32 resultados para NUP98-HOXA9


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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L’initiation de la leucémogénèse dans la leucémie aigue lymphoblastique (LAL)-T résulte de l’activation aberrante de facteurs de transcription de la lignée lymphocytaire T. Nous démontrons que les gènes de fusion NUP98-PHF23 (NP23) et NUP98-HOXD13 (NHD13) reprogramment les thymocytes normaux en cellules souches pré-leucémiques (CS-préL) possédant un potentiel aberrant d’auto-renouvellement. Basé sur des essais de clonalité performés sur des thymocytes transplantés en série, nous avons découvert que cette population est hiérarchisée similairement aux cellules souches hématopoïétiques normales. Ces CS-préL dévoilent un enrichissement du compartiment de précurseurs thymiques immatures KIT+ où les deux oncogènes, NP23 et NHD13, activent des gènes impliqués dans l’autorenouvellement, incluant Hoxa9, Hoxa10, Lyl1 et Hhex. De plus, l’activité d’autorenouvellement est abrogée par les ARN interférents contre Lyl1 et Hhex, indiquant leur implication fonctionnelle en aval de NP23 et NHD13. Puisque ces gènes sont aussi activés en aval de trois autres oncogènes dans la LAL-T, SCL/TAL1, LMO1 et LMO2, nous concluons que les niveaux d’activation de Lyl1 et Hhex fixent le seuil de reprogrammation des thymocytes normaux en CS-préL. Malgré l'efficacité des traitements de chimiothérapie actuels à diminuer la masse tumorale, les CS-préL sont épargnées, pouvant mener à des rechutes. Nos résultats répondent à ce besoin et proposent de nouvelles avenues permettant de cibler les CS-préL du compartiment de thymocytes immatures dans la LAL-T.


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L’initiation de la leucémogénèse dans la leucémie aigue lymphoblastique (LAL)-T résulte de l’activation aberrante de facteurs de transcription de la lignée lymphocytaire T. Nous démontrons que les gènes de fusion NUP98-PHF23 (NP23) et NUP98-HOXD13 (NHD13) reprogramment les thymocytes normaux en cellules souches pré-leucémiques (CS-préL) possédant un potentiel aberrant d’auto-renouvellement. Basé sur des essais de clonalité performés sur des thymocytes transplantés en série, nous avons découvert que cette population est hiérarchisée similairement aux cellules souches hématopoïétiques normales. Ces CS-préL dévoilent un enrichissement du compartiment de précurseurs thymiques immatures KIT+ où les deux oncogènes, NP23 et NHD13, activent des gènes impliqués dans l’autorenouvellement, incluant Hoxa9, Hoxa10, Lyl1 et Hhex. De plus, l’activité d’autorenouvellement est abrogée par les ARN interférents contre Lyl1 et Hhex, indiquant leur implication fonctionnelle en aval de NP23 et NHD13. Puisque ces gènes sont aussi activés en aval de trois autres oncogènes dans la LAL-T, SCL/TAL1, LMO1 et LMO2, nous concluons que les niveaux d’activation de Lyl1 et Hhex fixent le seuil de reprogrammation des thymocytes normaux en CS-préL. Malgré l'efficacité des traitements de chimiothérapie actuels à diminuer la masse tumorale, les CS-préL sont épargnées, pouvant mener à des rechutes. Nos résultats répondent à ce besoin et proposent de nouvelles avenues permettant de cibler les CS-préL du compartiment de thymocytes immatures dans la LAL-T.


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BACKGROUND: Hematopoiesis is a paradigm for developmental processes, hierarchically organized, with stem cells at its origin. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) replenish progenitor and precursor cells of multiple lineages, which normally differentiate into short-lived mature circulating cells. Hematopoiesis has provided insight into the molecular basis of tissue homeostasis and malignancy. Malignant hematopoiesis, in particular acute myeloid leukemia (AML), results from impaired development or differentiation of HSCs and progenitors. Co-overexpression of HOX and TALE genes, particularly the HOXA cluster and MEIS1, is associated with AML. Clinically relevant models of AML are required to advance drug development for an aging patient cohort.

RESULTS: Molecular analysis identified altered gene, microRNA, and protein expression in HOXA9/Meis1 leukemic bone marrow compared to normal controls. A candidate drug screen identified the c-Met inhibitor SU11274 for further analysis. Altered cell cycle status, apoptosis, differentiation, and impaired colony formation were shown for SU11274 in AML cell lines and primary leukemic bone marrow.

CONCLUSIONS: The clonal HOXA9/Meis1 AML model is amenable to drug screening analysis. The data presented indicate that human AML cells respond in a similar manner to the HOXA9/Meis1 cells, indicating pre-clinical relevance of the mouse model.


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La protéine de fusion E2A-PBX1 induit une leucémie lymphoblastique aigüe des cellules B pédiatrique chez l’humain. E2A-PBX1 possède de puissantes propriétés de trans-activation et peut se lier à l’ADN ainsi qu’aux protéines homéotiques (HOX) via des domaines conservés dans sa portion PBX1, ce qui suggère qu’une dérégulation des gènes cibles de HOX/PBX1 contribue à la leucémogénèse. Précédemment, Bijl et al. (2008) ont démontré que certains gènes Hox collaborent de manière oncogénique avec E2A-PBX1, et que ces interactions sont cellules-spécifiques et varient en fonction du gène Hox impliqué. Une mutagénèse d’insertion provirale suggère et supporte la collaboration des gènes Hoxa et E2A-PBX1 lors de la leucémogénèse des cellules B. La présence de ces interactions dans les cellules B et leur implication dans l’induction des B-ALL est pertinente pour la compréhension de la maladie humaine, et reste encore mal comprise. Notre étude démontre qu’Hoxa9 confère un avantage prolifératif aux cellules B E2A-PBX1. Des expériences de transplantation à l’aide de cellules B E2A-PBX1/Hoxa9 positives isolées de chimères de moelle osseuse démontrent qu’Hoxa9 collabore avec E2A-PBX1 en contribuant à la transformation oncogénique des cellules, et qu’Hoxa9 seul n’induit aucune transformation. Une analyse par Q-RT-PCR nous a permis de démontrer une forte inhibition de gènes spécifiques aux cellules B dans les leucémies co-exprimant Hoxa9 et E2A-PBX1, en plus d’une activation de Flt3, suggérant une inhibition de la différenciation des cellules B accompagnée d’une augmentation de la prolifération. De plus, la surexpression de Hoxa9 dans des cellules leucémiques de souris transgéniques E2A-PBX1, confère aussi un avantage prolifératif aux cellules in vitro, qui semblent être influencé par une augmentation de l’expression de Flt3 et Pdgfδ. En conclusion, nous démontrons pour la première fois à l’aide d’un modèle murin qu’Hoxa9 collabore avec E2A-PBX1 lors de la transformation oncogénique des cellules B et que la signalisation via Flt3 est impliquée, ce qui est potentiellement pertinent pour la maladie humaine.


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The NUP98 gene encodes precursor proteins that generate two nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, NUP98 and NUP96. By using gene targeting, we have selectively disrupted the murine NUP98 protein, leaving intact the expression and localization of NUP96. We show that NUP98 is essential for mouse gastrulation, a developmental stage that is associated with rapid cell proliferation, but dispensable for basal cell growth. NUP98−/− cells had an intact nuclear envelope with a normal number of embedded nuclear pore complexes. Typically, NUP98-deficient cells contained on average approximately 5-fold more cytoplasmic annulate lamellae than control cells. We found that a set of cytoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP358, NUP214, NUP88, and p62, assembled inefficiently into nuclear pores of NUP98−/− cells. Instead, these nucleoporins were prominently associated with the annulate lamellae. By contrast, a group of nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP153, NUP50, NUP96, and NUP93, had no affinity for annulate lamellae and assembled normally into nuclear pores. Mutant pores were significantly impaired in transport receptor-mediated docking of proteins with a nuclear localization signal or M9 import signal and showed weak nuclear import of such substrates. In contrast, the ability of mutant pores to import ribosomal protein L23a and spliceosome protein U1A appeared intact. These observations show that NUP98 disruption selectively impairs discrete protein import pathways and support the idea that transport of distinct import complexes through the nuclear pore complex is mediated by specific subsets of nucleoporins.


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The Nup98 gene codes for several alternatively spliced protein precursors. Two in vitro translated and autoproteolytically cleaved precursors yielded heterodimers of Nup98-6kDa peptide and Nup98-Nup96. TPR (translocated promoter region) is a protein that forms filamentous structures extending from nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) to intranuclear sites. We found that in vitro translated TPR bound to in vitro translated Nup98 and, via Nup98, to Nup96. Double-immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies to TPR and Nup98 showed colocalization. In confocal sections the nucleolus itself was only weakly stained but there was intensive perinucleolar staining. Striking spike-like structures emanated from this perinucleolar ring and attenuated into thinner structures as they extended to the nuclear periphery. This characteristic staining pattern of the TPR network was considerably enhanced when a myc-tagged pyruvate kinase-6kDa fusion protein was overexpressed in HeLa cells. Double-immunoelectron microscopy of these cells using anti-myc and anti-TPR antibodies and secondary gold-coupled antibodies yielded row-like arrangements of gold particles. Taken together, the immunolocalization data support previous electron microscopical data, suggesting that TPR forms filaments that extend from the NPC to the nucleolus. We discuss the possible implications of the association of Nup98 with this intranuclear TPR network for an intranuclear phase of transport.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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miR-126 has been implicated in the processes of inflammation and angiogenesis. Through these processes, miR-126 is implicated in cancer biology, but its role there has not been well reviewed. The aim of this review is to examine the molecular mechanisms and clinicopathological significance of miR-126 in human cancers. miR-126 was shown to have roles in cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, genital tracts, breast, thyroid, lung and some other cancers. Its expression was suppressed in most of the cancers studied. The molecular mechanisms that are known to cause aberrant expression of miR-126 include alterations in gene sequence, epigenetic modification and alteration of dicer abundance. miR-126 can inhibit progression of some cancers via negative control of proliferation, migration, invasion, and cell survival. In some instances, however, miR-126 supports cancer progression via promotion of blood vessel formation. Downregulation of miR-126 induces cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion via targeting specific oncogenes. Also, reduced levels of miR-126 are a significant predictor of poor survival of patients in many cancers. In addition, miR-126 can alter a multitude of cellular mechanisms in cancer pathogenesis via suppressing gene translation of numerous validated targets such as PI3K, KRAS, EGFL7, CRK, ADAM9, HOXA9, IRS-1, SOX-2, SLC7A5 and VEGF. To conclude, miR-126 is commonly down-regulated in cancer, most likely due to its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth, adhesion, migration, and invasion through suppressing a range of important gene targets. Understanding these mechanisms by which miR-126 is involved with cancer pathogenesis will be useful in the development of therapeutic targets for the management of patients with cancer.


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The cDNAs and genes of two different types of leucine- rich repeat-containing proteins from grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus) were cloned. Homology search revealed that the two genes, designated as GC-GARP and GC-LRG, have 37% and 32% deduced aminoacid sequence similarities with human glycoprotein A repetitions predominant precursor ( GARP) and leucine-rich alpha2-glycoprotein (LRG), respectively. The cDNAs of GC-GARP and GC-LRG encoded 664 and 339 amino acid residues, respectively. GC-GARP and GC-LRG contain many distinct structural and/or functional motifs of the leucine- rich repeat (LRR) subfamily, such as multiple conserved 11-residue segments with the consensus sequence LxxLxLxxN/CxL ( x can be any amino acid). The genes GC-GARP and GC-LRG consist of two exons, with 4,782 bp and 2,119 bp in total length, respectively. The first exon of each gene contains a small 5'-untranslated region and partial open reading frame. The putative promoter region of GC-GARP was found to contain transcription factor binding sites for GATA-1, IRF4, Oct-1, IRF-7, IRF-1, AP1, GATA-box and NFAT, and the promoter region of GC-LRG for MYC-MAX, MEIS1, ISRE, IK3, HOXA9 and C/EBP alpha. Phylogenetic analysis showed that GC-GARP and mammalian GARPs were clustered into one branch, while GC-LRG and mammalian LRGs were in another branch. The GC-GARP gene was only detected in head kidney, and GC-LRG in the liver, spleen and heart in the copepod ( Sinergasilus major)- infected grass carp, indicating the induction of gene expression by the parasite infection. The results obtained in the present study provide insight into the structure of fish LRR genes, and further study should be carried out to understand the importance of LRR proteins in host - pathogen interactions.


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Hemopoietic progenitor cells express clustered homeobox (Hox) genes in a pattern characteristic of their lineage and stage of differentiation. In general, HOX expression tends to be higher in more primitive and lower in lineage-committed cells. These trends have led to the hypothesis that self-renewal of hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells is HOX-dependent and that dysregulated HOX expression underlies maintenance of the leukemia-initiating cell. Gene expression profile studies support this hypothesis and specifically highlight the importance of the HOXA cluster in hemopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Within this cluster HOXA6 and HOXA9 are highly expressed in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and form part of the "Hox code" identified in murine models of this disease. We have examined endogenous expression of Hoxa6 and Hoxa9 in purified primary progenitors as well as four growth factor-dependent cell lines FDCP-Mix, EML, 32Dcl3, and Ba/F3, representative of early multipotential and later committed precursor cells respectively. Hoxa6 was consistently higher expressed than Hoxa9, preferentially expressed in primitive cells and was both growth-factor and cell-cycle regulated. Enforced overexpression of HOXA6 or HOXA9 in FDCP-Mix resulted in increased proliferation and colony formation but had negligible effect on differentiation. In both FDCP-Mix and the more committed Ba/F3 precursor cells overexpression of HOXA6 potentiated factor-independent proliferation. These findings demonstrate that Hoxa6 is directly involved in fundamental processes of hemopoietic progenitor cell development.


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The HOM-C clustered prototype homeobox genes of Drosophila, and their counterparts, the HOX genes in humans, are highly conserved at the genomic level. These master regulators of development continue to be expressed throughout adulthood in various tissues and organs. The physiological and patho-physiological functions of this network of genes are being avidly pursued within the scientific community, but defined roles for them remain elusive. The order of expression of HOX genes within a cluster is co-ordinated during development, so that the 3' genes are expressed more anteriorly and earlier than the 5' genes. Mutations in HOXA13 and HOXD13 are associated with disorders of limb formation such as hand-foot-genital syndrome (HFGS), synpolydactyly (SPD), and brachydactyly. Haematopoietic progenitors express HOX genes in a pattern characteristic of the lineage and stage of differentiation of the cells. In leukaemia, dysregulated HOX gene expression can occur due to chromosomal translocations involving upstream regulators such as the MLL gene, or the fusion of a HOX gene to another gene such as the nucleoporin, NUP98. Recent investigations of HOX gene expression in leukaemia are providing important insights into disease classification and prediction of clinical outcome. Whereas the oncogenic potential of certain HOX genes in leukaemia has already been defined, their role in other neoplasms is currently being studied. Progress has been hampered by the experimental approach used in many studies in which the expression of small subsets of HOX genes was analysed, and complicated by the functional redundancy implicit in the HOX gene system. Attempts to elucidate the function of HOX genes in malignant transformation will be enhanced by a better understanding of their upstream regulators and downstream target genes.


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The Hoxa9 and Meis1 genes represent important oncogenic collaborators activated in a significant proportion of human leukemias with genetic alterations in the MLL gene. In this study, we show that the transforming property of Meis1 is modulated by 3 conserved domains, namely the Pbx interaction motif (PIM), the homeodomain, and the C-terminal region recently described to possess transactivating properties. Meis1 and Pbx1 interaction domain-swapping mutants are dysfunctional separately, but restore the full oncogenic activity of Meis1 when cotransduced in primary cells engineered to overexpress Hoxa9, thus implying a modular nature for PIM in Meis1-accelerated transformation. Moreover, we show that the transactivating domain of VP16 can restore, and even enhance, the oncogenic potential of the Meis1 mutant lacking the C-terminal 49 amino acids. In contrast to Meis1, the fusion VP16-Meis1 is spontaneously oncogenic, and all leukemias harbor genetic activation of endogenous Hoxa9 and/or Hoxa7, suggesting that Hoxa gene activation represents a key event required for the oncogenic activity of VP16-Meis1.