983 resultados para Non-Archimedean Real Closed Fields


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 03E04, 12J15, 12J25.


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Let F be a non-archimedean local field and let O be its ring of integers. We give a complete description of the irreducible constituents of the restriction of the unramified principal series representations of GL(3)(F) to GL(3)(O). (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Investment risk models with infinite variance provide a better description of distributions of individual property returns in the IPD UK database over the period 1981 to 2003 than normally distributed risk models. This finding mirrors results in the US and Australia using identical methodology. Real estate investment risk is heteroskedastic, but the characteristic exponent of the investment risk function is constant across time – yet it may vary by property type. Asset diversification is far less effective at reducing the impact of non‐systematic investment risk on real estate portfolios than in the case of assets with normally distributed investment risk. The results, therefore, indicate that multi‐risk factor portfolio allocation models based on measures of investment codependence from finite‐variance statistics are ineffective in the real estate context


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Investment risk models with infinite variance provide a better description of distributions of individual property returns in the IPD database over the period 1981 to 2003 than Normally distributed risk models, which mirrors results in the U.S. and Australia using identical methodology. Real estate investment risk is heteroscedastic, but the Characteristic Exponent of the investment risk function is constant across time yet may vary by property type. Asset diversification is far less effective at reducing the impact of non-systematic investment risk on real estate portfolios than in the case of assets with Normally distributed investment risk. Multi-risk factor portfolio allocation models based on measures of investment codependence from finite-variance statistics are ineffectual in the real estate context.


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The rapid growth of non-listed real estate funds over the last several years has contributed towards establishing this sector as a major investment vehicle for gaining exposure to commercial real estate. Academic research has not kept up with this development, however, as there are still only a few published studies on non-listed real estate funds. This paper aims to identify the factors driving the total return over a seven-year period. Influential factors tested in our analysis include the weighted underlying direct property returns in each country and sector as well as fund size, investment style gearing and the distribution yield. Furthermore, we analyze the interaction of non-listed real estate funds with the performance of the overall economy and that of competing asset classes and found that lagged GDP growth and stock market returns as well as contemporaneous government bond rates are significant and positive predictors of annual fund performance.


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The present article shows a procedure to predict the flutter speed based on real-time tuning of a quasi non-linear aeroelastic model. A two-dimensional non-linear (freeplay) aeroeslastic model is implemented inMatLab/Simulink with incompressible aerodynamic conditions. A comparison with real compressible conditions is provided. Once the numerical validation is accomplished, a parametric aeroelastic model is built in order to describe the proposed procedure and contribute to reduce the number of flight hours needed to expand the flutter envelope.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11D09, 11A55, 11C08, 11R11, 11R29; Secondary: 11R65, 11S40; 11R09.


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Acknowledgements: We thank INREV (the European Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles) for funding a previous version of this research and providing non-listed fund data as well as very useful comments. This version is published as Delfim, J.-C. and Hoesli, M., 2015, Risk Factor Analysis of European Non-Listed Real Estate Funds, Amsterdam: INREV. The usual disclaimer applies. We also thank three anonymous reviewers and the guest editor, Graeme Newell, for insightful remarks.


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We know, from the classical work of Tarski on real closed fields, that elimination is, in principle, a fundamental engine for mechanized deduction. But, in practice, the high complexity of elimination algorithms has limited their use in the realization of mechanical theorem proving. We advocate qualitative theorem proving, where elimination is attractive since most processes of reasoning take place through the elimination of middle terms, and because the computational complexity of the proof is not an issue. Indeed what we need is the existence of the proof and not its mechanization. In this paper, we treat the linear case and illustrate the power of this paradigm by giving extremely simple proofs of two central theorems in the complexity and geometry of linear programming.


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Hydraulic conductivity (K) fields are used to parameterize groundwater flow and transport models. Numerical simulations require a detailed representation of the K field, synthesized to interpolate between available data. Several recent studies introduced high-resolution K data (HRK) at the Macro Dispersion Experiment (MADE) site, and used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to delineate the main structural features of the aquifer. This paper describes a statistical analysis of these data, and the implications for K field modeling in alluvial aquifers. Two striking observations have emerged from this analysis. The first is that a simple fractional difference filter can have a profound effect on data histograms, organizing non-Gaussian ln K data into a coherent distribution. The second is that using GPR facies allows us to reproduce the significantly non-Gaussian shape seen in real HRK data profiles, using a simulated Gaussian ln K field in each facies. This illuminates a current controversy in the literature, between those who favor Gaussian ln K models, and those who observe non-Gaussian ln K fields. Both camps are correct, but at different scales.


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A Riesz space with a Hausdorff, locally convex topology determined by Riesz seminorms is called a locally convex Riesz space. A sequence {xn} in a locally convex Riesz space L is said to converge locally to x ϵ L if for some topologically bounded set B and every real r ˃ 0 there exists N (r) and n ≥ N (r) implies x – xn ϵ rb. Local Cauchy sequences are defined analogously, and L is said to be locally complete if every local Cauchy sequence converges locally. Then L is locally complete if and only if every monotone local Cauchy sequence has a least upper bound. This is a somewhat more general form of the completeness criterion for Riesz – normed Riesz spaces given by Luxemburg and Zaanen. Locally complete, bound, locally convex Riesz spaces are barrelled. If the space is metrizable, local completeness and topological completeness are equivalent.

Two measures of the non-archimedean character of a non-archimedean Riesz space L are the smallest ideal Ao (L) such that quotient space is Archimedean and the ideal I (L) = { x ϵ L: for some 0 ≤ v ϵ L, n |x| ≤ v for n = 1, 2, …}. In general Ao (L) ᴝ I (L). If L is itself a quotient space, a necessary and sufficient condition that Ao (L) = I (L) is given. There is an example where Ao (L) ≠ I (L).

A necessary and sufficient condition that a Riesz space L have every quotient space Archimedean is that for every 0 ≤ u, v ϵ L there exist u1 = sup (inf (n v, u): n = 1, 2, …), and real numbers m1 and m2 such that m1 u1 ≥ v1 and m2 v1 ≥ u1. If, in addition, L is Dedekind σ – complete, then L may be represented as the space of all functions which vanish off finite subsets of some non-empty set.


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The real-quaternionic indicator, also called the $\delta$ indicator, indicates if a self-conjugate representation is of real or quaternionic type. It is closely related to the Frobenius-Schur indicator, which we call the $\varepsilon$ indicator. The Frobenius-Schur indicator $\varepsilon(\pi)$ is known to be given by a particular value of the central character. We would like a similar result for the $\delta$ indicator. When $G$ is compact, $\delta(\pi)$ and $\varepsilon(\pi)$ coincide. In general, they are not necessarily the same. In this thesis, we will give a relation between the two indicators when $G$ is a real reductive algebraic group. This relation also leads to a formula for $\delta(\pi)$ in terms of the central character. For the second part, we consider the construction of the local Langlands correspondence of $GL(2,F)$ when $F$ is a non-Archimedean local field with odd residual characteristics. By re-examining the construction, we provide new proofs to some important properties of the correspondence. Namely, the construction is independent of the choice of additive character in the theta correspondence.