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This exploratory study intends to characterize the neuropsychological profile in persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) using objective measures of cognitive performance. A neuropsychological battery of tests for attention, memory and executive functions was administered to four groups: PTSD (n = 25), mTBI (n = 19), subjects with two formal diagnoses: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI/PTSD) (n = 6) and controls (n = 25). Confounding variables, such as medical, developmental or neurological antecedents, were controlled and measures of co-morbid conditions, such as depression and anxiety, were considered. The PTSD and mTBI/PTSD groups reported more anxiety and depressive symptoms. They also presented more cognitive deficits than the mTBI group. Since the two PTSD groups differ in severity of PTSD symptoms but not in severity of depression and anxiety symptoms, the PTSD condition could not be considered as the unique factor affecting the results. The findings underline the importance of controlling for confounding medical and psychological co-morbidities in the evaluation and treatment of PTSD populations, especially when a concomitant mTBI is also suspected.


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PKU is a genetically inherited inborn error of metabolism caused by a deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. The failure of this enzyme causes incomplete metabolism of protein ingested in the diet, specifically the conversion of one amino acid, phenylalanine, to tyrosine, which is a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Rising levels of phenylalanine is toxic to the developing brain, disrupting the formation of white matter tracts. The impact of tyrosine deficiency is not as well understood, but is hypothesized to lead to a low dopamine environment for the developing brain. Detection in the newborn period and continuous treatment (a low protein phe-restricted diet supplemented with phenylalanine-free protein formulas) has resulted in children with early and continuously treated PKU now developing normal I.Q. However, deficits in executive function (EF) are common, leading to a rate of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) up to five times the norm. EF worsens with exposure to higher phenylalanine levels, however recent research has demonstrated that a high phenylalanine to tyrosine ratio (phenylalanine:tyrosine ratio), which is hypothesised to lead to poorer dopamine function, has a more negative impact on EF than phenylalanine levels alone. Research and treatment of PKU is currently phenylalanine-focused, with little investigation of the impact of tyrosine on neuropsychological development. There is no current consensus as to the veracity of tyrosine monitoring or treatment in this population. Further, the research agenda in this population has demonstrated a primary focus on EF impairment alone, even though there may be additional neuropsychological skills compromised (e.g., mood, visuospatial deficits). The aim of this PhD research was to identify residual neuropsychological deficits in a cohort of children with early and continuously treated phenylketonuria, at two time points in development (early childhood and early adolescence), separated by eight years. In addition, this research sought to determine which biochemical markers were associated with neuropsychological impairments. A clinical practice survey was also undertaken to ascertain the current level of monitoring/treatment of tyrosine in this population. Thirteen children with early and continuously treated PKU were tested at mean age 5.9 years and again at mean age 13.95 years on several neuropsychological measures. Four children with hyperphenylalaninemia (a milder version of PKU) were also tested at both time points and provide a comparison group in analyses. Associations between neuropsychological function and biochemical markers were analysed. A between groups analysis in adolescence was also conducted (children with PKU compared to their siblings) on parent report measures of EF and mood. Minor EF impairments were evident in the PKU group by age 6 years and these persisted into adolescence. Life-long exposure to high phenylalanine:tyrosine ratio and/or low tyrosine independent of phenylalanine were significantly associated with EF impairments at both time points. Over half the children with PKU showed severe impairment on a visuospatial task, and this was associated only with concurrent levels of tyrosine in adolescence. Children with PKU also showed a statistically significant decline in a language comprehension task from 6 years to adolescence (going from normal to subnormal), this deficit was associated with lifetime levels of phenylalanine. In comparison, the four children with hyperphenylalaninemia demonstrated normal function at both time points, across all measures. No statistically significant differences were detected between children with PKU and their siblings on the parent report of EF and mood. However, depressive symptoms were significantly correlated with: EF; long term high phe:tyr exposure; and low tyrosine levels independent of phenylalanine. The practice survey of metabolic clinics from 12 countries indicated a high level of variability in terms of monitoring/treatment of tyrosine in this population. Whilst over 80% of clinics surveyed routinely monitored tyrosine levels in their child patients, 25% reported treatment strategies to increase tyrosine (and thereby lower the phenylalanine:tyrosine ratio) under a variety of patient presentation conditions. Overall, these studies have shown that EF impairments associated with PKU provide support for the dopamine-deficiency model. A language comprehension task showed a different trajectory, serving a timely reminder that non-EF functions also remain vulnerable in this population; and that normal function in childhood does not guarantee normal function by adolescence. Mood impairments were associated with EF impairments as well as long term measures of phenylalanine:tyrosine and/or tyrosine. The implications of this research for enhanced clinical guidelines are discussed given varied current practice.


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Background Diagnosing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is difficult when the diagnostician cannot establish an onset prior to the DSM-IV criterion of age 7 or if the number of symptoms recalled does not achieve the DSM-IV threshold for diagnosis. Because neuropsychological deficits are associated with ADHD, we addressed the validity of the DSM-IV age at onset and symptom threshold criteria by using neuropsychological test scores as external validators. Methods We compared four groups of adults: 1) full ADHD subjects met all DSM-IV criteria for childhood-onset ADHD; 2) late-onset ADHD subjects met all criteria except the age at onset criterion; 3) subthreshold ADHD subjects did not meet full symptom criteria; and 4) non-ADHD subjects did not meet any of the above criteria. Results Late-onset and full ADHD subjects had similar patterns of neuropsychological dysfunction. By comparison, subthreshold ADHD subjects showed few neuropsychological differences with non-ADHD subjects. Conclusions Our results showing similar neuropsychological underpinning in subjects with late-onset ADHD suggest that the DSM-IV age at onset criterion may be too stringent. Our data also suggest that ADHD subjects who failed to ever meet the DSM-IV threshold for diagnosis have a milder form of the disorder.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the neuropsychological performance of two frontal dysexecutive phenotypes - disinhibited&' syndrome (DS) and &'apathetic&' syndrome (AS) following a traumatic brain injury in a non-western population, Oman. Methods: The study compared the performance of DS and AS in neuropsychological measures including those tapping into verbal reasoning ability/working memory/attention planning/goal-directed behavior and affective ranges. Results: The present analysis showed that DS and AS participants did not differ on indices measuring working memory/attention and affective ranges. However, the two cohorts differed significantly in measures of planning/goal-directed behaviour. Conclusion: This study lays the groundwork for further scrutiny in delineating the different characteristics of what has been previously labelled as frontal dysexecutive phenotype. This study indicates that DS and AS are marked with specific neuropsychological deficits.


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Contexte: En dépit de la preuve substantielle pour l'efficacité générale de la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC), il existe une controverse à propos de l'amélioration de certains déficits neuropsychologiques dans ce trouble. Objectif: Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer: 1) la corrélation de la gravité du TOC et les résultats des tests neuropsychologiques et 2) l'amélioration clinique et neuropsychologique des patients souffrant de TOC qui ont terminé avec succès leur traitement. Méthode: Cette étude évalue les fonctions neurocognitives et l'état clinique de 27 participants du groupe TOC et 25 participants du groupe témoin. La fonction neurocognitive de chaque participant a été évaluée en utilisant le test de Rey-Osterreich Figure complexe (RCFT), le test de fluidité D-KEFS et l’essai Cardebat-D. Nous avons également, utilisé l'inventaire d'anxiété de Beck (IAB), l’Inventaire de dépression de Beck (IDB) et l'échelle d'obsession-compulsion de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) pour vérifier la présence de l'anxiété et de la dépression avec le TOC et la gravité des symptômes chez les patients souffrant de TOC. Résultats: Notre étude conclut qu’il y une différence significative de la fonction de la mémoire selon le score au sous test de copie entre les participants souffrant de TOC et le groupe témoin. De plus, nous avons constaté une différence considérable dans le score de rappel immédiat et différé du RCFT avant et après le traitement dans le groupe de TOC. Conclusion: En résumé, la présente étude a démontré que les patients atteints de TOC ont des troubles cognitifs spécifiques et que la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale serait un traitement qui pourrait améliorer, au moins, certaines dysfonctions neurocognitives.


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BACKGROUND Neuropsychological deficits (NPD) are common in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). NPD are one of the major limiting factors for patients with an otherwise acceptable prognosis for sustained quality of life. There are only a few studies reporting outcome after aSAH, which used a standardized neuropsychological test battery as a primary or secondary outcome measure. Aim of this study was to determine the current practice of reporting NPD following aSAH in clinical studies. METHODS A MEDLINE analysis was performed using the search term "subarachnoid haemorrhage outcome". The latest 1,000 articles were screened. We recorded study design, number of patients, and the presence of neuropsychological outcome report. Additionally, the time of testing after aSAH, the neuropsychological tests administered, as well as the percentage of patients with NPD were analyzed. RESULTS A total of 324 publications between 2009 and 2012 were selected for further review. Of those, 21 studies (6.5%) reported neuropsychological outcome, in 2,001 of 346,666 patients (0.6%). The assessment of NPD differed broadly using both subjective and objective cognitive evaluation, and a large variety of tests were used. CONCLUSION Neuropsychological outcome is underreported, and there is great variety in assessment in currently published clinical articles on aSAH. Prospective randomized trials treating aSAH may benefit from implementing more comprehensive and standardized neuropsychological outcome measures. This approach might identify otherwise unnoticed treatment effects in future interventional studies of aSAH patients.


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BACKGROUND In a high proportion of patients with favorable outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH), neuropsychological deficits, depression, anxiety, and fatigue are responsible for the inability to return to their regular premorbid life and pursue their professional careers. These problems often remain unrecognized, as no recommendations concerning a standardized comprehensive assessment have yet found entry into clinical routines. METHODS To establish a nationwide standard concerning a comprehensive assessment after aSAH, representatives of all neuropsychological and neurosurgical departments of those eight Swiss centers treating acute aSAH have agreed on a common protocol. In addition, a battery of questionnaires and neuropsychological tests was selected, optimally suited to the deficits found most prevalent in aSAH patients that was available in different languages and standardized. RESULTS We propose a baseline inpatient neuropsychological screening using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) between days 14 and 28 after aSAH. In an outpatient setting at 3 and 12 months after bleeding, we recommend a neuropsychological examination, testing all relevant domains including attention, speed of information processing, executive functions, verbal and visual learning/memory, language, visuo-perceptual abilities, and premorbid intelligence. In addition, a detailed assessment capturing anxiety, depression, fatigue, symptoms of frontal lobe affection, and quality of life should be performed. CONCLUSIONS This standardized neuropsychological assessment will lead to a more comprehensive assessment of the patient, facilitate the detection and subsequent treatment of previously unrecognized but relevant impairments, and help to determine the incidence, characteristics, modifiable risk factors, and the clinical course of these impairments after aSAH.


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Many genetic studies have demonstrated an association between the 7-repeat (7r) allele of a 48-base pair variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in exon 3 of the DRD4 gene and the phenotype of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Previous studies have shown inconsistent associations between the 7r allele and neurocognitive performance in children with ADHD. We investigated the performance of 128 children with and without ADHD on the Fixed and Random versions of the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART). We employed timeseries analyses of reaction-time data to allow a fine-grained analysis of reaction time variability, a candidate endophenotype for ADHD. Children were grouped into either the 7r-present group (possessing at least one copy of the 7r allele) or the 7r-absent group. The ADHD group made significantly more commission errors and was significantly more variable in RT in terms of fast moment-to-moment variability than the control group, but no effect of genotype was found on these measures. Children with ADHD without the 7r allele made significantly more omission errors, were significantly more variable in the slow frequency domain and showed less sensitivity to the signal (d') than those children with ADHD the 7r and control children with or without the 7r. These results highlight the utility of time-series analyses of reaction time data for delineating the neuropsychological deficits associated with ADHD and the DRD4 VNTR. Absence of the 7-repeat allele in children with ADHD is associated with a neurocognitive profile of drifting sustained attention that gives rise to variable and inconsistent performance. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Neuropsychological deficits have been reported in association with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Reductions in grey matter (GM) volumes have been documented in FEP subjects compared to healthy controls. However, the possible inter-relationship between the findings of those two lines of research has been scarcely investigated.

Objective: To investigate the relationship between neuropsychological deficits and GM volume abnormalities in a population-based sample of FEP patients compared to healthy controls from the same geographical area.

Methods: FEP patients (n = 88) and control subjects (n = 86) were evaluated by neuropsychological assessment (Controlled Oral Word Association Test, forward and backward digit span tests) and magnetic resonance imaging using voxel-based morphometry.

Results: Single-group analyses showed that prefrontal and temporo-parietal GM volumes correlated significantly (p < 0.05, corrected) with cognitive performance in FEP patients. A similar pattern of direct correlations between neocortical GM volumes and cognitive impairment was seen in the schizophrenia subgroup (n = 48). In the control group, cognitive performance was directly correlated with GM volume in the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and inversely correlated with parahippocampal gyral volumes bilaterally. Interaction analyses with "group status" as a predictor variable showed significantly greater positive correlation within the left inferior prefrontal cortex (BA46) in the FEP group relative to controls, and significantly greater negative correlation within the left parahippocampal gyrus in the control group relative to FEP patients.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that cognitive deficits are directly related to brain volume abnormalities in frontal and temporo-parietal cortices in FEP subjects, most specifically in inferior portions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O sindroma de Burnout, quadro psicofisio-patológico tem sido objecto de investigação intensiva, desde o artigo de Freudenberger (1974) intitulado "Staff Burnout", com dois objectivos: compreendê-lo melhor, através de meios de diagnóstico, e criar técnicas de intervenção terapêutica. Na realidade, desde essa altura, foram efectuados e publicados um número avultado de trabalhos de investigação, nos campos do diagnóstico e caracterização do Burnout, e da sua resolução terapêutica. O pensamento dominante, nessa altura e ainda hoje, é de tendência analítica e/ou psico-social. Este quadro, espoletado por uma sucessão de episódios emocionalmente negativos em contexto ocupacional em indivíduos com provável predisposição genética e sujeitos a situações de pressão laboral, dos mais diversos tipos (podendo ir do “simples” stress por acumulação de tarefas até às situações de mobbing), tem efeitos frequentemente dramáticos ao nível da dinâmica biopsico- social, nos seus mais diversos aspectos. Estes estendem-se, quase sempre, muito para lá das problemáticas laborais, prejudicando, de forma mais ou menos grave, as interacções sociais com particular impacto ao nível da dinâmica familiar. Por outro lado, o Burnout propicia o aparecimento de patologias diversas, já que toda a estrutura psiconeuro-endocrino-imunulógica estará posta em causa, potenciando situações de fragilidade sistémica. No entanto, há aspectos correlacionáveis com este quadro disfuncional que têm sido muito pouco abordados – alterações cognitivo-operativas ou neuropsicológicas. Aliás os trabalhos que sobre eles incidem são em número muito reduzido. Assim após termos registado queixas, acentuadas, ao nível da capacidade de concentração e da memória em pessoas com burnout observadas na clínica hospitalar e privada, decidimos investigar estas situações, usando uma metodologia clínica de tipo qualitativo, e constatámos que, na realidade, as queixas eram pertinentes. Posto isto, achámos que a situação deveria ser aprofundada e partimos para um trabalho mais sistematizado, este, com o objectivo de caracterizar melhor o tipo de disfunções atencionais e mnésicas. Para isso, após uma selecção prévia, a partir de um grupo de 192 enfermeiros que responderam à Escala de Maslach, avaliámos uma amostra de risco constituída por 40 enfermeiros e enfermeiras, de Instituições Psiquiátricas da Grande Lisboa, trabalhando em urgência e enfermaria, que comparámos com uma amostra de igual número de enfermeiros, desenvolvendo a sua actividade na consulta externa ou em ambientes mais protegidos de stress ocupacional continuo. Para o efeito, e após uma anamnese cuidada, aplicámos provas de atenção e memória, sensíveis a qualquer tipo de compromisso encefálico seja ele funcional ou patológico. Para a componente atenção/concentração e a componente vísuo-grafo-espacial usámos a prova de Toulouse-Piéron, assim como as séries de dígitos ou digit span, para a vertente audio-verbal. A dinâmica mnésica foi avaliada através da prova de memória associativa (Escala de Memória de Wechsler) para testar a variante áudio-verbal, e a reprodução de figuras (Escala de Memória de Wechlser). Os resultados, após uma dupla análise clínica e estatística, comprovaram globalmente as hipóteses, indicando uma correlação significativa entre o grau de Burnout e os défices neuropsicológicos detectados: alteração da atenção/concentração e dismnésia, de natureza limitativa face às exigências quotidianas dos indivíduos. Finalmente, com base na revisão da literatura e os resultados deste estudo, foi esquematizado um Modelo Neuropsicológico do sindroma de Burnout, que nos parece espelhar as relações entre este quadro clínico, as alterações cognitivooperativas encontradas e as principais estruturas encefálicas, que julgamos, implicadas em toda a dinâmica do processo disfuncional.


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Between 8 and 40% of Parkinson disease (PD) patients will have visual hallucinations (VHs) during the course of their illness. Although cognitive impairment has been identified as a risk factor for hallucinations, more specific neuropsychological deficits underlying such phenomena have not been established. Research in psychopathology has converged to suggest that hallucinations are associated with confusion between internal representations of events and real events (i.e. impaired-source monitoring). We evaluated three groups: 17 Parkinson's patients with visual hallucinations, 20 Parkinson's patients without hallucinations and 20 age-matched controls, using tests of visual imagery, visual perception and memory, including tests of source monitoring and recollective experience. The study revealed that Parkinson's patients with hallucinations appear to have intact visual imagery processes and spatial perception. However, there were impairments in object perception and recognition memory, and poor recollection of the encoding episode in comparison to both non-hallucinating Parkinson's patients and healthy controls. Errors were especially likely to occur when encoding and retrieval cues were in different modalities. The findings raise the possibility that visual hallucinations in Parkinson's patients could stem from a combination of faulty perceptual processing of environmental stimuli, and less detailed recollection of experience combined with intact image generation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Background. - Persistent impairment in cognitive function has been described in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder. Collective work indicates that obesity is associated with reduced cognitive function in otherwise healthy individuals. This sub-group post-hoc analysis preliminarily explores and examines the association between overweight/obesity and cognitive function in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder. Methods. - Euthymic adults with DSM-IV-TR-defined bipolar I or II disorder were enrolled. Subjects included in this post-hoc analysis (n = 67) were divided into two groups (normal weight, body mass index [BMI] of 18.5-24.9 kg/m(2); overweight/obese, BMI >= 25.0 kg/m(2)). Demographic and clinical information were obtained at screening. At baseline, study participants completed a comprehensive cognitive battery to assess premorbid IQ, verbal learning and memory, attention and psychomotor processing speed, executive function, general intellectual abilities, recollection and habit memory, as well as self-perceptions of cognitive failures. Results. - BMI was negatively correlated with attention and psychomotor processing speed as measured by the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (P < 0.01). Overweight and obese bipolar individuals had a significantly lower score on the Verbal Fluency Test when compared to normal weight subjects (P < 0.05). For all other measures of cognitive function, non-significant trends suggesting a negative association with BMI were observed, with the exception of measures of executive function (i.e. Trail Making Test B) and recollection memory (i.e. process-dissociation task). Conclusion. - Notwithstanding the post-hoc methodology and relatively small sample size, the results of this study suggest a possible negative effect of overweight/obesity on cognitive function in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder. Taken together, these data provide the impetus for more rigorous evaluation of the mediational role of overweight/obesity (and other medical co-morbidity) on cognitive function in psychiatric populations. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The risk to have a stroke during childhood is at least as frequent as to suffer from a brain tumour. Unlike adults, in whom ischaemic strokes overweigh haemorrhagic strokes, ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes are equally frequent in children, occurring with an incidence of 2 - 3/100'000 children/year. Even though the clinical presentation of arterial-ischaemic stroke in children (pedAIS) is similar to adults, time to diagnosis is longer. The delay to diagnosis is mainly explained by the low index of suspicion of both the general population and the medical personnel, a broad range of differential diagnoses, and the fact that diagnostic imaging in children often requires sedation, which is not always readily available. PedAIS is a multiple risk problem, usually occurring due to a combination of risk factors, such as infectious diseases, dehydration, trauma or an underlying condition such as congenital heart disease. Still little is known about the appropriate management of pedAIS. Supportive measures are considered to be the mainstay of therapy. The use of antithrombotic medication depends on pedAIS aetiology. In an ongoing multicenter trial, the safety and effectiveness of thrombolysis are currently being investigated. PedAIS carries an important mortality and morbidity, with neurological and neuropsychological deficits persisting in two thirds of the affected children.


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Autism is a chronic pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the early onset of social and communicative impairments as well as restricted, ritualized, stereotypic behavior. The endophenotype of autism includes neuropsychological deficits, for instance a lack of "Theory of Mind" and problems recognizing facial affect. In this study, we report the development and evaluation of a computer-based program to teach and test the ability to identify basic facially expressed emotions. 10 adolescent or adult subjects with high-functioning autism or Asperger-syndrome were included in the investigation. A priori the facial affect recognition test had shown good psychometric properties in a normative sample (internal consistency: rtt=.91-.95; retest reliability: rtt=.89-.92). In a prepost design, one half of the sample was randomly assigned to receive computer treatment while the other half of the sample served as control group. The training was conducted for five weeks, consisting of two hours training a week. The trained individuals improved significantly on the affect recognition task, but not on any other measure. Results support the usefulness of the program to teach the detection of facial affect. However, the improvement found is limited to a circumscribed area of social-communicative function and generalization is not ensured.


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INTRODUCTION: Cognitive complaints, such as poor concentration and memory deficits, are frequent after whiplash injury and play an important role in disability. The origin of these complaints is discussed controversially. Some authors postulate brain lesions as a consequence of whiplash injuries. Potential diffuse axonal injury (DAI) with subsequent atrophy of the brain and ventricular expansion is of particular interest as focal brain lesions have not been documented so far in whiplash injury. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether traumatic brain injury can be identified using a magnetic resonance (MR)-based quantitative analysis of normalized ventricle-brain ratios (VBR) in chronic whiplash patients with subjective cognitive impairment that cannot be objectively confirmed by neuropsychological testing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR examination was performed in 21 patients with whiplash injury and symptom persistence for 9 months on average and in 18 matched healthy controls. Conventional MR imaging (MRI) was used to assess the volumes of grey and white matter and of ventricles. The normalized VBR was calculated. RESULTS: The values of normalized VBR did not differ in whiplash patients when compared with that in healthy controls (F = 0.216, P = 0.645). CONCLUSIONS: This study does not support loss of brain tissue following whiplash injury as measured by VBR. On this basis, traumatic brain injury with subsequent DAI does not seem to be the underlying mechanism for persistent concentration and memory deficits that are subjectively reported but not objectively verifiable as neuropsychological deficits.