976 resultados para Pneumonia fúngica


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A aspergilose pulmonar compreende uma das formas de infecção por fungo do gênero Aspergillus, tendo diversos modos de apresentação clínica a depender da imunidade e comorbidades. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de paciente, imunocompetente e previamente hígido, que desenvolveu uma forma de aspergilose pulmonar crônica e fazer uma breve revisão sobre o assunto.


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Objective: To determine whether the presence of in vitro penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae increases the risk of clinical failure in children hospitalised with severe pneumonia and treated with penicillin/ampicillin. Design: Multicentre, prospective, observational study. Setting: 12 tertiary-care centres in three countries in Latin America. Patients: 240 children aged 3-59 months, hospitalised with severe pneumonia and known in vitro susceptibility of S pneumoniae. Intervention: Patients were treated with intravenous penicillin/ampicillin after collection of blood and, when possible, pleural fluid for culture. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test was used to determine penicillin susceptibility of the pneumococcal strains isolated. Children were continuously monitored until discharge. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was treatment failure (using clinical criteria). Results: Overall treatment failure was 21%. After allowing for different potential confounders, there was no evidence of association between treatment failure and in vitro resistance of S pneumoniae to penicillin according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)/National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) interpretative standards ((adj)RR = 1.03; 95%Cl: 0.49-1.90 for resistant S pneumoniae). Conclusions: Intravenous penicillin/ampicillin remains the drug of choice for treating penicillin-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia in areas where the MIC does not exceed 2 mu g/ml.


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Objective To examine the ability of the criteria proposed by the WHO to identify pneumonia among cases presenting with wheezing and the extent to which adding fever to the criteria alters their performance. Design Prospective classification of 390 children aged 2-59 months with lower respiratory tract disease into five diagnostic categories, including pneumonia. WHO criteria for the identification of pneumonia and a set of such criteria modified by adding fever were compared with radio-graphically diagnosed pneumonia as the gold standard. Results The sensitivity of the WHO criteria was 94% for children aged <24 months and 62% for those aged >= 24 months. The corresponding specificities were 20% and 16%. Adding fever to the WHO criteria improved specificity substantially (to 44% and 50%, respectively). The specificity of the WHO criteria was poor for children with wheezing (12%). Adding fever improved this substantially (to 42%). The addition of fever to the criteria apparently reduced their sensitivity only marginally (to 92% and 57%, respectively, in the two age groups). Conclusion The authors' results reaffirm that the current WHO criteria can detect pneumonia with high sensitivity, particularly among younger children. They present evidence that the ability of these criteria to distinguish between children with pneumonia and those with wheezing diseases might be greatly enhanced by the addition of fever.


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The association of cyclophosphamide (CYC) and prednisone (PRED) for the treatment of lung fibrosis in systemic sclerosis (SSc) was only evaluated in uncontrolled studies, although in idiopathic interstitial lung disease (ILD) this association seems to be beneficial in patients with non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP). Objectives: To treat SSc-ILD in a prospective open-label controlled study based on lung pattern during 12 months of treatment. Methods: A 3-year analysis was also performed. Twenty-four consecutive patients with SSc and ILD were submitted to an open lung biopsy. Eighteen patients (NSIP) were randomized in two groups: CYC versus CYC + PRED during 12 months. Lung function tests (diffusion lung capacity of monoxide carbone corrected for hemoglobin concentration (DLCO-Hb), forced vital capacity (FVC), total lung capacity) and Modified Rodnan Skin Score (MRSS) were performed before, after one of treatment and after 3 years from the end of the treatment. Results: Pulmonary function tests were similar in both groups on baseline. After 1 year of treatment, FVC% was comparable between CYC groups (p = 0.72) and in CYC + PRED (p = 0.40). Three years after the end of treatment, FVC% values (p = 0.39 in group CYC and p = 0.61 in CYC + PRED and p = 0.22 in CYC + PRED) and DLCO-Hb (p = 0.54 in CYC and p = 0.28 in CYC + PRED) were similar compared to 1 year of treatment. We observed a reduction of the MRSS in the CYC + PRED group after 1 year of treatment (p = 0.02); although after 3 years, MRSS values remained stable in both groups. Conclusions: CYC was effective to stabilize lung function parameters in NSIP lung pattern of SSc disease for 3 years after the end of a 1-year therapy.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a distinctive, usually fatal, type of chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause that increases in prevalence with advanced age, characterized by failure of alveolar re-epithelization and progressive scar formation. Recently, limitation of the replicative capacity of tissues determined by telomerase/apoptosis balance has been implicated in pathogenesis of age-related diseases. In this study, we validated the importance of the expression of type 2 alveolar epithelial cells telomerase protein and studied the relationships between telomerase and apoptosis in early remodeling of usual interstitial pneumonia. We determined type 2 alveolar epithelial cells density, telomerase expression, and apoptosis in surgical lung biopsies from 24 patients with usual interstitial pneumonia, and in normal lung tissues from 18 subjects. We used immunohistochemistry, deoxynucleotidyl transferase method of end labeling, electron microscopy, and histomorphometry to evaluate the amount of type 2 alveolar epithelial cells staining for surfactant-A, telomerase, and in situ detection of apoptotic cells. Unaffected areas of usual interstitial pneumonia and normal lung tissue had similar densities of type 2 alveolar epithelial cells, but a significant minor subpopulation of type 2 alveolar epithelial cells was telomerase positive and a large population was telomerase negative. A significant inverse association was found between low type 2, alveolar. epithelial cell telomerase expression and high apoptosis in unaffected areas of usual interstitial pneumonia. Although type 2 alveolar epithelial cell telomerase expression was higher than apoptosis in NLT group, no significant association was found between them. Electron microscopy confirmed epithelial apoptosis, alveolar collapse, and initial fibroplasia. We conclude that abnormal type 2 alveolar epithelial cells telomerase/apoptosis balance may reduce alveolar epithelial regenerative capacity, thus contributing to the early remodeling response in usual interstitial pneumonia. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Severe infections caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia are associated with high mortality, and strategies to improve the clinical outcome for infected patients are needed. A retrospective cohort study of patients with bloodstream infection (BSIs) and pneumonia caused by S. maltophilia was conducted. Multivariate analysis was performed to access factors associated with 14-day mortality. A total of 60 infections were identified. Among these, eight (13%) were pneumonias and 52 were BSIs; 33.3% were primary, 13% were central venous catheter (CVC)-related and 40% were secondary BSIs. Fifty-seven (85%) patients had received previous antimicrobial therapy; 88% had CVC, 57% mechanical ventilation and 75% were in the intensive care unit at the onset of infection. Malignancy (45%) was the most frequent underlying disease. The mean of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores was 17 and for the Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, it was 7 points. The overall and 14-day mortality were, respectively, 75% and 48%. Forty-seven (78%) patients were treated and, of these, 74% received trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Independent risk factors associated with mortality were SOFA index > 6 points (0.005) and septic shock (0.03). The Kaplan-Meier estimations curves showed that patients with APACHE II score > 20 and SOFA score > 10 had a survival chance of, respectively, less than 8% and less than 10% (P <= 0.001) at 21 days after the first positive S. maltophilia culture. Our results suggest that the independent factors associated with outcome in patients with infection caused by S. maltophilia are septic shock and higher SOFA index.


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Aims: To compare septal and vascular matrix remodelling, vascular occlusion, Pulmonary function tests and survival between two groups: one with idiopathic non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and one with NSIP associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods and results: Pulmonary biopsy specimens were examined from 40 patients, 22 with NSIP and 18 with NSIP associated with SSc. The content of septal collagen and elastic fibres, as well as the elastic fibres in the vascular interstitium, were higher in the SSc group (P = 0.01, P = 0.001 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Among pulmonary function tests. the diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide/alveolar volume was affected to a greater extent in the SSc group (59%) of the predicted value in SSc and 97% in the idiopathic group). There were no differences in collagen content of the vascular interstitium, arterial occlusion, or survival between the two groups. Conclusions: Although the fibrotic process is more intense in the SSc group. it, does not affect the prognosis of these patients. Because the elastotic process is higher in the SSc group, this might suggest that autoimmune inflammatory mechanisms affecting the elastic fibre system play a greater role in the pathogenesis and pulmonary remodelling process of SSc NSIP than in idiopathic NSIP.


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OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the effect of oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate on the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in children undergoing cardiac surgery. DESIGN. Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING. Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at a tertiary care hospital. patients. One hundred sixty children undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease, randomized into 2 groups: chlorhexidine (n = 87) and control (n = 73). INTERVENTIONS. Oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate or placebo preoperatively and twice a day postoperatively until PICU discharge or death. RESULTS. Patients in experimental and control groups had similar ages (median, 12.2 vs 10.8 months; P =. 72) and risk adjustment for congenital heart surgery 1 score distribution (66% in category 1 or 2 in both groups; P =. 17). The incidence of nosocomial pneumonia was 29.8% versus 24.6% (Pp. 46) and the incidence of VAP was 18.3% versus 15% (Pp. 57) in the chlorhexidine and the control group, respectively. There was no difference in intubation time (P =. 34), need for reintubation (P =. 37), time interval between hospitalization and nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis (P =. 63), time interval between surgery and nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis (P =. 10), and time on antibiotics (P =. 77) and vasoactive drugs (P =. 16) between groups. Median length of PICU stay (3 vs 4 days; P =. 53), median length of hospital stay (12 vs 11 days; P =. 67), and 28-day mortality (5.7% vs 6.8%; P =. 77) were also similar in the chlorhexidine and the control group. CONCLUSIONS. Oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate did not reduce the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and VAP in children undergoing cardiac surgery.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a rinossinusite fúngica em pacientes com infecção nasossinusal crônica. Nas últimas décadas houve aumento das infecções fúngicas, e a rinossinusite fúngica (RSF) tem sido mais freqüentemente diagnosticada. O conhecimento da flora fúngica, da sua prevalência e da apresentação sintomática em pacientes portadores de rinossinusite crônica (RSC) permitirá um melhor entendimento da doença, fato importante para a realização do diagnóstico, estabelecimento do tratamento e formulação do prognóstico. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico retrospectivo com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 62 pacientes com diagnóstico de RSF foram selecionados entre 890 portadores de RSC submetidos à cirurgia endoscópica. Avaliou-se anamnese, exame otorrinolaringológico com videoendoscopia nasal, TC dos seios da face e exames microbiológicos e histopatológico. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de RSF foi de 6,7% em portadores de RSC submetidos à cirurgia endoscópica dos seios paranasais, e o tipo de fungo mais encontrado foi do gênero Aspergillus. Bola fúngica foi encontrada em mais da metade dos casos, e RSFA, em mais de um terço dos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: A evolução sintomática após a cirurgia endoscópica foi mais favorável nos portadores de bola fúngica, que necessitaram menor número de reintervenções.


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Objetivou-se isolar e identificar a microbiota fúngica em ambientes considerados assépticos, através de exposições com meios de cultivo adequados, em três épocas distintas do ano, antes e imediatamente após as manobras técnicas realizadas em três áreas de trabalho: ambiente aberto, ambiente fechado sem filtração de ar e ambiente fechado com filtração de ar, utilizadas em produção de imunobiológicos. Os meios ágar-Sabouraud e ágar-soja, enriquecidos com 0,2% de extrato de levedura e sem cloranfenicol, foram estudados quanto à sua eficácia no isolamento de bolores e leveduras, considerando-se o número de colônias desenvolvidas e a freqüência dos diversos fungos isolados. Isolaram-se 67 espécimens, sendo 64 fungos filamentosos (bolores) e três leveduras. Dos bolores, 54 pertenciam a 22 gêneros da divisão Deuteromycota, famílias Moniliaceae e Dematiaceae, cinco amostras filamentosas foram incluídas na ordem Agonomycetales (Mycelia Sterilia), e uma amostra foi classificada na divisão Deuteromycota, ordem Sphaeropsidales, classe Coelomycetes. Da divisão Zygomycota, ordem Mucorales, família Mucoraceae, um único mucoráceo foi identificado até gênero. As três leveduras pertenciam também à divisão Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti), família Cryptococcaceae, e foram identificadas como sendo duas Rhodotorula rubra e uma Torulopsis candida. Comprovou-se que o número de colônias isoladas aumentou após a realização das monobras técnicas e que a filtração de ar através de filtros tipo HEPA, reduzindo o número de colônias isoladas nos ambientes fechados, aumenta a segurança do trabalho; comumente é recomendada para áreas de atividade técnica cujos resultados satisfatórios estão diretamente relacionados com uma baixa incidência de contaminantes.


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Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, a partir das informações provenientes de órgãos oficiais e dos atestados de óbito, sobre a mortalidade por pneumonia entre os anos de 1979 e 1985 no Município de Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil). Os dados revelaram que a taxa de mortalidade chegou a ser 35 vezes superior àquela dos países desenvolvidos e que a redução anual da mortalidade no período em questão foi 2/3 daquela obtida nesses mesmos países. Em 1985, estas disparidades também ocorreram dentro do próprio município pois, nas zonas de maior renda familiar média mensal as taxas foram menos elevadas, embora estatisticamente não significativas. (Z = 1,2, p > 0,05).


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Através de um estudo tipo caso-controle, foi comparada uma amostra de óbitos pós-neonatais por pneumonia ocorridos na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (1986-1987) e controles sadios, moradores na vizinhança. Os fatores de risco investigados foram variáveis relacionadas à história gestacional da mãe e ao nascimento da criança, às condições sociais da família e à utilização de serviços de saúde. Na primeira etapa de análise, através de um modelo de regressão logística univariada, foram estimados os coeficientes de cada variável independente, o risco relativo e seus limites de confiança. O peso ao nascer e a idade do desmame mostraram-se das mais fortemente associadas com a variável dependente. Na segunda etapa, foi feito o ajuste pelo modelo de regressão logística múltipla e somente 4 variáveis permaneceram estatisticamente associadas com a mortalidade: idade do desmame, peso ao nascer, número de moradores da casa e aplicação da vacina BCG. Conclui-se que a mortalidade por pneumonia em menores de um ano está fortemente associada às condições sociais da família, em particular da mãe.


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Estudou-se a letalidade hospitalar devido à diarréia ou pneumonia em menores de um ano de idade na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro cujo óbito ocorreu entre abril/86 e maio/87. Foram investigados possíveis fatores prognósticos de letalidade hospitalar em relação a condições socioeconômicas, biológicas e amamentação aos 30 dias de vida. Foi utilizada metodologia de caso-controle, sendo casos as crianças internadas por diarréia ou por pneumonia que morreram, e controles aquelas que sobreviveram. Referências são feitas aos fenômenos de causalidade reversa e "overmatching" como possíveis viéses neste tipo de estudo. Razão de produtos cruzados (RPC) foi utilizada para estimar os riscos relativos, através de regressão logística não condicional. Os principais fatores prognósticos encontrados foram prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer, mau estado geral e déficit peso/idade na hospitalização. Nas crianças com pneumonia a duração do aleitamento materno esteve associado com a letalidade (RPC=2,0). As condições biológicas evidenciaram-se como os principais fatores prognósticos de letalidade hospitalar por diarréia ou pneumonia.


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Introdução – Apesar de em Portugal se verificar o aumento da indústria da produção de aves para consumo humano, apenas alguns estudos incidem sobre a qualidade do ar interior e as implicações da sua degradação. Objectivos – Descrever a contaminação fúngica num aviário, analisar possíveis associações com a temperatura ambiente e a humidade relativa e o possível impacto na saúde dos consumidores e trabalhadores desta unidade. Métodos – Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo para avaliar a contaminação fúngica num aviário. Colheram‑se 5 amostras de ar de 100 litros através do método de compactação e 4 amostras de superfícies, utilizando a técnica da zaragatoa e um quadrado de 10 cm de lado de metal. Simultaneamente, os parâmetros ambientais – temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa – também foram medidos. Resultados – Foram identificadas vinte espécies de fungos no ar, sendo os seguintes os quatro géneros mais comummente isolados: Cladosporium (40,5%), Alternaria (10,8%), Chrysosporium e Aspergillus (6,8%). Nas superfícies, 21 espécies de fungos foram identificadas, sendo os 4 géneros mais identificados Penicillium (51,8%), Cladosporium (25,4%), Alternaria (6,1%) e Aspergillus (4,2%). Importa referir o facto de Aspergillus flavus, também isolado no ar, ser reconhecido como produtor de micotoxinas (aflatoxina) e Aspergillus fumigatus, uma das espécies isoladas no ar e superfícies, ser capaz de causar aspergilose grave ou fatal. Não se verificou relação significativa (p> 0,05) entre a contaminação fúngica e as variáveis ambientais. Conclusão – Caracterizou‑se a distribuição fúngica no ar e superfícies do aviário e analisou‑se a possível influência das variáveis ambientais. Foi reconhecido um potencial problema de Saúde Pública devido à contaminação fúngica e à possível produção de micotoxinas com a eventual contaminação dos produtos alimentares. A contaminação fúngica, particularmente causada pelo Aspergillus fumigatus, e a possível presença de micotoxinas no ar, devem ser encaradas também como fatores de risco neste contexto ocupacional. ABSTRACT - Background – Although there is an increasingly industry that produce whole chickens for domestic consumption in Portugal, only few investigations have reported on the indoor air of these plants and the consequences of their degradation. Objectives – Describe one poultry environmental fungal contamination analyse possible associations between temperature and relative humidity and its possible impact on the health of consumers and of the poultry workers. Methods – A descriptive study was developed to monitor one poultry fungal contamination. Five air samples of 100 litres through impaction method were collected and 4 swab samples from surfaces were also collected using a 10 cm square of metal. Simultaneously, environmental parameters – temperature and relative humidity – were also measured. Results – Twenty species of fungi in air were identified, being the 4 most commonly isolated the following genera: Cladosporium (40.5%), Alternaria (10.8%), Chrysosporium and Aspergillus (6.8%). In surfaces, 21 species of fungi were identified, being the 4 genera more identified Penicillium (51.8%), Cladosporium (25.4%), Alternaria (6.1%) and Aspergillus (4.2%). In addition, Aspergillus flavus also isolated in the poultry air is a well‑known producer of potent mycotoxins (aflatoxin), and Aspergillus fumigatus, one of the species isolated in air and surfaces, is capable of causing severe or fatal aspergillosis. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and environmental variables. Conclusions – Was characterized fungal distribution in poultry air and surfaces and analyzed the association of environmental variables. It was recognized the Public Health problem because of fungal contamination and also due to probable mycotoxins production with the possible contamination of food products. Fungal contamination, particularly due to the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus and also the possible presence of mycotoxins in the air, should be seen as risk factor in this occupational setting.