957 resultados para Nurse-patient relations


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This study aimed at describing patients' perception of their communication with nurses when performing home dialysis. Data were collected from interviews guided by the question: What is communication like, between you and nurses, during home dialysis treatment? Results show participants' perception of treatment during home peritoneal dialysis [Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)]; relationship with nurses and family and the effects of treatment on one's existence. Patients can be self-caring and they learn to value the autonomy in their own care. However, some are unable to assume the responsibility for self-care. It was discovered that the connotation of inspection that some participants attributed to the nurse's visits, led to an alienation from the education process in the CAPD education. Findings suggest that effective communication and the development of the relationship of a working partnership with patients is crucial. Improvement in the nurses' communication, aiming at adapting it to the characteristics, limitations and specific needs of each patient, is significant for achieving better outcomes. © 2010 European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association.


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The therapeutic relationship has been considered foundational to psychiatric nursing practice since at least the mid-20th century. However, this does not, in itself, guarantee either its continuity or relevance to current practice. Concepts such as the therapeutic relationship require sustained attention, both in theory and in practice, to illustrate ongoing relevance to the discipline. This paper addresses the therapeutic relationship in psychiatric nursing via aspects of psychoanalytic theory, particularly the notion of transference, as theorized by both Freud and Lacan. Two case fragments provide practice material, through which transference in the nurse–patient relationship is explored. The nurse, in the context of his/her relationship with the patient, a sick stranger, offers both a listening and the potential development of transference. This transference can be experienced, in part, as a form of attachment to the nurse, one that is not regarded pejoratively as dependency. There is the potential, within the nurse–patient relationship, for a psychical holding to develop, one from within which both the patient can speak and transference might arise. It is argued that listening to the patient has the potential to assist the patient and, with the development of transference, can provide the context for important work.


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Aim The purpose of the study was to explore nurses' perceptions and understanding of patient-centred care (PCC) in Bhutan. Background Nurses' perceptions and understanding of PCC in Bhutan are unknown. Methods A non-probability convenience sample was taken and a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative descriptive) used. Survey questionnaires were administered to 87 Bhutanese nurses in three types of hospitals -- the National Referral Hospital, the regional referral hospital and the district hospital. Descriptive statistics including frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation (SD) were used for analysis. Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to investigate relationships between demographic variables. Results The nursing labour force in Bhutan knows which behaviours are considered necessary for practising PCC. The mean (SD) rating of behaviours considered critical for practising PCC was 4.29 (0.22), five being the highest score. Bhutanese nurses described PCC, according to qualitative descriptive analysis, as being based on individual patient assessment (22/87 or 25% of respondents), using a holistic model of care (38/87 or 44%) that was based on evidence (38/87 or 44%). A higher level of education (79/87 or 91%) was found to be the main factor that would facilitate the development of PCC, while inadequate staffing, in terms of insufficient numbers of staff and lack of advanced practitioners (56/87 or 64%), was revealed as the main factor that hinders development of PCC. Conclusion Bhutanese nurses believed certain behaviours were critical to PCC. Reform of higher nursing education, putting an emphasis on PCC, would improve nursing practice and increase its scope.


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BACKGROUND: Patient participation is a way for patients to engage in their nursing care. In view of the possible link between patient participation and safety, there is a need for an updated review to assess patient participation in nursing care. OBJECTIVES: To investigate patients' and nurses' perceptions of and behaviours towards patient participation in nursing care in the context of hospital medical wards. DESIGN: Integrative review. DATA SOURCES: Three search strategies were employed in August 2013; a computerised database search of Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane Library, Medline and PsychINFO; reference lists were hand-searched; and forward citation searching was executed. REVIEW METHODS: After reviewing the studies, extracting study data and completing summary tables the methodological quality was assessed using the Mixed-Methods Assessment Tool by two reviewers. Reviewers met then to discuss discrepancies as well as the overall strengths and limitations of the studies. Discrepancies were overcome through consensus or a third reviewer adjudicated the issue. Within and across study analysis and synthesis of the findings sections was undertaken using thematic synthesis. RESULTS: Eight studies met inclusion criteria. Four themes were identified - enacting participation, challenges to participation, promoting participation and types of participation. Most studies included were conducted in Europe. The majority of studies used qualitative methodologies, with all studies sampling patients; nurses were included in three studies. Data were largely collected using self-reported perceptions; two studies included observational data. Methodological issues included a lack of reflexivity, un-validated data collection tools, sampling issues and low response rates. CONCLUSIONS: On medical wards, patients and nurses desire, perceive or enact patient participation passively. Challenging factors for patient participation include patients' willingness, nurses' approach and confusion around expectations and roles. Information-sharing was identified as an activity that promotes patient participation, suggesting nurses encourage active communication with patients in practice. Involving patients in assessment and care planning may also enhance patient participation. For education, enhancing nurses' understanding of the attributes of patient participation, as well as patient-centred care approaches may be beneficial for medical ward nurses. From here, researchers need to examine ways to overcome the barriers to patient participation; further nurse participants and observational data is required on medical wards.


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AIMS: To explore nurses' views of patient participation in nursing care on medical wards. BACKGROUND: Nurses have frequent contact with patients, highlighting their potential role in enabling patient participation. However, some nurses' actions and attitudes act as barriers, failing to achieve core requirements of patient participation. Discovering nurses' views may assist in developing strategies to encourage patient participation in hospitals. DESIGN: Interpretive study. METHODS: Twenty nurses were recruited from four medical wards, located in two Australian hospitals. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted between November 2013-March 2014 and analysed using content analysis. FINDINGS: Five categories emerged from the nurses' views. The first category, acknowledging patients as partners, showed nurses respected patients as legitimate participants. In the second category, managing risk, nurses emphasized the need to monitor participation to ensure rules and patient safety were maintained. Enabling participation was the third category, which demonstrated nurses' strategies that enhanced patients' participation. The fourth category was hindering participation; encapsulating nurses' difficulty in engaging patients with certain characteristics. In the final category, realizing participation, nurses believed patients could be involved in physical activities or clinical communication. CONCLUSION: Nurses have a crucial role in promoting patient participation. Through acknowledging and enabling participation, nurses may facilitate patient participation in a range of nursing activities. The nurse's role in enacting participation is complex, having to accommodate each patient's risks and characteristics, highlighting the need for good assessment skills. Education, policy and research strategies are essential to foster nurses' pivotal role in patient participation.


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PURPOSE: To describe and understand activities patients and nurses undertake to enact patient participation in nursing care. DESIGN: This observational study was conducted on two medical units at a public hospital in Australia. Twenty-eight nurse-patient dyads were observed for at least 4 hr. Data were collected from November 2013 to February 2014. METHODS: Field notes were collected and were analyzed both inductively and deductively. FINDINGS: Nurse-patient interactions promoted patient participation through dialogue and knowledge sharing. Less evident was patient involvement in planning or self-care. Nurses exerted control over patient care, which influenced the extent of patient participation. CONCLUSIONS: Patient participation appears to be difficult to enact. Nurses' controlling approach, influenced by organizational issues, was in conflict with a patient-centered approach to care. Nurse-patient communication is one aspect of patient-centered care enacted more frequently. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Nurses may benefit from strategies at the individual and organizational level to enhance their patient-centered practices. Fostering nurses' communication may enhance patient-centered practices in hospitals.


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It is widely documented that nurses experience work-related stress [Quine, L., 1998. Effects of stress in an NHS trust: a study. Nursing Standard 13 (3), 36-41; Charnley, E., 1999. Occupational stress in the newly qualified staff nurse. Nursing Standard 13 (29), 32-37; McGrath, A., Reid, N., Boore, J., 2003. Occupational stress in nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies 40, 555-565; McVicar, A., 2003. Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 (6), 633-642; Bruneau, B., Ellison, G., 2004. Palliative care stress in a UK community hospital: evaluation of a stress-reduction programme. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 10 (6), 296-304; Jenkins, R., Elliott, P., 2004. Stressors, burnout and social support: nurses in acute mental health settings. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48 (6), 622-631], with cancer nursing being identified as a particularly stressful occupation [Hinds, P.S., Sanders, C.B., Srivastava, D.K., Hickey, S., Jayawardene, D., Milligan, M., Olsen, M.S., Puckett, P., Quargnenti, A., Randall, E.A., Tyc, V., 1998. Testing the stress-response sequence model in paediatric oncology nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 28 (5), 1146-1157; Barnard, D., Street, A., Love, A.W., 2006. Relationships between stressors, work supports and burnout among cancer nurses. Cancer Nursing 29 (4), 338-345]. Terminologies used to capture this stress are burnout [Pines, A.M., and Aronson, E., 1988. Career Burnout: Causes and Cures. Free Press, New York], compassion stress [Figley, C.R., 1995. Compassion Fatigue. Brunner/Mazel, New York], emotional contagion [Miller, K.I., Stiff, J.B., Ellis, B.H., 1988. Communication and empathy as precursors to burnout among human service workers. Communication Monographs 55 (9), 336-341] or simply the cost of caring (Figley, 1995). However, in the mental health field such as psychology and counselling, there is terminology used to captivate this impact, vicarious traumatisation. Vicarious traumatisation is a process through which the therapist's inner experience is negatively transformed through empathic engagement with client's traumatic material [Pearlman, L.A., Saakvitne, K.W., 1995a. Treating therapists with vicarious traumatization and secondary traumatic stress disorders. In: Figley, C.R. (Ed.), Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in Those Who Treat the Traumatized. Brunner/Mazel, New York, pp. 150-177]. Trauma not only affects individuals who are primarily present, but also those with whom they discuss their experience. If an individual has been traumatised as a result of a cancer diagnosis and shares this impact with oncology nurses, there could be a risk of vicarious traumatisation in this population. However, although Thompson [2003. Vicarious traumatisation: do we adequately support traumatised staff? The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation 24-25] suggests that vicarious traumatisation is a broad term used for workers from any profession, it has not yet been empirically determined if oncology nurses experience vicarious traumatisation. This purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of vicarious traumatisation and argue that it should be explored in oncology nursing. The review will highlight that empirical research in vicarious traumatisation is largely limited to the mental health professions, with a strong recommendation for the need to empirically determine whether this concept exists in oncology nursing.


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TITLE: 'Every pregnant woman needs a midwife'-the experiences of HIV affected women in Northern Ireland.

OBJECTIVE: to explore HIV positive women's experiences of pregnancy and maternity care, with a focus on their interactions with midwives.

DESIGN: a prospective qualitative study.

SETTING: regional HIV unit in Northern Ireland.

PARTICIPANTS: 22 interviews were conducted with 10 women at different stages of their reproductive trajectories.

FINDINGS: the pervasive presence of HIV related stigma threatened the women's experience of pregnancy and care. The key staff attributes that facilitated a positive experience were knowledge and experience, empathy and understanding of their unique needs and continuity of care.

KEY CONCLUSIONS: pregnancy in the context of HIV, whilst offering a much needed sense of normality, also increases woman's sense of anxiety and vulnerability and therefore the need for supportive interventions that affirm normality is intensified. A maternity team approach, with a focus on providing 'balanced care' could meet all of the woman and child's medical needs, whilst also emphasising the normalcy of pregnancy.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur personer med HIV upplevde bemötandet inom vården i I-länder. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Artikelsökningarna gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier hittades men författarna har enbart använt sig av de kvalitativa studierna (n=11). Studierna granskades sedan med modifierade granskningsmallar för kvalitetsbedömning. Resultat: De funna studiernas resultat granskades och utifrån detta identifierade författarna fyra teman; Att hållas på avstånd, Att bli annorlunda bemött, Att få en stämpel och Positivt bemötande. Resultatet visade att vårdpersonalen höll avstånd från patienter genom att använda sig av överdrivna hygienrutiner, och i vissa fall förekom det att patienterna blev nekade vård på grund av sin HIV diagnos. Att bli annorlunda bemött handlade i många fall om att patienterna blev utsatta för kränkande behandling. Flera patienter beskrev hur de upplevde att personalen kategoriserade dem och gav dem en stämpel på grund av sin diagnos. De upplevde även att vårdpersonalen offentliggjorde deras diagnos genom att bryta mot sekretessen. Resultatet visade att patienter upplevt positivt bemötande och att vårdpersonalen gett dem stöd. Litteraturöversikten visade också att flera patienter föredrog att söka vård på specialistkliniker. Slutsats: Många patienter kände sig kränkta och annorlunda bemötta i möte med sjukvårdspersonal. De föredrog att söka vård på speciella HIV kliniker eftersom de kände att personalen där hade bättre förståelse för sjukdomen.


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This paper draws on a study of birth support conducted across three Melbourne maternity units. Midwife informants were asked to participate in semistructured interviews with two researchers and describe the activity and role of lay birth support people. In the course of the study, the activity of the midwives themselves became a research focus. The study found that one of the key tasks midwives described was assisting birthing women to develop and negotiate satisfactory birth narratives that could encompass the intense and sometimes difficult experience of birth. Midwife informants offered strategies for the development of such narratives as part of their professional and personal labour in the birth room.


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BACKGROUND: Patient participation benefits the patient and is a core concept of patient-centred care. Patients believe in their ability to prevent errors; thus, they may play a vital role in combating adverse event rates in hospitals. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore hospitalised medical patients' perceptions of participating in nursing care, including the barriers and facilitators for this activity. RESEARCH METHODS: This interpretive study was conducted on four medical wards, in two hospitals. Purposeful maximum variation sampling was operationalised to recruit patients that differed in areas such as age, gender and mobility status. In-depth semi-structured audiotaped interviews were undertaken and analysed using inductive content analysis. RESULTS: Twenty patients participated in the study. Four categories were uncovered in the data. First, valuing participation showed patients' willingness to participate, viewing it as a worthwhile task. Second, exchanging intelligence was a way of participating where patients' knowledge was built and shared with health professionals. Third, on the lookout was a type of participation where patients monitored their care, showing an attentive approach towards their own safety. Fourth, power imbalance was characterised by patients feeling their opportunities for participation were restricted. CONCLUSIONS: Patients were motivated to participate and valued participation. Cultivating this motivation may be crucial to patient empowerment and practices of safety monitoring, a fundamental strategy to addressing patient safety issues in hospitals. Engaging nurse-patient relationships, inclusive of knowledge sharing, is required in practice to empower patients to participate. Educating patients on the consequences of non-participation may motivate them, while nurses may benefit from training on patient-centred approaches. Future research should address ways to increase patient motivation and opportunities to participate.


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Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, utilizando-se, como referencial teórico, o Interacionismo Simbólico e, como referencial metodológico, a Grounded Theory, visando: compreender a experiência interacional de familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos hospitalizados, há mais de sete dias, em um Hospital Universitário de grande porte do Estado de São Paulo, e desenvolver um modelo teórico representativo dessa experiência. As estratégias para obtenção dos dados foram a observação e a entrevista. Dos resultados, emergiram dois fenômenos: vivendo a expectativa pela internação no Hospital Universitário e assumindo o papel de familiar visitante ou de familiar acompanhante. A compreensão da experiência nos permitiu ampliar o conhecimento, referente ao movimento que eles empreenderam na vivência denominada como movendo-se perante a sinalização do enfermeiro entre os papéis de familiar visitante e familiar acompanhante: compartilhando uma experiência de poucos prazeres em solidariedade ao adulto e ao idoso hospitalizados.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a importância da comunicação durante as orientações pós-operatórias fornecidas pela equipe de enfermagem a pacientes e/ou familiares de uma instituição privada e apreender a percepção destes indivíduos acerca das orientações recebidas. Foi um estudo transversal, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou o referencial teórico da Comunicação Interpessoal e o referencial metodológico da Análise de Conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 16 pacientes entrevistados no período pós-operatório mediato. Os resultados evidenciaram que a equipe de enfermagem focaliza as orientações nas técnicas instrumentais da profissão, não abordando o indivíduo de forma holística. Também foi possível perceber que, quando o profissional enfermeiro permanece afastado do paciente e/ou não presta informações adequadas gera sentimentos de ansiedade, medo, insegurança e sensação de falta de cuidado. Por outro lado, quando a equipe de enfermagem se fez presente com cuidado e informações coerentes, os clientes relataram um alto nível de satisfação e a sensação de ser bem cuidado.