hierbei die längst mögliche Erhaltung des körpereigenen Gleichgewichts durch Verzicht auf Darmsäuberung und längere präoperative Nüchternheit. Intraoperativ werden flüssigkeitsrestriktive Infusionsschemata genutzt und auf eine Minimierung der intravenösen Dosierung von morphinhaltigen Analgetika geachtet. Postoperativ gehören die Frühmobilisation sowie die „Frühenterale –Ernährung“ zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen.rnDie Implementierung eines solchen Konzeptes als Standard in den laufenden Betrieb ist sehr aufwendig und teuer. Die individuelle Verträglichkeit der „Frühenteralen – Ernährung“ ist sehr unterschiedlich und wird oft von den Patienten aufgrund der postoperativen Darmträgheit nicht gut toleriert.rnrnEin neuer Ansatz hierfür ist das sogenannte „sham feeding“, also das Vortäuschen von Nahrungsaufnahme durch Kaugummikauen, das helfen soll die Paralyse des Darms postoperativ schneller, komplikationsärmer, sicherer und kostengünstiger zu beheben.rnrnZiel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Effekte von Kaugummikauen sowie der Kombination von Kaugummikauen und Verwendung eines PDK in Hinblick auf postoperative Rekonvaleszenz, Darmtätigkeit und Patientenzufriedenheit bei unseren Patienten zu vergleichen, um einen Benefit des „sham feedings“ aufzuzeigen. Gleichzeitig sollten alle Einflußgrößen wie Mobilisation, Kostverträglichkeit, Schmerzmittelbedarf und Komplikationen mit erfasst werden, um die jeweilige Effektivität jeweils besser beurteilen zu können.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit soll die Frage beantworten, ob Patienten mit colonresizierenden Eingriffen postoperativ von „sham feeding“ durch kaugummikauen profitieren und ob dies standardmäßig genutzt werden sollte.rn
Introducción: Alrededor del 25 a 50% de sujetos con enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico tienen enfermedad persistente progresiva, en ellos, la intervención quirúrgica constituye la mejor opción y el único recurso capaz de restaurar la barrera gastroesofágica. La funduplicatura de Nissen de elección, se realiza por laparoscopía desde febrero de 1997 en nuestro hospital. Objetivo: describir aspectos demográficos y clínicos de pacientes sometidos a funduplicatura de Nissen laparoscópico en el hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Método: análisis descriptivo y retrospectivo de videos e historias clínicas en estadística y cirugía de las funduplicaturas de Nissen laparoscópico. Resultados: de febrero 1997 a julio 2008, se realizaron 58 funduplicaturas, en 36 hombres y 22 mujeres, con un promedio de 42 años. Síntomas predominantes; pirosis, regurgitación, dolor abdominal y disfagia. Diagnosticados por: endoscopía digestiva alta y serie esófagogastroduodenal en todos. Com - plicaciones posoperatorias inmediatas: íleo 9, disfagia 5, retención urinaria 4. Tiempo operatorio promedio: 181 minutos en 1997, 102 minutos en 2008. Estancia hospitalaria: 4 días. 49 pacientes recibieron alimentación en 24 horas. No hubo conversiones ni mortalidad. Conclusiones: la cirugía laparoscópica en el tratamiento de ERGE va en aumento y constituye un tratamiento eficaz a largo plazo. Pero los cirujanos debemos también examinar los éxitos, los errores, las complicaciones y limitaciones de estas aplicaciones a largo plazo y con más variables estudiadas.
BACKGROUND: Postoperative adynamic bowel atony interferes with recovery following abdominal surgery. Prokinetic pharmacologic drugs are widely used to accelerate postoperative recovery. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits and harms of systemic acting prokinetic drugs to treat postoperative adynamic ileus in patients undergoing abdominal surgery. SEARCH STRATEGY: Trials were identified by computerised searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Colorectal Cancer Group specialised register. The reference lists of included trials and review articles were tracked and authors contacted. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled parallel-group trials (RCT) comparing the effect of systemically acting prokinetic drugs against placebo or no intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Four reviewers independently extracted the data and assessed trial quality. Trial authors were contacted for additional information if needed. MAIN RESULTS: Thirty-nine RCTs met the inclusion criteria contributing a total of 4615 participants. Most trials enrolled a small number of patients and showed moderate to poor (reporting of) methodological quality, in particular regarding allocation concealment and intention-to-treat analysis. Fifteen systemic acting prokinetic drugs were investigated and ten comparisons could be summarized. Six RCTs support the effect of Alvimopan, a novel peripheral mu receptor antagonist. However, the trials do not meet reporting guidelines and the drug is still in an investigational stage. Erythromycin showed homogenous and consistent absence of effect across all included trials and outcomes. The evidence is insufficient to recommend the use of cholecystokinin-like drugs, cisapride, dopamine-antagonists, propranolol or vasopressin. Effects are either inconsistent across outcomes, or trials are too small and often of poor methodological quality. Cisapride has been withdrawn from the market due to adverse cardiac events in many countries. Intravenous lidocaine and neostigmine might show a potential effect, but more evidence on clinically relevant outcomes is needed. Heterogeneity among included trials was seen in 10 comparisons. No major adverse drug effects were evident. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Alvimopan may prove to be beneficial but proper judgement needs adherence to reporting standards. Further trials are needed on intravenous lidocaine and neostigmine. The remaining drugs can not be recommended due to lack of evidence or absence of effect.
OBJECTIVES: Newborns who undergo surgery for gastroschisis correction may present with oliguria, anasarca, prolonged postoperative ileus, and infection. New postoperative therapeutic procedures were tested with the objective of improving postoperative outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred thirty-six newborns participated in one of two phases. Newborns in the first phase received infusions of large volumes of crystalloid solution and integral enteral formula, and newborns in the second phase received crystalloid solutions in smaller volumes, with albumin solution infusion when necessary and the late introduction of a semi-elemental diet. The studied variables were serum sodium and albumin levels, the need for albumin solution expansion, the occurrence of anasarca, the length of time on parenteral nutrition, the length of time before initiating an enteral diet and reaching a full enteral diet, orotracheal intubation time, length of hospitalization, and survival rates. RESULTS: Serum sodium levels were higher in newborns in the second phase. There was a correlation between low serum sodium levels and orotracheal intubation time; additionally, low serum albumin levels correlated with the length of time before the initiation of an oral diet and the time until a full enteral diet was reached. However, the discharge weights of newborns in the second phase were higher than in the first phase. The other studied variables, including survival rates (83.4% and 92.0%, respectively), were similar for both phases. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of an albumin solution to newborns in the early postoperative period following gastroschisis repair increased their low serum sodium levels but did not improve the final outcome. The introduction of a semi-elemental diet promoted an increase in body weight at the time of discharge.
After radical cystectomy, patients are in a catabolic state because of postoperative stress response, extensive wound healing, and ileus.
The aim of this investigation was to compare the skeletal stability of three different rigid fixation methods after mandibular advancement. Fifty-five class II malocclusion patients treated with the use of bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and mandibular advancement were selected for this retrospective study. Group 1 (n = 17) had miniplates with monocortical screws, Group 2 (n = 16) had bicortical screws and Group 3 (n = 22) had the osteotomy fixed by means of the hybrid technique. Cephalograms were taken preoperatively, 1 week within the postoperative care period, and 6 months after the orthognathic surgery. Linear and angular changes of the cephalometric landmarks of the chin region were measured at each period, and the changes at each cephalometric landmark were determined for the time gaps. Postoperative changes in the mandibular shape were analyzed to determine the stability of fixation methods. There was minimum difference in the relapse of the mandibular advancement among the three groups. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in postoperative stability. However, a positive correlation between the amount of advancement and the amount of postoperative relapse was demonstrated by the linear multiple regression test (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that all techniques can be used to obtain stable postoperative results in mandibular advancement after 6 months.
This study aimed to evaluate long-term atrophy in contralateral hippocampal volume after surgery for unilateral MTLE, as well as the cognitive outcome for patients submitted to either selective transsylvian amygdalohippocampectomy (SelAH) or anterior temporal lobe resection (ATL). We performed a longitudinal study of 47 patients with MRI signs of unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (23 patients with right-sided hippocampal sclerosis) who underwent surgical treatment for MTLE. They underwent preoperative/postoperative high-resolution MRI as well as neuropsychological assessment for memory and estimated IQ. To investigate possible changes in the contralateral hippocampus of patients, we included 28 controls who underwent two MRIs at long-term intervals. The volumetry using preoperative MRI showed significant hippocampal atrophy ipsilateral to the side of surgery when compared with controls (p<0.0001) but no differences in contralateral hippocampal volumes. The mean postoperative follow-up was 8.7 years (± 2.5 SD; median=8.0). Our patients were classified as Engel I (80%), Engel II (18.2%), and Engel III (1.8%). We observed a small but significant reduction in the contralateral hippocampus of patients but no volume changes in controls. Most of the patients presented small declines in both estimated IQ and memory, which were more pronounced in patients with left TLE and in those with persistent seizures. Different surgical approaches did not impose differences in seizure control or in cognitive outcome. We observed small declines in cognitive scores with most of these patients, which were worse in patients with left-sided resection and in those who continued to suffer from postoperative seizures. We also demonstrated that manual volumetry can reveal a reduction in volume in the contralateral hippocampus, although this change was mild and could not be detected by visual analysis. These new findings suggest that dynamic processes continue to act after the removal of the hippocampus, and further studies with larger groups may help in understanding the underlying mechanisms.
The aim of this investigation was to describe the occurrence of bradycardia during the early postoperative period of liver transplantation in children. We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 79 children with end-stage liver diseases who underwent liver transplantation. All children experienced >= 1 episode of a cardiac rate below the 2nd percentile of a 1-hour minimum duration, which was considered to be bradycardia. Patients <24 months were compared with older ones. The overall incidence of bradycardia was 37% (n = 31), including 25 patients who displayed bradycardia until postoperative day 3. In all cases, the electrocardiogram was normal, showing sinus rhythm. A comparison of the groups demonstrated an increased incidence of bradycardia among patients <24 months of age (P = .03). In all patients, there were no hemodynamic consequences; the cardiac rate returned to normal uneventfully. The explanations for bradycardia could not be applied to these patients because none of them had any volume change or electrolyte disturbances; liver function tests were not seriously altered. The mechanisms of this postoperative complications are unclear.
Objectives/Hypothesis: To analyze clinical and epidemiological features of neck nerve schwannomas, with emphasis on the neurologic outcome after surgical excision sparing as much of nerve fibers as possible with enucleation technique. Study Design: Retrospective study. Methods: Review of medical records from 1987 to 2006 of patients with neck nerve schwannomas, treated in a single institution. Results: Twenty-two patients were identified. Gender distribution was equal and age ranged from 15 to 61 years (mean: 38.6 years). Seven vagal, four brachial plexus, four sympathetic trunk, three cervical plexus, and two lesions on other sites could be identified. Most common symptom was neck mass. Local or irradiated pain also occurred in five cases. Median growing rate of tumors was 3 mm per year. Nerve paralysis was noted twice (a vagal schwannoma and a hypoglossal paralysis compressed by a vagal schwannoma). Different techniques were employed, and seven out of nine patients kept their nerve function (78%) after enucleation. No recurrence was observed in follow-up. Conclusions: Schwannomas should be treated surgically because of its growing potential, leading to local and neural compression symptoms. When possible, enucleation, which was employed in 10 patients of this series, is the recommended surgical option, allowing neural function preservation or restoration in most instances. This is especially important in the head and neck, where denervation may have a significant impact on the quality of life.
Purpose: The impact of pelvic floor muscle training on the recovery of urinary continence after radical prostatectomy is still controversial. We tested the effectiveness of biofeedback-pelvic floor muscle training in improving urinary incontinence in the 12 months following radical prostatectomy. Materials and Methods: A total of 73 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy were randomized to a treatment group (36) receiving biofeedback-pelvic floor muscle training once a week for 3 months as well as home exercises or a control group (37). Patients were evaluated 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Continence was defined as the use of 1 pad or less daily and incontinence severity was measured by the 24-hour pad test. Incontinence symptoms and quality of life were assessed with the International Continence Society male Short Form questionnaire and the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire. Pelvic floor muscle strength was evaluated with the Oxford score. Results: A total of 54 patients (26 pelvic floor muscle training and 28 controls) completed the trial. Duration of incontinence was shorter in the treatment group. At postoperative month 12, 25 (96.15%) patients in the treatment group and 21 (75.0%) in the control group were continent (p = 0.028). The absolute risk reduction was 21.2% (95% CI 3.45-38.81) and the relative risk of recovering continence was 1.28 (95% CI 1.02-1.69). The number needed to treat was 5 (95% CI 2.6-28.6). Overall there were significant changes in both groups in terms of incontinence symptoms, lower urinary tract symptoms, quality of life and pelvic floor muscle strength (p <0.0001). Conclusions: Early biofeedback-pelvic floor muscle training not only hastens the recovery of urinary continence after radical prostatectomy but allows for significant improvements in the severity of incontinence, voiding symptoms and pelvic floor muscle strength 12 months postoperatively.
In the early postoperative period of Cushing`s disease patients, desmopressin may stimulate ACTH secretion in the remnant corticotrophic tumour, but not in nontumour suppressed cells. Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate the serum cortisol responses to desmopressin after pituitary surgery, establishing an optimal cut-off for absolute increment (Delta) of serum cortisol (F) suitable to predict recurrence risk. Design Retrospective case record study. Patients Fifty-seven Cushing`s disease patients submitted to pituitary surgery and desmopressin stimulation in the early postoperative with a long-term follow-up (20-161 months) were studied. Methods and measurements Serum cortisol levels after desmopressin test (10 mu g IV) 15-30 days after adenomectomy were used to determine Delta F (absolute increment of F: F peak - F baseline). Sensitivity and specificity of Delta F were calculated and a ROC curve was performed to establish an optimal cut-off for Delta F to predict recurrence risk. Results Fifteen patients had immediate postoperative failure (basal F > 165 nmol/l; 6 mu g/dl) and one patient was lost during the follow-up. Forty-one patients achieved initial remission and were followed-up. Five of 11 patients who recurred had Delta F > 193 nmol/l (7 mu g/dl), but none of 30 patients who remained in prolonged remission showed Delta F > 193 nmol/l after postoperative desmopressin stimulation. Conclusions Persistence of cortisol response (Delta F > 193 nmol/l) to desmopressin in the early postoperative period can help to identify Cushing`s disease patients with initial remission who present risk for later recurrence.
Objective: Patients undergoing amputation of the lower limb due to peripheral arterial disease (PAD) are at risk of developing deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Few studies in the research literature report the incidence of DVT during the early postoperative period or the risk factors for the development of DVT in the amputation stump. This prospective study evaluated the incidence of DVT during the first 35 postoperative days in patients who had undergone amputation of the lower extremity due to PAD and its relation to comorbidities and death. Methods: Between September 2004 and March 2006, 56 patients (29 men), with a mean age of 67.25 years, underwent 62 amputations, comprising 36 below knee amputations (BKA) and 26 above knee amputations (AKA). Echo-Doppler scanning was performed preoperatively and on postoperative days 7 and 31 (approximately). All patients received acetylsalicylic acid (100 mg daily) preoperatively and postoperatively, but none received prophylactic anticoagulation. Results: DVT occurred in 25.8% of extremities with amputations (10 ARA and 6 BKA). The cumulative incidence in the 35-day postoperative period was 28% (Kaplan-Meier). There was a significant difference (P = .04) in the incidence of DVT between AKA (37.5%) and BKA (21.2%). Age >= 70 years (48.9% vs 16.8%, P = .021) was also a risk factor for DVT in the univariate analysis. Of the 16 cases, 14 (87.5%) were diagnosed during outpatient care. The time to discharge after amputation was averaged 6.11 days in-hospital stay (range, 1-56 days). One symptomatic nonfatal pulmonary embolism occurred in a patient already diagnosed with DVT. There was no relation between other comorbidities and DVT. The multivariate analysis showed no association between risk factors and the occurrence of DVT in the amputated extremity. DVT ipsilateral to the amputation did not influence the mortality rate (9.7%). Conclusion: The incidence of DVT in the early postoperative period (<= 35 days) was elevated principally in patients aged >= 70 years and for AKA. Patients with PAD who have recently undergone major amputations should be considered at high risk for DVT, even after hospital discharge. Given the high rate of postoperative DVT observed in this study, we now recommend prophylactic anticoagulation for these patients, but further study is needed to determine the optimal duration and efficacy of this treatment. (J Vasc Surg 2008;48:1514-9.)
This study was performed to check if recommendations based on three-dimensional gait analysis (3DGA) are associated with better postoperative outcomes in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). Thirty-eight patients who underwent orthopedic surgery and assessment at the Gait Analysis Laboratory were evaluated retrospectively. The patients were divided in four groups according to the agreement between the recommendations from gait analysis and the procedures actually carried out. Fifteen patients with diplegic spastic cerebral palsy and indication for orthopedic surgery to improve walking - and whose surgical intervention was postponed - were also included in the study as a control group. Fourteen gait parameters recorded before and after treatment, were included in the statistical analysis. No gait improvement was noted in the control group or inh patients on whom no procedures recommended by the gait exam were performed (agreement of 0%). In the other groups, agreements averaged 46.71%, 72.2%, and 100%, respectively. Improvement of gait parameters after treatment was observed in these groups, with more significant values directly related to increased agreement percentage. Therefore, in this study the patients whose treatment matched the recommendations from three-dimensional gait analysis showed a more significant improvement in walking. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Facial motor evoked potential (FMEP) amplitude ratio reduction at the end of the surgery has been identified as a good predictor for postoperative facial nerve outcome. We sought to investigate variations in FMEP amplitude and waveform morphology during vestibular schwannoma (VS) resection and to correlate these measures with postoperative facial function immediately after surgery and at the last follow-up. Methods Intraoperative orbicularis oculi and oris muscles FMEP data from 35 patients undergoing surgery for VS resection were collected, then analysed by surgical stage: initial, dural opening, tumour dissection (TuDis), tumour resection (TuRes) and final. Findings Immediately after surgery, postoperative facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP amplitude ratio during TuDis, TuRes and final stages in both the orbicularis oculi (p = 0.003, 0.055 and 0.028, respectively) and oris muscles (p = 0.002, 0.104 and 0.014, respectively). At the last follow-up, however, facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP amplitude ratio only during the TuDis (p = 0.005) and final (p = 0.102) stages for the orbicularis oris muscle. At both time points, postoperative facial paresis correlated significantly with FMEP waveform deterioration in orbicularis oculi during the final stage (immediate, p = 0.023; follow-up, p = 0.116) and in orbicularis oris during the TuDis, TuRes and final stages (immediate, p = 0.071, 0.000 and 0.001, respectively; follow-up, p = 0.015, 0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Conclusions FMEP amplitude ratio and waveform morphology during VS resection seem to represent independent quantitative parameters that can be used to predict postoperative facial function. Event-to-baseline FMEP monitoring is quite useful to dictate when intraoperative changes in surgical strategy are warranted to reduce the chances of facial nerve injury.