998 resultados para NT-3
In addition to well established trophic functions, neurotrophins acutely affect neurotransmitter secretion from the presynaptic nerve terminal, influence synaptic development, and may serve as selective retrograde messengers that regulate synaptic efficacy. The crucial question related to the mechanisms of neurotrophin-mediated signaling is whether acute effects of neurotrophins are spatially restricted to the activated synapses. Here we have used a local perfusion technique for local delivery of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) to various regions of developing Xenopus embryo neurons in culture. Within minutes after a focal exposure of a soma or a small (≈30 μm in length) axonal segment to NT-3, we observed an increase in the spontaneous neurotransmitter secretion from the presynaptic nerve terminals located ≈300–400 μm away from the site of NT-3 application. Secretory activity along the axonal shaft was not affected. Our findings suggest that the NT-3-mediated signal may rapidly travel through neuronal cytoplasm over unexpectedly long distances and modulate neurotransmitter release specifically at the presynaptic nerve terminals.
We have generated null mutant mice that lack expression of all isoforms encoded by the trkC locus. These mice display a behavioral phenotype characterized by a loss of proprioceptive neurons. Neuronal counts of sensory ganglia in the trkC mutant mice reveal less severe losses than those in NT-3 null mutant mice, strongly suggesting that NT-3, in vivo, may signal through receptors other than trkC. Mice lacking either NT-3 or all trkC receptor isoforms die in the early postnatal period. Histological examination of trkC-deficient mice reveals severe cardiac defects such as atrial and ventricular septal defects, and valvular defects including pulmonic stenosis. Formation of these structures during development is dependent on cardiac neural crest function. The similarities in cardiac defects observed in the trkC and NT-3 null mutant mice indicate that the trkC receptor mediates most NT-3 effects on the cardiac neural crest.
The translocation of specific mRNAs to dendrites and their potential for locally regulated translation are likely to serve as an effector in neuronal plasticity. Whether translation in dendrites is regulated by delivery of the RNA to sites of plasticity or a stationary pool of localized RNA undergoes enhanced translational efficiency is not clear. We show that RNA can translocate into dendrites in response to NT-3. RNA granules were visualized in cultured rat cortical neurons using the dye SYTO 14, which labels poly-ribosome complexes. Long before the morphological effects of NT-3 appeared, there was increased distal translocation of labeled complexes. This effect was blocked by K252a, a potent inhibitor of tyrosine kinase receptors. Therefore, neurons can utilize extracellular signals to alter the distribution of protein synthetic machinery via the active transport of RNA granules.
We analyzed the developmental regulation and role of the neurotrophins during metanephric kidney morphogenesis. RNase protection assay revealed the presence of nerve growth factor, neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNAs and the regulation of their expression during embryonic development of rat metanephros. NT-3 induced differentiation (neurite outgrowth) and survival (inhibition of apoptosis) of the neuronal precursors in cultured nephrogenic mesenchymes and neuronal differentiation in cultured whole kidneys, whereas NT-4/5, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and nerve growth factor were without effect. The neurotrophins did not trigger tubular differentiation of isolated nephrogenic cells, which underwent apoptosis when cultured with or without the neurotrophins. NT-3 is thus an inducer of differentiation and a survival factor for renal neuronal cells, but none of the neurotrophins is a morphogen in kidney tubule induction.
The mechanisms by which stress and anti-depressants exert opposite effects on the course of clinical depression are not known. However, potential candidates might include neurotrophic factors that regulate the development, plasticity, and survival of neurons. To explore this hypothesis, we examined the effects of stress and antidepressants on neurotrophin expression in the locus coeruleus (LC), which modulates many of the behavioral and physiological responses to stress and has been implicated in mood disorders. Using in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) is expressed in noradrenergic neurons of the LC. Recurrent, but not acute, immobilization stress increased NT-3 mRNA levels in the LC. In contrast, chronic treatment with antidepressants decreased NT-3 mRNA levels. The effect occurred in response to antidepressants that blocked norepinephrine uptake, whereas serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors did not alter NT-3 levels. Electroconvulsive seizures also decreased NT-3 expression in the LC as well as the hippocampus. Ntrk3 (neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 3; formerly TrkC), the receptor for NT-3, is expressed in the LC, but its mRNA levels did not change with stress or antidepressant treatments. Because, NT-3 is known to be trophic for LC neurons, our results raise the possibility that some of the effects of stress and antidepressants on LC function and plasticity could be mediated through NT-3. Moreover, the coexpression of NT-3 and its receptor in the LC suggests the potential for autocrine mechanisms of action.
Background: The nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins is associated with nitrosative stress, resulting in the formation of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT). 3-NT levels in biological samples have been associated with numerous physiological and pathological conditions. For this reason, several attempts have been made in order to develop methods that accurately quantify 3-NT in biological samples. Regarding chromatographic methods, they seem to be very accurate, showing very good sensibility and specificity. However, accurate quantification of this molecule, which is present at very low concentrations both at physiological and pathological states, is always a complex task and a target of intense research. Objectives: We aimed to develop a simple, rapid, low-cost and sensitive 3-NT quantification method for use in medical laboratories as an additional tool for diagnosis and/or treatment monitoring of a wide range of pathologies. We also aimed to evaluate the performance of the HPLC-based method developed here in a wide range of biological matrices. Material and methods: All experiments were performed on a Hitachi LaChrom Elite® HPLC system and separation was carried out using a Lichrocart® 250-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-18 (5μm) column. The method was further validated according to ICH guidelines. The biological matrices tested were serum, whole blood, urine, B16 F-10 melanoma cell line, growth medium conditioned with the same cell line, bacterial and yeast suspensions. Results: From all the protocols tested, the best results were obtained using 0.5% CH3COOH:MeOH:H2O (15:15:70) as the mobile phase, with detection at wavelengths 215, 276 and 356 nm, at 25ºC, and using a flow rate of 1 mL/min. By using this protocol, it was possible to obtain a linear calibration curve (correlation coefficient = 1), limits of detection and quantification in the order of ng/mL, and a short analysis time (<15 minutes per sample). Additionally, the developed protocol allowed the successful detection and quantification of 3-NT in all biological matrices tested, with detection at 356 nm. Conclusion: The method described in this study, which was successfully developed and validated for 3-NT quantification, is simple, cheap and fast, rendering it suitable for analysis in a wide range of biological matrices.
Rapsyn is a key molecule involved in the formation of postsynaptic specializations at the neuromuscular junction, in its absence there are both pre- and post-synaptic deficits including failure to cluster acety]choline receptors. Recently we have documented increases in both nerve-muscle branching and numbers of motoneurons, suggesting alterations in skeletal muscle derived trophic support for motoneurons. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of target derived trophic factors to increases in motoneuron branching and number, in rapsyn deficient mice that had their postsynaptic specializations disrupted, We have used reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blot to document the expression of known trophic factors and their receptors in muscle, during the period of synapse formation in rapsyn deficient mouse embryos. We found that the mRNA levels for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) was decreased in the rapsyn deficient muscles compared with litter mate controls although those for NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and TGF-beta2 did not differ. We found that both the mRNA and the protein expression for suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) decreased although janus kinase 2 (JAK2) did not change in the rapsyn deficient muscles compared with litter mate controls. These results suggest that failure to form postsynaptic specializations in rapsyn deficient mice has altered the CNTF cytokine signaling pathway within skeletal muscle, the target for motoneurons. This alteration may in part, account for the increased muscle nerve branching and motoneuron survival seen in rapsyn deficient mice. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We show here that the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF), which has been shown to be a mitogen for breast cancer cells, also stimulates cell survival through a distinct signaling pathway. Breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T47-D, BT-20, and MDA-MB-231) were found to express both types of NGF receptors: p140(trkA) and p75(NTR). The two other tyrosine kinase receptors for neurotrophins, TrkB and TrkC, were not expressed. The mitogenic effect of NGF on breast cancer cells required the tyrosine kinase activity of p140(trkA) as well as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, but was independent of p75(NTR). I, contrast, the anti-apoptotic effect of NGF (studied using the ceramide analogue C2) required p75(NTR) as well as the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB, but neither p140(trkA) nor MAPK was necessary. Other neurotrophins (BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5) also induced cell survival, although not proliferation, emphasizing the importance of p75(NTR) in NGF-mediated survival. Both the pharmacological NF-KB inhibitor SN50, and cell transfection with IkBm, resulted in a diminution of NGF anti-apoptotic effect. These data show that two distinct signaling pathways are required for NGF activity and confirm the roles played by p75(NTR) and NF-kappaB in the activation of the survival pathway in breast cancer cells.
O inventário é uma etapa básica do manejo florestal em que é avaliado a composição da floresta e a sua potencialidade para o manejo. O inventário a 100% tem o propósito de determinar o estoque de madeira existente para fins de planejamento da exploração. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de inventário florestal a 100% de um projeto de manejo florestal comunitário madeireiro conduzido pela Embrapa Acre em parceria com um grupo de produtores do Projeto de Colonização Pedro Peixoto, no estado Acre. A área total inventariada foi de 206,8 ha, composta por 57 talhões de tamanho médio de 3,6 ha cada um, correspondente a 48% da área total sob manejo de 12 pequenas propriedades. Foram abordadas todas as árvores com DAP ³ a 50,0 cm. Os resultados foram expressos, por espécie, por propriedade e para a área total em: número total de árvores (NT); abundância por hectare (AB); volume total (VT); volume por hectare (V); área basal total (ABsT); área basal por hectare (ABs); índice de importância da espécie (IND); e condição de aproveitamento da tora. Para a área total os resultados foram: NT = 3.518 árvores; AB = 17,01 árvores.ha-1; VT = 21.667,41 m³; V = 104,77 m³.ha-1; ABsT = 1.413,77 m²; e ABs = 6,84 m².ha-1. Foram reconhecidas em campo 204 espécies, pertencentes a 136 gêneros e a 43 famílias. Foi observado acentuada concentração dos dados dendrométricos em poucas espécies, pois somente cinco espécies respondem por um terço (33,6%) do IND total.
Stress can cause damage and atrophy of neurons in the hippocampus by deregulating the expression of neurotrophic factors that promote neuronal plasticity. The endocannabinoid system represents a physiological substrate involved in neuroprotection at both cellular and emotional levels. The lack of CB1 receptor alters neuronal plasticity and originates an anxiety-like phenotype in mice. In the present study, CB1 knockout mice exhibited an augmented response to stress revealed by the increased despair behavior and corticosterone levels showed in the tail suspension test and decreased brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the hippocampus. Interestingly, local administration of BDNF in the hippocampus reversed the increased despair behavior of CB1 knockout mice, confirming the crucial role played by BDNF on the emotional impairment of these mutants. The neurotrophic deficiency seems to be specific for BDNF since no differences were found in the levels of NGF and NT-3, two additional neurotrophic factors. Moreover, BDNF impairment is not related to the activity of its specific receptor TrkB or the activity of the transcription factor CREB. These results suggest that the lack of CB1 receptor originates an enhanced response to stress and neuronal plasticity by decreasing BDNF levels in the hippocampus that lead to impairment in the responses to emotional disturbances.
The primary objectives of the Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) project were to: (1) Provide an electronic communication tool which would link city and county engineering offices to each other and to other governmental agencies for messaging and data sharing; (2) Provide a dial-up site for reference information or files accessible on-demand; and (3) Provide a "stepping stone" to the world of electronic data transfer, recognizing that most local government employees face a huge complex of technology with limited knowledge of computers and communications tools. The system was designed to be as simple as possible, and to require minimal equipment and software cost to the users. The original system was an Apex 386/25 computer with MS-DOS 5.0 software and the final configuration was an HP Vectra XM Pentium 90 with MS-NT 3.51 and Mustang - Wildcat 5.0 software. The users of the BBS were county engineers and their staff, offices in the central office of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and Resident Construction Engineers at the Iowa DOT. Much of the activity was between the county engineers, and their staffs, and the Iowa DOT offices with which they have ongoing business activities. The BBS contained files for mapping, Internet e-mail service, Accident Location Analysis System (ALAS) data, Iowa DOT bid lettings, and Autocad and Intergraph maps and standards. The 800 line calls were recorded and gave the best indication of the usage and the trends that were being followed. The usage tended to be higher in the winter months when design activities are occurring and lower in the summer months when the construction is in progress. The project was judged a success. The BBS did provide a "stepping stone" to the world of electronic data transfer.
OBJECTIVES: To analyze the prevalence of stimulus-induced rhythmic, periodic or ictal discharges (SIRPIDs) in patients with coma after cardiac arrest (CA) and therapeutic hypothermia (TH) and to examine their potential association with outcome. METHODS: We studied our prospective cohort of adult survivors of CA treated with TH, assessing SIRPIDs occurrence and their association with 3-month outcome. Only univariated analyses were performed. RESULTS: 105 patients with coma after CA who underwent electroencephalogram (EEG) during TH and normothermia (NT) were studied. Fifty-nine patients (56%) survived, and 48 (46%) had good neurological recovery. The prevalence of SIRPIDs was 13.3% (14/105 patients), of whom 6 occurred during TH (all died), and 8 in NT (3 survived, 1 with good neurological outcome); none had SIRPIDs at both time-points. SIRPIDs were associated with discontinuous or non-reactive EEG background and were a robustly related to poor neurological outcome (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: This small series provides preliminary univariate evidence that in patients with coma after CA, SIRPIDs are associated with poor outcome, particularly when occurring during in therapeutic hypothermia. However, survival with good neurological recovery may be observed when SIRPIDs arise in the post-rewarming normothermic phase. SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides clinicians with new information regarding the SIRPIDs prognostic role in patients with coma after cardiac arrest.
This paper addresses cochlear transplantation and presents a study on the effect of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) on the survival of transplanted embryonic inner ear tissues.
Introduction: Modifications in neurotrophins, neuropeptides, cytokines and nitric oxide (NO) levels in autism may represent different biological aspects of the disease. In the present study we investigate simultaneously all these variables as an attempt to clarify their interrelationships in autism. Methods: Plasma levels of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), cytokines and nitric oxide (NO) were determined in children with DSM-IV autistic disorder (n = 24) and in age- and gender-matched healthy controls (n = 24). VIP, NT-3, IFN-gamma and IL-1 beta levels were measured by ELISA, TNF-alpha, IL-10, IL-6, IL-4, IL-2 were evaluated by flow cytometry, and NO by Griess reaction. Results: Plasma levels of VIP, IFN-gamma and NO were significantly higher and NT-3 plasma levels were significantly lower in children with autism, compared to the healthy subjects. In children with autism there was a positive correlation between plasma levels of NO and IFN-gamma. Discussion: Our results indicate the presence of altered levels of neurotrophin and neuropeptide in infantile autism and provide additional evidence that higher levels of IFN-gamma may be associated with increased oxidative stress in autism.
Die Mitglieder der Neurotrophin-Familie (NGF, BDNF, NT-3 und NT-4) sind sekretierte Neuropeptide, die eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Nervenzellen und bei der Modulation der synaptischen Transmission spielen. Wenngleich eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion von BDNF bereits gezeigt werden konnte, wurden die subzelluläre Expression und die Ausschüttung der anderen Neurotrophine bislang nur unzureichend charakterisiert. Um die Expression und die Ausschüttung aller Neurotrophine unter identischen Bedingungen untersuchen zu können, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Expressionsmuster und die synaptische Ausschüttung GFP-markierter Neurotrophine in dissoziierten hippokampalen Neuronen mit Hilfe der konfokalen Fluoreszenz-Videomikroskopie zeitaufgelöst untersucht. Zwei Phänotypen konnten unterschieden werden: der distale vesikuläre Expressionstyp mit Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln in distalen Neuriten, und der proximale Expressionstyp mit einer diffusen Neurotrophin-Verteilung in den Neuriten und Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln im Soma des Neurons und in den proximalen Dendriten. Der distale vesikuläre Phänotyp entsprach einer Verteilung des entsprechenden Neurotrophins in die sekretorischen Granula des aktivitätsabhängigen Sekretionsweges, während der proximale Phänotyp den Transport eines Neurotrophins in den konstitutiven Sekretionsweg widerspiegelte. Alle Neurotrophine erreichten in hippokampalen Neuronen prinzipiell beide Sekretionswege. Jedoch gelangten BDNF und NT-3 mit einer größeren Effizienz in den regulierten Sekretionsweg als NT-4 und NGF (BDNF: in 98% aller Zellen, NT-3: 85%, NT-4: 23% und NGF: 46%). Neurotrophine besitzen, wie es für sekretorische Peptide üblich ist, eine Vorläufersequenz, die während der Reifung des Proteins proteolytisch abgespalten wird. Die Fusion dieser Präpro-Sequenz von BDNF mit der Sequenz des maturen NT-4 bewirkte einen effizienteren Transport von NT-4 in die sekretorischen Granula des regulierten Sekretionsweges, und zeigte die große Bedeutung der Präpro-Sequenz für das zelluläre Verteilungsmuster von Neurotrophinen. In Neuronen, in denen die Neurotrophine in den regulierten Sekretionsweg transportiert wurden, konnte eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion der Neurotrophine an postsynaptische Strukturen glutamaterger Synapsen beobachtet werden. Die aktivitätsabhängige postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine zeigte eine Heterogenität in der Kinetik der Sekretion (exponentieller Abfall des Neurotrophin-Signals mit Zeitkonstanten von tau = 121 bis 307s). Die Präinkubtion mit dem Protonen-Ionophor Monensin, welcher die Neutralisation des intragranulären pH-Wertes und somit die Solubilisierung der dicht gepackten Proteinstrukturen in den Vesikeln erzwingt, erhöhte die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung auf den Wert des unter physiologischen Bedingungen schnellsten Neurotrophins NT-4. Dennoch blieb die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam (tau = 13 ± 2 s). Diese Daten belegen eindeutig, dass die Neutralisation der sekretorischen Granula die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung kritisch determiniert und die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur konventionellen Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam erfolgt. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Neurotrophin BDNF effizient in distale vesikuläre Strukturen von CA1 Pyramidenzellen organotypischer Schnittkulturen des Hippokampus sortiert wird. Die basalen elektrischen Eigenschaften von CA1 Pyramidenzellen BDNF-defizienter Mäuse sind vergleichbar zu den Eigenschaften von Wildtyp Mäusen. Sowohl das Eigenpotential der CA1 Pyramidenzellen, die Form der Aktionspotentiale als auch die evozierten Antworten der CA1 Pyramdenzellen auf eine gepaarte präsynaptische Stimulation der Schaffer-Kollateralen zeigten bei BDNF-/- -, BDNF+/- - und BDNF+/+ -Mäusen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Fähigkeit der CA1 Pyramidenzellen auf eine hochfrequente Reizung mit einer Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP) der postsynaptischen Ströme zu reagieren ist jedoch bei den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen beinträchtigt. Eine verminderte Induktion von LTP war in den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen nach tetanischer Stimulation der präsynaptischen Schaffer-Kollateralen und simultaner postsynaptischer Depolarisation der CA1 Pyramidenzelle zu beobachten.