917 resultados para Nitroso compounds.


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Comparative molecular fiels analysis (CoMFA) has been applied to the studies of the correlation of the N-nitroso compounds and their carcinogenic activities, The comparison of CoMFA results with different lattice spacing and different atom probes was investigated, CoMFA resulted in a quantitative description of the major steric and electrostatic field effects and gave significant new insights to factors governing potency.


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The electronic parameters of 12 N-nitroso compounds have been computated with semiempirical quantum chemical calculation, and the study on the relationships between the structures of these compounds and the carcinogenic activities have been performed by using multivariate regression analysis and neural network with satisfactory results.


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Endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds (NOCs), which are known animal carcinogens, could contribute to human carcinogenesis but definitive evidence is still lacking. To investigate the relevance of NOCs in human colorectal cancer (CRC) development, we analyzed whole genome gene expression modifications in human colon biopsies in relation to fecal NOC exposure. We had a particular interest in patients suffering from intestinal inflammation as this may stimulate endogenous NOC formation, and consequently predispose to CRC risk. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome patients without inflammation, serving as controls, were therefore recruited. Fecal NOC were demonstrated in the majority of subjects. By associating gene expression levels of all subjects to fecal NOC levels, we identified a NOC exposure-associated transcriptomic response that suggests that physiological NOC concentrations may potentially induce genotoxic responses and chromatin modifications in human colon tissue, both of which are linked to carcinogenicity. In a network analysis, chromatin modifications were linked to 11 significantly modulated histone genes, pointing towards a possible epigenetic mechanism that may be relevant in comprehending NOC-induced carcinogenesis. In addition, pro-inflammatory transcriptomic modifications were identified in visually non-inflamed regions of the IBD colon. However, fecal NOC levels were slightly but not significantly increased in IBD patients, suggesting that inflammation did not strongly stimulate NOC formation. We conclude that NOC exposure is associated with gene expression modifications in the human colon that may suggest a potential role of these compounds in CRC development.


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Red meat consumption causes a dose-dependent increase in fecal apparent total N-nitroso compounds (ATNC). The genotoxic effects of these ATNCs were investigated using two different Comet assay protocols to determine the genotoxicity of fecal water samples. Fecal water samples were obtained from two studies of a total of 21 individuals fed diets containing different amounts of red meat, protein, heme, and iron. The first protocol incubated the samples with HT-29 cells for 5 min at 4 degrees C, whereas the second protocol used a longer exposure time of 30 min and a higher incubation temperature of 37 degrees C. DNA strand breaks were quantified by the tail moment (DNA in the comet tail multiplied by the comet tail length). The results of the two Comet assay protocols were significantly correlated (r = 0.35, P = 0.003), however, only the second protocol resulted in detectable levels of DNA damage. Inter-individual effects were variable and there was no effect on fecal water genotoxicity by diet (P > 0.20), mean transit time (P = 0.588), or weight (P = 0.705). However, there was a highly significant effect of age (P = 0.019). There was no significant correlation between concentrations of ATNCs in fecal homogenates and fecal water genotoxicity (r = 0.04, P = 0.74). ATNC levels were lower in fecal water samples (272 microg/kg) compared to that of fecal homogenate samples (895 microg/kg) (P < 0.0001). Failure to find dietary effects on fecal water genotoxicity may therefore be attributed to individual variability and low levels of ATNCs in fecal water samples.


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La spécialisation des techniques agricoles que nous connaissons ces dernières décennies, particulièrement dans les régions rurales, est à l’origine de l’abus de fertilisants. Ces derniers sont actuellement reconnus comme étant les causes principales de la contamination de l’eau souterraine par les nitrates. Suite à leur ingestion via l’eau potable, les nitrates sont transformés en nitrites par la flore buccale. Une fois dans l’estomac les nitrites réagissent avec certaines amines provenant de l’alimentation pour générer des nitrosamines cancérogènes. L’objectif de notre étude était d’estimer quantitativement l’excès de risque de cancer (ER) pour les populations de sept régions rurales du Québec qui consomme l’eau potable provenant de réseaux municipaux alimentés en eau souterraine. Le territoire à l’étude était caractérisé par une agriculture intensive d’élevage. Les médianes (et 95e centiles) régionales des concentrations de nitrates mesurées dans les réseaux de ces régions étaient de : 0,18 (2,74); 0,48 (10,35); 0,15 (1,28); 0,32 (11); 0,05 (0,76); 0,10 (4,69); 0,09 (2,13) mg N-NO3-/l. Nous avons envisagé un scénario de transformation complète des nitrites et de certaines amines (diméthylamine, diéthylamine, n-butylamine, méthyléthylamine) en nitrosamines spécifiques : N-diméthylnitrosamine (NDMA), N-diéthylnitrosamine (NDEA), N-n-dibutylnitrosamine (NDBA) et N-méthyléthylnitrosamine (NMEA). Pour estimer la concentration de nitrites formés dans l’estomac, nous avons considéré une consommation définie d’eau potable, le volume de l’estomac et un taux de transformation des nitrates en nitrites. Supposant les quantités de nitrites et de chaque amine constantes pendant 1h, nous avons considéré la constante de nitrosation spécifique à chaque amine pour évaluer la dose d’exposition journalière à chaque nitrosamine équivalente formée. Par la suite, la combinaison de cette dose à un estimateur de potentiel cancérogène qhumain spécifique à chaque nitrosamine, nous a permis d’évaluer l’ER associé à chacune d’elles. Globalement l’analyse a démontré que les ER les plus élevés, estimés pour le NDBA, étaient de l’ordre de 10-6, ne contribuant pas de façon significative à une augmentation du risque de cancer pour ces populations.


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La construction modulaire est une stratégie émergente qui permet la fabrication de matériaux ordonnés à l’échelle atomique. Elle consiste en l’association programmée de sous-unités moléculaires via des sites réactifs judicieusement sélectionnés. L’application de cette stratégie a d’ores et déjà produit des matériaux aux propriétés remarquables, notamment les réseaux organiques covalents, dans lesquels des atomes de carbone et d’autres éléments légers sont liés de manière covalente. Bien que des matériaux assemblés par des interactions non-covalentes puissent être préparés sous la forme de monocristaux macroscopiques de cette façon, ceci n’était pas possible dans le cas des réseaux organiques covalents. Afin de pallier cette lacune, nous avons choisi d’étudier des réactions de polymérisation réversibles ayant lieu par un mécanisme d’addition. En effet, l’hypothèse de départ de cette thèse suppose qu’un tel processus émule le phénomène de cristallisation classique – régi par des interactions non-covalentes – et favorise la formation de monocristaux de dimensions importantes. Pour tester la validité de cette hypothèse, nous avons choisi d’étudier la polymérisation des composés polynitroso aromatiques puisque la dimérisation des nitrosoarènes est réversible et procède par addition. Dans un premier temps, nous avons revu en profondeur la littérature portant sur la dimérisation des nitrosoarènes. À partir des données alors recueillies, nous avons conçu, dans un deuxième temps, une série de composés polynitroso ayant le potentiel de former des réseaux organiques covalents bi- et tridimensionnels. Les paramètres thermodynamiques propres à leur polymérisation ont pu être estimés grâce à l’étude de composés mononitroso modèles. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons synthétisé les divers composés polynitroso visés par notre étude. Pour y parvenir, nous avons eu à développer une nouvelle méthodologie de synthèse des poly(N-arylhydroxylamines) – les précurseurs directs aux composés polynitroso. Dans un quatrième temps, nous avons étudié la polymérisation des composés polynitroso. En dépit de difficultés d’ordre pratique causées par la polymérisation spontanée de ces composés, nous avons pu identifier les conditions propices à leur polymérisation en réseaux organiques covalents hautement cristallins. Plusieurs nouveaux réseaux covalents tridimensionnels ont ainsi été produits sous la forme de monocristaux de dimensions variant entre 30 µm et 500 µm, confirmant la validité de notre hypothèse de départ. Il a par conséquent été possible de résoudre la structure de ces cristaux par diffraction de rayons X sur monocristal, ce qui n’avait jamais été possible dans le passé pour ce genre de matériau. Ces cristaux sont remarquablement uniformes et les polymères qui les composent ont des masses moléculaires extrêmement élevées (1014-1017 g/mol). Toutefois, la polymérisation de la majorité des composés polynitroso étudiés a plutôt conduit à des solides amorphes ou à des solides cristallins constitués de la forme monomérique de ces composés. D’autres composés nitroso modèles ont alors été préparés afin d’expliquer ce comportement, et des hypothèses ont été émises à partir des données alors recueillies. Enfin, les structures de plusieurs composés polynitroso ayant cristallisés sous une forme monomérique ont été analysés en détails par diffraction des rayons X. Notre stratégie, qui consiste en l’utilisation de monomères ayant la capacité de polymériser spontanément par un processus d’addition réversible, semble donc prometteuse pour obtenir de nouveaux réseaux covalents monocristallins à partir de composés polynitroso ou d’autres monomères de nature similaire. De plus, les résultats présentés au cours de cette thèse établissent un lien entre la science des polymères et la chimie supramoléculaire, en illustrant comment des structures ordonnées, covalentes ou non covalentes, peuvent toutes deux être construites de façon prévisible.


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Red meat consumption is associated with an increased colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, which may be due to an increased endogenous formation of genotoxic N-nitroso compounds (NOCs). To assess the impact of red meat consumption on potential risk factors of CRC, we investigated the effect of a 7-day dietary red meat intervention in human subjects on endogenous NOC formation and fecal water genotoxicity in relation to genome-wide transcriptomic changes induced in colonic tissue. The intervention showed no effect on fecal NOC excretion but fecal water genotoxicity significantly increased in response to red meat intake. Colonic inflammation caused by inflammatory bowel disease, which has been suggested to stimulate endogenous nitrosation, did not influence fecal NOC excretion or fecal water genotoxicity. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that genes significantly correlating with the increase in fecal water genotoxicity were involved in biological pathways indicative of genotoxic effects, including modifications in DNA damage repair, cell cycle, and apoptosis pathways. Moreover, WNT signaling and nucleosome remodeling pathways were modulated which are implicated in human CRC development. We conclude that the gene expression changes identified in this study corroborate the genotoxic potential of diets high in red meat and point towards a potentially increased CRC risk in humans.


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Haem in red meat (RM) stimulates the endogenous production of mutagenic nitroso compounds (NOC). Processed (nitrite-preserved red) meat additionally contains high concentrations of preformed NOC. In two studies, of a fresh RM versus a vegetarian (VEG) diet (six males and six females) and of a nitrite-preserved red meat (PM) versus a VEG diet (5 males and 11 females), we investigated whether processing of meat might increase colorectal cancer risk by stimulating nitrosation and DNA damage. Meat diets contained 420 g (males) or 366 g (females) meat/per day. Faecal homogenates from day 10 onwards were analysed for haem and NOC and asso- ciated supernatants for genotoxicity. Means are adjusted for differ- ences in male to female ratios between studies. Faecal NOC concentrations on VEG diets were low (2.6 and 3.5 mmol/g) but significantly higher on meat diets (PM 175 ± 19 nmol/g versus RM 185 ± 22 nmol/g; P 5 0.75). The RM diet resulted in a larger pro- portion of nitrosyl iron (RM 78% versus PM 54%; P < 0.0001) and less nitrosothiols (RM 12% versus PM 19%; P < 0.01) and other NOC (RM 10% versus PM 27%; P < 0.0001). There was no statis- tically significant difference in DNA breaks induced by faecal water (FW) following PM and RM diets (P 5 0.80). However, PM re- sulted in higher levels of oxidized pyrimidines (P < 0.05). Surpris- ingly, VEG diets resulted in significantly more FW-induced DNA strand breaks than the meat diets (P < 0.05), which needs to be clarified in further studies. Meats cured with nitrite have the same effect as fresh RM on endogenous nitrosation but show increased FW-induced oxidative DNA damage.


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The tumour suppressor APC is the most commonly altered gene in colorectal cancer (CRC). Genetic and epigenetic alterations of APC may therefore be associated with dietary and lifestyle risk factors for CRC. Analysis of APC mutations in the extended mutation cluster region (codons 1276-1556) and APC promoter 1A methylation was performed on 185 archival CRC samples collected from participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk Study, with the aim of relating these to high quality seven-day dietary and lifestyle data collected prospectively. Truncating APC mutations (APC+) and promoter 1A methylation (PM+) were identified in 43% and 23% of CRCs analysed, respectively. Distal CRCs were more likely than proximal CRCs to be APC+ or PM+ (P = 0.04). APC+ CRCs were more likely to be moderately/well differentiated and microsatellite stable than APC- CRCs (P = 0.05 and 0.03). APC+ CRC cases consumed more alcohol than their counterparts (P = 0.01) and PM+ CRC cases consumed lower levels of folate and fibre (P = 0.01 and 0.004). APC+ or PM+ CRC cases consumedhigher levels of processed meat and iron from red meat and red meat products (P=0.007 and 0.006). Specifically, CRC cases harbouring GC to AT transition mutations consumed higher levels of processed meat (35 versus 24 g/day, P = 0.04) and iron from red meat and red meat products (0.8 versus 0.6 mg/day, P = 0.05). In a logistic regression model adjusted for age, sex and cigarette smoking status, each 19g/day (1SD) increment increase in processed meat consumption was associated with cases with GC to AT mutations (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.03-2.75). In conclusion, APC+ and PM+ CRCs may be influenced by diet and GC to AT mutations in APC are associated with processed meat consumption, suggesting a mechanistic link with dietary alkylating agents, such as N-nitroso compounds.


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Red and processed meat consumption is associated with the risk of colorectal cancer. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain this association, via heme-induced oxidation of fat, heterocyclic amines, or N-nitroso compounds. Rats have often been used to study these hypotheses, but the lack of enterosalivary cycle of nitrate in rats casts doubt on the relevance of this animal model to predict nitroso- and heme-associated human colon carcinogenesis. The present study was thus designed to clarify whether a nitrite intake that mimics the enterosalivary cycle can modulate hemeinduced nitrosation and fat peroxidation. This study shows that, in contrast with the starting hypothesis, drinking water added with nitrite to mimic the salivary nitrite content did not change the effect of hemoglobin on biochemicalmarkers linked to colon carcinogenesis, notably lipid peroxidation and cytotoxic activity in the colon of rat. However, ingested sodium nitrite increased fecal nitrosocompounds level, but their fecal concentration and their nature (iron-nitrosyl) would probably not be associated with an increased risk of cancer.We thus suggest that the rat model could be relevant for study the effect of red meat on colon carcinogenesis, in spite of the lack of nitrite in the saliva of rats.


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Epidemiology shows that red and processed meat intake is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Heme iron, heterocyclic amines and endogenous N-nitroso compounds (NOC) are proposed to explain this effect, but their relative contribution is unknown. Our study aimed at determining, at nutritional doses, which is the main factor involved and proposing a mechanism of cancer promotion by red meat. The relative part of heme iron (1% in diet), heterocyclic amines (PhIP+MeIQx, 50+25 μg/kg in diet) and NOC (induced by NaNO2+NaNO3 0.17+0.23 g/l of drinking water) was determined by a factorial design and preneoplastic endpoints in chemically-induced rats and validated on tumors in Min mice. The molecular mechanisms (genotoxicity, cytotoxicity) were analyzed in vitro in normal and Apc- deficient cell lines and confirmed on colon mucosa. Heme iron increased the number of preneoplastic lesions but dietary heterocyclic amines and NOC had no effect on carcinogenesis in rats. Dietary hemoglobin increased tumor load in Min mice (control diet: 67±39 mm2; 2,5% hemoglobin diet: 114±47 mm2, p=0.004). In vitro, fecal water from rats given hemoglobin was rich in aldehydes and was cytotoxic to normal cells, but not to premalignant cells. The aldehydes 4-hydroxynonenal and 4-hydroxyhexenal were more toxic to normal versus mutated cells and were only genotoxic to normal cells. Genotoxicity was also observed in colon mucosa of mice given hemoglobin. These results highlight the role of heme iron in the promotion of colon cancer by red meat and suggest that heme iron could initiate carcinogenesis through lipid peroxidation.


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Vegetables were analyzed for total N-nitrosamines (NAs) and the influence of disinfection processes was assessed. Differences in NAs found in cabbage, spinach, and broccoli were determined by square wave voltammetry using a boron-doped diamond electrode. Analysis of samples showed that all samples contained detectable levels of NAs but the results indicated that organic contained less than conventionally grown products. The sum of the total NAs was higher in the cabbage samples, ranging between 2.8-3.1 ppb and lower in broccoli samples at 0.2-1.1 ppb. The method described is simple, rapid, selective, and sensitive. The results suggested that the disinfection process affects the level of NAs, in this manner affecting the level of human exposure to NAs. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.