66 resultados para NEUROPLASTICITY
Objective: There is increasing concern that the course of psychiatric disorders may be affected by parameters such as the duration and intensity of symptoms of initial episodes of illness. As this indicates that abnormal function produces long-term changes within the brain, a review of the neuroscience literature regarding neuroplasticity is warranted. Method: This article is a selective review, focusing in particular on results obtained from physiological experiments assessing plasticity within the mammalian neocortex. The possible relevance of results to psychiatry is discussed. Results: While the most dramatic examples of neuroplasticity occur during a critical period of neural development, neuroplasticity can also occur in adult neocortex. Neuroplasticity appears to be activity-dependent: synaptic pathways that are intensively used may become strengthened, and conversely, there may be depression of transmission in infrequently used pathways. Conclusions: Results from neurophysiological experiments fend support to the clinical observation that the intensity and duration of a psychiatric disorder may adversely alter its long-term course. Rapid aggressive treatment may prevent this from occurring. While pharmacotherapy may reduce the duration and severity of symptoms, it may also have an independent, as yet unknown, effect on neuroplasticity.
Executive control refers to a set of abilities enabling us to plan, control and implement our behavior to rapidly and flexibly adapt to environmental requirements. These adaptations notably involve the suppression of intended or ongoing cognitive or motor processes, a skill referred to as "inhibitory control". To implement efficient executive control of behavior, one must monitor our performance following errors to adjust our behavior accordingly. Deficits in inhibitory control have been associated with the emergènce of a wide range of psychiatric disorders, ranging from drug addiction to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. Inhibitory control deficits could, however, be remediated- The brain has indeed the amazing possibility to reorganize following training to allow for behavioral improvements. This mechanism is referred to as neural and behavioral plasticity. Here, our aim is to investigate training-induced plasticity in inhibitory control and propose a model of inhibitory control explaining the spatio- temporal brain mechanisms supporting inhibitory control processes and their plasticity. In the two studies entitled "Brain dynamics underlying training-induced improvement in suppressing inappropriate action" (Manuel et al., 2010) and "Training-induced neuroplastic reinforcement óf top-down inhibitory control" (Manuel et al., 2012c), we investigated the neurophysiological and behavioral changes induced by inhibitory control training with two different tasks and populations of healthy participants. We report that different inhibitory control training developed either automatic/bottom-up inhibition in parietal areas or reinforced controlled/top-down inhibitory control in frontal brain regions. We discuss the results of both studies in the light of a model of fronto-basal inhibition processes. In "Spatio-temporal brain dynamics mediating post-error behavioral adjustments" (Manuel et al., 2012a), we investigated how error detection modulates the processing of following stimuli and in turn impact behavior. We showed that during early integration of stimuli, the activity of prefrontal and parietal areas is modulated according to previous performance and impacts the post-error behavioral adjustments. We discuss these results in terms of a shift from an automatic to a controlled form of inhibition induced by the detection of errors, which in turn influenced response speed. In "Inter- and intra-hemispheric dissociations in ideomotor apraxia: a large-scale lesion- symptom mapping study in subacute brain-damaged patients" (Manuel et al., 2012b), we investigated ideomotor apraxia, a deficit in performing pantomime gestures of object use, and identified the anatomical correlates of distinct ideomotor apraxia error types in 150 subacute brain-damaged patients. Our results reveal a left intra-hemispheric dissociation for different pantomime error types, but with an unspecific role for inferior frontal areas. Les fonctions exécutives désignent un ensemble de processus nous permettant de planifier et contrôler notre comportement afin de nous adapter de manière rapide et flexible à l'environnement. L'une des manières de s'adapter consiste à arrêter un processus cognitif ou moteur en cours ; le contrôle de l'inhibition. Afin que le contrôle exécutif soit optimal il est nécessaire d'ajuster notre comportement après avoir fait des erreurs. Les déficits du contrôle de l'inhibition sont à l'origine de divers troubles psychiatriques tels que l'addiction à la drogue ou les déficits d'attention et d'hyperactivité. De tels déficits pourraient être réhabilités. En effet, le cerveau a l'incroyable capacité de se réorganiser après un entraînement et ainsi engendrer des améliorations comportementales. Ce mécanisme s'appelle la plasticité neuronale et comportementale. Ici, notre but èst d'étudier la plasticité du contrôle de l'inhibition après un bref entraînement et de proposer un modèle du contrôle de l'inhibition qui permette d'expliquer les mécanismes cérébraux spatiaux-temporels sous-tendant l'amélioration du contrôle de l'inhibition et de leur plasticité. Dans les deux études intitulées "Brain dynamics underlying training-induced improvement in suppressing inappropriate action" (Manuel et al., 2010) et "Training-induced neuroplastic reinforcement of top-down inhibitory control" (Manuel et al., 2012c), nous nous sommes intéressés aux changements neurophysiologiques et comportementaux liés à un entraînement du contrôle de l'inhibition. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié l'inhibition à l'aide de deux différentes tâches et deux populations de sujets sains. Nous avons démontré que différents entraînements pouvaient soit développer une inhibition automatique/bottom-up dans les aires pariétales soit renforcer une inhibition contrôlée/top-down dans les aires frontales. Nous discutons ces résultats dans le contexte du modèle fronto-basal du contrôle de l'inhibition. Dans "Spatio-temporal brain dynamics mediating post-error behavioral adjustments" (Manuel et al., 2012a), nous avons investigué comment la détection d'erreurs influençait le traitement du prochain stimulus et comment elle agissait sur le comportement post-erreur. Nous avons montré que pendant l'intégration précoce des stimuli, l'activité des aires préfrontales et pariétales était modulée en fonction de la performance précédente et avait un impact sur les ajustements post-erreur. Nous proposons que la détection d'erreur ait induit un « shift » d'un mode d'inhibition automatique à un mode contrôlé qui a à son tour influencé le temps de réponse. Dans "Inter- and intra-hemispheric dissociations in ideomotor apraxia: a large-scale lesion-symptom mapping study in subacute brain-damaged patients" (Manuel et al., 2012b), nous avons examiné l'apraxie idémotrice, une incapacité à exécuter des gestes d'utilisation d'objets, chez 150 patients cérébro-lésés. Nous avons mis en avant une dissociation intra-hémisphérique pour différents types d'erreurs avec un rôle non spécifique pour les aires frontales inférieures.
BACKGROUND: Mood disorders are polygenic disorders in which the alteration of several susceptibility genes results in dysfunctional mood regulation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their transcriptional dysregulation are still unclear. The transcription factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding protein (CREB) and the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been implicated in rodent models of depression. We previously provided evidence that Bdnf expression critically rely on a potent CREB coactivator called CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1). METHODS: To further evaluate the role of CRTC1 in the brain, we generated a knockout mouse line and analyzed its behavioral and molecular phenotype. RESULTS: We found that mice lacking CRTC1 associate neurobehavioral endophenotypes related to mood disorders. Crtc1(-/-) mice exhibit impulsive aggressiveness, social withdrawal, and decreased sexual motivation, together with increased behavioral despair, anhedonia, and anxiety-related behavior in the novelty-induced hypophagia test. They also present psychomotor retardation as well as increased emotional response to stressful events. Crtc1(-/-) mice have a blunted response to the antidepressant fluoxetine in behavioral despair paradigms, whereas fluoxetine normalizes their aggressiveness and their behavioral response in the novelty-induced hypophagia test. Crtc1(-/-) mice strikingly show, in addition to a reduced dopamine and serotonin turnover in the prefrontal cortex, a concomitant decreased expression of several susceptibility genes involved in neuroplasticity, including Bdnf, its receptor TrkB, the nuclear receptors Nr4a1-3, and several other CREB-regulated genes. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these findings support a role for the CRTC1-CREB pathway in mood disorders etiology and behavioral response to antidepressants and identify CRTC1 as an essential coactivator of genes involved in mood regulation.
The ascending midbrain 5-HT neurons to the forebrain may be dysregulated in depression and have a reduced trophic support. With in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) and supported by coimmunoprecipitation and colocation of the FGFR1 and 5-HT1A immunoreactivities in the midbrain raphe cells, evidence for the existence of FGFR1-5-HT1A receptor heterocomplexes in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei of the Sprague Dawley rat as well as in the rat medullary raphe RN33B cells has been obtained. Especially after combined FGF-2 and 8-OH-DPAT treatment, a marked and significant increase in PLA clusters was found in the RN33B cells. Similar results were reached with the FRET technique in HEK293T cells, where TM-V of the 5HT1A receptor was found to be part of the receptor interface. The combined treatment with FGF-2 and the 5-HT1A agonist also synergistically increased FGFR1 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in the raphe midline area of the midbrain and the RN33B cells as well as their differentiation, as seen from development of the increased number and length of extensions per cell and their increased 5-HT immunoreactivity. These signaling and differentiation events were dependent on the receptor interface since they were blocked by incubation with TM-V but not by TM-II. Together, the results indicate that the 5-HT1A autoreceptors by being part of a FGFR1-5-HT1A receptor heterocomplex in the midbrain raphe 5-HT nerve cells appear to have a trophic role in the central 5-HT neuron systems in addition to playing a key role in reducing the firing of these neurons
A pair of recent studies shows that congenital blindness can have significant consequences for the functioning of the visual system after sight restoration, particularly if that restoration is delayed.
I vår moderna värld har förekomsten av ångeststörningar drastiskt ökat, vilket påverkar välfärden i våra samhällen. Eftersom de molekylära mekanismerna bakom ångest är relativt okända, är möjligheterna till behandling av ångeststörningar begränsade. I och med utvecklingen av genetiska manipuleringmetoder och avbildningstekniker har strukturella förändringar associerade med ångeststörningar kunnat konstateras. Neuroanatomiska studier har påvisat störningar i dendritarkitektur, dendrittaggar och i neurogenesen hos vuxna individer. Särskilt neurogenesen i hippocampus anses viktig i detta sammanhang. Neurogenes i hippocampus har föreslagits spela en viktig roll i ångeststörningarnas patofysiologi och för hur vissa antidepressiva läkemedel förmedlar sin effekt. Under senare år har MAP-kinaser (MAPK) föreslagits vara involverade både i uppkomsten av affektiva störningar och i neurogenes i hippocampus. JNK är en grupp kinaser inom MAPK-familjen som aktiveras av olika externa stressfaktorer. I normala celler är aktiviteten hos JNK låg. Cell-stress ökar aktiviteten hos JNK vilket leder till bl.a. apoptos. JNK kinaser anses vara potentiella terapeutiska mål för behandling av neurodegenerativa sjukdomar men deras potential som mål för behandling av affektiva sjukdomar har tillsvidare inte utretts. Den här avhandlingen behandlar betydelsen av JNK för ångestrelaterat beteende hos möss. Med hjälp av Jnk1-knockout möss och farmakologisk inhibering av JNK-signalering, demonstreras att JNK reglerar neurogenes i hippocampus, vilket i sin tur ligger bakom mössens ångestrelaterade beteende. Jnk1-knockout möss var mindre ängsliga och uppvisade ökad neurogenes i hippcampus jämfört med kontrollmöss. Inhibering av JNK-signalering i hjärnan hos möss gjorde dem också mindre ängsliga och ökade neurogenesen i hippocampus på samma sätt som vissa antidepressiva läkemedel. Inhibering av JNK-aktivitet ledde inte bara till ökad neurogenes i hippocampus, utan främjade också mognandet av nybildade nervceller hos vuxna möss. Resultaten visar också att dendritarkitekturen och fördelningen av dendrittaggar hos CA3 neuroner i hippocampus är förändrad hos Jnk1-knockout möss. Genom screening av substratmolekyler för JNK hittades två JNKeffektormolekyler, MARCKSL1 (ett aktin-associerat protein) och MAP2 (ett mikrotubulus-associerat protein), som reglerade neuronernas sttruktur. Det här tyder på att JNK-signalering kan kontrollera ångeststörningsrelaterade förändringar hor dendriter och dendrittaggar. Sammanfattningsvis ger resultaten som presenteras i avhandlingen en ökad insikt i molekylära mekanismer som kan leda till ångeststörningsrelaterade förändringar i neurogenes och dendritstruktur. Därtill föreslås att JNKsignalbanan har potential som terapeutiskt mål för behandling av ångeststörningar.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of caloric restriction (CR) on myenteric neurons in the duodenum of Wistar rats during aging. Thirty rats were divided into three groups: the C group (six-month-old animals that were fed a normal diet from weaning until six months of age), the SR group (18-month-old animals that were fed a normal diet from weaning until 18 months of age) and the CR group (18-month-old animals that were fed a 30% CR diet after six months of age). After 12 months, the animals were euthanized. Whole-mount preparations of the duodenums were either stained with Giemsa or underwent NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry to determine the general myenteric neuron population and the nitrergic neuron subpopulation (NADPH-d +), respectively. The NADPH-d-negative (NADPH-d -) neuron population was estimated based on the difference between the Giemsa-stained and NADPH-d + neurons. The neurons were counted, and the cell body areas were measured. Aging was associated with neuronal loss in the SR group, which was minimized by caloric restriction in the CR group. The density (mm(2)) of the Giemsa-stained neurons was higher in the SR group (79.09 +/- 6.25) than in the CR (92.37 +/- 11.6) and C (111.68 +/- 15.26) groups. The density of the NADPH-d + neurons was higher in the SR group (44.90 +/- 5.88) than in the C (35.75 +/- 1.6) and RC (39.14 +/- 7.02) groups. The density of NADPH-d - neurons was higher in the CR (49.73 +/- 12.08) and C (75.64 +/- 17.05) groups than in the SR group (33.82 +/- 4.5). In the C group, 32% and 68% of the Giemsa-stained myenteric neurons were NADPH-d + or NADPH-d -, respectively. With aging (SR group), the percentage of nitrergic neurons (56.77%) increased, whereas the percentage of NADPH-d - neurons (43.22%) decreased. In the CR group, the change in the percentage of nitrergic (42.37%) and NADPH-d - (57.62%) neurons was lower. As NADPH-d - neurons will be mostly cholinergic neurons, CR appears to reduce the loss of cholinergic neurons during aging. The cell body dimensions (mu m(2)) were not altered by aging or CR. Thus. CR had a protective effect on myenteric neurons during aging. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of caloric restriction (CR) on myenteric neurons in the duodenum of Wistar rats during aging. Thirty rats were divided into three groups: the C group (six-month-old animals that were fed a normal diet from weaning until six months of age), the SR group (18-month-old animals that were fed a normal diet from weaning until 18 months of age) and the CR group (18-month-old animals that were fed a 30% CR diet after six months of age). After 12 months, the animals were euthanized. Whole-mount preparations of the duodenums were either stained with Giemsa or underwent NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry to determine the general myenteric neuron population and the nitrergic neuron subpopulation (NADPH-d +), respectively. The NADPH-d-negative (NADPH-d -) neuron population was estimated based on the difference between the Giemsa-stained and NADPH-d + neurons. The neurons were counted, and the cell body areas were measured. Aging was associated with neuronal loss in the SR group, which was minimized by caloric restriction in the CR group. The density (mm(2)) of the Giemsa-stained neurons was higher in the SR group (79.09 +/- 6.25) than in the CR (92.37 +/- 11.6) and C (111.68 +/- 15.26) groups. The density of the NADPH-d + neurons was higher in the SR group (44.90 +/- 5.88) than in the C (35.75 +/- 1.6) and RC (39.14 +/- 7.02) groups. The density of NADPH-d - neurons was higher in the CR (49.73 +/- 12.08) and C (75.64 +/- 17.05) groups than in the SR group (33.82 +/- 4.5). In the C group, 32% and 68% of the Giemsa-stained myenteric neurons were NADPH-d + or NADPH-d -, respectively. With aging (SR group), the percentage of nitrergic neurons (56.77%) increased, whereas the percentage of NADPH-d - neurons (43.22%) decreased. In the CR group, the change in the percentage of nitrergic (42.37%) and NADPH-d - (57.62%) neurons was lower. As NADPH-d - neurons will be mostly cholinergic neurons, CR appears to reduce the loss of cholinergic neurons during aging. The cell body dimensions (mu m(2)) were not altered by aging or CR. Thus. CR had a protective effect on myenteric neurons during aging. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE Sleep disruption in the acute phase after stroke has detrimental effects on recovery in both humans and animals. Conversely, the effect of sleep promotion remains unclear. Baclofen (Bac) is a known non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep-promoting drug in both humans and animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Bac on stroke recovery in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia (isch). METHODS Rats, assigned to three experimental groups (Bac/isch, saline/isch, or Bac/sham), were injected twice daily for 10 consecutive days with Bac or saline, starting 24 h after induction of stroke. The sleep-wake cycle was assessed by EEG recordings and functional motor recovery by single pellet reaching test (SPR). In order to identify potential neuroplasticity mechanisms, axonal sprouting and neurogenesis were evaluated. Brain damage was assessed by Nissl staining. RESULTS Repeated Bac treatment after ischemia affected sleep, motor function, and neuroplasticity, but not the size of brain damage. NREM sleep amount was increased significantly during the dark phase in Bac/isch compared to the saline/isch group. SPR performance dropped to 0 immediately after stroke and was recovered slowly thereafter in both ischemic groups. However, Bac-treated ischemic rats performed significantly better than saline-treated animals. Axonal sprouting in the ipsilesional motor cortex and striatum, and neurogenesis in the peri-infarct region were significantly increased in Bac/isch group. CONCLUSION Delayed repeated Bac treatment after stroke increased NREM sleep and promoted both neuroplasticity and functional outcome. These data support the hypothesis of the role of sleep as a modulator of poststroke recovery.
It is known that physical activity triggers changes in the central nervous system Adult rats, trained on treadmills for 4 weeks, and a group of sedentary rats was submitted to contuse moderate spinal cord injury A group of sedentary rats was submitted to a sham operation The trained group continued running on treadmill after lesion for 4 weeks Motor behavior evaluated by BBB score was smaller in the sedentary group compared to the trained rats by 7 days after lesion Computerized activity monitor showed clear-cut differences in spontaneous motor parameters in trained rats only before lesion After surgery, sedentary rats showed changes in motor parameters but not in later periods of analysis Animals were euthanized by 28 days after surgery, and their spinal cords were processed for Nissl staining and immunohistochemistry The number of the remaining neurons and the lesion areal and lesion volume fractions were obtained by stereological method The number of the remaining neurons did not change after training Lesion volume and lesion areal fraction per section were smaller in the trained group Lesion index was more pronounced in the sedentary group Microdensitometric image analysis demonstrated a microglial reaction, astroglial activation, and glial FGF-2 production more pronounced in the spinal cord of sedentary animals GAP-43 was higher in caudal levels of contusion in the sedentary group In conclusion, treadmill running may favor a better functional recovery in the acute period after spinal cord lesion and wound repair processes leading to neuroprotection (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Purpose: The aversive nature of regenerative milieu is the main problem related to the failure of neuronal restoration in the injured spinal cord which however might be addressed with an adequate repair intervention. We evaluated whether glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) may increase the ability of sciatic nerve graft, placed in a gap promoted by complete transections of the spinal cord, to enhance motor recovery and local fiber growth. Methods: Rats received a 4 mm-long gap at low thoracic level and were repaired with a fragment of the sciatic nerve. GDNF was added (NERVE+GDNF) or not to the grafts (NERVE-GDNF). Motor behavior score (BBB) and sensorimotor tests-linked to the combined behavior score (CBS), which indicate the degree of the motor improvement and the percentage of functional deficit, respectively, and also the spontaneous motor behavior in an open field by means of an infrared motion sensor activity monitor were analyzed. At the end of the third month post surgery, the tissue composed by the graft and the adjacent regions of the spinal cord was removed and submitted to the immunohistochemistry of the neurofilament-200 (NF-200), growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43), microtubule associated protein-2 (MAP-2), 5-hidroxytryptamine (serotonin, 5-HT) and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). The immunoreactive fibers were quantified at the epicenter of the graft by means of stereological procedures. Results: Higher BBB and lower CBS levels (p < 0.001) were found in NERVE+GDNF rats. GDNF added to the graft increased the levels of individual sensorimotor tests mainly at the third month. Analysis of the spontaneous motor behavior showed decreases in the time and number of small movement events by the third month without changes in time and number of large movement events in the NERVE+GDNF rats. Immunoreactive fibers were encountered inside the grafts and higher amounts of NF-200, GAP-43 and MAP-2 fibers were found in the epicenter of the graft when GDNF was added. A small amount of descending 5-HT fibers was seen reentering in the adjacent caudal levels of the spinal cords which were grafted in the presence of GDNF, event that has not occurred without the neurotrophic factor. GDNF in the graft also led to a large amount of MAP-2 perikarya and fibers in the caudal levels of the cord gray matter, as determined by the microdensitometric image analysis. Conclusions: GDNF added to the nerve graft favored the motor recovery, local neuronal fiber growth and neuroplasticity in the adjacent spinal cord.
In order to investigate whether myofascial trigger points can modulate tinnitus, as well as the association between tinnitus and myofascial trigger points, 94 individuals with and 94 without tinnitus, matched by age and gender, were analyzed by means of bilateral digital pressure of 9 muscles. Temporary modulation of tinnitus was frequently observed (55.9%) during digital pressure, mainly in the masseter. The rate of tinnitus modulation was significantly higher on the same side of the myofascial trigger point subject to examination in 6 out of 9 muscles. An association between tinnitus and the presence of myofascial trigger points was observed (p < 0.001), as well as a laterality association between the ear with the worst tinnitus and the side of the body with more myofascial trigger points (p < 0.001). Thus, this relationship could be explained not only by somatosensory-auditory system interactions but also by the influence of the sympathetic system. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Recently, superior cervical ganglionectomy has been performed to investigate a variety of scientific topics from regulation of intraocular pressure to suppression of lingual tumour growth. Despite these recent advances in our understanding of the functional mechanisms underlying superior cervical ganglion (SCG) growth and development after surgical ablation, there still exists a need for information concerning the quantitative nature of the relationships between the removed SCG and its remaining contralateral ganglion and between the remaining SCG and its modified innervation territory. To this end, using design-based stereological methods, we have investigated the structural changes induced by unilateral ganglionectomy in sheep at three distinct timepoints (2, 7 and 12 weeks) after surgery. The effects of time, and lateral (left-right) differences, were examined by two-way analyses of variance and paired t-tests. Following removal of the left SCG, the main findings were: (i) the remaining right SCG was bigger at shorter survival times, i.e. 74% at 2 weeks, 55% at 7 weeks and no increase by 12 weeks, (ii) by 7 weeks after surgery, the right SCG contained fewer neurons (no decrease at 2 weeks, 6% fewer by 7 weeks and 17% fewer by 12 weeks) and (iii) by 7 weeks, right SCG neurons were also larger and the magnitude of this increase grew substantially with time (no rise at 2 weeks, 77% by 7 weeks and 215% by 12 weeks). Interaction effects between time and ganglionectomy-induced changes were significant for SCG volume and mean perikaryal volume. These findings show that unilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy has profound effects on the contralateral ganglion. For future investigations, it would be interesting to examine the interaction between SCGs and their innervation targets after ganglionectomy. Is the ganglionectomy-induced imbalance between the sizes of innervation territories the milieu in which morphoquantitative changes, particularly changes in perikaryal volume and neuron number, occur? Mechanistically, how would those changes arise? Are there any grounds for believing in a ganglionectomy-triggered SCG cross-innervation and neuroplasticity? (C) 2011 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Body and brain undergo several changes with aging. One of these changes is the loss of neuroplasticity, which leads to the decrease of cognitive abilities. Hence the necessity of stopping or reversing these changes is of utmost importance to contemporary society. In the present work, electroencephalogram (EEG) markers of cognitive decline are sought whilst the subjects perform the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Considering the expected age-related cognitive deficits, WCST was applied to young and elder participants. The results suggest that coherence on theta and alpha EEG rhythms decrease with aging and increase with performance. Additionally, theta phase coherence seems more sensitive to performance, while alpha synchronization appears as a potential ageing marker.
Introdução: Após lesão do SNC o músculo pode perder a sua variabilidade e flexibilidade, tal como se verifica em indivíduos após AVE. A caracterização do tónus muscular tem sido um indicador a ter em atenção para o diagnóstico clínico. As alterações do tónus podem resultar de uma combinação de alterações neurais, como consequência dos processos inerentes à neuroplasticidade e alterações biomecânicas. Objectivo: Verificar quais as modificações no tónus muscular, segundo a escala de Tardieu, após a aplicação de um programa de reabilitação neuromotora baseado no conceito de Bobath em dois indivíduos com sequelas de AVE. Pretendeu-se também verificar as repercussões nas actividades funcionais. Participantes e métodos: Foram seleccionados dois indivíduos e aplicado um programa de reabilitação, durante onze semanas, e avaliados em dois momentos, antes da intervenção (PRE) e após a intervenção (APÓS). Aplicaram-se vários instrumentos de avaliação, nomeadamente a escala de Tardieu. O programa de reabilitação realizado baseou-se no conceito de Bobath. Resultados: Na escala de Tardieu, foi comum aos dois indivíduos melhorias a nível da qualidade de reacção muscular. Ambos os indivíduos apresentaram melhorias no controlo postural e equilíbrio, que se evidenciaram na CIF. Conclusão: Foi possível observar modificações no tónus muscular após aplicação de um programa de reabilitação e, consequentemente modificações na distribuição da carga na base de suporte, no alinhamento das estruturas articulares e musculares e na marcha. Ao longo da intervenção, observaram-se repercussões positivas em ambos os indivíduos, permitindo a estes realizar as AVDs com menor dificuldade