360 resultados para Nevus, Pigmented


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A 7-month-old boy had a giant pigmented lesion involving the trunk and thighs that exhibited many hyperpigmented hairy and verrucous nevi. One of the nevi ulcerated and on histological examination consisted of pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma cells that stained for muscle-specific actin (HHF-35), desmin, and myoglobin. Around the tumor, in the dermis, benign pigmented nevus cells were observed. The occurrence of malignant tumors, other than malignant melanoma, in pigmented nevi is rarely described.


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Conjunctival nevi are lesions observed commonly occasionnally and can be found later in a life. Such a lesion was observed on the conjunctival semilunar fold in a 76-year-old female patient. It was oval in shape, pigmented, and was mainly visible when the affected eye was in abduction. As no accurate anterior clinical history was available, surgical resection was performed. Hitopathological study disclosed a subepithelial nevus, which was completely resected. Regular follow-up was recommended, as is usual after surgical resection of a conjunctival pigmented tumor.


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BACKGROUND: In the presence of pigmented iris lesions evocative of malignant melanoma and implying oncological treatment, a foregoing biopsy to exclude a benign lesion may seem a reasonable approach. After examining patient files, the utility of such a diagnostic approach was explored. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective, consecutive histopathologic case series of 10 pigmented iris tumor specimens excised since 1993. Histopathologic diagnosis was compared with final diagnosis and outcome in the patient's medical chart. RESULTS: Five biopsies had only nevus cells, whereas ulterior clinical data or histopathologic examinations were compatible with the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. One biopsy contained insufficient sample tissue. Four biopsies confirmed clinical suspicion of iris melanoma. CONCLUSION: In the current case series, 6 out of 10 biopsies provided a falsely reassuring negative or an inconclusive result. Modern management techniques such as ultrasound biomicroscopy and proton therapy of the whole anterior segment have equally diminished indications for a biopsy. In cases clinically evocative of iris melanoma, a biopsy has only a relative value.


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Retinoid-X-receptor alpha (RXRalpha), a member of the nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily, is a ligand-dependent transcriptional regulatory factor. It plays a crucial role in NR signalling through heterodimerization with some 15 NRs. We investigated the role of RXRalpha and its partners on mouse skin tumor formation and malignant progression upon topical DMBA/TPA treatment. In mutants selectively ablated for RXRalpha in keratinocytes, epidermal tumors increased in size and number, and frequently progressed to carcinomas. As keratinocyte-selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) ablation had similar effects, RXRalpha/PPARgamma heterodimers most probably mediate epidermal tumor suppression. Keratinocyte-selective RXRalpha-null and vitamin-D-receptor null mice also exhibited more numerous dermal melanocytic growths (nevi) than control mice, but only nevi from RXRalpha mutant mice progressed to invasive human-melanoma-like tumors. Distinct RXRalpha-mediated molecular events appear therefore to be involved, in keratinocytes, in cell-autonomous suppression of epidermal tumorigenesis and malignant progression, and in non-cell-autonomous suppression of nevi formation and progression. Our study emphasizes the crucial role of keratinocytes in chemically induced epidermal and melanocytic tumorigenesis, and raises the possibility that they could play a similar role in UV-induced tumorigenesis, notably in nevi formation and progression to melanoma.


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Congenital naevi of the melanocytic system include numerous types, which differ in their clinical appearance, pattern of distribution, and histopathological features (1). Examples are large congenital melanocytic naevus, macular naevus spilus, papular naevus spilus, café-au-lait macules of neurofibromatosis 1, café-au-lait macules arranged in broad bands as noted in McCune-Albright syndrome, partial unilateral lentiginosis, naevus achromicus (naevus depigmentosus), phylloid hypermelanosis, and phylloid hypomelanosis (1–3). We describe here two patients with a systematized pigmentary naevus that differed from all naevi reported so far.


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Eyelid tumors are the most common neoplasm in daily ophthalmology practice and encompass a wide variety of benign and malignant tumors. In this retrospective study, we report the clinical and histological features of 5504 eyelid skin tumors diagnosed at the Laboratory of Ophthalmopathology of the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin, Lausanne, Switzerland, between January 1989 and December 2007. Benign tumors largely predominated over malignant ones, representing 84% of cases in this series, and the 5 most frequent subtypes were squamous cell papilloma (26%), seborrheic keratosis (21%), melanocytic nevus (20%), hidrocystoma (8%), and xanthoma/xanthelasma (6%). Basal cell carcinoma was the most frequent malignant tumor (86%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (7%) and sebaceous carcinoma (3%). For several tumor subtypes, there was a poor correlation between clinical and histological diagnosis, stressing the numerous pitfalls in the diagnosis of eyelid tumors. We further discuss our results with reference to previously published series.


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INTRODUCCION: Existe controversia en cuanto a la técnica quirúrgica para el manejo de tumores del limbo conjuntival. El uso de cierre primario con uso de lente de contacto puede ofrecer una mejor cicatrización y tener ventajas adicionales sobre la técnica tradicional con el uso de plastia. OBJETIVOS: Comparar los resultados en cuanto a grado de dolor, picadas, prurito, porcentaje de epitelización y cicatrización, comodidad del paciente, grado de quemosis y tiempo de retorno a actividades diarias en ambas técnicas quirúrgicas. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Experimento clínico controlado aleatorizado en dos grupos: Al primer grupo se le realizó cirugía de resección de la lesión más plastia. Al segundo grupo se le practicó la resección de la lesión cierre primario y lente de contacto. El seguimiento se realizó al primer y cuarto día, y cada semana durante el primer mes de postoperatorio. Se utilizó el SPSS 20.0 ® para análisis estadístico de datos y se utilizó estadística no paramétrica. RESULTADOS: Se conto con 10 pacientes por grupo. El dolor y porcentaje de cicatrización al primer día postoperatorio fueron mayores en el grupo usando lente de contacto (p=0.048). Al cuarto día postquirúrgico se encontró un mayor porcentaje de cicatrización en el grupo usando lente de contacto. (p=0.075). CONCLUSIONES: El cierre por afrontamiento con uso de lente de contacto mostró dolor y picadas mayores al primer y cuarto día postoperatorio. Pero la epitelización y cicatrización fueron tempranas con un retorno corto a actividades cotidianas.


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Phacomatosis pigmentovascularis is a rare syndrome characterized by the coexistence of a pigmented nevus and a cutaneous vascular malformation. We report a 5-year-old boy with all the typical findings of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis type Ia. Although its existence according to the traditional classification has been questioned, this case represents a very rare association of a capillary vascular malformation and a common keratinocytic nevus of the soft type.


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Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a slow-growing, expansive, benign odontogenic tumor, composed of ameloblastic epithelium embedded in an ectomesenchymal stroma resembling dental papilla, containing hard dental tissue in variable degrees of maturation, including enamel, dentin, and sometimes cementum. AFO typically affects the posterior mandible, causing bony expansion. We report a case of pigmented AFO in a 5-year-old boy, comprising clinical and histological features illustrated by immunohistochemistry using a large panel of antibodies, polarized light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.


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Pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue is a benign condition characterized by localized hyperpigmentation confined to fungiform papillae. Although the condition is not rare and might be easily diagnosed in dark-skinned adults and children, it is seldom mentioned in the medical literature. Here, we describe an 11-year-old boy presenting typical features of pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue.


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Meyerson nevi occur whenever a rare focal and transitory eczematous eruption arises around melanocytic lesions. The same phenomenon has also been observed in non-melanocytic lesions as well. Herein we report the case of a 25 year old, male patient, who had noticed, two months before, the arising of a pruriginous and erithematous halo around two nevi localized on his abdomen. The lesions were found to be atypical on dermoscopic examination and he was submitted to surgical excision of both nevi. Histopathological examination revealed displastic compound melanocytic nevi, surrounded by intraepidermical vesicles and spongiosis. Present report suggests that Meyerson phenomenon does not seem to alter dermoscopic features of nevi.


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Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease (PPNAD) is a rare form of bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia that is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and leads to ACTH-independent Cushing`s syndrome (CS). PPNAD may be isolated or associated with Carney Complex (CNC). For the diagnosis of PPNAD and CNC, in addition to the hormonal and imaging tests, searching for PRKAR1A mutations may be recommended. The aims of the present study are to discuss the clinical and molecular findings of two Brazilian patients with ACTH-independent CS due to PPNAD and to show the diagnostic challenge CS represents in childhood. Description of two patients with CS and the many sequential steps for the diagnosis of PPNAD is provided. Sequencing analysis of all coding exons of PRKAR1A in the blood, frozen adrenal nodules (patients 1 and 2) and testicular tumor (patient 1) is performed. After several clinical and laboratory drawbacks that misled the diagnostic investigation in both patients, the diagnosis of PPNAD was finally established and confirmed through pathology and molecular studies. In patient 1, sequencing of PRKAR1A gene revealed a novel heterozygous 10-bp deletion in exon 3, present in his blood, adrenal gland and testicular tumor. The etiologic diagnosis of endogenous CS in children is a challenge that requires expertise and a multidisciplinary collaboration for its prompt and correct management. Although rare, PPNAD should always be considered among the possible etiologies of CS, due to the high prevalence of this disease in this age group.