997 resultados para PROFIBUS-DP


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Profibus networks are widely used as the communication infrastructure for supporting distributed computer-controlled applications. Most of the times, these applications impose strict real-time requirements. Profibus-DP has gradually become the preferred Profibus application profile. It is usually implemented as a mono-master Profibus network, and is optimised for speed and efficiency. The aim of this paper is to analyse the real-time behaviour of this class of Profibus networks. Importantly, we develop a new methodology for evaluating the worst-case message response time in systems where high-priority and cyclic low-priority Profibus traffic coexist. The proposed analysis constitutes a powerful tool to guarantee prior to runtime the real-time behaviour of a distributed computer-controlled system based on a Profibus network, where the realtime traffic is supported either by high-priority or by cyclic poll Profibus messages.


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Tämä työ tehtiin Bosch Rexroth Oy:n Vantaan yksikölle. Työssä selvitettiin servo-järjestelmien historiaa ja kehitystä sekä nykyaikaisen servojärjestelmän käyttöönottoa kenttäväylän avulla. Työssä tutustuttiin IAC-R servosolenoidiventtiiliin, joka on tarkoitettu eritoten sahateollisuuden käyttöön. Työn tarkoituksena oli tuottaa lyhyt helppolukuinen manuaali IAC-R-järjestelmän käyttöönotosta Bosch Rexroth Oy:n ja heidän asiakkaiden käyttöön. Manuaalin avulla tulisi lähes kenen tahansa teknisesti riittävän pätevän henkilön pystyä ottamaan IAC-R-järjestelmä käyttöön, parametrisoida ja virittää järjestelmä. Työ aloitettiin tutustumalla IAC-R-järjestelmään, sen komponentteihin ja käyttöoppaaseen, Profibus DP-kenttäväylään ja WinHPT-ohjelmaan jolla järjestelmän parametrisointi on tarkoitettu suoritettavan. Työn alkupuolella järjestelmää parametrisointia koestettiin minimikokoonpanossa ilman hydrauliikkaa. Järjestelmää voidaan koestaa jopa kotioloissa. Loppupuolella järjestelmä liitettiin hydrauliikkasylinteriin jolla suoritettiin varsinainen koestus. Työn tuloksena todettiin että nykyaikaisen digitaalisen servojärjestelmän käyttöönotto on tehty erittäin helpoksi erilaisten ohjelmien avulla. IAC-R- järjestelmän parametrisointi ohjelma WinHPT todettiin erittäin helpoksi käyttää, ja käyttäjän ei tarvitse tietää varsinaisesta väyläliikenteestä ja sen toiminnasta mitään. Säätötekniikkaan ei tässä työssä varsinaisesti kiinnitetty huomiota, mutta jos käyttäjä hallitsee säätötekniikan perusteet, on järjestelmän säätäminen erittäin helppoa.


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A significant number of process control and factory automation systems use PROFIBUS as the underlying fieldbus communication network. The process of properly setting up a PROFIBUS network is not a straightforward task. In fact, a number of network parameters must be set for guaranteeing the required levels of timeliness and dependability. Engineering PROFIBUS networks is even more subtle when the network includes various physical segments exhibiting heterogeneous specifications, such as bus speed or frame formats, just to mention a few. In this paper we provide underlying theory and a methodology to guarantee the proper operation of such type of heterogeneous PROFIBUS networks. We additionally show how the methodology can be applied to the practical case of PROFIBUS networks containing simultaneously DP (Decentralised Periphery) and PA (Process Automation) segments, two of the most used commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) PROFIBUS solutions. The importance of the findings is however not limited to this case. The proposed methodology can be generalised to cover other heterogeneous infrastructures. Hybrid wired/wireless solutions are just an example for which an enormous eagerness exists.


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This paper argues in favor of a concord features valuing within the DP in terms of the Agree operation (Chomsky, 1999), with no recourse to any other mechanism. I show that Agree accounts for feature valuing both in the sentence level as well as in the DP, contrary to Chomsky's (1999) suggestion that concord in DP should involve some other checking mechanism.


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O preenchimento dos itens existentes nos atestados de óbitos foi avaliado neste trabalho, quantificando-se o número de informações em branco ou ignoradas no período de 2 anos. Encontrou-se pequena omissão de dados sobre a identificação do falecido. A omissão é maior com respeito a antecedentes sociais e obstétricos, assistência médica e na parte do atestado referente a casos de óbitos violentos. Uma atuação junto a médicos e funcionários de hospitais pode concorrer para melhorar o nível de preenchimento dos atestados de óbitos no Distrito Federal.


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In previous works we have proposed a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS solution where the interconnection between the heterogeneous media was accomplished through bridge-like devices with wireless stations being able to move between different wireless cells. Additionally, we had also proposed a worst-case timing analysis assuming that stations were stationary. In this paper we advance these previous works by proposing a worst-case timing analysis for the system’s message streams considering the effect of inter-cell mobility.


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Recent technological developments are pulling fieldbus networks to support a new wide class of applications, such as industrial multimedia applications. These applications are usually supported by the widely used TCP/IP stack. It is thus essential to provide support to TCP/IP based applications, in fieldbus networks. This paper presents an effort that is being carried out to integrate the TCP/IP and PROFIBUS stacks, in order to support industrial multimedia applications, whilst guarantying the timing requirements of control-related traffic.


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In this paper, we analyse the ability of Profibus fieldbus to cope with the real-time requirements of a Distributed Computer Control System (DCCS), where messages associated to discrete events must be made available within a maximum bound time. Our methodology is based on the knowledge of real-time traffic characteristics, setting the network parameters in order to cope with timing requirements. Since non-real-time traffic characteristics are usually unknown at the design stage, we consider an operational profile where, constraining non-real-time traffic at the application level, we assure that realtime requirements are met.


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A recent trend in distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS) is to interconnect the distributed computing elements by means of multi-point broadcast networks. Since the network medium is shared between a number of network nodes, access contention exists and must be solved by a medium access control (MAC) protocol. Usually, DCCS impose real-time constraints. In essence, by real-time constraints we mean that traffic must be sent and received within a bounded interval, otherwise a timing fault is said to occur. This motivates the use of communication networks with a MAC protocol that guarantees bounded access and response times to message requests. PROFIBUS is a communication network in which the MAC protocol is based on a simplified version of the timed-token protocol. In this paper we address the cycle time properties of the PROFIBUS MAC protocol, since the knowledge of these properties is of paramount importance for guaranteeing the real-time behaviour of a distributed computer-controlled system which is supported by this type of network.


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In this paper we survey the most relevant results for the prioritybased schedulability analysis of real-time tasks, both for the fixed and dynamic priority assignment schemes. We give emphasis to the worst-case response time analysis in non-preemptive contexts, which is fundamental for the communication schedulability analysis. We define an architecture to support priority-based scheduling of messages at the application process level of a specific fieldbus communication network, the PROFIBUS. The proposed architecture improves the worst-case messages’ response time, overcoming the limitation of the first-come-first-served (FCFS) PROFIBUS queue implementations.


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Recently, there have been a few research efforts towards extending the capabilities of fieldbus networks to encompass wireless support. In previous works we have proposed a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS network solution where the interconnection between the heterogeneous communication media was accomplished through bridge-like interconnecting devices. The resulting networking architecture embraced a Multiple Logical Ring (MLR) approach, thus with multiple independent tokens, where the communication between different domains was supported by the Inter-Domain Protocol (IDP). The proposed architecture also supports mobility of stations between different wireless cells. To that hybrid wired/wireless networking architecture we have proposed a worst-case response timing analysis of the IDP, without considering inter-cell mobility (or handoff) of stations. In this paper, we advance that previous work by proposing a worst-case timing analysis of the mobility procedure.


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Recently, there have been a few research efforts towards extending the capabilities of fieldbus networks to encompass wireless support. In previous works we have proposed a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS network solution where the interconnection between the heterogeneous communication media was accomplished through bridge-like interconnecting devices. The resulting networking architecture embraced a multiple logical ring (MLR) approach, thus with multiple independent tokens, to which a specific bridging protocol extension, the inter-domain protocol (IDP), was proposed. The IDP offers compatibility with standard PROFIBUS, and includes mechanisms to support inter-cell mobility of wireless nodes. We advance that work by proposing a worst-case response timing analysis of the IDP.


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The marriage of emerging information technologies with control technologies is a major driving force that, in the context of the factory-floor, is creating an enormous eagerness for extending the capabilities of currently available fieldbus networks to cover functionalities not considered up to a recent past. Providing wireless capabilities to such type of communication networks is a big share of that effort. The RFieldbus European project is just one example, where PROFIBUS was provided with suitable extensions for implementing hybrid wired/wireless communication systems. In RFieldbus, interoperability between wired and wireless components is achieved by the use specific intermediate networking systems operating as repeaters, thus creating a single logical ring (SLR) network. The main advantage of the SLR approach is that the effort for protocol extensions is not significant. However, a multiple logical ring (MLR) approach provides traffic and error isolation between different network segments. This concept was introduced in, where an approach for a bridge-based architecture was briefly outlined. This paper will focus on the details of the inter-Domain Protocol (IDP), which is responsible for handling transactions between different network domains (wired or wireless) running the PROFIBUS protocol.


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Future industrial control/multimedia applications will increasingly impose or benefit from wireless and mobile communications. Therefore, there is an enormous eagerness for extending currently available industrial communications networks with wireless and mobility capabilities. The RFieldbus European project is just one example, where a PROFIBUS-based hybrid (wired/wireless) architecture was specified and implemented. In the RFieldbus architecture, interoperability between wired and wireless components is achieved by the use specific intermediate networking systems operating at the physical layer level, i.e. operating as repeaters. Instead, in this paper we will focus on a bridge-based approach, which presents several advantages. This concept was introduced in (Ferreira, et al., 2002), where a bridge-based approach was briefly outlined. Then, a specific Inter-Domain Protocol (IDP) was proposed to handle the Inter-Domain transactions in such a bridge-based approach (Ferreira, et al., 2003a). The major contribution of this paper is in extending these previous works by describing the protocol extensions to support inter-cell mobility in such a bridge-based hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS networks.