972 resultados para P. FALCIPARUM
Malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum), ranks as one of the most baleful infectious diseases worldwide. New antimalarial treatments are needed to face existing or emerging drug resistant strains. Protein degradation appears to play a significant role during the asexual intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC) of P. falciparum. Inhibition of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS), a major intracellular proteolytic pathway, effectively reduces infection and parasite replication. P. falciparum and erythrocyte UPS coexist during IDC but the nature of their relationship is largely unknown. We used an approach based on Tandem Ubiquitin-Binding Entities (TUBEs) and 1D gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry to identify major components of the TUBEs-associated ubiquitin proteome of both host and parasite during ring, trophozoite and schizont stages. Ring-exported protein (REX1), a P. falciparum protein located in Maurer's clefts and important for parasite nutrient import, was found to reach a maximum level of ubiquitylation in trophozoites stage. The Homo sapiens (H. sapiens) TUBEs associated ubiquitin proteome decreased during the infection, whereas the equivalent P. falciparum TUBEs-associated ubiquitin proteome counterpart increased. Major cellular processes such as DNA repair, replication, stress response, vesicular transport and catabolic events appear to be regulated by ubiquitylation along the IDC P. falciparum infection.
A caracterização de cepas de P. falciparum coletadas de três pacientes internados no Centro de Provas ClÃnico-Farmacológicas do Hospital Barros Barreto (Belém, PA), através da eletroforese em acetato de celulose para duas enzimas (GPI e ADA), assim como através de testes de sensibilidade para duas drogas, cloroquina e mefloquina, permitiram observações da variação dos tipos enzimáticos em um dos pacientes e modificação no nÃvel de sensibilidade à cloroquina em outro, tanto em amostras obtidas da infecção original, como em cada uma das recrudescências.
17 of 20 adult sera from the Amapa region of Brazil were active in the inhibition of P. falciparum sporozoite invasion (ISI) assay which has been correlated with protective antibodies. In contrast 11 sera were positive in IFA tests and 6 were positive in CSP tests. These results suggest that the ISI assay will be useful for evaluating naturally acquired protective anti-sporozoite antibodies in endemic areas, particularly during vaccine efficacy studies using sporozoite-based vaccines.
Erythromycin, a reversal agent in multidrug-resistant cancer, was assayed in chloroquine resistance modulation. The in vitro microtechnique for drug susceptibility was employed using two freshly isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from North of Brazil. The antimalarial effect of the drug was confirmed, with an IC50 estimates near the usual antimicrobial therapy concentration, and a significant statistical modulating action was observed for one isolate.
Os autores induziram malária em pacientes portadores de neurosÃfilis com 3 diferentes "raças" do P. falciparum do Estado de Goiás. Tôdas foram resistentes à cloroquina em doses de 1.5 e 3g nas 48 horas. Uma delas apresentou resposta parcial ao tratamento com sulfato de quinino (20g em dez dias) e à combinação de sulfametoxipirazina e pirimetamina.
Foi avaliada a resposta terapêutica em 75 doentes com malária pelo P. falciparum, em Porto Velho - Rondônia, tratados com mefloquina nas doses de 1250, 1000 e 750 mg. Não houve diferença significante nos resultados obtidos nos três grupos. Até o terceiro dia de tratamento, a febre desapareceu em 76,0% dos casos. A parasitemia negativou-se em 68,0% dos pacientes nos 3 primeiros dias após o inicio do tratamento, em 24,0% no quarto dia e em 5,3% no quinto.Havia um doente positivo no sexto dia e outro no sétimo. Nenhum paciente apresentou trofozoito no perÃodo de seguimento de 7 a 28 dias. Não houve modificações do quadro hematológico, exceto por um incremento da taxa de reticulócitos em 76,0%. As alterações bioquÃmicas registradas no seguimento dos doentes constaram de elevação da desidrogenase lática (28,0%) e, dafosfatase alcalina (41,3%). As reações colaterais foram discretas e infreqüentes; em 72,0% dos tratados não se constatou nenhum efeito secundário. Não se verificou nenhum caso de recidiva. A mefloquina revelou-se eficaz e bem tolerada no tratamento da malária no Estado de Rondônia.
The aim of this Phase I/IIa double-blind controlled trial was to test the efficacy of the sporozoite-based malaria vaccine PfCS 282-383 (PfCS102) to protect against Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia. 16 volunteers were randomized to receive twice 30 μg of PfCS102 formulated in Montanide ISA 720 or ISA 720 alone (control). Two weeks after 2nd immunization, volunteers were challenged using 5 infected mosquitoes. All vaccinees developed antibodies against PfCS102 versus none control. 8/8 vaccinees and 6/6 controls challenged developed malaria parasitaemia. The duration from infection to onset of patent parasitaemia was similar in both groups (214 h in vaccinees and 216 in controls). PfCS102 is safe and immunogenic but provides no protection against artificial challenge in its current formulation.
The cellular traffic of haem during the development of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, through the stages R (ring), T (trophozoite) and S (schizonts), was investigated within RBC (red blood cells). When Plasmodium cultures were incubated with a fluorescent haem analogue, ZnPPIX (Zn protoporphyrin IX) the probe was seen at the cytoplasm (R stage), and the vesicle-like structure distribution pattern was more evident at T and S stages. The temporal sequence of ZnPPIX uptake by P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes shows that at R and S stages, a time-increase acquisition of the porphyrin reaches the maximum fluorescence distribution after 60 min; in contrast, at the T stage, the maximum occurs after 120 min of ZnPPIX uptake. The difference in time-increase acquisition of the porphyrin is in agreement with a maximum activity of haem uptake at the T stage. To gain insights into haem metabolism, recombinant PfHO (P. falciparum haem oxygenase) was expressed, and the conversion of haem into BV (biliverdin) was detected. These findings point out that, in addition to haemozoin formation, the malaria parasite P. falciparum has evolved two distinct mechanisms for dealing with haem toxicity, namely, the uptake of haem into a cellular compartment where haemozoin is formed and HO activity. However, the low Plasmodium HO activity detected reveals that the enzyme appears to be a very inefficient way to scavenge the haem compared with the Plasmodium ability to uptake the haem analogue ZnPPIX and delivering it to the food vacuole.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We assessed monthly doses of tafenoquine for preventing Plasmodium vivax and multidrug-resistant P. falciparum malaria. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 205 Thai soldiers received either a loading dose of tafenoquine 400 mg ( base) daily for 3 days, followed by single monthly 400-mg doses (n = 104), or placebo (n = 101), for up to 5 consecutive months. In volunteers completing follow-up (96 tafenoquine and 91 placebo recipients), there were 22 P. vivax, 8 P. falciparum, and 1 mixed infection. All infections except 1 P. vivax occurred in placebo recipients, giving tafenoquine a protective efficacy of 97% for all malaria (95% confidence interval [CI], 82%-99%), 96% for P. vivax malaria (95% CI, 76%-99%), and 100% for P. falciparum malaria ( 95% CI, 60%-100%). Monthly tafenoquine was safe, well tolerated, and highly effective in preventing P. vivax and multidrug-resistant P. falciparum malaria in Thai soldiers during 6 months of prophylaxis.
The malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum depends on the purine salvage enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine-xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGXPRT) to convert purine bases from the host to nucleotides needed for DNA and RNA synthesis. An approach to developing antimalarial drugs is to use HGXPRT to convert introduced purine base analogs to nucleotides that are toxic to the parasite. This strategy requires that these compounds be good substrates for the parasite enzyme but poor substrates for the human counterpart, HGPRT. Bases with a chlorine atom in the 6-position or a nitrogen in the 8-position exhibited strong discrimination between P. falciparum HGXPRT and human HGPRT. The k(cat)/K-m values for the Plasmodium enzyme using 6-chloroguanine and 8-azaguanine as substrates were 50-80-fold and 336-fold higher than for the human enzyme, respectively. These and other bases were effective in inhibiting the growth of the parasite in vitro, giving IC50 values as low as 1 mu M.
Four laboratory-raised colonies of two karyotypic forms of Anopheles aconitus, i.e., Form B (Chiang Mai and Phet Buri strains) and C (Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son strains), were experimentally infected with Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax using an artificial membrane feeding technique and dissected eight and 12 days after feeding for oocyst and sporozoite rates, respectively. The results revealed that An. aconitus Form B and C were susceptible to P. falciparum and P. vivax, i.e., Form B (Chiang Mai and Phet Buri strains/P. falciparum and P. vivax) and Form C (Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son strains/P. vivax). Comparative statistical analyses of the oocyst rates, average number of oocysts per infected midgut and sporozoite rates among all strains of An. aconitus Form B and C to the ingroup control vectors, An. minimus A and C, exhibited mostly no significant differences, confirming the high potential vector of the two Plasmodium species. The sporozoite-like crystals found in the median lobe of the salivary glands, which could be a misleading factor in the identification of true sporozoites in salivary glands were found in both An. aconitus Form B and C.
Antibodies of IgG and IgM isotopes reacting with Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax thick-smear antigens were searched for by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) in a random sample of 230 blood donors at the transfusion centre of Porto Velho (HEMERON), Rondônia State, western Brazilian Amazon. A high prevalence of IgG seropositivity (32% against P. falciparum, 24% against P. vivax and 37% against either P. falciparum or P. vivax antigens) was detected among them, despite the fact that candidates reporting recent (<12 months) malaria attacks were not elegible. Only a small proportion of them had also detectable IgM antibodies to these antigens. These data suggest an intense, relatively recent exposure to malaria in such an urban population sample. However, parasitaemia (as detected by microscopical examination of Giemsa-stained thick smears) was patent in only one prospective donor. The antibody profile of blood donors was compared with that of healthy subjects of all age groups, living in a close endemic area (Candeias village, 21 km east of Porto Velho). The villagers were classified into two groups according to their history of a recent (<12 months) or a remote (>12 months) past malaria attack due to either P. falciparum or P. vivax. Extensive overlapping was observed when the distribution of antibody titres of healthy subjects from Candeias village with a recent and remote malaria history was compared. In conclusion, subjects with a recent or a remote malaria history could not be distinguished by sorological criteria alone.