939 resultados para Network business


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Description based on: 2005 ; title from cover.


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The skyrocketing trend for social media on the Internet greatly alters analytical Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Against this backdrop, the purpose of this paper is to advance the conceptual design of Business Intelligence (BI) systems with data identified from social networks. We develop an integrated social network data model, based on an in-depth analysis of Facebook. The data model can inform the design of data warehouses in order to offer new opportunities for CRM analyses, leading to a more consistent and richer picture of customers? characteristics, needs, wants, and demands. Four major contributions are offered. First, Social CRM and Social BI are introduced as emerging fields of research. Second, we develop a conceptual data model to identify and systematize the data available on online social networks. Third, based on the identified data, we design a multidimensional data model as an early contribution to the conceptual design of Social BI systems and demonstrate its application by developing management reports in a retail scenario. Fourth, intellectual challenges for advancing Social CRM and Social BI are discussed.


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Enterprise Social Networks continue to be adopted by organisations looking to increase collaboration between employees, customers and industry partners. Offering a varied range of features and functionality, this technology can be distinguished by the underlying business models that providers of this software deploy. This study identifies and describes the different business models through an analysis of leading Enterprise Social Networks: Yammer, Chatter, SharePoint, Connections, Jive, Facebook and Twitter. A key contribution of this research is the identification of consumer and corporate models as extreme approaches. These findings align well with research on the adoption of Enterprise Social Networks that has discussed bottom-up and top-down approaches. Of specific interest are hybrid models that wrap a corporate model within a consumer model and may, therefore, provide synergies on both models. From a broader perspective, this can be seen as the merging of the corporate and consumer markets for IT products and services.


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"This publication has been made available through a partnership of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Illinois Entrepreneurship Network Business Information Center, the Small Business Development Center Network and the U.S. Small Business Administration."--p. [4] of cover.


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"...made available through a partnership of the Illinois Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Illinois Entrpreneurship Network Business Information Center, the Small Business Development Center Network and the U.S. Small Business Administration."


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"This publication has been made available through a partnership of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Illinois Entrepreneurship Network Business Information Center, the Small Business Development Center Network and the U.S. Small Business Administration."--p. [4] of cover.


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"Updated ... by Bradley Beam." -- p. [1].


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"IISG08-278; 11/07."


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Part 8: Business Strategies Alignment


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This paper presents a layered framework for the purposes of integrating different Socio-Technical Systems (STS) models and perspectives into a whole-of-systems model. Holistic modelling plays a critical role in the engineering of STS due to the interplay between social and technical elements within these systems and resulting emergent behaviour. The framework decomposes STS models into components, where each component is either a static object, dynamic object or behavioural object. Based on existing literature, a classification of the different elements that make up STS, whether it be a social, technical or a natural environment element, is developed; each object can in turn be classified according to the STS elements it represents. Using the proposed framework, it is possible to systematically decompose models to an extent such that points of interface can be identified and the contextual factors required in transforming the component of one model to interface into another is obtained. Using an airport inbound passenger facilitation process as a case study socio-technical system, three different models are analysed: a Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) model, Hybrid Queue-based Bayesian Network (HQBN) model and an Agent Based Model (ABM). It is found that the framework enables the modeller to identify non-trivial interface points such as between the spatial interactions of an ABM and the causal reasoning of a HQBN, and between the process activity representation of a BPMN and simulated behavioural performance in a HQBN. Such a framework is a necessary enabler in order to integrate different modelling approaches in understanding and managing STS.


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As subsidiárias de corporações multinacionais sofrem pressões do ambiente interno e externo. Internamente competem por recursos e reconhecimento da matriz, externamente precisam se preocupar com os concorrentes e demais forças do mercado, de maneira que para desenvolver-se a subsidiária deve explorar as oportunidades de mercado e mostrar o potencial empreendedor que possui. Essas oportunidades podem estar num produto ou processo novo ou substancialmente aprimorado no qual a subsidiária teve o auxílio de um parceiro da rede em que está inserida. Particularmente, essa pesquisa analisa as inovações desenvolvidas localmente (dentro do país hospedeiro) através das subsidiárias instaladas no país, essas inovações são passíveis de serem transferidas para as suas matrizes e então utilizadas pelas demais subsidiárias espalhadas pelo mundo, tornando-se inovações globais. O foco principal deste estudo está em compreender a influência do empreendedorismo e das redes de empresas sobre o desenvolvimento e transferência dessas inovações. Para tanto, o presente estudo analisa uma amostra de 172 subsidiárias estrangeiras que operam no Brasil, a qual foi modelada utilizando-se a técnica de equações estruturais para o teste das hipóteses, mensuração do efeito mediador e comparação multigrupos visando avaliar o efeito moderador referente ao porte das subsidiárias. Os resultados sugerem que o empreendedorismo da subsidiária exerce influência significativa sobre o desenvolvimento das parcerias e consequente enraizamento da subsidiária na rede de empresas do mercado emergente, esse enraizamento na rede é um fator determinante para o desenvolvimento de inovações na subsidiária as quais podem ser transferidas para a matriz e então tornarem-se inovações globais. A partir desses resultados, a pesquisa contribui para um maior entendimento dos direcionadores de inovação nas subsidiárias e aprofunda a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de inovações globais, particularmente àquelas provenientes de mercados emergentes.


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"Published in September 1998, and reprinted in Aug. 2006 and revised in 2008 by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Entrepreneurship Network Business Information Center."


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Ekosysteemi-termin käyttö on yleistynyt viime aikoina yritysmaailmassa, mutta sitä käytetään eri tavoin eri lähteissä ja asianyhteyksissä eikä käsitteelle ole olemassa vakiintunutta määritelmää. Yritykset toimivat ekosysteemissä vuorovaikutuksessa, joten hyötyäkseen systeemistä tulee niiden tunnistaa ja ymmärtää kaikki muut systeemin osat ja toimijat. Tämä olisi helpompaa oikeellisen terminologian avulla. Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena on selvittää, missä eri yhteyksissä ekosysteemitermiä käytetään ja löytyykö termille yksiselitteistä määritelmää. Työssä esitellään eri lähteiden käyttämiä määritelmiä ekosysteemeille puhuttaessa yritysten välisistä verkostoista. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään kolmeen pääsysteemiin: liiketoiminnan ekosysteemiin, teolliseen ekosysteemiin sekä digitaaliseen ekosysteemiin. Lisäksi tarkastellaan muutamia pienempiä, sekä itsenäisiä että johonkin pääekosysteemiin pohjautuvia, ekosysteemikokonaisuuksia. Työ on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Verkostoissa kukin toimija ajaa omia etuuksiaan, kun taas ekosysteemissä kaikilla on yhteinen päämäärä, jota tavoitellaan yhdessä. Ekosysteemit ovat verkostoja laajempia ja ne pystyvät korvaamaan puuttuvia tekijöitä itsenäisesti. Keskenään ekosysteemit eroavat puolestaan toimijoiden ja niiden välisten virtojen laadun osalta. Lisäksi eri systeemeissä on erilaiset toimintaperiaatteet. Kaikki ekosysteemit kuitenkin perustuvat yhteistyöhön ja vuorovaikutukseen, joiden avulla luodaan arvoa. Myös uudet innovaatiot ja kustannustehokkuus yhdistävät kaikkia systeemejä. Ei kuitenkaan ole olemassa yksiselitteistä määritelmää, joka pätisi kussakin tilanteissa, mutta eri asianyhteyksiin liitettynä ekosysteemillä tarkoitetaan ydinajatukseltaan samaa asiaa.


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China’s Creative Industries explores the role of new technologies, globalization and higher levels of connectivity in re-defining relationships between ‘producers’ and ‘consumers’ in 21st century China. The evolution of new business models, the impact of state regulation, the rise of entrepreneurial consumers and the role of intellectual property rights are traced through China’s film, music and fashion industries. The book argues that social network markets, consumer entrepreneurship and business model evolution are driving forces in the production and commercialization of cultural commodities. In doing so it raises important questions about copyright’s role in the business of culture, particularly in a digital age.