996 resultados para Parent Satisfaction


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Patient satisfaction represents a significant outcome criterion in the context of systemic psychotherapeutic therapy research. This study investigated parent satisfaction with a psychosocial treatment program (comprising three components: child group therapy, parents' evenings, systemic family sessions) for pediatric primary headache (diagnosed according to IHS criteria). 10 weeks after the end of the treatment program, the parents were sent a questionnaire containing open questions and ten-point numerical rating scales. The sample comprised n=48 families. The return rate was 89%. The qualitative content analysis showed a hierarchical category system consisting of 3 major categories, 7 main groups and 69 sub-categories. The parents stated that they were satisfied with (1.) the effects of the treatment program, (2.) the specific treatment techniques and the medical and psychosocial headache-related information provided, and (3.) the therapeutic relationship. The mean satisfaction for all three therapy components on the ten-point numerical rating scale was 8.1 with a standard deviation of 2.0 (child headache group: 8.5; parents' evenings: 8.2; family sessions: 7.5). The results are discussed with reference to methodological aspects: avoidance of ceiling effects and social desirability in measuring customer satisfaction, order effects of items, weighting of the significance of satisfaction levels as an outcome criterion.


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The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, P.L. 94-142, created a new challenge for the nation's public school systems. During 1982-1983, a national study, called the "Collaborative Study of Children with Special Needs", was conducted in 5 metropolitan school districts to evaluate the effectiveness of education and health care services of children in kindergarten to 6th grade being provided under P.L. 94-142 programs. This dissertation (the Substudy) was undertaken to augment the findings of the Collaborative Study. The purpose of this study was to develop a database to provide descriptive information on the demographic, service and health characteristics of a small group of 3 and 4 year old handicapped children served by the Houston Independent School District (HISD) during 1982-1983.^ The study involved a stratified sample of 105 three and four year old children divided into 3 groups according to type of handicapping condition.^ The results of the study gave a clearer picture of the demographic characteristics of these Pre-K children. Specifically, sex ratio was approximately one, lower than the national norm. Family and socioeconomic characteristics were assessed.^ The study used an independence/dependence index composed of 11 items on the parent questionnaire to assess the level of functional independence of each child. An association was found between index scores and parent-reported effects of the child on family activity. Parents who said that their child's condition had affected the family's job situation, housing accomodations, vacation plans, marriage, choice of friends and social activities were also more likely to report less independence in the child. In addition, many of the Substudy children had extensive care-taking needs reflected in specific components of the index such as dressing, feeding, toileting or moving about the house.^ In general the results of the Pre-K Substudy indicate that at the early childhood level, the HISD special education program is functioning well in most areas and that parents are very satisfied with the program. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)^


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The primary aim of the present study was to investigate parent satisfaction with a neonatal hearing screening program through use of a valid and reliable questionnaire developed for this purpose (Parent Satisfaction Questionnaire with Neonatal Hearing Screening Program; PSQ-NHSP). Eighty parents whose children had received hearing screening participated in this study. High levels of satisfaction were reported with more than 90% of parents satisfied with all aspects of the program. The PSQ-NHSP was analyzed for validity and reliability and demonstrated excellent internal consistency reliability (sigma = 0.94) and excellent test-retest reliability (rho = 0.97). Content validity of the PSQ-NHSP was partially established by reviewing available literature on parent satisfaction studies in other pediatric health-care service programs. Construct validity of the PSQ-NHSP was indicated by a significant positive relationship between overall satisfaction and the three specific dimensions in the questionnaire. The satisfaction questionnaire was found to be a useful instrument for identifying service shortfalls, and routine use of the PSQ-NHSP in other neonatal hearing screening programs is recommended.


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This study employed a qualitative research design to explore therapists' and parents' perspectives of paediatric occupational therapy and speech pathology assessment reports. Aims of the study were to explore the intentions of therapists when writing reports, to expand upon existing literature on parental satisfaction and preferences with respect to paediatric clinical reports, to highlight documentation practices that would serve to maximize parental use of allied health reports, and to develop specific guidelines on how reports can be written to ensure they are useful and beneficial to therapists and parents. Participants were 15 parents of children who had been assessed at 1 of 2 university clinics and subsequently received a written report, and 11 therapists employed at the same university clinics. Questionnaires were used to seek information from therapists concerning the purpose of assessment reports and essential aspects to include when writing reports for parents. In-depth interviews were used to seek information about how understandable and beneficial clinical reports were to parents. The data were subjected to thematic analysis. From comments of therapists' intentions and parents' stated needs, and in accordance with literature reviewed, guidelines were identified for the production of parent-oriented reports. Conclusions drawn from this study can be specifically applied to services producing paediatric occupational therapy or speech pathology assessment reports, but are widely relevant to paediatric allied health services. (author abstract)


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Background--The admission and assessment of patients for elective procedures is a task faced by all healthcare organisations that provide elective surgical services. Several different strategies have been used to facilitate the management of these tasks. Nurse-led preadmission clinics or services have been implemented in many health services as one of these management strategies; however their effectiveness has not been established. Objectives--The objective of this review was to examine the available research on the effectiveness of nurse-led elective surgery preoperative assessment clinics or services on patient outcomes.--Results--Of the 19 included articles, there were 10 audits of patient and hospital data, 3 surveys or questionnaires, 3 descriptive studies, 1 action research design, 1 prospective observational study and 1 RCT. Five of ten studies reporting data on cancellations rates found that nurse-led preadmission services reduced the number of day-of-surgery cancellations. Non-attendance for surgery was also reduced, with nine studies reporting decreases in the number of patients failing to attend. Eight studies reporting data on patient or parent satisfaction found high levels of satisfaction with nurse-led preadmission services. Three of four studies investigating the effect of the nurse-led preadmission service on patient anxiety found a reduction in reported anxiety levels. Three studies found that preoperative preparation was enhanced by the use of a nurse-led preadmission service.--Conclusions--While all included studies reported evidence of effectiveness for nurse-led preadmission services on a wide range of outcomes for elective surgery patients, the lack of experimental trials means that the level of evidence is low, and further research is needed.--Implications for practice--Nurse-led preadmission services may be an effective strategy for reducing procedural cancellations, failure to attend for procedures, and patient anxiety, however currently the evidence level is low.


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Le torticolis postural est une affection courante dans le milieu pédiatrique en particulier depuis que les parents ont adopté les lignes directrices de la campagne « Back to Sleep ». Habituellement, un programme d’exercices à domicile est présenté aux parents afin de promouvoir une récupération optimale toutefois, peu d’outils existent pour les accompagner dans la réalisation de ces exercices. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'impact de l'addition du nouveau livret d’intervention pour le torticolis (LIT) sur la résolution du torticolis (restitution de l’amplitude passive du cou), le stress parental et la satisfaction à l’égard du traitement reçu et sur l'observance des parents au traitement à domicile. Cinquante-huit nourrissons référés en physiothérapie pour un torticolis postural ont été recrutés et randomisés au cours de leur première visite à l’un ou l’autre de ces 2 groupes: Physiothérapie + LIT (n = 29) ou Physiothérapie + traitement standard (n = 29). Des évaluateurs ont évalué à l’aveugle les patients 1 et 3 mois après leur visite initiale, 30 minutes avant leur consultation en physiothérapie. L’amplitude articulaire passive du cou en rotation était mesurée à l’aide d’un goniomètre arthrodial. Le niveau de stress parental a été évalué en utilisant l’Indice de Stress Parental (ISP). Les parents ont reçu l’ISP à la fin de la visite initiale et ont été invités à le compléter à la maison et le retourner à la visite suivante en physiothérapie ou à la visite de 1 mois. La satisfaction des parents à l’égard du traitement reçu a été évaluée en utilisant la Mesure du Processus de Soins (MPOC-56) à 3 mois. L'observance au traitement a été estimée en demandant aux parents de rapporter la durée quotidienne de positionnement des nourrissons sur le ventre pendant la semaine dernière à l’évaluation. L’analyse de nos données consista à d’abord décrire les performances des 2 groupes à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des tests de t ont permis de comparer le changement à la rotation passive cervicale, entre la visite de 1 mois et la visite initiale ainsi qu’entre la visite de 3 mois et la visite initiale. Des tests de t ont aussi été calculés pour comparer les scores de chaque sous-échelle du ISP (stress parental) et du MPOC-56 (satisfaction des soins) entre les groupes. Le test du chi carré a été réalisé pour comparer l'adhérence entre les deux groupes à 1 et 3-mois. Les résultats ont montré une tendance à un plus grand changement de la rotation passive du cou à 1-mois dans le groupe LIT (Intervalle de Confiance à 95% = 95% IC= 1,97-8,77 ; p = 0, 17) mais pas à 3 mois. Les parents du groupe LIT ont obtenu des scores de stress plus faibles après avoir reçu l'outil d'intervention (95%IC= 49,20-57,94 ; p = 0, 01) et ont déclaré être plus satisfaits que les parents du groupe témoin pour le traitement reçu (95%IC= 6,7-6,8 ; p=0,03) e o partenariat avec les thérapeutes (95%IC= 6,3-6,9 ; p<0,001). Enfin, l'observance au traitement a été plus élevée dans le groupe LIT que dans le groupe contrôle en particulier à 3-mois (p = 0.01). Le nouveau livret d'intervention pour le torticolis accompagné d'un traitement de physiothérapie a tendance à contribuer à une restitution plus rapide de l’amplitude passive du cou en rotation, peut aider à diminuer le niveau de stress parental, contribuer à une plus grande satisfaction à l’égard du traitement et améliorer l’observance au traitement à domicile.


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La recherche sur les enfants de l’adoption internationale porte le plus souvent sur le rattrapage développemental, les troubles de l’attachement et la surreprésentation des enfants adoptés dans les services d’éducation spécialisée. Ces études incluent des enfants d’âge scolaire et adoptent une perspective quantitative. Peu d’auteurs se sont penchés sur les enfants d’âge préscolaire et il n’existe à notre connaissance aucune étude qualitative permettant d’explorer l’intégration de l’enfant de l’adoption internationale dans son milieu de garde. S’inscrivant dans une logique exploratoire descriptive, la présente thèse vise à donner la parole aux parents et aux éducatrices, premiers responsables de l’intégration de l’enfant au milieu de garde, afin d’obtenir des données sur leurs perceptions et leurs recommandations. Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées sont réalisées avec 12 familles adoptantes et les 12 éducatrices des enfants. Les parents sont recrutés par l’intermédiaire des associations québécoises de parents adoptants, du journal Montréal pour enfants, d’un blogue sur l’adoption internationale et auprès de la direction d’une garderie. Une démarche d’analyse qualitative inductive, inspirée de la théorisation ancrée est employée pour analyser l’opinion des parents et de l’éducatrice d’un même enfant dans un premier temps puis dans un deuxième temps, selon leurs groupes d’appartenance respectifs. L’analyse des données relatives à l’expérience subjective d’intégrer un enfant en garderie permet de faire ressortir douze thèmes : contexte antérieur à l’arrivée de l’enfant, appréhensions des parents, premiers contacts, demandes spéciales, moments de vie en garderie, développement et spécificité de l’enfant adopté, comportements particuliers, intervention auprès de l’enfant en crise, nouvelles perspectives pour l’éducatrice et éléments de satisfaction et d’insatisfaction des parents. Une importante proportion d’éducatrices considère que l’enfant adopté de l’international ne présente aucun besoin particulier et que son intégration se vit de la même façon que pour tout autre enfant. Cette opinion n’est pas partagée par un groupe restreint d’éducatrices qui, comme les parents adoptifs, ont une expérience personnelle de l’adoption. La thèse se termine par une discussion sur les façons de contribuer à des meilleures pratiques en milieu de garde afin de favoriser l’intégration des enfants de l’adoption internationale.


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The sudden unexpected delivery of a preterm infant elicits many emotional responses from parents, with studies confirming the importance of providing parents with nursing support. The purpose of this study was to measure parents' perception of the type and level of support that nurses provided in an Australian neonatal unit, and to determine the extent to which parents were satisfied with the support currently provided. A convenience sample of 112 parents in an Australian tertiary neonatal unit were invited to complete the nurse parent support tool (NPST), which is a 21-item questionnaire used to measure the level of nursing support. The NPST consists of four domains -emotional, informational, appraisal and instrumental support. A second tool was used to assess parent satisfaction with nurse-to-parent support. A total of 62 parents completed the NPST and satisfaction tool.

Results showed that instrumental support had the highest mean score for both nurse-to-parent support 4.51 (out of 5) and 4.36 for satisfaction. The mean score for nursing support was 4.21 followed by satisfaction with nurse-to-parent support at 4.16. In contrast, emotional support had the lowest mean score for both nurse-to-parent support at 3.94 and 3.97 for satisfaction. Parents indicated that they needed further support with lactation, breastfeeding and assistance with parenting skills. Overall, results indicated that parent perception of nursing support was positive and that parents were highly satisfied with the nursing support provided in the neonatal unit. However, some attention needs to be given to providing more support and information on breastfeeding and parenting skills.


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Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB


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This questionnaire study examined the adjustment of 245 lone-parenting women following marital separation. A composite model included intrapsychic variables as intervening between demographic and contextual variables and adjustment (life satisfaction). Regression analyses showed that the demographic and contextual variables were partially mediated by the intrapsychic variables. The path model indicated that the intrapsychic variables (sense of coherence, control, depression, and grief) had a direct impact on life satisfaction and that there was an indirect path for depression through sense of coherence (SOC) and control. It was concluded that the intrapsychic variables had a more powerful relationship with women's post-separation life satisfaction than did the demographic/contextual variables. Social implications and recommendations for future policy are considered.


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This study investigated whether the associations between (a) the quality of the parent-child relationship and peer acceptance and (b) early adolescents’ life satisfaction differed depending on the importance of family values in the respective culture. As part of the Value of Children Study, data from a sub-sample of N = 1,034 adolescents (58% female, M age = 13.62 years, SD = 0.60 years) from 11 cultures was analyzed. Multilevel analyses revealed a positive relation between parental admiration and adolescents’ life satisfaction independent of cultural membership. Further, the higher the importance


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This study explored youth caregiving for a parent with multiple sclerosis (MS) from multiple perspectives, and examined associations between caregiving and child negative (behavioural emotional difficulties, somatisation) and positive (life satisfaction, positive affect, prosocial behaviour) adjustment outcomes overtime. A total of 88 families participated; 85 parents with MS, 55 partners and 130 children completed questionnaires at Time 1. Child caregiving was assessed by the Youth Activities of Caregiving Scale (YACS). Child and parent questionnaire data were collected at Time 1 and child data were collected 12 months later (Time 2). Factor analysis of the child and parent YACS data replicated the four factors (instrumental, social-emotional, personal-intimate, domestic-household care), all of which were psychometrically sound. The YACS factors were related to parental illness and caregiving context variables that reflected increased caregiving demands. The Time 1 instrumental and social-emotional care domains were associated with poorer Time 2 adjustment, whereas personal-intimate was related to better adjustment and domestic-household care was unrelated to adjustment. Children and their parents exhibited highest agreement on personal-intimate, instrumental and total caregiving, and least on domestic-household and social-emotional care. Findings delineate the key dimensions of young caregiving in MS and the differential links between caregiving activities and youth adjustment.


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Australia has witnessed a continual increase in maternal employment over the past two decades, which has placed focus on child care- its effects on the child and on early childhood education and care policy and provision. The engagement of women in the paid workforce contributes to national economic development, and is recognised in government policy incentives such as cash subsidies and tax relief for child care fees. These incentives are targeted towards mothers, to encourage them to engage in paid work. Making a contribution to the family’s economy and to a mother’s economic self sufficiency are two key drivers for women’s engagement in satisfying paid work. Many women also seek to maintain a personal investment in the development of their career, simultaneously ensuring that the child is experiencing suitable care. Policies that support women’s choices for satisfying workforce engagement and care arrangements are prudent for ensuring productivity of the economy as well as for enhancing the wellbeing of parents and children (OECD, 2007). Policies that provide family friendly employment arrangements, paid parental leave, and child care support, directly affect maternal employment decisions. Availability of family friendly employment policies is viewed as one way to not only promote gender equity in employment opportunities but also support the wellbeing of children and families (OECD, 2007). Yet there are not comprehensive and coherent policies on work and family in Australia. Australia is due to implement its first paid parental leave scheme in January, 2011. At the time of the data collection of this research, June 2007 to December 2008, Australia had no statutory provision for paid parental leave. To date, most research has focused on the consequences of paid work and care decisions made by women. Far less is known about the processes of decision-making and reasons underlying women’s choices. Investigation of what is most salient for women as they make decisions regarding engagement in paid work, and care for their child is important in order to inform policy and practices related to parental leave, family friendly employment and care for the child. This prospective longitudinal research was of 124 Australian expectant first-time mothers who completed questionnaires in their third trimester of pregnancy, and again at six and twelve months postpartum. First-time expectant mothers' decisions regarding engaging in paid work and selecting care for their child represent those of a group who are invested in motherhood and have usually had direct experience of engaging in paid work. They therefore provide an important insight into society’s idealised views about motherhood and the emotional and social uncertainty of making personal decisions where the consequences of such decisions are unknown. These decisions reflect public beliefs about the role of women in contributing to the country’s productivity and decisions about providing for the economic and emotional care needs of their family. As so little is known about the reasoning and processes of decision-making of women’s choices regarding paid work and care of the child this research was designed to capture expectant first-time mother’s preferred options for engaging in paid work and the care of their child, and investigate their actual decisions made at six and 12 months postpartum. To capture preferred options, decisions and outcomes of decisions regarding paid work and care of the child a prospective longitudinal research design was utilised. This design had three important components that addressed key limitations in the extant literature. First the research commenced in pregnancy in order to investigate preferences and beliefs about paid work and care and to examine baseline data that may influence decisions made as the women returned to paid work. Second the research involved longitudinal tracking from the antenatal time point to six and 12 months postpartum in order to identify the influences on decisions made. Third the research measured outcomes of the decisions made at each time point. This research examined the intentions, preferences, beliefs, influences, and outcomes of the decisions about engagement in paid work and choice of care. The analyses examined factors predicting return to paid work, the timing of return and extent of engagement in paid work; the care for the child; satisfaction with paid work; satisfaction with care for the child, motherhood and fulfilment; and maternal wellbeing at six and 12 months postpartum. The factors of interest were both rational/economic (availability and extent of paid and unpaid maternity leave; flexible work patterns) and emotional/affective (career satisfaction, investment in motherhood, and concern with quality of care for the child). Results indicated a group preference, and realisation for, return to paid work within the first year after the birth of a child but with reduction in hours to part-time. Most women saw paid work not only as a source of income but also as source of personal satisfaction. There were four key themes arising from this research. First, the women strived to feel emotionally secure when deciding about engaging in paid work and care of the child. To achieve emotional security women made their decisions for paid work and care of the child differently. A woman’s decision for maternal employment is a function of her personal beliefs, preferences and context regarding paid work and care of the child. She adjusts her established work identity with her new identity as a mother. The second key theme from this research is that the women made their decisions for maternal employment in response to their personal context and there were different levels of opportunities between the women’s choices. There is inequity of entitlement regarding work conditions associated with a woman’s education level. This has implications for the woman’s engagement in paid work, and her child’s health and wellbeing. The third key theme is that the quality of the child’s care mattered to the women in the research. They preferred care provided by parents and/or relatives more than any other types of care. The fourth key theme identified that satisfaction and wellbeing outcomes experienced as a result of maternal employment decisions were a complex interaction between multiple factors that change across time with the ongoing development of the mother’s identity, and the development of the child. The implications for policy within Australia are that the employment of mothers in the workforce necessitates that non-parental care becomes a public concern, where there is universal access to good quality affordable care for every child, not just for those who can afford it. This is equitable and represents real choice while supporting the rights of the child (Thorpe, Cloney & Tayler, 2010), protecting and promoting the public interest (Cleveland & Krashinsky, 2010). Children’s health and wellbeing will be supported (Moore & Oberklaid, 2010) while children are in non-parental care, and they will be exposed to environments and experiences that support their learning and development. The significant design of the research enabled the trajectories of first-time expectant women to be tracked from the antenatal point to 12 months postpartum. But there were limitations: the small sample size, the over-representation of the sample being highly educated and the nature of a longitudinal research that is set within the economic, social and political context at that time. These limitations are discussed in relation to suggestions for future research.


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Background: Successful management of atopic dermatitis poses a significant and ongoing challenge to parents of affected children. Despite frequent reports of child behaviour problems and parenting difficulties, there is a paucity of literature examining relationships between child behaviour and parents' confidence and competence with treatment. Objectives: To examine relationships between child, parent, and family variables, parents' self-efficacy for managing atopic dermatitis, self-reported performance of management tasks, observed competence with providing treatment, and atopic dermatitis severity. Design: Cross-sectional study design. Participants A sample of 64 parent-child dyads was recruited from the dermatology clinic of a paediatric tertiary referral hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Methods: Parents completed self-report questionnaires examining child behaviour, parents' adjustment, parenting conflict, parents' relationship satisfaction, and parents' self-efficacy and self-reported performance of key management tasks. Severity of atopic dermatitis was assessed using the Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index. A routine home treatment session was observed, and parents' competence in carrying out the child's treatment assessed. Results: Pearson's and Spearman's correlations identified significant relationships (p< .05) between parents' self-efficacy and disease severity, child behaviour difficulties, parent depression and stress, parenting conflict, and relationship satisfaction. There were also significant relationships between each of these variables and parents' self-reported performance of management tasks. More profound child behaviour difficulties were associated with more severe atopic dermatitis and greater parent stress. Using multiple linear regressions, significant proportions of variation in parents' self-efficacy and self-reported task performance were explained by child behaviour difficulties and parents' formal education. Self-efficacy emerged as a likely mediator for relationships between both child behaviour and parents' education, and self-reported task performance. Direct observation of treatment sessions revealed strong relationships between parents' treatment competence and parents' self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and self-reported task performance. Less competent task performance was also associated with greater parent-reported child behaviour difficulties, parent depression and stress, parenting conflict, and relationship dissatisfaction. Conclusion: This study revealed the importance of child behaviour to parents' confidence and practices in the context of atopic dermatitis management. Children with more severe atopic dermatitis are at risk of presenting with challenging behaviour problems and their parents struggle to manage the condition successfully.


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Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) is a well-established therapy that reduces child externalized behaviors and parent stress. Although BPT was originally developed for parents of children with defiant behaviors, the program’s key concepts are relevant to parenting all children. Since parents might not fully utilize BPT due to cost and program location, we created an online game as a low-cost, easily accessible alternative or complement to BPT. We tested the game with nineteen undergraduate students at the University of Maryland. The experimental group completed pretest survey on core BPT knowledge, played the game, and completed a BPT posttest, while the control group completed a pretest and posttest survey over a three week period. Participants in the experimental group also completed a survey to indicate their satisfaction with the overall program. The experimental group demonstrated significantly higher levels of BPT knowledge than the control group and high levels of satisfaction. This suggests that an interactive, online BPT platform is an engaging and accessible way for parents to learn key concepts.