941 resultados para Petroleo : Refino : Resíduos contaminados


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Resíduos do refino de petróleo dispostos no meio ambiente representam fontes de contaminação por metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos para solos, subsolos, águas superficiais e subterrâneas. O presente estudo foi realizado na área designada Borreiro da Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini, RS – REFAP, onde nas décadas de ‘70 e ‘80 foram depositados resíduos do refino de petróleo (borra) intercalados com camadas de aterros em volume total da ordem de 100.500 m3. O uso da área cessou há cerca de 20 anos, estando os materiais, desde então sujeitos aos mecanismos de atenuação natural. É objetivo do trabalho avaliar a situação da área, relacionando e descrevendo as interações dos sedimentos e das águas subterrâneas com os contaminantes. Para caracterização geológica e hidrogeológica da área foram realizadas 35 sondagens e construídos 6 poços de monitoramento com profundidades de 5 a 7 metros. Visando avaliar a contaminação do meio ambiente pela disposição de borra, foram amostrados os materiais do depósito, bem como os sedimentos cenozóicos que constituem a base do depósito, formada dominantemente por areia fina siltico-argilosa. Também foram coletadas, amostras de águas subterrâneas do aqüífero freático que juntamente com os sedimentos foram analisadas por Espectrofotometria de Absorção Atômica e por Cromatografia Gasosa. Para caracterização da distribuição espacial e análise da mobilidade dos componentes da borra, foram construídos mapas de isoteores e perfis verticais das sondagens, comparando textura dominante e profundidade de cada amostra com seu conteúdo de contaminante. Foram realizados testes de lixiviação e de solubilização para avaliar a relação dos contaminantes com os materiais, permitindo classificar as amostras de acordo com a NBR-10.004, determinando, assim as zonas mais impactadas da área. A caracterização geológica e hidrogeológica serviu de base de dados para a apresentação da dispersão dos contaminantes no depósito, nos sedimentos cenozóicos e no aqüífero freático. Foi definida a dispersão dos contaminantes orgânicos nas fases, livre, adsorvida, residual, gasosa e dissolvida bem como a distribuição dos metais na superfície, no subsolo e nas águas subterrâneas.


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O presente estudo apresenta uma caracterização e classificação dos resíduos de madeira gerados no processo de fabricação de móveis de uma das maiores indústrias do pólo moveleiro de Votuporanga-SP, proporcionando um diagnóstico da geração anual dos resíduos de madeira, a participação percentual desses resíduos, a identificação dos resíduos contaminados, realizando uma análise sobre aproveitamento e destinação dos resíduos, além de propor medidas de reciclagem e ações que venham promover a minimização de resíduos na indústria.


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Neste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo de óleos refrigerantes emulsionados utilizados em máquinas de usinagem da indústria metal-mecânica, com o objetivo de minimizar os gastos com reposição de óleo e o volume de resíduos contaminados pelo mesmo. Foram constatados três problemas principais na utilização do óleo refrigerante emulsionado em estudo: a presença de bactérias degradantes do óleo, a reposição da emulsão de maneira indevida e o arraste de óleo pelos cavacos e limalhas provenientes da própria usinagem. Como solução para estes três problemas principais, foi projetado um equipamento de controle e automação. Este protótipo é composto por três partes essenciais: tratamento bacteriológico prévio da água usada para emulsão do óleo, passagem da água de reposição através dos cavacos e limalhas e controle da concentração do óleo na emulsão. O protótipo foi instalado em um máquina de usinagem da Empresa AGCO do Brasil, sede Canoas e os resultados obtidos foram surpreendentes quanto às grandes possibilidades de minimização dos gastos com óleo refrigerante e do volume de resíduos contaminados por óleos.


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A recuperação de metais a partir de resíduos é uma actividade ligada à valorização de resíduos que se afigura essencial à preservação de recursos naturais. O tratamento de resíduos metálicos é essencial para o sucesso da reciclagem. O tratamento permite diminuir contaminações com outros materiais, melhorar a valorização e diminuir os custos de transporte. Ao tratamento encontram-se associadas diferentes operações, cuja finalidade é preparar os metais de acordo com os requisitos de processo dos recicladores. A fragmentação é uma das operações de pré-tratamento mais relevantes pela sua capacidade de processamento e pela possibilidade de permitir separar resíduos contaminados com outros materiais. O presente trabalho efectua uma análise inicial ao sector e às tecnologias existentes permitindo introduzir posteriormente o caso de estudo, a instalação em Vila Nova de Gaia da empresa Constantino Fernandes Oliveira & Filhos, SA. O enfoque ao caso de estudo aborda o tema da eficiência energética, um dos principais custos de produção. Nesta perspectiva identifica pontos críticos e estabelece medidas de eficiência energética que permitam reduzir o consumo energético. As medidas propostas foram a colocação de um variador electrónico de velocidade no ventilador principal da fragmentadora e no compressor e a substituição da iluminação existente por iluminação LED. As medidas propostas permitem a redução do consumo específico de energia de 9,39 kgep/t para 8,81 kgep/t. Sendo a fragmentação uma das operações mais relevantes na actividade da instalação estudada, no presente trabalho, efectuou-se a análise do modelo operatório com recurso à aplicação STAN de análise de fluxos de materiais. O procedimento de análise envolveu a criação de vários cenários de exploração no tratamento de resíduos. O objectivo das simulações é a contabilização dos custos referentes ao tratamento dos resíduos permitindo melhorias na vertente operacional, ambiental e económica. Um dos cenários simulados foi a remoção dos veículos em fim de vida dos resíduos a fragmentar, onde se constatou que apesar de uma redução dos resíduos processados, os proveitos por quantidade processada não alteram relativamente ao modelo operatório de base. Este facto deve-se sobretudo aos custos elevados de tratamento de resíduos gerados no processo de fragmentação dos veículos em fim de vida.


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In this study, was used a very promising technique called of pyrolysis, which can be used for obtaining products with higher added value. From oils and residues, since the contribution of heavier oils and residues has intensified to the world refining industry, due to the growing demand for fuel, for example, liquid hydrocarbons in the range of gasoline and diesel. The catalytic pyrolysis of vacuum residues was performed with the use of a mesoporous material belonging the M41S family, which was discovered in the early 90s by researchers Mobil Oil Corporation, allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal arrangement of mesopores with pore diameters between 2 and 10 nm and a high specific surface area, making it very promising for use as a catalyst in petroleum refining for catalytic cracking, and their mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more positive for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous material of the type Al-MCM41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) was synthesized by hydrothermal method starting from the silica gel, NaOH and distilled water added to the gel pseudobohemita synthesis. Driver was used as structural CTMABr. Removal of organic driver (CTMABr) was observed by TG / DTG and FTIR, but this material was characterized by XRD, which was observed the formation of the main peaks characteristic of mesoporous materials. The analysis of adsorption / desorption of nitrogen this material textural parameters were determined. The vacuum residues (VR's) that are products of the bottom of the vacuum distillation tower used in this study are different from oil fields (regions of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro). Previously characterized by various techniques such as FTIR, viscosity, density, SARA, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry, which was performed by thermal and catalytic degradation of vacuum residues. The effect of AlMCM-41 was satisfactory, since promoted a decrease in certain ranges of temperature required in the process of conversion of hydrocarbons, but also promoted a decrease in energy required in the process. Thus enabling lower costs related to energy expenditure from degradation during processing of the waste


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The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery


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DISTRIBUTION and BIOAVAILABILITY of CHROMIUM IN CONTAMINATED SOILS BY TANNERY RESIDUES. Samples of soil, water and sediment were collected and analyzed in order to evaluate chromium contamination due to deposition of tannery residues onto soils under different management regimes. The results showed that soils used for sugar cane cultivation were not adversely impacted. However, in the case of mango plantations, variable concentrations of chromium were measured in the soil profile, with 22.2% of values being higher than permitted legal limits, and 38.9% being at levels requiring remediation. Concentrations of bioavailable chromium were lower than the detection limit of the method (0.01 mg of chromium kg(-1) of soil), indicating that all of the chromium present in the samples was either complexed or in an insoluble form. Chromium concentrations measured in samples of water and sediments were indicative of low mobility of the metal in soils. The main cause of differences found between soil samples obtained from different cultivations was the type of soil management.


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In this study, was used a very promising technique called of pyrolysis, which can be used for obtaining products with higher added value. From oils and residues, since the contribution of heavier oils and residues has intensified to the world refining industry, due to the growing demand for fuel, for example, liquid hydrocarbons in the range of gasoline and diesel. The catalytic pyrolysis of vacuum residues was performed with the use of a mesoporous material belonging the M41S family, which was discovered in the early 90s by researchers Mobil Oil Corporation, allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal arrangement of mesopores with pore diameters between 2 and 10 nm and a high specific surface area, making it very promising for use as a catalyst in petroleum refining for catalytic cracking, and their mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more positive for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous material of the type Al-MCM41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) was synthesized by hydrothermal method starting from the silica gel, NaOH and distilled water added to the gel pseudobohemita synthesis. Driver was used as structural CTMABr. Removal of organic driver (CTMABr) was observed by TG / DTG and FTIR, but this material was characterized by XRD, which was observed the formation of the main peaks characteristic of mesoporous materials. The analysis of adsorption / desorption of nitrogen this material textural parameters were determined. The vacuum residues (VR's) that are products of the bottom of the vacuum distillation tower used in this study are different from oil fields (regions of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro). Previously characterized by various techniques such as FTIR, viscosity, density, SARA, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry, which was performed by thermal and catalytic degradation of vacuum residues. The effect of AlMCM-41 was satisfactory, since promoted a decrease in certain ranges of temperature required in the process of conversion of hydrocarbons, but also promoted a decrease in energy required in the process. Thus enabling lower costs related to energy expenditure from degradation during processing of the waste


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The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery


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The worldwide concern regarding the use of sustainable energy and preserving the environment are determining factors in the search for resources and alternative sources of energy and therefore fuel less aggressive nature. In response to these difficulties Biodiesel has emerged as a good solution because it is produced from renewable sources, produces burns cleaner and is easily reproducible. This work was synthesized with biodiesel oil, sunflower via homogeneous catalysis in the presence of KOH, with and without the use of BHT and subsequently added to the blends BX (a proportion of biodiesel X = 5, 10, 15 and 20 %). Atmospheric distillation of the analysis, performed in blends with and without BHT were collected residue generated by each sample and performed a study heat from the thermogravimetric analysis at a heating rate of 10 °C*min-1, nitrogen atmosphere and heating to 600 °C. According to the specifications of Resolution N 7/2008 for biodiesel, it was found that the synthesized material was in accordance with the specifications. For blends showed that the samples are in accordance with the Resolution of ANP N 42/2009. From the TG / DTG curves of the samples of biodiesel, blends and waste can be seen that these show a single loss of thermal decomposition concerning constituents present in each sample. The blends without BHT with ratios of 5%, 10% and 15% biodiesel showed a lower amount of waste (1,07%; 1,09% e 1,10%) to mineral diesel (1,15%). Therefore, it is concluded that the addition of biodiesel with diesel mineral can improve some physico-chemical parameters, but also, depending on the added amount, decreasing the amount of waste generated. This fact is of great importance because the carbonaceous residue can cause problems in mechanical equipment and parts for vehicles, causing more frequent maintenance, and this is not desirable


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The petroleum industry, in consequence of an intense activity of exploration and production, is responsible by great part of the generation of residues, which are considered toxic and pollutants to the environment. Among these, the oil sludge is found produced during the production, transportation and refine phases. This work had the purpose to develop a process to recovery the oil present in oil sludge, in order to use the recovered oil as fuel or return it to the refining plant. From the preliminary tests, were identified the most important independent variables, like: temperature, contact time, solvents and acid volumes. Initially, a series of parameters to characterize the oil sludge was determined to characterize its. A special extractor was projected to work with oily waste. Two experimental designs were applied: fractional factorial and Doehlert. The tests were carried out in batch process to the conditions of the experimental designs applied. The efficiency obtained in the oil extraction process was 70%, in average. Oil sludge is composed of 36,2% of oil, 16,8% of ash, 40% of water and 7% of volatile constituents. However, the statistical analysis showed that the quadratic model was not well fitted to the process with a relative low determination coefficient (60,6%). This occurred due to the complexity of the oil sludge. To obtain a model able to represent the experiments, the mathematical model was used, the so called artificial neural networks (RNA), which was generated, initially, with 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 neurons in the hidden layer, 64 experimental results and 10000 presentations (interactions). Lesser dispersions were verified between the experimental and calculated values using 4 neurons, regarding the proportion of experimental points and estimated parameters. The analysis of the average deviations of the test divided by the respective training showed up that 2150 presentations resulted in the best value parameters. For the new model, the determination coefficient was 87,5%, which is quite satisfactory for the studied system


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the potential of the oil extracted from tilapia residues filleting for biodiesel production, select the one that presents the greatest potential for this purpose and characterize the obtained biodiesel to be neutralized or refined and analyzed according to their physicochemical and yield characteristics. For this, the crude heads, carcasses and offal which have undergone physical and chemical analysis and yield were extracted. For this, the crude oil was extracted from the heads, carcasses and guts, which have passed through physicochemical and yield analysis.For the statistical analysis, a completely randomized design was used with 3 treatments (head, carcass and viscera) and 5 replications.It was observed significant differences in the oils (P <0.05) being the viscera oil the one that showed higher yield although it presented the worst values for all evaluated indices. For this reason this oil was selected for further studies. In this new stage of the study the treatments were: neutralized crude oil and viscera refined oil with different volumes of NaOH 16%.It was adopted a completely randomized design, with a 2x3 factorial (types of oil x soda volumes) with 3 replications. The analyzed variables were acid value, saponification index, peroxide value and iodine value. It was also evaluated the performance of all the obtained biodiesel. It can be concluded that: among the filleting residues oil of tilapias, the one which is more suitable for biodiesel production, due to its high yield, was the viscera oil. The use of all stages of refining is indispensable, once the obtained index and the yield were greater in the biodiesel refined oil; the produced biodiesel from tilapia’s viscera oil meets the ANP standards and, therefore, it is adequate for use.