981 resultados para PULPA DENTAL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas en el área de Odontopediatría) UANL, 2014.
Introducción. La presente investigación surge de la importancia que implica la irrigación en relación a la regeneración del complejo dentino-pulpar. En la actualidad, una gran cantidad de artículos han enfocado sus objetivos en el efecto antibacteriano de soluciones irrigantes, sin embargo, son pocas las investigaciones que evalúan el efecto de dichas soluciones sobre las células madre presentes en la pulpa dental. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto citotóxico de hipoclorito de sodio y EDTA sobre células madre de pulpa dental in vitro. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron Células madre de pulpa dental cortesía de la Unidad de Odontología Integral y Especialidades del Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias de la Salud. Para la evaluación de la citotoxicidad, se utilizó la solución de EDTA a concentraciones de 1.7%, 1%, 0.5% y 0.1% y NaOCl al 0.25%, 0.15%, 0.1% y 0.5% por triplicado. Ambas moléculas (EDTA y NaOCl) se incubaron con las células a 37° C, 5% de CO2 en una atmosfera a 95% de humedad durante 3 y 24 horas. Los controles negativos fueron incubados con PBS. Resultados. En los resultados se observó una alta toxicidad del NaOCl frente a las DPSCs a 3 y 24 horas de exposición. Así mismo se observó que la combinación del NaOCl y el EDTA no disminuyó el efecto citotóxico sobre las células, a excepción de la combinación de EDTA .1% + NaOCl .05% la cual presentó un ligero aumento en la viabilidad celular. Por otra parte, todas las concentraciones evaluadas de la solución de EDTA fueron menos toxicas cuando se incubaron durante 3 y 24 horas frente a las células. Conclusiones. De acuerdo a los resultados observados en el presente estudio podemos concluir lo siguiente: el NaOCl presentó alta citotoxicidad en todas sus concentraciones a las 3 y 24 horas de exposición, el EDTA presentó una mayor viabilidad a las 3 y 24 horas cuando se utilizó al 0.5% y 0.10%, la combinación del EDTA y NaOCl resultó menos citotóxica cuando se utilizó al 0.1% y 0.5% respectivamente a las 3 horas de exposición.
El blanqueamiento dental es un proceso dinámico que busca la eliminación de manchas de la estructura dental mediante el empleo de productos químicos, principalmente el peróxido de hidrógeno, el cual fue utilizado por primera vez en 1884 y hasta la fecha continúa siendo el principal componente activo de muchos productos usados para terapias de blanqueamiento dental, y es utilizado en su forma pura o como producto final de la degradación de otras sustancias empleadas para blanqueamiento, como el peróxido de carbamida. Al entrar en contacto con los tejidos dentales el peróxido de hidrógeno se disocia en radicales libres, como las especies reactivas de oxígeno, las cuales pueden difundirse a través de esmalte, dentina e incluso llegar al tejido pulpar, provocando efectos adversos como son sensibilidad dental, daño a los componentes celulares y alteración del flujo sanguíneo; estos efectos deletéreos están relacionados con el número de sesiones, concentración del producto, tiempo de colocación y el tipo de activación (química, luz, calor y láser).
Calcium hydroxide has been used as pulp-capping agent and canal dressing due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties besides its ability to induce formation of mineralized tissues. The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility to calcium hydroxide of 146 bacterial strains isolated from endodontic infections. MIC was determined by using an agar dilution method, while contact bactericide activity was performed through in broth. All the isolates were sensitive to calcium hydroxide in concentrations that varied from 0.5mg/ml to 128 mg/ml, and the genera Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Actinomyces were the most resistant. Gramnegative anaerobes proved to be the most sensitive isolates. All the isolates were inhibited after 60 minutes of contact with the alkali in concentration of 100mg/ml
Dentro de la pulpa dental se encuentran diversas formas de calcificaciones, con una frecuencia tal que se puede dudar acerca de si su presencia representa un estado patológico o solamente aspecto de las variaciones biológicas normales. Metodología: Un total de 272 pacientes de ambos sexos y edades conocidas fueron seleccionados teniendo como criterio de inclusión primeros molares sanos. Luego de la inspección clínica se tomaron radiografías bitewing, las cuales fueron analizadas con el software Image Pro Plus 4.5 para identificar calcificaciones pulpares. Los datos fueron analizados mediante Test Student y ANOVA. Resultados: de los 272 pacientes, 119 fueron mujeres y 153 hombres. Un 61,22% de las mujeres y un 52,99% de los hombres presentaron calcificaciones pulpares. Se encontró una asociación significativa entre prevalencia de calcificaciones pulpares y sexo al aumentar la edad, al considerar densidad óptica (p < 0.001) y coeficiente de calcificación (p < 0.005). Los primeros molares superiores mostraron una mayor presencia de calcificaciones (60,42%) con respecto a los molares inferiores (52,75%), con diferencias estadísticamente significativas, analizando densidad óptica (p = 0.001), diferencias de intensidad cámara pulpar - entorno y coeficiente de calcificación (p < 0.001). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de calcificaciones fue mayor al aumentar la edad y significativamente mayor en mujeres y en molares superiores: estos datos aportan información útil para el diagnóstico y la práctica clínica.
Desde la organogénesis y hasta estadios adultos, las células madre mesenquimales participan activamente dando origen y manteniéndola homeostasis del organismo. En la cavidad oral han sido aisladas desde variadas estructuras del órgano dental tales como el ligamento periodontal, pulpa dental, tejido gingival, folículo dental y papila apical significando una prometedora fuente de células madre mesenquimales las que pueden ser caracterizadas de acuerdo a los criterios mínimos establecidos por "The International Society for Cellular Therapy" que son: a) La adherencia al plástico; b) La expresión de marcadores CD73, CD90, CD105 y la carencia de CD34, CD45, CD14, CD11, CD79, CD19 y HLA-DR (clase II); c) Capacidad multipotencial de diferenciación hacia linaje osteogénico, condrogénico y adipogénico. El objetivo de esta revisión consiste en realizar un levantamiento de la situación actual de este tema efectuando una revisión comprensiva de la literatura en los campos de; identificación a través demarcadores de superficie, aislamiento por medio de mecanismos de digestión enzimática o explante, almacenamiento atendiendo a la necesidad de suprimir el uso de suero fetal bovino como medio de cultivo en un esfuerzo por avanzar hacia aplicaciones terapéuticas, banca o criopreservación destacando nuevas experiencia en este campo como lo es la criopreservación de piezas dentales completas gracias a la tecnología láser Nd:YAG. Y, finalmente, las aplicaciones clínicas que promete este grupo de células a través de la medicina regenerativa y la ingeniería tisular tanto en el campo de la odontología como la medicina general.
Tesis de segunda especialidad
The microabrasion technique of enamel consists of selectively abrading the discolored areas or causing superficial structural changes in a selective way. In microabrasion technique, abrasive products associated with acids are used, and the evaluation of enamel roughness after this treatment, as well as surface polishing, is necessary. This in-vitro study evaluated the enamel roughness after microabrasion, followed by different polishing techniques. Roughness analyses were performed before microabrasion (L1), after microabrasion (L2), and after polishing (L3).Thus, 60 bovine incisive teeth divided into two groups were selected (n=30): G1- 37% phosphoric acid (37%) (Dentsply) and pumice; G2- hydrochloric acid (6.6%) associated with silicon carbide (Opalustre - Ultradent). Thereafter, the groups were divided into three sub-groups (n=10), according to the system of polishing: A - Fine and superfine granulation aluminum oxide discs (SofLex 3M); B - Diamond Paste (FGM) associated with felt discs (FGM); C - Silicone tips (Enhance - Dentsply). A PROC MIXED procedure was applied after data exploratory analysis, as well as the Tukey-Kramer test (5%). No statistical differences were found between G1 and G2 groups. L2 differed statistically from L1 and showed superior amounts of roughness. Differences in the amounts of post-polishing roughness for specific groups (1A, 2B, and 1C) arose, which demonstrated less roughness in L3 and differed statistically from L2 in the polishing system. All products increased enamel roughness, and the effectiveness of the polishing systems was dependent upon the abrasive used.
Teeth are often included in the radiation field during head and neck radiotherapy, and recent clinical evidence suggests that dental pulp is negatively affected by the direct effects of radiation, leading to impaired sensitivity of the dental pulp. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the direct effects of radiation on the microvasculature, innervation, and extracellular matrix of the dental pulp of patients who have undergone head and neck radiotherapy. Twenty-three samples of dental pulp from patients who finished head and neck radiotherapy were analyzed. Samples were histologically processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin for morphologic evaluation of the microvasculature, innervation, and extracellular matrix. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analysis of proteins related to vascularization (CD34 and smooth muscle actin), innervation (S-100, NCAM/CD56, and neurofilament), and extracellular matrix (vimentin) of the dental pulp was performed. The morphologic study identified preservation of the microvasculature, nerve bundles, and components of the extracellular matrix in all studied samples. The immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the morphologic findings and showed a normal pattern of expression for the studied proteins in all samples. Direct effects of radiotherapy are not able to generate morphologic changes in the microvasculature, innervation, and extracellular matrix components of the dental pulp in head and neck cancer patients.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy microanalysis (EDX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Archimedes' Principle were used to determine the characteristics of inorganic filler particles in five dental alginates, including Cavex ColorChange (C), Hydrogum 5 (H5), Hydrogum (H), Orthoprint (O), and Jeltrate Plus (JP). The different alginate powders (0.5 mg) were fixed on plastic stubs (n = 5) and sputter coated with carbon for EDX analysis, then coated with gold, and observed using SEM. Volume fractions were determined by weighing a sample of each material in water before and after calcining at 450(°)C for 3 h. The alginate materials were mainly composed of silicon (Si) by weight (C-81.59%, H-79.89%, O-78.87%, H5-77.95%, JP-66.88%, wt). The filler fractions in volume (vt) were as follows: H5-84.85%, JP-74.76%, H-70.03%, O-68.31%, and C-56.10%. The tested materials demonstrated important differences in the inorganic elemental composition, filler fraction, and particle morphology.
Reasons for the iniquities of caries, globally recognized, may be related to how Cariology has been taught in dental schools. In Brazil, the most important universities, when considering healthcare teaching, are the public ones. The objective of this study was to identify the insertion of the contents of Cariology in the course flowcharts of public dental schools in the country. The survey was conducted in 2013 seeking to identify the realities of different geographical regions, aimed to the census of public dental schools. It was performed a documentary analysis of the menus of disciplines, identifying the following issues: number of dental schools that include content related to Cariology in their curricula; average total workload undergraduate courses and disciplines that contemplate the theme; distribution of disciplines in professional training cycles (basic, clinical and public health); existence of discipline and/or a specific department; verification of bibliographic indication directly related to Cariology. The response rate was 93.6%. All dental schools recommended specific books, and none of them had a Department of Cariology. All dental schools in the country contemplated content related to Cariology in their disciplines, distributed in specific disciplines (except for the Northern region) and disciplines in the three cycles of learning (basic, clinical and public health), with larger workload in the clinical cycle. Although public dental schools in Brazil demonstrated commitment to contemplating the content related to Cariology in their disciplines, the emphasis on the clinical cycle may not be promoting the integrated formation of students, which could be contributing to reflect the inequalities of the disease in the country.
The aim of this study was to evaluate by photoelastic analysis stress distribution on short and long implants of two dental implant systems with 2-unit implant-supported fixed partial prostheses of 8 mm and 13 mm heights. Sixteen photoelastic models were divided into 4 groups: I: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Neodent), II: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Bicon), III: short implant (5 × 6 mm) (Neodent), and IV: short implants (5 × 6 mm) (Bicon). The models were positioned in a circular polariscope associated with a cell load and static axial (0.5 Kgf) and nonaxial load (15°, 0.5 Kgf) were applied to each group for both prosthetic crown heights. Three-way ANOVA was used to compare the factors implant length, crown height, and implant system (α = 0.05). The results showed that implant length was a statistically significant factor for both axial and nonaxial loading. The 13 mm prosthetic crown did not result in statistically significant differences in stress distribution between the implant systems and implant lengths studied, regardless of load type (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that short implants showed higher stress levels than long implants. Implant system and length was not relevant factors when prosthetic crown height were increased.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Centers for Dental Specialties (CDS) in the country and associations with sociodemographic indicators of the municipalities, structural variables of services and primary health care organization in the years 2004-2009. The study used secondary data from procedures performed in the CDS to the specialties of periodontics, endodontics, surgery and primary care. Bivariate analysis by χ2 test was used to test the association between the dependent variable (performance of the CDS) with the independents. Then, Poisson regression analysis was performed. With regard to the overall achievement of targets, it was observed that the majority of CDS (69.25%) performance was considered poor/regular. The independent factors associated with poor/regular performance of CDS were: municipalities belonging to the Northeast, South and Southeast regions, with lower Human Development Index (HDI), lower population density, and reduced time to deployment. HDI and population density are important for the performance of the CDS in Brazil. Similarly, the peculiarities related to less populated areas as well as regional location and time of service implementation CDS should be taken into account in the planning of these services.
Aware of the diffusion capacity of bleaching in the dental tissues, many orthodontists are subjecting their patients to dental bleaching during orthodontic treatment for esthetic purposes or to anticipate the exchange of esthetic restorations after the orthodontic treatment. For this purpose specific products have been developed in pre-loaded whitening trays designed to fit over and around brackets and wires, with clinical efficacy proven. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through spectrophotometric reflectance, the effectiveness of dental bleaching under orthodontic bracket. Thirty-two bovine incisors crown blocks of 8 mm x 8 mm height lengths were used. Staining of tooth blocks with black tea was performed for six days. They were distributed randomly into 4 groups (1-home bleaching with bracket, 2- home bleaching without bracket, 3- office bleaching with bracket, 4 office bleaching without bracket). The color evaluation was performed (CIE L * a * b *) using color reflectance spectrophotometer. Metal brackets were bonded in groups 1 and 3. The groups 1 and 2 samples were subjected to the carbamide peroxide at 15%, 4 hours daily for 21 days. Groups 3 and 4 were subjected to 3 in-office bleaching treatment sessions, hydrogen peroxide 38%. After removal of the brackets, the second color evaluation was performed in tooth block, difference between the area under the bracket and around it, and after 7 days to verified color stability. Data analysis was performed using the paired t-test and two-way variance analysis and Tukey's. The home bleaching technique proved to be more effective compared to the office bleaching. There was a significant difference between the margin and center color values of the specimens that were subjected to bracket bonding. The bracket bond presence affected the effectiveness of both the home and office bleaching treatments. Key words:Tooth bleaching, spectrophotometry, orthodontics.
Several medical and dental schools have described their experience in the transition from conventional to digital microscopy in the teaching of general pathology and histology disciplines; however, this transitional process has scarcely been reported in the teaching of oral pathology. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to report the transition from conventional glass slide to virtual microscopy in oral pathology teaching, a unique experience in Latin America. An Aperio ScanScope® scanner was used to digitalize histological slides used in practical lectures of oral pathology. The challenges and benefits observed by the group of Professors from the Piracicaba Dental School (Brazil) are described and a questionnaire to evaluate the students' compliance to this new methodology was applied. An improvement in the classes was described by the Professors who mainly dealt with questions related to pathological changes instead of technical problems; also, a higher interaction with the students was described. The simplicity of the software used and the high quality of the virtual slides, requiring a smaller time to identify microscopic structures, were considered important for a better teaching process. Virtual microscopy used to teach oral pathology represents a useful educational methodology, with an excellent compliance of the dental students.