509 resultados para Paracalanus quasimodo
Paracalanus quasimodo and Temora turbinata are two calanoid copepods prominent in the planktonic communities of the southeastern United States. Despite their prominence, the species and population level structure of these copepods is yet unexplored. The phylogeographic, temporal and phylogenetic structure of P. quasimodo and T. turbinata are examined in my study. Samples were collected from ten sites along the Gulf of Mexico and Florida peninsular coasts. Three sites were sampled quarterly for two years. Individuals were screened for unique ITS-1 sequences with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Unique variants were sequenced at the nuclear ITS-1 and mitochondrial COI loci. Sampling sites were analyzed for pairwise community differences and for variances between geographic and temporal groupings. Genetic variants were analyzed for phylogenetic and coalescent topology. Paracalanus quasimodo is highly structured geographically with populations divided between the Gulf of Mexico, temperate Atlantic and subtropical Atlantic, in addition to isolation by distance. No significant differences were detected between the T. turbinata samples. Both P. quasimodo and T. turbinata are stable within sites over time and between sites within a sampling period, with two exceptions. The first was a pilot sample from Miami taken two years prior to the general sampling whose community showed significant differences from most of the other Miami samples. Paracalanus quasimodo had a positive correlation of Fst with time. The second was high temporal variability detected in the samples from Fort Pierce. Phylogenetically, both P. quasimodo and T. turbinata were in well supported, congeneric clades. Paracalanus quasimodo was not monophyletic, divided into two well-supported clades. Temora turbinata variants were in one clade with insignificant support for topology within the clade and very little intraspecific variation. Paracalanus quasimodo and T. turbinata populations show opposite trends. Paracalanus quasimodo occurs near shore and shows population structure mediated by hydrological features and distance, both geographic and temporal. The phylogeny shows two deeply divergent clades suggestive of cryptic speciation. In contrast, T. turbinata populations range further offshore and show little geographic or temporal structure. However, the low genetic variation detected in this region suggests a recent bottleneck event.
Paracalanus quasimodo and Temora turbinata are two calanoid copepods prominent in the planktonic communities of the southeastern United States. Despite their prominence, the species and population level structure of these copepods is yet unexplored. The phylogeographic, temporal and phylogenetic structure of P. quasimodo and T. turbinata are examined in my study. Samples were collected from ten sites along the Gulf of Mexico and Florida peninsular coasts. Three sites were sampled quarterly for two years. Individuals were screened for unique ITS-1 sequences with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Unique variants were sequenced at the nuclear ITS-1 and mitochondrial COI loci. Sampling sites were analyzed for pairwise community differences and for variances between geographic and temporal groupings. Genetic variants were analyzed for phylogenetic and coalescent topology. Paracalanus quasimodo is highly structured geographically with populations divided between the Gulf of Mexico, temperate Atlantic and subtropical Atlantic, in addition to isolation by distance. No significant differences were detected between the T. turbinata samples. Both P. quasimodo and T. turbinata are stable within sites over time and between sites within a sampling period, with two exceptions. The first was a pilot sample from Miami taken two years prior to the general sampling whose community showed significant differences from most of the other Miami samples. Paracalanus quasimodo had a positive correlation of Fst with time. The second was high temporal variability detected in the samples from Fort Pierce. Phylogenetically, both P. quasimodo and T. turbinata were in well supported, congeneric clades. Paracalanus quasimodo was not monophyletic, divided into two well-supported clades. Temora turbinata variants were in one clade with insignificant support for topology within the clade and very little intraspecific variation. Paracalanus quasimodo and T. turbinata populations show opposite trends. Paracalanus quasimodo occurs near shore and shows population structure mediated by hydrological features and distance, both geographic and temporal. The phylogeny shows two deeply divergent clades suggestive of cryptic speciation. In contrast, T. turbinata populations range further offshore and show little geographic or temporal structure. However, the low genetic variation detected in this region suggests a recent bottleneck event.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A partir da hipótese de que a salinidade influencia fortemente a comunidade zooplanctônica, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a influência deste fator sobre essa comunidade no estuário do rio Quatipuru, Estado do Pará. Foram realizadas amostragens zooplanctônicas e de variáveis físicas e químicas da água ao longo do estuário, contemplando diferentes faixas de salinidade. As coletas foram realizadas em marés vazantes e enchentes. Os resultados mostraram que este estuário possui uma variação temporal de características física, química e biológica. A salinidade, em especial, sofreu variações decorrentes das mudanças de marés, bem como da variação sazonal da pluviosidade. A salinidade variou de 1,4 a 33,5 ups no período seco e de 0 a 17,9 ups no período chuvoso. Esta amplitude de salinidade possibilitou determinar para área diferentes condições hidrológicas (limnética, oligohalina, meso-polihalina e euhalina). Foram identificados 48 taxa, destacando os Copepoda como o grupo mais importante em termos quali-quantitativos, sendo adultos de Parvocalanus crassirostris, Pseudodiaptomus richardi, Acartia tonsa, Acartia lilljeborgi, Paracalanus quasimodo, Euterpina acutifrons e copepoditos os principais responsáveis pela sua dominância. Mollusca foi o segundo grupo dominante, onde véligeres de gastrópodes representaram 95% do total. A densidade total do zooplancton variou entre 993, 9 e 13254,7 Ind. m-3 no verão e entre 944, 3 e 35908,8 Ind. m-3 no inverno. As maiores abundância em maio e novembro foram em ocasião de maré vazante e enchente, respectivamente. Os baixos valores de diversidade e equitabilidade encontrados na faixa zero na condição de enchente mostram o predomínio de determinado grupo sobre os demais (larvas de Gastropoda). A maior diversidade e uniformidade da comunidade zooplanctônica ocorreram no verão. A comunidade zooplanctônica respondeu as variações de salinidade com espécies adaptadas aos maiores valores de salinidade na porção inferior do estuário, no verão, assim como espécies adaptadas as condições de mixohalinização na porção mais a montante, em maio. A maior abundância de copepoditos esteve associada negativamente com a salinidade, demonstrando que as espécies que estão recrutando os copepoditos são mais estuarinas verdadeiras do que costeiras. As análises de agrupamento e de componentes principais revelou grupos definidos, distribuídos em diferentes faixas de salinidade, este parâmetro sozinho explicou 56% (p=0,028) da variação da fauna no estuário do rio Quatipuru. A distribuição dos organismos, de uma maneira geral, esteve de acordo com a hipótese de que a salinidade influencia fortemente a comunidade zooplanctônica no sistema estuarino de Quatipuru - Pará.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a variação sazonal na estrutura da comunidade dos copépodos durante os meses de julho, setembro e novembro de 2003 (período seco) e janeiro, março e maio de 2004 (período chuvoso) no estuário do Curuçá, Norte do Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas nas marés de quadratura com auxílio de uma rede de plâncton com 200µm de abertura de malha, rebocada por meio de uma pequena embarcação a motor. As medidas de condutividade da água foram realizadas in situ utilizando-se um condutivímetro eletrônico e a salinidade foi posteriormente obtida através da transformação dos valores de condutividade. Os valores de salinidade variaram sazonalmente de 7, 2 ± 0, 1a 39, 2 ± 1, 8 (média ± desvio padrão), tendo sido principalmente influenciados pelas diferenças nas taxas de precipitação entre os períodos de amostragem estudados. Foram identificados no total 30 táxons, com Acartia tonsa constituindo a espécie mais representativa durante todo o período de estudo,seguida por Acartia lilljeborgii, Subeucalanus pileatus e Paracalanus quasimodo. Durante este trabalho, os valores de densidade, índices ecológicos e dominância das espécies de copépodos apresentaram um padrão sazonal claro, mostrando que a área estudada pode ser considerada sazonalmente heterogênea em relação a estes parâmetros investigados.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
[Acte. 1765-03-11. Paris]
This paper studies one of the recurrent topics of writing found in Amélie Nothomb’snovels: beauty and ugliness. The novels Mercure and Attentat are analyzed in detail,with respect to figures of speech used to describe the extreme physical appearance ofthe protagonists and the role of the duality beauty-ugliness in the advancement of theplot.
The life cycle of infusorians belonging to genus Colpoda, dormant cysts of which were found on planktic crustaceans of the Black Sea coastal waters, is described. Population strength of Colpoda is maximum in autumn. The infusorians had no harmful effect on their host. It has been noted that Colpoda enhances decomposition of dead animals.
Introduction Many marine planktonic crustaceans such as copepods have been considered as widespread organisms. However, the growing evidence for cryptic and pseudo-cryptic speciation has emphasized the need of re-evaluating the status of copepod species complexes in molecular and morphological studies to get a clearer picture about pelagic marine species as evolutionary units and their distributions. This study analyses the molecular diversity of the ecologically important Paracalanus parvus species complex. Its seven currently recognized species are abundant and also often dominant in marine coastal regions worldwide from temperate to tropical oceans. Results COI and Cytochrome b sequences of 160 specimens of the Paracalanus parvus complex from all oceans were obtained. Furthermore, 42 COI sequences from GenBank were added for the genetic analyses. Thirteen distinct molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTU) and two single sequences were revealed with cladistic analyses (Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian Inference), of which seven were identical with results from species delimitation methods (barcode gaps, ABDG, GMYC, Rosenberg's P(AB)). In total, 10 to 12 putative species were detected and could be placed in three categories: (1) temperate geographically isolated, (2) warm-temperate to tropical wider spread and (3) circumglobal warm-water species. Conclusions The present study provides evidence of cryptic or pseudocryptic speciation in the Paracalanus parvus complex. One major insight is that the species Paracalanus parvus s.s. is not panmictic, but may be restricted in its distribution to the northeastern Atlantic.