972 resultados para Photosystem II reaction center
We describe the isolation and characterization of cDNAs encoding the precursor polypeptide of the 6.1-kDa polypeptide associated with the reaction center core of the photosystem II complex from spinach. PsbW, the gene encoding this polypeptide, is present in a single copy per haploid genome. The mature polypeptide with 54 amino acid residues is characterized by a hydrophobic transmembrane segment, and, although an intrinsic membrane protein, it carries a bipartite transit peptide of 83 amino acid residues which directs the N terminus of the mature protein into the chloroplast lumen. Thylakoid integration of this polypeptide does not require a delta pH across the membrane, nor is it azide-sensitive, suggesting that the polypeptide chain inserts spontaneously in an as yet unknown way. The PsbW mRNA levels are light regulated. Similar to cytochrome b559 and PsbS, but different from the chlorophyll-complexing polypeptides D1, D2, CP43, and CP47 of photosystem II, PsbW is present in etiolated spinach seedlings.
We studied the electronically excited state of the isolated reaction center of photosystem II with high-resolution fluorescence spectroscopy at 5 K and compared the obtained spectral features with those obtained earlier for the primary electron donor. The results show that there is a striking resemblance between the emitting and charge-separating states in the photosystem II reaction center, such as a very similar shape of the phonon wing with characteristic features at 19 and 80 cm−1, almost identical frequencies of a number of vibrational modes, a very similar double-Gaussian shape of the inhomogeneous distribution function, and relatively strong electron-phonon coupling for both states. We suggest that the emission at 5 K originates either from an exciton state delocalized over the inactive branch of the photosystem or from a fraction of the primary electron donor that is long-lived at 5 K. The latter possibility can be explained by a distribution of the free energy difference of the primary charge separation reaction around zero. Both possibilities are in line with the idea that the state that drives primary charge separation in the reaction center of photosystem II is a collective state, with contributions from all chlorophyll molecules in the central part of the complex.
A far-red type of oxygenic photosynthesis was discovered in Acaryochloris marina, a recently found marine prokaryote that produces an atypical pigment chlorophyll d (Chl d). The purified photosystem I reaction center complex of A. marina contained 180 Chl d per 1 Chl a with PsaA–F, -L, -K, and two extra polypeptides. Laser excitation induced absorption changes of reaction center Chl d that was named P740 after its peak wavelength. A midpoint oxidation reduction potential of P740 was determined to be +335 mV. P740 uses light of significantly low quantum energy (740 nm = 1.68 eV) but generates a reducing power almost equivalent to that produced by a special pair of Chl a (P700) that absorbs red light at 700 nm (1.77 eV) in photosystem I of plants and cyanobacteria. The oxygenic photosynthesis based on Chl d might either be an acclimation to the far-red light environments or an evolutionary intermediate between the red-absorbing oxygenic and the far-red absorbing anoxygenic photosynthesis that uses bacteriochlorophylls.
We consider a model of the photosystem II (PS II) reaction center in which its spectral properties result from weak (approximately 100 cm-1) excitonic interactions between the majority of reaction center chlorins. Such a model is consistent with a structure similar to that of the reaction center of purple bacteria but with a reduced coupling of the chlorophyll special pair. We find that this model is consistent with many experimental studies of PS II. The similarity in magnitude of the exciton coupling and energetic disorder in PS II results in the exciton states being structurally highly heterogeneous. This model suggests that P680, the primary electron donor of PS II, should not be considered a dimer but a multimer of several weakly coupled pigments, including the pheophytin electron acceptor. We thus conclude that even if the reaction center of PS II is structurally similar to that of purple bacteria, its spectroscopy and primary photochemistry may be very different.
全文分两部分,(1).PsⅡ反应中心色素分子光破坏的分子机理研究;(2).PSⅡ反应中心原初反应的动力学机理研究。 在第一部分中,在分离纯化的光系统Ⅱ反应中心Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物中,采用高效液相色谱技术,首次发现PSⅡ反应中心去镁叶绿素分子的光照破坏,研究了去镁叶绿素的光破坏机理,观察到PsⅡ反应中心内部存在一个与光化学活性无关的去镁叶绿素分子,从而提供了PSⅡ反应中心存在两条电子传递链的第一个实验证据,提出了去镁叶绿素对PsⅡ反应中心的光保护假说和光合作用反应中心第二条电子传递支路的光保护假说。用高效液相色谱技术还观察到PSⅡ反应中心的6个叶绿素a分子,有三种不同的存在状态,认为PSl反应中心的最小色素组成为每个反应中心含有4个叶绿素a和2个去镁叶绿素。用光破坏的方法证明PsⅡ原初电子供体P680是由两个叶绿素n分子组成,认为P680是以一个二聚体形式存在,首次发现P680的光破坏过程包含失去中心镁原子的反应。 在第二部分中,用皮秒和飞秒时间分辨光谱技术,在PsⅡ颗粒、PsⅡ核心复合物和PSⅡ反应中心三个层次上,研究了PsⅡ原初反应的动力学性质,着重研究电荷分离和PsⅡ反应中心内部的能量传递过程。结果表明,B-胡萝卜素和P680之间的能量传递时间常数为350p8左右,去镁叶绿素a与P680之间的能量传递时间为lOOp8左右,提出了可能的动力学模型。 在目前分歧最大的原初电荷分离时间常数测定这一焦点问题上,得到的初步结果表明PsⅡ反应中心电荷分离时间为3-3.5pa左右,这一结论与文献上报道的21pa不同,丽倾向于支持国际上3p8的观点。
由于光系统Ⅱ反应中心Dl/D2/Cyt b559色素蛋白复合物(PSII-RC)的红 区吸收光谱严重重叠,给其组成特性研究及光抑制分子机理研究造成 了困难,因此我们运用多种光谱分析技术配合计算机数据处理技术对 PSII-RC复合物的组成特性进行了研究,并用自己建立的方法对PSII-RC 的色素和多肽的化学计量进行了进一步确定,另外还重点研究了单线 态氧在PSII-RC光破坏中的作用,据此提出新的PSD[-RC光抑制分子机 理。主要结果如下: 1.用反相HPLC外标法测定我们制备的色谱纯PSR-RC样品的色素化 学计量结果为Chl:Pheo:Car= 6:2:2。我们发现,当PSII-RC中存在微量CP47 时,Chl: Pheo的比例与CP47的含量呈正相关关系,说明较高的Chl比例 可能表示样品中有CP47污染。结果还表明PSII-RC中Car: Pheo的比例也与 CP47含量有关,说明CP47可影响Car在PSII-RC上的结合,这暗示CP47可 能结合Car,或者CP47对PSII-RC上Car的结合位点有影响,这一推测对阐 明CP47的功能有一定启发作用。 2.建立了一种估算PSII-RC多肽化学计量的理论计算方法,即利用计 算机统计PSII-RC中各多肽组分的不同氨基酸残基数量,以确定不同多 肽化学计量时的理论氨基酸残基组成,并与PSlI-RC的实测氨基酸残基 组成进行比较,得到所用PSII-RC样品的多肽化学计量值为D1+D2:Cyt b559-o+邮:I=2:1:1. 3.对PSII-RC的红区吸收光谱进行了高斯解析,发现680 nm附近含有 峰高和半高宽明显不同的两个高斯组分,它们对光抑制处理的响应具 有明显差别,分别表现了P680和Pheo的特征。由此可知,在680nm处除了 有P680的信号外,PSII-RC中的Pheo在这个区域也有跃迁组分。这个结果 表明光抑制进程中PSII-RC红区吸收光谱信号的下降除了P680的破坏 外,还与Pheo的破坏有关。 4.用Ste)anov关系式分析了PSII-RC色素激发态分布的平衡状态,发现 经过暗适应的PSII-RC的激发态可达到充分的平衡,光抑制处理可导致 PSIL-RC激发态平衡受到破坏。 5.用荧光发射光谱观察到PSII-RC在光抑制进程中有弱光破坏和强光 破坏两个破坏过程,前者是与色素间能量传递的色素结合状态与 取向的破坏,后者与色素本身化学结构的破坏有关。通过研究不同激发波长下的发射光谱发现Car的弱光破坏过程比Chl快,暗示Car可能的保护作用,而Pheo的破坏程度比Chl小。从发射光谱组分的光破坏时间 进程推断强光破坏过程导致的色素破坏是多步反应,验证我们小组原 先报导的PSII-RC的多步反应特性。 6.首次将磁圆二色光谱( MCD)技术应用于PSII-RC研究,发现MCD明显表现出比吸收光谱要丰富得多的光谱精细结构,同时还具有较高的灵敏度和分辨率,不经过任何解析就可直接观察到680 nm组分及其它色素组分的变化,而且PSⅡ-RC中的Car没有明显MCD信号,使PSII-RC谱 图简化,便于进一步分析。用MCD技术还观察到光抑制初期Chl从PSII- RC复合物上脱离及Pheo的光破坏现象。 7.分别用HPLC法、吸收光谱高斯解析法、荧光发射光谱分析法和MCD法共四种方法证明了PSII-RC中Pheo的光破坏,充分证实我们小组关于Pheo光破坏的报导,同时还证明Pheo的光破坏是单线态氧作用的结果。 8.给出了单线态氧参与PSII-RC色素和蛋白光破坏的直接实验证 据,即发现光抑制过程中色素和蛋白的破坏受到单线态氧的特异性清除剂的保护,用化学方法在暗中产生的单线态氧同样造成与光抑制相 似的PSII-RC各组分的损伤,由此说明单线态氧是PSII-RC光抑制过程中 的直接破坏因子。 9.提出了PSII-RC中Hiis残基光破坏的一种新的分子机理。用组氨酸残基的特异性化学修饰剂证实以前我们实验室发现的PSI[-RC组氨酸残基的光破坏,根据比较蛋白变性前后的测定结果,初步证明PSIl-RC中 受光破坏的His残基位于P680附近。我们还观察到光抑制处理后,PSII- RC表现与组氨酸残基被修饰后的样品相似的紫外吸收特征,由此提出 PSII-RC中His残基光破坏的一种分子机理,即His残基的眯唑环上的两个氮原子与其它多肽上的游离氨基在单线态氧的作用下发生反应形成酰 胺键而导致PsII-RC多肽间的共价交联,推测PSII-RC中His残基的光破坏与其蛋白的光致交联和降解有直接的因果联系。
光系统II(PSII)是存在于类囊体膜中的多亚基色素蛋白复合物,是吸收光能、催化光诱导水裂解释放氧气、质子和电子的重要机构。它在体内的基本单位是由外周天线蛋白(LHCII)与PSII核心复合物结合形成的PSII-LHCII超分子复合物,这一结构保证了LHCII吸收的能量能够快速有效的传递到PSII反应中心(RC),进行原初光化学反应。 本论文分为两部分:1、利用捕光色素蛋白复合物(LHCII)与PSII核心复合物在以DGDG、PG、SQDG三种类囊体膜脂形成的脂质体中重组的方法,研究了LHCII与PSII在脂膜上结构与功能的相互作用;2、通过研究光破坏和色素置换对PSII RC的影响,探讨了RC中不同色素的功能。主要结果如下: 1、LHCII与PSII核心复合物的蛋白脂质体研究: 将OECC(粗提核心复合物)、pdOE(纯化核心复合物)、LHCII(大量天线)制剂分别与脂质体重组并研究了其光谱性质。LHCII在与脂质体重组前表现出典型的聚集态光谱特征,重组后吸收和荧光发射峰发生明显蓝移;LHCII、OECC和pdOE三种蛋白脂质体与重组前的样品相比荧光发射强度增加;表明脂环境影响了色素蛋白复合物的聚集状态以及色素和蛋白之间的相互作用。 OECC和pdOE分别与LHCII在脂质体中重组,得到两种重组蛋白(LHCII-OECC和LHCII-pdOE)脂质体,用冰冻蚀刻电镜技术和低温荧光光谱的方法研究其结构和功能特征。LHCII和核心复合物(OECC或pdOE)结合形成PSII-LHCII重组颗粒,并在脂质体中均匀排布,阻止了LHCII晶格状结构的形成。重组蛋白脂质体的吸收光谱既有LHCII的吸收特征,又有核心复合物的特征吸收峰,但低温荧光光谱的主要发射峰是核心复合物的特征峰(684 nm-685 nm),而不是LHCII的特征峰(680 nm);而且激发不同色素得到的荧光发射光谱基本一致,这些结果证明LHCII吸收的能量传递到了核心复合物中,在重组蛋白脂质体中不同色素蛋白复合物在结构和功能上都实现了相互偶联。 通过对OECC或pdOE与LHCII重组形成的蛋白脂质体放氧或DCPIP光还原活性的检测研究了PSII光化学活性特征。LHCII和核心复合物(OECC或pdOE)的重组蛋白脂质体与单独核心脂质体相比,在强光和弱光下光化学活性都明显提高。这从另一个角度证明了核心复合物与LHCII的功能偶联,LHCII的结合使捕光截面积增大,从而使PSII光化学活性增加。 用77K飞秒时间分辨荧光光谱分析了几种蛋白脂质体的能量传递和捕获情况。LHCII、OECC和pdOE三种蛋白脂质体的主要荧光衰减组分分别是670 ps(发射峰在680 nm)、650 ps(发射峰在690 nm)和570 ps(发射峰在685 nm)。LHCII-OECC和LHCII-pdOE脂质体的主要衰减组分分别是940 ps(发射峰在690 nm)和840 ps(发射峰在685 nm),并且出现了一个在核心复合物脂质体和LHCII脂质体中没有的40 ps组分,可以推测,这是LHCII和核心复合物之间达到平衡的时间组分,比激发态衰减的平均寿命要快得多,因此支持了PSII的trap-limited激发能衰减动力学模型。此外,可以看到天线的增大使Chl a荧光衰减的寿命延长,这一特性可能与PSII的光保护机制有关。 LHCII和OECC、LHCII和pdOE在脂质体中都成功的实现了重组,而且在结构和功能上没有明显差异;表明小天线以及23 kDa、17 kDa蛋白可能不是LHCII和核心复合物结合及能量传递所必需的。 2、受体侧光破坏和色素置换对PSII RC的影响: 在800 μmol.m-2 .s-1光照和无外加电子受体、供体的情况下,研究了PSII RC色素的受体侧光破坏情况。Chl a、Pheo和β-Car的光漂白几乎同时发生,其中在680 nm吸收的色素破坏最为显著,670 nm吸收的外周Chl比其他色素更加稳定。荧光发射强度呈先升高后降低的趋势,最大发射峰位逐渐蓝移,表明色素之间的能量传递受到破坏。用β-Car的主要吸收波长488 nm和514.5 nm激发得到两组谱带峰位和强度不同的拉曼光谱,表明在PSII RC中存在两个光谱性质不同的β-Car。光破坏过程中两组谱带的位置和带宽都没有明显变化,表明β-Car的光保护机制不涉及自身构象的变化。 将PSII RC与Cu-Chl a进行色素置换,得到了与Cu-Chl重组的RC(Cu-Chl-RC),含有0.5 Cu-Chl/2Pheo。与对照RC(按同样方式与Chl a置换的RC)和天然RC相比,Cu-Chl含量增加而Chl含量减少,660 nm的吸收增加而670 nm吸收降低,因此推测是外周Chl被替换。色素置换过程对RC的多肽组分及大部分的P680活性没有影响,CD光谱的变化也很小,表明产生CD信号的色素和蛋白环境也没有受到明显影响。但是Cu-Chl-RC的荧光发射强度明显降低,最大发射峰蓝移且峰形发生变化,Cu-Chl可能在重组RC中作为激发态的淬灭剂,阻碍了色素之间的能量传递。
The chloroplast gene psbD encodes D2, a chlorophyll-binding protein located in the photosystem II reaction center. Transcription of psbD in higher plants involves at least three promoters, one of which is regulated by blue light. The psbD blue-light-regulated promoter (BLRP) consists of a −10 promoter element and an activating complex, AGF, that binds immediately upstream of −35. A second sequence-specific DNA-binding complex, PGTF, binds upstream of AGF between −71 and −100 in the barley (Hordeum vulgare) psbD BLRP. In this study we report that ADP-dependent phosphorylation selectively inhibits the binding of PGTF to the barley psbD BLRP. ATP at high concentrations (1–5 mm) inhibits PGTF binding, but in the presence of phosphocreatine and phosphocreatine kinase, this capacity is lost, presumably due to scavenging of ADP. ADP inhibits PGTF binding at relatively low concentrations (0.1 mm), whereas other nucleotides are unable to mediate this response. ADP-mediated inhibition of PGTF binding is reduced in the presence of the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. This and other results suggest that ADP-dependent phosphorylation of PGTF (or some associated protein) inhibits binding of PGTF to the psbD BLRP and reduces transcription. ADP-dependent phosphorylation is expected to increase in darkness in parallel with the rise in ADP levels in chloroplasts. ADP-dependent phosphorylation in chloroplasts may, therefore, in coordination, inactivate enzymes involved in carbon assimilation, protein synthesis, and transcription during diurnal light/dark cycles.
Isolated subcomplexes of photosystem II from spinach (CP47RC), composed of D1, D2, cytochrome b559, CP47, and a number of hydrophobic small subunits but devoid of CP43 and the extrinsic proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex, were shown to reconstitute the Mn4Ca1Clx cluster of the water-splitting system and to evolve oxygen. The photoactivation process in CP47RC dimers proceeds by the same two-step mechanism as observed in PSII membranes and exhibits the same stoichiometry for Mn2+, but with a 10-fold lower affinity for Ca2+ and an increased susceptibility to photodamage. After the lower Ca2+ affinity and the 10-fold smaller absorption cross-section for photons in CP47 dimers is taken into account, the intrinsic rate constant for the rate-limiting calcium-dependent dark step is indistinguishable for the two systems. The monomeric form of CP47RC also showed capacity to photoactivate and catalyze water oxidation, but with lower activity than the dimeric form and increased susceptibility to photodamage. After optimization of the various parameters affecting the photoactivation process in dimeric CP47RC subcores, 18% of the complexes were functionally reconstituted and the quantum efficiency for oxygen production by reactivated centers approached 96% of that observed for reconstituted photosystem II-enriched membranes.
We report 13C magic angle spinning NMR observation of photochemically induced dynamic nuclear spin polarization (photo- CIDNP) in the reaction center (RC) of photosystem II (PS2). The light-enhanced NMR signals of the natural abundance 13C provide information on the electronic structure of the primary electron donor P680 (chlorophyll a molecules absorbing around 680 nm) and on the pz spin density pattern in its oxidized form, P680⨥. Most centerband signals can be attributed to a single chlorophyll a (Chl a) cofactor that has little interaction with other pigments. The chemical shift anisotropy of the most intense signals is characteristic for aromatic carbon atoms. The data reveal a pronounced asymmetry of the electronic spin density distribution within the P680⨥. PS2 shows only a single broad and intense emissive signal, which is assigned to both the C-10 and C-15 methine carbon atoms. The spin density appears shifted toward ring III. This shift is remarkable, because, for monomeric Chl a radical cations in solution, the region of highest spin density is around ring II. It leads to a first hypothesis as to how the planet can provide itself with the chemical potential to split water and generate an oxygen atmosphere using the Chl a macroaromatic cycle. A local electrostatic field close to ring III can polarize the electronic charge and associated spin density and increase the redox potential of P680 by stabilizing the highest occupied molecular orbital, without a major change of color. This field could be produced, e.g., by protonation of the keto group of ring V. Finally, the radical cation electronic structure in PS2 is different from that in the bacterial RC, which shows at least four emissive centerbands, indicating a symmetric spin density distribution over the entire bacteriochlorophyll macrocycle.
Several mutant strains of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with large deletions in the D-E loop of the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center polypeptide D1 were subjected to high light to investigate the role of this hydrophilic loop in the photoinhibition cascade of PSII. The tolerance of PSII to photoinhibition in the autotrophic mutant ΔR225-F239 (PD), when oxygen evolution was monitored with 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone and the equal susceptibility compared with control when monitored with bicarbonate, suggested an inactivation of the QB-binding niche as the first event in the photoinhibition cascade in vivo. This step in PD was largely reversible at low light without the need for protein synthesis. Only the next event, inactivation of QA reduction, was irreversible and gave a signal for D1 polypeptide degradation. The heterotrophic deletion mutants ΔG240-V249 and ΔR225-V249 had severely modified QB pockets, yet exhibited high rates of 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone-mediated oxygen evolution and less tolerance to photoinhibition than PD. Moreover, the protein-synthesis-dependent recovery of PSII from photoinhibition was impaired in the ΔG240-V249 and ΔR225-V249 mutants because of the effects of the mutations on the expression of the psbA-2 gene. No specific sequences in the D-E loop were found to be essential for high rates of D1 polypeptide degradation.