996 resultados para Phylogeographic studies
The glacial episodes of the Quaternary (2.6 million years ago–present) were a major factor in shaping the present-day distributions of extant flora and fauna, with expansions and contractions of the ice sheets rendering large areas uninhabitable for most species. Fossil records suggest that many species survived glacial maxima by retreating to refugia, usually at lower latitudes. Recently, phylogeographic studies have given support to the existence of previously unknown, or cryptic, refugia. Here we summarise many of these insights into the glacial histories of species in cryptic refugia gained through phylogeographic approaches. Understanding such refugia might be important as the Earth heads into another period of climate change, in terms of predicting the effects on species distribution and survival.
Phylogeographic studies provide an important framework for investigating the mechanisms operating during the earliest stages of speciation, as reproductive barriers can be examined among divergent lineages in a geographic context. We investigated the evolution of early stages of intrinsic postmating isolation among different populations and lineages of Epidendrum denticulatum, a Neotropical orchid distributed across different biomes in South America. We estimated genetic diversity and structure for both nuclear and plastid markers, using a haplotype network, differentiation tests, Bayesian assignment analysis, and divergence time estimates of the main lineages. Reproductive barriers among divergent lineages were examined by analyzing seed viability following reciprocal crossing experiments. Strong plastid phylogeographic structure was found, indicating that E. denticulatum was restricted to multiple refuges during South American forest expansion events. In contrast, significant phylogeographic structure was not found for nuclear markers, suggesting higher gene flow by pollen than by seeds. Large asymmetries in seed set were observed among different plastid genetic groups, suggesting the presence of polymorphic genic incompatibilities associated with cytonuclear interactions. Our results confirm the importance of phylogeographic studies associated with reproductive isolation experiments and suggest an important role for outbreeding depression during the early stages of lineage diversification. © 2013 The Society for the Study of Evolution.
Empirical phylogeographic studies have progressively sampled greater numbers of loci over time, in part motivated by theoretical papers showing that estimates of key demographic parameters improve as the number of loci increases. Recently, next-generation sequencing has been applied to questions about organismal history, with the promise of revolutionizing the field. However, no systematic assessment of how phylogeographic data sets have changed over time with respect to overall size and information content has been performed. Here, we quantify the changing nature of these genetic data sets over the past 20years, focusing on papers published in Molecular Ecology. We found that the number of independent loci, the total number of alleles sampled and the total number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) per data set has improved over time, with particularly dramatic increases within the past 5years. Interestingly, uniparentally inherited organellar markers (e.g. animal mitochondrial and plant chloroplast DNA) continue to represent an important component of phylogeographic data. Single-species studies (cf. comparative studies) that focus on vertebrates (particularly fish and to some extent, birds) represent the gold standard of phylogeographic data collection. Based on the current trajectory seen in our survey data, forecast modelling indicates that the median number of SNPs per data set for studies published by the end of the year 2016 may approach similar to 20000. This survey provides baseline information for understanding the evolution of phylogeographic data sets and underscores the fact that development of analytical methods for handling very large genetic data sets will be critical for facilitating growth of the field.
The HIV-1 subtype C has spread efficiently in the southern states of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana). Phylogeographic studies indicate that the subtype C epidemic in southern Brazil was initiated by the introduction of a single founder virus population at some time point between 1960 and 1980, but little is known about the spatial dynamics of viral spread. A total of 135 Brazilian HIV-1 subtype C pol sequences collected from 1992 to 2009 at the three southern state capitals (Porto Alegre, Florianopolis and Curitiba) were analyzed. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods were used to explore the degree of phylogenetic mixing of subtype C sequences from different cities and to reconstruct the geographical pattern of viral spread in this country region. Phylogeographic analyses supported the monophyletic origin of the HIV-1 subtype C clade circulating in southern Brazil and placed the root of that clade in Curitiba (Parana state). This analysis further suggested that Florianopolis (Santa Catarina state) is an important staging post in the subtype C dissemination displaying high viral migration rates from and to the other cities, while viral flux between Curitiba and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul state) is very low. We found a positive correlation (r(2) = 0.64) between routine travel and viral migration rates among localities. Despite the intense viral movement, phylogenetic intermixing of subtype C sequences from different Brazilian cities is lower than expected by chance. Notably, a high proportion (67%) of subtype C sequences from Porto Alegre branched within a single local monophyletic sub-cluster. These results suggest that the HIV-1 subtype C epidemic in southern Brazil has been shaped by both frequent viral migration among states and in situ dissemination of local clades.
Phylogeographic studies, which infer population history and dispersal movements from intra-specific spatial genetic variation, require expensive and time-consuming analyses that are not always feasible, especially in the case of rare or endangered species. On the other hand, comparative phylogeography of species involved in close biotic interactions may show congruent patterns depending on the specificity of the relationship. Consequently, the phylogeography of a parasite that needs two hosts to complete its life cycle should reflect population history traits of both hosts. Population movements evidenced by the parasite’s phylogeography that are not reflected in the phylogeography of one of these hosts may thus be attributed to the other host. Using the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and a parasitic tapeworm (Taenia pisiformis) as an example, we propose comparing the phylogeography of easily available organisms such as game species and their specific heteroxenous parasites to infer population movements of definitive host/predator species, independently of performing genetic analyses on the latter. This may be an interesting approach for indirectly studying the history of species whose phylogeography is difficult to analyse directly.
The native Asian oyster, Crassostrea ariakensis is one of the most common and important Crassostrea species that occur naturally along the coast of East Asia. Molecular species diagnosis is a prerequisite for population genetic analysis of wild oyster populations because oyster species cannot be discriminated reliably using external morphological characters alone due to character ambiguity. To date there have been few phylogeographic studies of natural edible oyster populations in East Asia, in particular this is true of the common species in Korea C. ariakensis. We therefore assessed the levels and patterns of molecular genetic variation in East Asian wild populations of C. ariakensis from Korea, Japan, and China using DNA sequence analysis of five concatenated mtDNA regions namely; 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome oxidase II, cytochrome oxidase III, and cytochrome b. Two divergent C. ariakensis clades were identified between southern China and remaining sites from the northern region. In addition, hierarchical AMOVA and pairwise UST analyses showed that genetic diversity was discontinuous among wild populations of C. ariakensis in East Asia. Biogeographical and historical sea level changes are discussed as potential factors that may have influenced the genetic heterogeneity of wild C. ariakensis stocks across this region.
Genetic studies on phylogeography and adaptive divergence in Northern Hemisphere fish species such as three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) provide an excellent opportunity to investigate genetic mechanisms underlying population differentiation. According to the theory, the process of population differentiation results from a complex interplay between random and deterministic processes as well historical factors. The main scope in this thesis was to study how historical factors like the Pleistocene ice ages have shaped the patterns molecular diversity in three-spined stickleback populations in Europe and how this information could be utilized in the conservation genetic context. Furthermore, identifying footprints of natural selection at the DNA level might be used in identifying genes involved in evolutionary change. Overall, the results from phylogeographic studies indicate that the three-spined stickleback has colonized the Atlantic basin relatively recently but constitutes three major evolutionary lineages in Europe. In addition, the colonization of freshwater appears to result from multiple and independent invasions by the marine conspecifics. Molecular data together with morphology suggest that the most divergent freshwater populations are located in the Balkan Peninsula and these populations deserve a special conservation genetic status without warranting further taxonomical classification. In order to investigate the adaptive divergence in Fennoscandian three-spined stickleback populations several approaches were used. First, sequence variability in the Eda-gene, coding for the number of lateral plates, was concordant with the previously observed global pattern. Full plated allele is in high frequencies among marine populations whereas low plated allele dominates in the freshwater populations. Second, a microsatellite based genome scan identified both indications of balancing and directional selection in the three-spined stickleback genome, i.e. loci with unusually similar or unusually different allele frequencies over populations. The directionally selected loci were mainly associated with the adaptation to freshwater. A follow up study conducting a more detailed analysis in a chromosome region containing a putatively selected gene locus identified a fairly large genomic region affected by natural selection. However, this region contained several gene predictions, all of which might be the actual target of natural selection. All in all, the phylogeographic and adaptive divergence studies indicate that most of the genetic divergence has occurred in the freshwater populations whereas the marine populations have remained relatively uniform.
This study addressed the large-scale molecular zoogeography in two brackish water bivalve molluscs, Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma glaucum, and genetic signatures of the postglacial colonization of Northern Europe by them. The traditional view poses that M. balthica in the Baltic, White and Barents seas (i.e. marginal seas) represent direct postglacial descendants of the adjacent Northeast Atlantic populations, but this has recently been challenged by observations of close genetic affinities between these marginal populations and those of the Northeast Pacific. The primary aim of the thesis was to verify, quantify and characterize the Pacific genetic contribution across North European populations of M. balthica and to resolve the phylogeographic histories of the two bivalve taxa in range-wide studies using information from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear allozyme polymorphisms. The presence of recent Pacific genetic influence in M. balthica of the Baltic, White and Barents seas, along with an Atlantic element, was confirmed by mtDNA sequence data. On a broader temporal and geographical scale, altogether four independent trans-Arctic invasions of Macoma from the Pacific since the Miocene seem to have been involved in generating the current North Atlantic lineage diversity. The latest trans-Arctic invasion that affected the current Baltic, White and Barents Sea populations probably took place in the early post-glacial. The nuclear genetic compositions of these marginal sea populations are intermediate between those of pure Pacific and Atlantic subspecies. In the marginal sea populations of mixed ancestry (Barents, White and Northern Baltic seas), the Pacific and Atlantic components are now randomly associated in the genomes of individual clams, which indicates both pervasive historical interbreeding between the previously long-isolated lineages (subspecies), and current isolation of these populations from the adjacent pure Atlantic populations. These mixed populations can be characterized as self-supporting hybrid swarms, and they arguably represent the most extensive marine animal hybrid swarms so far documented. Each of the three swarms still has a distinct genetic composition, and the relative Pacific contributions vary from 30 to 90 % in local populations. This diversity highlights the potential of introgressive hybridization to rapidly give rise to new evolutionarily and ecologically significant units in the marine realm. In the south of the Danish straits and in the Southern Baltic Sea, a broad genetic transition zone links the pure North Sea subspecies M. balthica rubra to the inner Baltic hybrid swarm, which has about 60 % of Pacific contribution in its genome. This transition zone has no regular smooth clinal structure, but its populations show strong genotypic disequilibria typical of a hybrid zone maintained by the interplay of selection and gene flow by dispersing pelagic larvae. The structure of the genetic transition is partly in line with features of Baltic water circulation and salinity stratification, with greater penetration of Atlantic genes on the Baltic south coast and in deeper water populations. In all, the scenarios of historical isolation and secondary contact that arise from the phylogeographic studies of both Macoma and Cerastoderma shed light to the more general but enigmatic patterns seen in marine phylogeography, where deep genetic breaks are often seen in species with high dispersal potential.
The Iberian Peninsula is recognized as an important refugial area for species survival and diversification during the climatic cycles of the Quaternary. Recent phylogeographic studies have revealed Iberia as a complex of multiple refugia. However, most of these studies have focused either on species with narrow distributions within the region or species groups that, although widely distributed, generally have a genetic structure that relates to pre-Quaternary cladogenetic events. In this study we undertake a detailed phylogeographic analysis of the lizard species, Lacerta lepida, whose distribution encompasses the entire Iberian Peninsula. We attempt to identify refugial areas, recolonization routes, zones of secondary contact and date demographic events within this species. Results support the existence of 6 evolutionary lineages (phylogroups) with a strong association between genetic variation and geography, suggesting a history of allopatric divergence in different refugia. Diversification within phylogroups is concordant with the onset of the Pleistocene climatic oscillations. The southern regions of several phylogroups show a high incidence of ancestral alleles in contrast with high incidence of recently derived alleles in northern regions. All phylogroups show signs of recent demographic and spatial expansions. We have further identified several zones of secondary contact, with divergent mitochondrial haplotypes occurring in narrow zones of sympatry. The concordant patterns of spatial and demographic expansions detected within phylogroups, together with the high incidence of ancestral haplotypes in southern regions of several phylogroups, suggests a pattern of contraction of populations into southern refugia during adverse climatic conditions from which subsequent northern expansions occurred. This study supports the emergent pattern of multiple refugia within Iberia but adds to it by identifying a pattern of refugia coincident with the southern distribution limits of individual evolutionary lineages. These areas are important in terms of long-term species persistence and therefore important areas for conservation.
In March 2012, the authors met at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, North Carolina, USA, to discuss approaches and cooperative ventures in Indo-Pacific phylogeography. The group emerged with a series of findings: (1) Marine population structure is complex, but single locus mtDNA studies continue to provide powerful first assessment of phylogeographic patterns. (2) These patterns gain greater significance/power when resolved in a diversity of taxa. New analytical tools are emerging to address these analyses with multi-taxon approaches. (3) Genome-wide analyses are warranted if selection is indicated by surveys of standard markers. Such indicators can include discordance between genetic loci, or between genetic loci and morphology. Phylogeographic information provides a valuable context for studies of selection and adaptation. (4) Phylogeographic inferences are greatly enhanced by an understanding of the biology and ecology of study organisms. (5) Thorough, range-wide sampling of taxa is the foundation for robust phylogeographic inference. (6) Congruent geographic and taxonomic sampling by the Indo-Pacific community of scientists would facilitate better comparative analyses. The group concluded that at this stage of technology and software development, judicious rather than wholesale application of genomics appears to be the most robust course for marine phylogeographic studies. Therefore, our group intends to affirm the value of traditional (''unplugged'') approaches, such as those based on mtDNA sequencing and microsatellites, along with essential field studies, in an era with increasing emphasis on genomic approaches.
Gao-Yan Li, Xu-Zhen Wang, Ya-Hui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Chun-Guang Zhang, and Shun-Ping He (2009) Speciation and phylogeography of Opsariichthys bidens (Pisces: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in China: analysis of the cytochrome b gene of mtDNA from diverse populations. Zoological Studies 48(4): 569-583. The cyprinid fish Opsariichthys bidens Gunther is distributed in all major river systems of continental East Asia, and represents an attractive model for phylogeographic studies among cyprinid species or within a given species. In this study, we investigated the phylogeographic and demographic history of this species, using partial sequences of the cytochrome (cyt) b gene in mitochondrial (mt)DNA. Fish samples were collected from almost all major river systems where O. bidens is distributed in China. Sequence analysis showed remarkably high polymorphism, with 125 haplotypes in the 234 specimens examined, and with 89.8% of haplotypes occurring in only 1 specimen. A neutrality test indicated that some groups were not at mutation-drift equilibrium, suggesting a past population expansion. These results were supported by a mismatch distribution analysis. Based on our analysis, O. bidens consists of 4 groups belonging to 2 clades. The divergence time of the 2 clades was estimated to be 11.06-8.04 my. This value corresponds to the time of the 2nd uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the emergence of the East Asian monsoon, and the Epoch-6 Event. A two species scheme is proposed. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/48.4/569.pdf
论文以线粒体细胞色素b 基因对裂腹鱼属鱼类的两个分布广泛的物种 (灰裂腹鱼Schizothorax griseus 和光唇裂腹鱼Schizothorax lissolabiatus)进行了谱系地理学研究;对灰裂腹鱼进行了物种分化研究;对光唇裂腹鱼进行了地理变异研究;并进一步对横断山区分布的裂腹鱼属鱼类进行了谱系地理学研究;整理了中国境内伊洛瓦底江水系分布的裂腹鱼属鱼类。对灰裂腹鱼和光唇裂腹鱼的谱系地理学研究结果表明:1、来自不同水系的灰裂腹鱼和光唇裂腹鱼个体间存在明显的遗传差异,两个物种各自不呈单系;灰裂腹鱼和光唇裂腹鱼同域分布的个体有共享单倍型的情况;北盘江、牛栏江、乌江和元江的个体在系统树上有较近的亲缘关系。2、对灰裂腹鱼进行了重新描述并对来自于不同水系被认为是灰裂腹鱼的标本进行了查看,结果表明:灰裂腹鱼分布于金沙江下游及其支流;分布于澜沧江的,过去被认为是灰裂腹鱼的种类代表裂腹鱼属鱼类一新种——裸腹裂腹鱼Schizothorax nudiventris sp. nov.;分布于南盘江的过去被认为是灰裂腹鱼的种类代表一新种——异鳔裂腹鱼Schizothorax heterophysallidos sp. nov.;分布于北盘江的过去被认为是灰裂腹鱼的种类代表一新种——北盘裂腹鱼Schizothorax beipanensis sp. nov.。3、本研究还陈述了光唇裂腹鱼的各地理种群(怒江、澜沧江、元江、南盘江和北盘江)部分形态特征以及差异情况。主成分分析结果表明:怒江和澜沧江个体在形态上无差异;澜沧江上游和下游个体在部分特征上表现出一定程度上的渐变异。4、横断山区裂腹鱼属鱼类的谱系地理学研究表明:系统树不支持裂腹鱼属鱼类亚属的划分;本属不同种类Cyt b 基因序列的最大遗传距离为11.2%;怒江和澜沧江的个体以较高的支持率聚成一单系;伊洛瓦底江水系与雅鲁藏布江的个体以较高的支持率聚成一单系;金沙江流域与元江、南盘江、北盘江的个体聚成一单系;晚中新世(9.5 Ma) 和早上新世(3.6 Ma)的青藏高原的强烈隆升可能是横断山区裂腹鱼属鱼类物种分化的重要时间;裂腹鱼属鱼类的演化是历史生物地理学过程中隔离分化假说的一个实例;横断山区的古河道向南入海可能有3 个方向,它们是雅鲁藏布-伊洛瓦底江方向、怒江-澜沧江方向、金沙江及其支流-红河方向(包括南盘江-红河);不支持长江第一湾为袭夺湾的观点,古金沙江入古红河可能不经剑川-洱海一线;滇中、滇东北水系发育复杂。5、本研究还对中国境内伊洛瓦底江水系分布的裂腹鱼属鱼类进行了整理。认为本地区裂腹鱼属鱼类共8 种(包括2 新种):南方裂腹鱼Schizothorax meridionalis、奇异裂腹鱼Schizothorax heteri sp. nov.、独龙裂腹鱼Schizothorax dulongensis、软刺裂腹鱼Schizothorax malacathus、少鳞裂腹鱼 Schizothorax oligolepis、吸口裂腹鱼Schizothorax myzostomus、细身裂腹鱼 Schizothorax elongatus 和白体裂腹鱼Schizothorax leukus sp. nov.。
Despite over seven decades of speciation research and 25 years of phylogeographic studies, a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms that generate biological species remains elusive. In temperate zones, the pervasiveness of range fragmentation and subsequent range expansions suggests that secondary contact between diverging lineages may be important in the evolution of species. Thus, such contact zones provide compelling opportunities to investigate evolutionary processes, particularly the roles of geographical isolation in initiating, and indirect selection against hybrids in completing (reinforcement), the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation. The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) has six well-supported mitochondrial lineages many of which are now in secondary contact. Here I investigate the evolutionary consequences of secondary contact of two such lineages (Eastern and Interior) in Southwestern Ontario using genetic, morphological, acoustical, experimental, and behavioural evidence to show accentuated divergence of the mate recognition system in sympatry. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data distinguish these two lineages but also show ongoing hybridization. Bayesian assignment tests and cline analysis imply asymmetrical introgression of Eastern lineage nuclear markers into Interior populations. Male calls are divergent between Eastern and Interior allopatric populations and show asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in sympatry. Female preference of pure lineage individuals is also exaggerated in sympatry, with hybrids showing intermediate traits and preference. I suggest that these patterns are most consistent with secondary reinforcement. I assessed levels of post-zygotic isolation between the Eastern and Interior lineages using a laboratory hybridization experiment. Hybrid tadpoles showed equal to or greater fitness than their pure lineage counterparts, but this may be countered through competition. More deformities and developmental anomalies in hybrid tadpoles further suggest post-zygotic isolation. Despite evidence for pre-mating isolation between the two lineages, isolation appears incomplete (i.e. hybridization is ongoing). I hypothesize that potentially less attractive hybrids may circumvent female choice by adopting satellite behaviour. Although mating tactics are related to body size, genetic status may play a role. I show that pure Eastern males almost always engage in calling, while hybrids adopt a satellite tactic. An absence of assortative mating, despite evidence of female preference, suggests successful satellite interception possibly facilitating introgression.
Apesar da fauna de mamíferos Neotropicais ser uma das mais ricas do mundo, o nosso conhecimento sobre os limites de espécies, distribuições geográficas e relações filogenéticas está ainda agora no seu início. As áreas de transição entre os dois maiores biomas da América do Sul, o Cerrado e a Amazónia, são ainda menos conhecidas. Até ao momento, escassos estudos focaram os pequenos mamíferos destas áreas. Destes estudos, apenas dois apresentam dados taxonómicos e de distribuição geográfica de uma lista de espécies reduzida e, nenhum é focado nos processos evolutivos que conduziram à diversidade destas áreas. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo aumentar o conhecimento básico sobre a diversidade do médio Rio Araguaia, na região central do Brasil, através da amostragem e análise de espécies de pequenos mamíferos, integrando um intenso trabalho de campo, de laboratório e de museu. Desta forma, um total de 22 espécies é registado para o médio Araguaia. De entre estas espécies, descreve-se uma espécie nova de Rhipidomys, regista-se uma espécie não descrita de Thrichomys e uma potencial nova forma de Oligoryzomys, e também se apresenta uma diagnose emendada do obscuro Oecomys cleberi. Para cada espécie, são também descritas as suas características morfológicas e resumem-se os seus aspectos de distribuição geográfica e história natural. Para os quatro géneros acima referidos, são apresentadas as análises filogenéticas que permitem a identificação das espécies. Adicionalmente, os princípios da filogeografia são aplicados para estudar os padrões da distribuição geográfica da diversidade genética de três roedores sigmodontíneos e seis marsupiais didelphídeos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o Rio Araguaia forma uma barreira geográfica para espécies especialistas em florestas não-alagáveis; por outro lado, espécies generalistas apresentam partilha de haplótipos em ambas as margens do rio. Argumentamos também que os refúgios florestais e os gradientes poderão ter tido um papel importante para moldar a estrutura genética de populações de pequenos mamíferos no Brasil central. Em suma, os resultados apresentados corroboram a proposição de que a diversidade Neotropical não poderá ser explicada através de um único modelo de especiação e que estes não são mutuamente exclusivos. O entendimento integral dos processos ecológicos e históricos que deram origem à fauna Neotropical, assim como a continuidade de estudos sistemáticos, depende da realização de novas amostragens e consequente enriquecimento dos museus com colecções apropriadas.
In conventional phylogeographic studies, historical demographic processes are elucidated from the geographical distribution of individuals represented on an inferred gene tree. However, the interpretation of gene trees in this context can be difficult as the same demographic/geographical process can randomly lead to multiple different genealogies. Likewise, the same gene trees can arise under different demographic models. This problem has led to the emergence of many statistical methods for making phylogeographic inferences. A popular phylogeographic approach based on nested clade analysis is challenged by the fact that a certain amount of the interpretation of the data is left to the subjective choices of the user, and it has been argued that the method performs poorly in simulation studies. More rigorous statistical methods based on coalescence theory have been developed. However, these methods may also be challenged by computational problems or poor model choice. In this review, we will describe the development of statistical methods in phylogeographic analysis, and discuss some of the challenges facing these methods.