906 resultados para Phelps, Nicholas A
A warrant for 20 pounds, equal property, or the bodies of Phelps, a cooper, and Farwell a husbandman, both of Harvard to answer a charge of debt made by Nicholas Patterson of Shirley.
Background Twin and family studies have shown that genetic effects explain a relatively high amount of the phenotypic variation in blood pressure. However, many studies have not been able to replicate findings of association between specific polymorphisms and diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Methods In a structural equation-modelling framework the authors investigated longitudinal changes in repeated measures of blood pressures in a sample of 298 like-sexed twin pairs from the population-based Swedish Twin Registry. Also examined was the association between blood pressure and polymorphisms in the angiotensin-I converting enzyme and the angiotensin 11 receptor type 1 with the 'Fulker' test Both linkage and association were tested simultaneously revealing whether the polymorphism is a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) or in linkage disequilibrium with the QTL. Results Genetic influences explained up to 46% of the phenotypic variance in diastolic and 63% of the phenotypic variance in systolic blood pressure. Genetic influences were stable over time and contributed up to 78% of the phenotypic correlation in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Non-shared environmental effects were characterised by time specific influences and little transmission from one time point to the next. There was no significant linkage and association between the polymorphisms and blood pressure. Conclusions There is a considerable genetic stability in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure for a 6-year period of time in adult life. Non-shared environmental influences have a small long-term effect Although associations with the polymorphisms could not be replicated, results should be interpreted with caution due to power considerations. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
n.s. no.37(2004)
Sobriété, promotion de l'agriculture biologique, chasse au gaspillage... Ces principes bioéconomiques énoncés par Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen dans les années 1970 ont été à l'origine de l'association communément faite entre ses travaux et le mouvement de la décroissance. Cette affiliation s'avère pourtant réductrice. La participation de Georgescu-Roegen aux premiers débats écologiques et son appel à une réforme profonde de la théorie économique en font un acteur majeur des débats intellectuels de la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, bien au-delà des controverses de l'écologie radicale. La pensée de Georgescu-Roegen, à travers ses inspirations, sa clairvoyance, ses subtilités, mais aussi ses ambiguités et contradictions, offre un cadre de réflexion privilégié pour enraciner la réflexion économique dans la dynamique écologique. Cet ouvrage contient par ailleurs la réédition d'un texte méconnu de Georgescu-Roegen publié en 1978, « De la science économique à la bioéconomie », et riche en enseignements dans le contexte des préoccupations environnementales actuelles.
Oliver Phelps, son of Noah and Sarah (Adams) Phelps, was born in 1779 in Connecticut. In 1800 he married Abigail St. John, daughter of Lt. Samuel St. John and his wife Lois Hamilton. They had 9 daughters and 7 sons. Oliver Phelps came to Canada as a contractor on the first Welland Canal. In addition, he became a land owner and mill owner in partnership with William Hamilton Merritt. Oliver Phelps died in 1851 in Cayuga, Ontario along the Grand River. Some correspondence originates from a place called “Deep Cut”, an earlier name for the village of Allanburg, Thorold Township, Welland County.
Survey map and description of Oliver Phelp's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; lock no.'s 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, concessions. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. This survey for the land was signed and submitted on August 23, 1826. The land totals 18 3/4 acres, 2 roads and 39 perches.
Survey map and description of Oliver Phelp's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; Vanderburgh's land, hydraulic ditch, locks 15-20, lot divisions. The land totals 50 acres. The deed for the land is dated June 8th, 1832. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.See also page 161. Please note the measurments listed under "overall dimensions" are for the text only if the text appears on a seperate page from the drawing.
Indenture of bargain and sale between Orson Phelps formerly of St. Catharines, but at the time of the transaction, was living in Buffalo, New York and Calista M. Phelps (his wife) and Owen Clifford of Grantham for lots numbered 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession in Grantham Township. The instrument no. is 3411, July 11, 1851.
List (4 pages of printed material) tracing the details of the water race to go through the lands of Phelps, Clendinnan, Sanderson, Butler and Chase. This includes a copy of the following: the authority dated Dec. 22, 1829; a letter of encouragement dated Oct. 24, 1833; a transfer from Dittrick, Adams and others to the Welland Canal Company dated Dec. 6, 1834; a lease from the Welland Canal Co. to Adams and others dated Nov. 28, 1834 and the terms of the indenture dated May 24, 1847.