996 resultados para P. avispaensis n. sp.


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Two new species of Pessomyia from Peru and two species of Emblemasoma from Mexico and Costa rica are proposed; key to species of Emblemasomini is given.


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O domínio do Cerrado compreende uma área contínua nos estados centrais do Brasil e áreas disjuntas em outros estados, incluindo São Paulo. Essa vegetação ocupava originalmente 21% do território brasileiro, restando atualmente apenas 21,6% de sua extensão original. A área recoberta por essa vegetação em São Paulo cobria 14% de sua área total e seus remanescentes recobrem menos de 1% da ocorrência original dessa vegetação. Estudos recentes indicam que o valor da produtividade líquida no Cerrado P-de-Gigante (SP) constitui um pequeno dreno de carbono e indicou que a sazonalidade foi o fator determinante do valor observado. Os estudos dos fluxos de carbono em ecossistemas terrestres são raramente acompanhados de abordagens ecofisiológicas de modo a explorar a relação funcional das espcies que compem o ecossistema e os valores líquidos obtidos para o mesmo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar estruturalmente a vegetação presente na área de maior influência da torre de fluxo instalada no Cerrado P-de-Gigante, visando possibilitar estudos relacionados à quantificação em longo prazo da dinmica dos fluxos de água, energia e CO2 na vegetação de Cerrado. Para isso foram levantadas 20 parcelas (10 x 10 m) em 0,2 ha de Cerrado, e amostraram-se todas as plantas com perímetro ao nvel do solo >6 cm (exceto lianas e árvores mortas). A distribuição das classes de diâmetro e estrutura vertical, assim como os parâmetros fitossociológicos foram analisados. Encontramos 1451 indivíduos, distribuídos em 85 espcies, 52 gêneros e 31 famílias. A densidade absoluta e área basal foram de 7255 ind. ha-1 e de 7,9 m².ha-1, respectivamente. A família Leguminosae apresentou o maior nmero de espcies (13). O Índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi 3,27 nats.ind-1. A distribuição em classes de diâmetro mostrou uma curva de "J" invertido, estando a maioria dos indivíduos na primeira classe. Concluímos que a área deve ser classificada como Cerrado denso, devido principalmente à dominncia pela espcie arbórea Anadenanthera falcata, cuja ocorrência no estado foi relatada apenas em locais com solos ricos em saturação de bases na região das Cuestas Basálticas, devido também à maior área basal dos indivíduos, comparando com outros fragmentos de Cerrado. Além da espcie citada, Myrcia lingua e Xylopia aromatica, apresentaram os maiores IVI (Valor de importância).


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Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka vilka faktorer som pverkar samhällsprogrammets elevers val av skola. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en enkätundersökning p tre gymnasieskolor och skolornas respektive marknadsföring undersöktes. Undersökningen visade att samhällsprogramseleverna i sitt skolval framförallt pverkats mest av skolornas Öppna hus samt at skolorna hade rykte om att ha bra lärare, valbara kurser, skolmat och allmän stämning p skolan. Dessutom spelar skolans geografiska läge en roll. Vi kom fram till att de flesta eleverna vill att skolan ligger nra tåg och buss och ganska centralt. I den kommunala skolan var nrheten till hemmet avgörande. Eleverna anser själva att föräldrarna och kompisarnas pverkan inte är avgörande för deras gymnasieval. Dessutom kom vi fram till att den större delen av eleverna hade högutbildade föräldrar och de flesta hade en svensk bakgrund. P den kommunala skolan, som låg p landsbygden, var andelen elever med utländska föräldrar störst. Vårt resultat stämmer överrens med tidigare forskning, då det redan tidigare har kommit fram till att elever med utländsk bakgrund oftast går till skolor som ligger i förorter från större städer. Dessutom är andelen elever med utländska föräldrar mycket mindre p fristående skolor än p kommunala skolor. I tidigare forskning har ytterligare kommit fram att högutbildade föräldrar gör ett mer medvetet och aktivt val nr de väljer gymnasium och att fler högutbildade föräldrar väljer en fristående skola, än lågutbildade föräldrar. P de skolors SP-programelever vi undersökte såg vi att den största delen av föräldrarna var högutbildade och att en stor grupp var lärare. SP-programmet är studieförberedande och därför kan det vara så att eleverna pverkats av föräldrarnas socioekonomiska status i sitt val, vilket skulle stämma överens med tidigare forskning, även om de själva ser det som ett fritt och självständigt val.


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Com o objetivo de buscar medidas alternativas para o controle de Bipolaris sorokiniana e Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici testou-se o efeito fungitóxico in vitro dos cogumelos Lentinula edodes e Agaricus blazei sobre esses fungos. Os extratos brutos aquosos de ambos os cogumelos no tiveram efeito significativo tanto no crescimento micelial quanto na germinação de esporos de B. sorokiniana. Por outro lado, os extratos dos cogumelos inibiram a germinação de esporos de P. recondita f. sp. tritici, com destaque para o isolado LE 96/17 de L. edodes que apresentou inibição da ordem de 52,4%.


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A Ilha do Cardoso ocupa uma área de cerca de 22.500 ha no Munipio de Canania, litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, entre os paralelos 25°03’05’’ - 25°18’18’’ S e 47°53’48’’ - 48°05’42’’ W. Visando caracterizar morfologicamente os grãos de plen de espcies ocorrentes na vegetação de restinga da Ilha do Cardoso, foram estudadas 20 espcies (uma delas incluindo duas variedades) pertencentes as famílias Aquifoliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lecythidaceae, Malvaceae, Phytolaccaceae e Portulacaceae. Os materiais ponicos foram obtidos a partir de exsicatas depositadas no Herbário do Estado "Maria Eneyda P. Kauffman Fidalgo", (SP). Os grãos de plen foram acetolisados, medidos e fotografados sob microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As famílias estudadas apresentaram grãos de plen que variaram quanto à abertura, desde inaperturados, 3-colpados, 3-colporados, pantocolpados a pantoporados e, quanto à escultura da exina, desde psilados, rugulados, reticulados, clavados, padrão-Croton a espinhosos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fifty-three endophytic enterobacteria isolates from citrus, cocoa, eucalyptus, soybean, and sugar cane were evaluated for susceptibility to the antibiotics ampicillin and kanamycin, and cellulase production. Susceptibility was found on both tested antibiotics. However, in the case of ampicillin susceptibility changed according to the host plant, while all isolates were susceptible to kanamycin. Cellulase production also changed according to host plants. The diversity of these. isolates was estimated by employing BOX-PCR genomic fingerprints and 16S rDNA sequencing. In total, twenty-three distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified by employing a criterion of 60% fingerprint similarity as a surrogate for an OTU. The 23 OTUs belong to the Pantoea and Enterobacter genera, while their high diversity could be an indication of paraphyletic classification. Isolates representing nine different OTUs belong to Pantoea agglomerans, P. ananatis, P, stewartii, Enterobacter sp., and E. homaechei. The results of this study suggest that plant species may select endophytic bacterial genotypes. It has also become apparent that a review of the Pantoea/Enterobacter genera may be necessary.


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The genus Intusatrium Durio & Manter, 1968 is redefined based on a re-examination of paratypes of the type-species, I. robustum Durio & Manter, 1968, and is considered monotypic with characteristic terminal genitalia: internal seminal vesicle elongate tubular, with rather thick wall, divided by slight change in wall thickness into longer proximal and shorter distal region; pars prostatica subcylindrical; ejaculatory duct relatively short, with wrinkled/wall. The genus Postlepidapedon Zdzitowiecki, 1993 is redefined and Intusatrium secundum Durio & Manter, 1968 is attributed to it as a new combination. Postlepidapedon secundum n. comb. is redescribed from a paratype and new material from Choerodon graphicus. P. spissum n. sp. from Choerodon venustus, C. cyanodus, C. fasciatus and C. schoenleinii is recognised on the basis of its thick-walled internal seminal vesicle. I! uberis n. sp. from Choerodon schoenleinii and C. venustus is distinguished by the shape and contents of the cirrus-sac with narrow, convoluted internal seminal vesicle, large vesicular pars prostatica and short, muscular ejaculatory duct. A new genus, Gibsonivermis, erected for Intusatrium berryi Gibson, 1987, is characterised by the elongate narrow cirrus-sac and a uroproct. G. berryi n. comb. is redescribed from Sillago ciliata, S. maculata and Sillago sp.


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We investigated the effects of substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) infusion and acute stimulation of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves fibers (CAP) on lung recruitment of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-positive inflammatory and respiratory sepithelial (RE) cells in guinea-pigs. We evaluated if the effects of CAP stimulation were maintained until 14 days and had functional pulmonary repercussions. After 24 h of CAP and 30 min after SP and NKA infusions there was an increase in nNOS-positive eosinophils and mononuclear cells compared to controls (P < 0.05). SP group presented an increase in nNOS-positive RE (P < 0.05). After 14 days of CAP stimulation, there was a reduction in resistance (R-rs) and elastance (E-rs) of respiratory system in capsaicin pre-treated animals. We noticed a correlation between nNOS-positive eosinophils (R = -0.644, P < 0.05) and mononuclear cells (R = -0.88, P < 0.001) and R-rs. Concluding, CAP and neurokinins increase nNOS expression by inflammatory and RE cells. The increase in nNCS expression induced by low and high doses stimulation of CAP is longstanding and correlated to pulmonary mechanical repercussions. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We assessed the role of NK-1 receptors (NK1R) expressing neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) on cardiorespiratory responses to hypercapnia. To this end, we injected substance P-saporin conjugate (SP-SAP) to kill NK-1 immunoreactive (NK1R-ir) neurons or SAP alone as a control. Immunohistochemistry for NK1R, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH-ir) and Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD-ir) were performed to verify if NK1R-expressing neurons, catecholaminergic and/or GABAergic neurons were eliminated. A reduced NK1R-ir in the LC (72%) showed the effectiveness of the lesion. SP-SAP lesion also caused a reduction of TH-ir (66%) and GABAergic neurons (70%). LC SP-SAP lesion decreased by 30% the ventilatory response to 7% CO(2) and increased the heart rate (fH) during hypercapnia but did not affect MAP. The present data suggest that different populations of neurons (noradrenergic, GABAergic, and possibly others) in the LC express NK1R modulating differentially the hypercapnic ventilatory response, since catecholaminergic neurons are excitatory and GABAergic ones are inhibitory. Additionally, NK1R-ir neurons in the LC, probably GABAergic ones, seem to modulate fH during CO(2) exposure, once our previous data demonstrated that catecholaminergic lesion does not affect this variable. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sequences of the rRNA nontranscribed spacer (NTS) were determined for six isolates of Perkinsus olseni, seven isolates of Perkinsus sp. from Anadara trapezia and one isolate of Perkinsus sp. from Austrovenus stutchburyi. These sequences were compared with previously published NTS sequences for R atlanticus, P. marinus and P. andrewsi. Consensus sequences for Perkinsus olseni, the Perkinsus isolates and P. atlanticus were approximately 98-99% similar to each other but only 65-79% similar to P. marinus and P. andrewsi sequences. Some individual P. olseni sequences were less similar to each other (97.4%) than they were to P. atlanticus sequences (97.8-98.2%), therefore NTS provides further evidence that P. atlanticus, P. olseni, Perkinsus sp. from Anadara trapezia and Perkinsus sp. from Austrovenus stutchburyi are conspecific. We propose that P. atlanticus be synonymised with P. olseni Lester & Davis, 1981 which has taxonomic priority, and that Perkinsus sp. from Anadara trapezia and Perkinsus sp. from Austrovenus stutchburyi belong to R olseni sensu lato as well. A phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA, incorporating recently published Perkinsus sequences, supports the placement of the Perkinsus species with Parvilucifera infectans within the Dinoflagellata.


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A recent malaria epidemic in the Menoreh Hills of Central Java has increased concern about the re-emergence of endemic malaria on Java, which threatens the island's 120 million residents. A 28-day, in-vivo test of the efficacy of treatment of malaria with antimalarial drugs was conducted among 16 7 villagers in the Menoreh Hills. The treatments investigated, chloroquine (CQ) and sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP), constitute, respectively, the first- and second-line treatments for uncomplicated malaria in Indonesia. The prevalence of malaria among 1389 residents screened prior to enrollment was 33%. Treatment outcomes were assessed by microscopical diagnoses, PCR-based confirmation of the diagnoses, measurement of the whole-blood concentrations of CQ and desethylchloroquine (DCQ), and identification of the Plasmodium falciparum genotypes. The 28-day cumulative incidences of therapeutic failure for CQ and SP were, respectively, 47% (N = 36) and 22% (N = 50) in the treatment of P. falciparum, and 18% (N = 77) and 67% (N = 6) in the treatment of P. vivax. Chloroquine was thus an ineffective therapy for P. falciparum malaria, and the presence of CQ-resistant P. vivax and SP-resistant P. falciparum will further compromise efforts to control resurgent malaria on Java.