The influence of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) on the thermal decomposition process of a calcite (CI) and a dolomite (DP) is investigated in this paper using a thermogravimetric analyser. The tests were non-isothermal at five different heating rates in dynamic atmosphere of air with 0% and 15% carbon dioxide (CO2). In the atmosphere without CO2, the average activation energies (E-alpha) were 197.4 kJ mol(-1) and 188.1 kJ mol(-1) for CI and DP, respectively. For the DP with 15% CO2, two decomposition steps were observed, indicating a change of mechanism. The values of E-alpha for 15% CO2 were 378.7 kJ mol(-1) for the CI, and 299.8 kJ mol(-1) (first decomposition) and 453.4 kJ mol(-1) (second decomposition) for the DP, showing that the determination of E-alpha for DP should in this case be considered separately in those two distinct regions. The results obtained in this study are relevant to understanding the behaviour changes in the thermal decomposition of limestones with CO2 partial pressure when applied to technologies, such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), in which carbon dioxide is present in high concentrations.
The Michigan Basin is located in the upper Midwest region of the United States and is centered geographically over the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. It is filled primarily with Paleozoic carbonates and clastics, overlying Precambrian basement rocks and covered by Pleistocene glacial drift. In Michigan, more than 46,000 wells have been drilled in the basin, many producing significant quantities of oil and gas since the 1920s in addition to providing a wealth of data for subsurface visualization. Well log tomography, formerly log-curve amplitude slicing, is a visualization method recently developed at Michigan Technological University to correlate subsurface data by utilizing the high vertical resolution of well log curves. The well log tomography method was first successfully applied to the Middle Devonian Traverse Group within the Michigan Basin using gamma ray log curves. The purpose of this study is to prepare a digital data set for the Middle Devonian Dundee and Rogers City Limestones, apply the well log tomography method to this data and from this application, interpret paleogeographic trends in the natural radioactivity. Both the Dundee and Rogers City intervals directly underlie the Traverse Group and combined are the most prolific reservoir within the Michigan Basin. Differences between this study and the Traverse Group include increased well control and “slicing” of a more uniform lithology. Gamma ray log curves for the Dundee and Rogers City Limestones were obtained from 295 vertical wells distributed over the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, converted to Log ASCII Standard files, and input into the well log tomography program. The “slicing” contour results indicate that during the formation of the Dundee and Rogers City intervals, carbonates and evaporites with low natural radioactive signatures on gamma ray logs were deposited. This contrasts the higher gamma ray amplitudes from siliciclastic deltas that cyclically entered the basin during Traverse Group deposition. Additionally, a subtle north-south, low natural radioactive trend in the center of the basin may correlate with previously published Dundee facies tracts. Prominent trends associated with the distribution of limestone and dolomite are not observed because the regional range of gamma ray values for both carbonates are equivalent in the Michigan Basin and additional log curves are needed to separate these lithologies.
En una región amplia como España se demuestra —mediante inferencias estadísticas sobre una muestra completa de 875 manantiales en los que se conoce su caudal medio y la litología de su área de alimentación y que han sido agrupados en regiones de distinta pluviometría— que la recarga media anual es una fracción fija de la precipitación media para cada litología. Se han establecido así unas tasas de recarga respecto de la precipitación para seis grupos litológicos de diferente permeabilidad: arenas, gravas y formaciones aluviales en general, 8.3%; conglomerados, 5.6%; areniscas, 7.3%; calizas y dolomías, 34.3%; margas, margocalizas, limos y arcillas, 3.3%; otras rocas, 1.3%. Teniendo en cuenta la representatividad de España, la cual tiene una gran variabilidad de litología, pluviometría, topografía, etcétera, estas tasas de recarga respecto de la precipita-ción son probablemente valores cuasi universales que pueden ser utilizados para estimar la recarga media o los recursos hídricos subterráneos medios de regiones amplias en cualquier parte del mundo, salvo en regiones especiales, como las que tienen permafrost, por ejemplo. En todo caso, estas tasas de recarga podrían ser retocadas para cada región según sus particulares características. Los datos de precipitación y litología son muy corrientes, por lo que el método puede ser ampliamente utilizado para completar balances hidráulicos.In a region as large as Spain, annual mean recharge is shown to be a fixed proportion of the mean rainfall for each lithology. This determination is based on statistical inferences from a complete sample of 875 springs for which mean flow and catchment areas are known and which have been grouped into distinct rainfall regions. Recharge rates have thus been established with respect to rainfall for six lithological groups with different permeability: sands, gravels and generally alluvial formations, 8.3%; conglomerates, 5.6%; sandstones, 7.3%; limestone and dolomite 34.3%; marls, marly limestones, silts and clays, 3.3%; and hard rocks, 1.3%. Considering the representativeness of Spain, which is large in size and has a highly varied lithology, topography and rainfall, these recharge rates for rainfall are probably quasi-universal values that can be used to estimate average recharge or average groundwater resources of large regions in any part of the world (except in special cases such as areas with permafrost, for example). For any case, these recharge rates can be adapted to each region according to its particular characteristics. Rainfall and lithology data are very common, and so the method can be widely used to calculate hydraulic balances.
El aumento de la temperatura media de la Tierra durante el pasado siglo en casi 1 ºC; la subida del nivel medio del mar; la disminución del volumen de hielo y nieve terrestres; la fuerte variabilidad del clima y los episodios climáticos extremos que se vienen sucediendo durante las ultimas décadas; y el aumento de las epidemias y enfermedades infecciosas son solo algunas de las evidencias del cambio climático actual, causado, principalmente, por la acumulación de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera por actividades antropogénicas. La problemática y preocupación creciente surgida a raíz de estos fenómenos, motivo que, en 1997, se adoptara el denominado “Protocolo de Kyoto” (Japón), por el que los países firmantes adoptaron diferentes medidas destinadas a controlar y reducir las emisiones de los citados gases. Entre estas medidas cabe destacar las tecnologías CAC, enfocadas a la captura, transporte y almacenamiento de CO2. En este contexto se aprobó, en octubre de 2008, el Proyecto Singular Estratégico “Tecnologías avanzadas de generación, captura y almacenamiento de CO2” (PSE-120000-2008-6), cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y el FEDER, el cual abordaba, en su Subproyecto “Almacenamiento Geológico de CO2” (PSS-120000-2008-31), el estudio detallado, entre otros, del Análogo Natural de Almacenamiento y Escape de CO2 de la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón (Murcia). Es precisamente en el marco de dicho Proyecto en el que se ha realizado este trabajo, cuyo objetivo final ha sido el de predecir el comportamiento y evaluar la seguridad, a corto, medio y largo plazo, de un Almacenamiento Geológico Profundo de CO2 (AGP-CO2), mediante el estudio integral del citado análogo natural. Este estudio ha comprendido: i) la contextualización geológica e hidrogeológica de la cuenca, así como la investigación geofísica de la misma; ii) la toma de muestras de aguas de algunos acuíferos seleccionados con el fin de realizar su estudio hidrogeoquímico e isotópico; iii) la caracterización mineralógica, petrográfica, geoquímica e isotópica de los travertinos precipitados a partir de las aguas de algunos de los sondeos de la cuenca; y iv) la medida y caracterización química e isotópica de los gases libres y disueltos detectados en la cuenca, con especial atención al CO2 y 222Rn. Esta información, desarrollada en capítulos independientes, ha permitido realizar un modelo conceptual de funcionamiento del sistema natural que constituye la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón, así como establecer las analogías entre este y un AGP-CO2, con posibles escapes naturales y/o antropogénicos. La aplicación de toda esta información ha servido, por un lado, para predecir el comportamiento y evaluar la seguridad, a corto, medio y largo plazo, de un AGP-CO2 y, por otro, proponer una metodología general aplicable al estudio de posibles emplazamientos de AGP-CO2 desde la perspectiva de los reservorios naturales de CO2. Los resultados más importantes indican que la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón se trata de una cubeta o fosa tectónica delimitada por fallas normales, con importantes saltos verticales, que hunden al substrato rocoso (Complejo Nevado-Filabride), y rellenas, generalmente, por materiales volcánicos-subvolcánicos ácidos. Además, esta cuenca se encuentra rellena por formaciones menos resistivas que son, de muro a techo, las margas miocenas, predominantes y casi exclusivas de la cuenca, y los conglomerados y gravas pliocuaternarias. El acuífero salino profundo y enriquecido en CO2, puesto de manifiesto por la xx exploración geotérmica realizada en dicha cuenca durante la década de los 80 y objeto principal de este estudio, se encuentra a techo de los materiales del Complejo Nevado-Filabride, a una profundidad que podría superar los 800 m, según los datos de la investigación mediante sondeos y geofísica. Por ello, no se descarta la posibilidad de que el CO2 se encuentre en estado supe critico, por lo que la citada cuenca reuniría las características principales de un almacenamiento geológico natural y profundo de CO2, o análogo natural de un AGP-CO2 en un acuífero salino profundo. La sobreexplotación de los acuíferos mas someros de la cuenca, con fines agrícolas, origino, por el descenso de sus niveles piezométricos y de la presión hidrostática, el ascenso de las aguas profundas, salinas y enriquecidas en CO2, las cuales son las responsables de la contaminación de dichos acuíferos. El estudio hidrogeoquímico de las aguas de los acuíferos investigados muestra una gran variedad de hidrofacies, incluso en aquellos de litología similar. La alta salinidad de estas aguas las hace inservibles tanto para el consumo humano como para fines agrícolas. Además, el carácter ligeramente ácido de la mayoría de estas aguas determina que tengan gran capacidad para disolver y transportar, hacia la superficie, elementos pesados y/o tóxicos, entre los que destaca el U, elemento abundante en las rocas volcánicas ácidas de la cuenca, con contenidos de hasta 14 ppm, y en forma de uraninita submicroscópica. El estudio isotópico ha permitido discernir el origen, entre otros, del C del DIC de las aguas (δ13C-DIC), explicándose como una mezcla de dos componentes principales: uno, procedente de la descomposición térmica de las calizas y mármoles del substrato y, otro, de origen edáfico, sin descartar una aportación menor de C de origen mantélico. El estudio de los travertinos que se están formando a la salida de las aguas de algunos sondeos, por la desgasificación rápida de CO2 y el consiguiente aumento de pH, ha permitido destacar este fenómeno, por analogía, como alerta de escapes de CO2 desde un AGP-CO2. El análisis de los gases disueltos y libres, con especial atención al CO2 y al 222Rn asociado, indican que el C del CO2, tanto disuelto como en fase libre, tiene un origen similar al del DIC, confirmándose la menor contribución de CO2 de origen mantélico, dada la relación R/Ra del He existente en estos gases. El 222Rn sería el generado por el decaimiento radiactivo del U, particularmente abundante en las rocas volcánicas de la cuenca, y/o por el 226Ra procedente del U o del existente en los yesos mesinienses de la cuenca. Además, el CO2 actúa como carrier del 222Rn, hecho evidenciado en las anomalías positivas de ambos gases a ~ 1 m de profundidad y relacionadas principalmente con perturbaciones naturales (fallas y contactos) y antropogénicas (sondeos). La signatura isotópica del C a partir del DIC, de los carbonatos (travertinos), y del CO2 disuelto y libre, sugiere que esta señal puede usarse como un excelente trazador de los escapes de CO2 desde un AGPCO2, en el cual se inyectara un CO2 procedente, generalmente, de la combustión de combustibles fósiles, con un δ13C(V-PDB) de ~ -30 ‰. Estos resultados han permitido construir un modelo conceptual de funcionamiento del sistema natural de la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón como análogo natural de un AGP-CO2, y establecer las relaciones entre ambos. Así, las analogías mas importantes, en cuanto a los elementos del sistema, serian la existencia de: i) un acuífero salino profundo enriquecido en CO2, que seria análoga a la formación almacén de un AGPxxi CO2; ii) una formación sedimentaria margosa que, con una potencia superior a 500 m, se correspondería con la formación sello de un AGP-CO2; y iii) acuíferos mas someros con aguas dulces y aptas para el consumo humano, rocas volcánicas ricas en U y fallas que se encuentran selladas por yesos y/o margas; elementos que también podrían concurrir en un emplazamiento de un AGP-CO2. Por otro lado, los procesos análogos mas importantes identificados serian: i) la inyección ascendente del CO2, que seria análoga a la inyección de CO2 de origen antropogénico, pero este con una signatura isotópica δ13C(V-PDB) de ~ -30 ‰; ii) la disolución de CO2 y 222Rn en las aguas del acuífero profundo, lo que seria análogo a la disolución de dichos gases en la formación almacén de un AGP-CO2; iii) la contaminación de los acuíferos mas someros por el ascenso de las aguas sobresaturadas en CO2, proceso que seria análogo a la contaminación que se produciría en los acuíferos existentes por encima de un AGP-CO2, siempre que este se perturbara natural (reactivación de fallas) o artificialmente (sondeos); iv) la desgasificación (CO2 y gases asociados, entre los que destaca el 222Rn) del acuífero salino profundo a través de sondeos, proceso análogo al que pudiera ocurrir en un AGP-CO2 perturbado; y v) la formación rápida de travertinos, proceso análogo indicativo de que el AGP-CO2 ha perdido su estanqueidad. La identificación de las analogías más importantes ha permitido, además, analizar y evaluar, de manera aproximada, el comportamiento y la seguridad, a corto, medio y largo plazo, de un AGP-CO2 emplazado en un contexto geológico similar al sistema natural estudiado. Para ello se ha seguido la metodología basada en el análisis e identificación de los FEPs (Features, Events and Processes), los cuales se han combinado entre sí para generar y analizar diferentes escenarios de evolución del sistema (scenario analysis). Estos escenarios de evolución identificados en el sistema natural perturbado, relacionados con la perforación de sondeos, sobreexplotación de acuíferos, precipitación rápida de travertinos, etc., serian análogos a los que podrían ocurrir en un AGP-CO2 que también fuera perturbado antropogénicamente, por lo que resulta totalmente necesario evitar la perturbación artificial de la formación sello del AGPCO2. Por último, con toda la información obtenida se ha propuesto una metodología de estudio que pueda aplicarse al estudio de posibles emplazamientos de un AGP-CO2 desde la perspectiva de los reservorios naturales de CO2, sean estancos o no. Esta metodología comprende varias fases de estudio, que comprendería la caracterización geológico-estructural del sitio y de sus componentes (agua, roca y gases), la identificación de las analogías entre un sistema natural de almacenamiento de CO2 y un modelo conceptual de un AGP-CO2, y el establecimiento de las implicaciones para el comportamiento y la seguridad de un AGP-CO2. ABSTRACT The accumulation of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the main responsible for: i) the increase in the average temperature of the Earth over the past century by almost 1 °C; ii) the rise in the mean sea level; iii) the drop of the ice volume and terrestrial snow; iv) the strong climate variability and extreme weather events that have been happening over the last decades; and v) the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases. All of these events are just some of the evidence of current climate change. The problems and growing concern related to these phenomena, prompted the adoption of the so-called "Kyoto Protocol" (Japan) in 1997, in which the signatory countries established different measurements to control and reduce the emissions of the greenhouse gases. These measurements include the CCS technologies, focused on the capture, transport and storage of CO2. Within this context, it was approved, in October 2008, the Strategic Singular Project "Tecnologías avanzadas de generación, captura y almacenamiento de CO2" (PSE-120000-2008-6), supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the FEDER funds. This Project, by means of the Subproject "Geological Storage of CO2" (PSS- 120000-2008-31), was focused on the detailed study of the Natural Analogue of CO2 Storage and Leakage located in the Ganuelas-Mazarron Tertiary basin (Murcia), among other Spanish Natural Analogues. This research work has been performed in the framework of this Subproject, being its final objective to predict the behaviour and evaluate the safety, at short, medium and long-term, of a CO2 Deep Geological Storage (CO2-DGS) by means of a comprehensive study of the abovementioned Natural Analogue. This study comprises: i) the geological and hydrogeological context of the basin and its geophysical research; ii) the water sampling of the selected aquifers to establish their hydrogeochemical and isotopic features; iii) the mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical and isotopic characterisation of the travertines formed from upwelling groundwater of several hydrogeological and geothermal wells; and iv) the measurement of the free and dissolved gases detected in the basin, as well as their chemical and isotopic characterisation, mainly regarding CO2 and 222Rn. This information, summarised in separate chapters in the text, has enabled to build a conceptual model of the studied natural system and to establish the analogies between both the studied natural system and a CO2-DGS, with possible natural and/or anthropogenic escapes. All this information has served, firstly, to predict the behaviour and to evaluate the safety, at short, medium and long-term, of a CO2-DGS and, secondly, to propose a general methodology to study suitable sites for a CO2-DGS, taking into account the lessons learned from this CO2 natural reservoir. The main results indicate that the Ganuelas-Mazarron basin is a graben bounded by normal faults with significant vertical movements, which move down the metamorphic substrate (Nevado-Filabride Complex), and filled with acid volcanic-subvolcanic rocks. Furthermore, this basin is filled with two sedimentary formations: i) the Miocene marls, which are predominant and almost exclusive in the basin; xxiv and ii) the Plio-Quaternary conglomerates and gravels. A deep saline CO2-rich aquifer was evidenced in this basin as a result of the geothermal exploration wells performed during the 80s, located just at the top of the Nevado-Filabride Complex and at a depth that could exceed 800 m, according to the geophysical exploration performed. This saline CO2-rich aquifer is precisely the main object of this study. Therefore, it is not discarded the possibility that the CO2 in this aquifer be in supercritical state. Consequently, the aforementioned basin gathers the main characteristics of a natural and deep CO2 geological storage, or natural analogue of a CO2-DGS in a deep saline aquifer. The overexploitation of the shallow aquifers in this basin for agriculture purposes caused the drop of the groundwater levels and hydrostatic pressures, and, as a result, the ascent of the deep saline and CO2-rich groundwater, which is the responsible for the contamination of the shallow and fresh aquifers. The hydrogeochemical features of groundwater from the investigated aquifers show the presence of very different hydrofacies, even in those with similar lithology. The high salinity of this groundwater prevents the human and agricultural uses. In addition, the slightly acidic character of most of these waters determines their capacity to dissolve and transport towards the surface heavy and/or toxic elements, among which U is highlighted. This element is abundant in the acidic volcanic rocks of the basin, with concentrations up to 14 ppm, mainly as sub-microscopic uraninite crystals. The isotopic study of this groundwater, particularly the isotopic signature of C from DIC (δ13C-DIC), suggests that dissolved C can be explained considering a mixture of C from two main different sources: i) from the thermal decomposition of limestones and marbles forming the substrate; and ii) from edaphic origin. However, a minor contribution of C from mantle degassing cannot be discarded. The study of travertines being formed from upwelling groundwater of several hydrogeological and geothermal wells, as a result of the fast CO2 degassing and the pH increase, has allowed highlighting this phenomenon, by analogy, as an alert for the CO2 leakages from a CO2-DGS. The analysis of the dissolved and free gases, with special attention to CO2 and 222Rn, indicates that the C from the dissolved and free CO2 has a similar origin to that of the DIC. The R/Ra ratio of He corroborates the minor contribution of CO2 from the mantle degassing. Furthermore, 222Rn is generated by the radioactive decay of U, particularly abundant in the volcanic rocks of the basin, and/or by 226Ra from the U or from the Messinian gypsum in the basin. Moreover, CO2 acts as a carrier of the 222Rn, a fact evidenced by the positive anomalies of both gases at ~ 1 m depth and mainly related to natural (faults and contacts) and anthropogenic (wells) perturbations. The isotopic signature of C from DIC, carbonates (travertines), and dissolved and free CO2, suggests that this parameter can be used as an excellent tracer of CO2 escapes from a CO2-DGS, in which CO2 usually from the combustion of fossil fuels, with δ13C(V-PDB) of ~ -30 ‰, will be injected. All of these results have allowed to build a conceptual model of the behaviour of the natural system studied as a natural analogue of a CO2-DGS, as well as to establish the relationships between both natural xxv and artificial systems. Thus, the most important analogies, regarding the elements of the system, would be the presence of: i) a deep saline CO2-rich aquifer, which would be analogous to the storage formation of a CO2-DGS; ii) a marly sedimentary formation with a thickness greater than 500 m, which would correspond to the sealing formation of a CO2-DGS; and iii) shallow aquifers with fresh waters suitable for human consumption, U-rich volcanic rocks, and faults that are sealed by gypsums and/or marls; geological elements that could also be present in a CO2-DGS. On the other hand, the most important analogous processes identified are: i) the upward injection of CO2, which would be analogous to the downward injection of the anthropogenic CO2, this last with a δ13C(V-PDB) of ~ -30 ‰; ii) the dissolution of CO2 and 222Rn in groundwater of the deep aquifer, which would be analogous to the dissolution of these gases in the storage formation of a CO2-DGS; iii) the contamination of the shallow aquifers by the uprising of CO2-oversaturated groundwater, an analogous process to the contamination that would occur in shallow aquifers located above a CO2-DGS, whenever it was naturally (reactivation of faults) or artificially (wells) perturbed; iv) the degassing (CO2 and associated gases, among which 222Rn is remarkable) of the deep saline aquifer through wells, process which could be similar in a perturbed CO2- DGS; v) the rapid formation of travertines, indicating that the CO2-DGS has lost its seal capacity. The identification of the most important analogies has also allowed analysing and evaluating, approximately, the behaviour and safety in the short, medium and long term, of a CO2-DGS hosted in a similar geological context of the natural system studied. For that, it has been followed the methodology based on the analysis and identification of FEPs (Features, Events and Processes) that have been combined together in order to generate and analyse different scenarios of the system evolution (scenario analysis). These identified scenarios in the perturbed natural system, related to boreholes, overexploitation of aquifers, rapid precipitation of travertines, etc., would be similar to those that might occur in a CO2-DGS anthropogenically perturbed, so that it is absolutely necessary to avoid the artificial perturbation of the seal formation of a CO2-DGS. Finally, a useful methodology for the study of possible sites for a CO2-DGS is suggested based on the information obtained from this investigation, taking into account the lessons learned from this CO2 natural reservoir. This methodology comprises several phases of study, including the geological and structural characterisation of the site and its components (water, rock and gases), the identification of the analogies between a CO2 storage natural system and a conceptual model of a CO2-DGS, and the implications regarding the behaviour and safety of a CO2-DGS.
Rare earth element and yttrium (REE+Y) concentrations were determined in 49 Late Devonian reefal carbonates from the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Shale-normalized (SN) REE+Y patterns of the Late Devonian samples display features consistent with the geochemistry of well-oxygenated, shallow seawater. A variety of different ancient limestone components, including microbialites, some skeletal carbonates (stromatoporoids), and cements, record seawater-like REE+Y signatures. Contamination associated with phosphate, Fe-oxides and shale was tested quantitatively, and can be discounted as the source of the REE+Y patterns. Co-occurring carbonate components that presumably precipitated from the same seawater have different relative REE concentrations, but consistent REE+Y patterns. Clean Devonian early marine cements (n = 3) display REE+Y signatures most like that of modern open ocean seawater and the highest Y/Ho ratios (e.g., 59) and greatest light REE (LREE) depletion (average Nd-SN/Yb-SN = 0.413, SD = 0.076). However, synsedimentary cements have the lowest REE concentrations (e.g., 405 ppb). Non-contaminated Devonian microbialite samples containing a mixture of the calcimicrobe Renalcis and micritic thrombolite aggregates in early marine cement (n = 11) have the highest relative REE concentrations of tested carbonates (average total REE = 11.3 ppm). Stromatoporoid skeletons, unlike modern corals, algae and molluscs, also contain well-developed, seawater-like REE patterns. Samples from an estuarine fringing reef have very different REE+Y patterns with LREE enrichment (Nd-SN/Yb-SN > 1), possibly reflecting inclusion of estuarine colloidal material that contained preferentially scavenged LREE from a nearby riverine input source. Hence, Devonian limestones provide a proxy for marine REE geochemistry and allow the differentiation of co-occurring water masses on the ancient Lennard Shelf. Although appropriate partition coefficients for quantification of Devonian seawater REE concentrations from out data are unknown, hypothetical Devonian Canning Basin seawater REE patterns were obtained with coefficients derived from modern natural proxies and experimental values. Resulting Devonian seawater patterns are slightly enriched in LREE compared to most modem seawaters and suggest higher overall REE concentrations, but are very similar to seawaters from regions with high terrigenous inputs. Our results suggest that most limestones should record important aspects of the REE geochemistry of the waters in which they precipitated, provided they are relatively free of terrigenous contamination and major diagenetic alteration from fluids with high, non-seawater-like REE contents. Hence, we expect that many other ancient limestones will serve as seawater REE proxies, and thereby provide information on paleoceanography, paleogeography and geochemical evolution of the oceans. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
Jute fiber is the second most common natural cellulose fiber worldwide, especially in recent years, due to its excellent physical, chemical and structural properties. The objective of this paper was to investigate: the thermal degradation of in natura jute fiber, and the production and characterization of the generated activated carbon. The production consisted of carbonization of the jute fiber and activation with steam. During the activation step the amorphous carbon produced in the initial carbonization step reacted with oxidizing gas, forming new pores and opening closed pores, which enhanced the adsorptive capacity of the activated carbon. N2 gas adsorption at 77K was used in order to evaluate the effect of the carbonization and activation steps. The results of the adsorption indicate the possibility of producing a porous material with a combination of microporous and mesoporous structure, depending on the parameters used in the processes, with resulting specific surface area around 470 m2.g-1. The thermal analysis indicates that above 600°C there is no significant mass loss.
Conventional reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and hyperspectral imaging (HI) in the near-infrared region (1000-2500 nm) are evaluated and compared, using, as the case study, the determination of relevant properties related to the quality of natural rubber. Mooney viscosity (MV) and plasticity indices (PI) (PI0 - original plasticity, PI30 - plasticity after accelerated aging, and PRI - the plasticity retention index after accelerated aging) of rubber were determined using multivariate regression models. Two hundred and eighty six samples of rubber were measured using conventional and hyperspectral near-infrared imaging reflectance instruments in the range of 1000-2500 nm. The sample set was split into regression (n = 191) and external validation (n = 95) sub-sets. Three instruments were employed for data acquisition: a line scanning hyperspectral camera and two conventional FT-NIR spectrometers. Sample heterogeneity was evaluated using hyperspectral images obtained with a resolution of 150 × 150 μm and principal component analysis. The probed sample area (5 cm(2); 24,000 pixels) to achieve representativeness was found to be equivalent to the average of 6 spectra for a 1 cm diameter probing circular window of one FT-NIR instrument. The other spectrophotometer can probe the whole sample in only one measurement. The results show that the rubber properties can be determined with very similar accuracy and precision by Partial Least Square (PLS) regression models regardless of whether HI-NIR or conventional FT-NIR produce the spectral datasets. The best Root Mean Square Errors of Prediction (RMSEPs) of external validation for MV, PI0, PI30, and PRI were 4.3, 1.8, 3.4, and 5.3%, respectively. Though the quantitative results provided by the three instruments can be considered equivalent, the hyperspectral imaging instrument presents a number of advantages, being about 6 times faster than conventional bulk spectrometers, producing robust spectral data by ensuring sample representativeness, and minimizing the effect of the presence of contaminants.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry was used to determine Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu in samples of processed and natural coconut water. The sample preparation consisted in a filtration step followed by a dilution. The analysis was made employing optimized instrumental parameters and the results were evaluated using methods of Pattern Recognition. The data showed common concentration values for the analytes present in processed and natural samples. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) indicated that the samples of different kinds were statistically different when the concentrations of all the analytes were considered simultaneously.
Antimycobacterial and cytotoxicity activity of synthetic and natural compounds. Secondary metabolites from Curvularia eragrostidis and Drechslera dematioidea, Clusia sp. floral resin, alkaloids from Pilocarpus alatus, salicylideneanilines, piperidine amides, the amine 1-cinnamylpiperazine and chiral pyridinium salts were assayed on Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. N-(salicylidene)-2-hydroxyaniline was the most effective compound with a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 8 µmol/L. Dihydrocurvularin was moderately effective with a MIC of 40 µmol/L. Clusia sp. floral resin and a gallocatechin-epigallocatechin mixture showed MIC of 0.02 g/L and 38 µmol/L, respectively. The cytotoxicity was evaluated for N-(salicylidene)-2-hydroxyaniline, curvularin, dihydrocurvularin and Clusia sp. floral resin, and the selectivity indexes were > 125, 0.47, 0.75 and 5, respectively.
Approximately 7.2% of the Atlantic rainforest remains in Brazil, with only 16% of this forest remaining in the State of Rio de Janeiro, all of it distributed in fragments. This forest fragmentation can produce biotic and abiotic differences between edges and the fragment interior. In this study, we compared the structure and richness of tree communities in three habitats - an anthropogenic edge (AE), a natural edge (NE) and the fragment interior (FI) - of a fragment of Atlantic forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°50'S and 42°28'W). One thousand and seventy-six trees with a diameter at breast height > 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 morphospecies and 39 families, were sampled in a total study area of 0.75 ha. NE had the greatest basal area and the trees in this habitat had the greatest diameter:height allometric coefficient, whereas AE had a lower richness and greater variation in the height of the first tree branch. Tree density, diameter, height and the proportion of standing dead trees did not differ among the habitats. There was marked heterogeneity among replicates within each habitat. These results indicate that the forest interior and the fragment edges (natural or anthropogenic) do not differ markedly considering the studied parameters. Other factors, such as the age from the edge, type of matrix and proximity of gaps, may play a more important role in plant community structure than the proximity from edges.
The objectives of this work was to estimate the number of soil subsamples considering the classical statistics and geostatistics and determine the spatial variability of soil fertility attributes of an Ultisol, with clay texture, in an area of regenerating natural vegetation in Alegre - ES. Soil samples were collected in a depth of 0.0-0.2 m, at the crossing points of a regular grid, comprising a total of 64 points located at 10 m-intervals. The area presented low fertility soil. Considering a variation of 5% around the mean in the classic statistics, it is necessary a larger number of samples in relation to geostatistics. All the chemical attributes showed moderate to high spatial dependence, except for the effective cation exchange capacity (CECe), which showed pure nugget effect. The spherical semivariogram model gave the best fit to the data. Isoline maps allowed visualizing the differentiated spatial distribution of the contents of soil chemical attributes.
This work was carried out with the objective of studying the spatial variability of the physical attributes of a Red-Yellow Ultisol under pasture and secondary vegetation in natural regeneration. Two areas were chosen in a hillside, with the soil sampling to the depth of 0-0.2 m, with the georeferenced points in a regular grid of 10x10 m, totalizing 64 points. In each point it was evaluated the total volume of porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, bulk density, soil penetration resistance and soil water content. The studied attributes in the pasture area present indicator of soil compaction for the animals' traffic, with moderate and strong structure of spatial dependence, except for the macroporosity and penetration resistance. In the area of secondary vegetation (VN) only the macroporosity does not present spatial dependence. The total volume of porosity and the bulk density present the same spatial standard in the area under pasture.
A 33-year-old woman complained of unilateral eyelid edema and blurred vision. Initial ophthalmic examination disclosed anterior chamber reaction with keratic precipitates on the cornea, without posterior abnormalities. Anterior uveitis was treated. Despite that, patient showed rapidly progressive unilateral vision loss with optic nerve swelling. Systemic workup was inconclusive, as well as cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid examination. Based on the hypothesis of optic neuritis, intravenous methylprednisolone pulse was performed with no success. During the following days, the patient presented pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade, progressing to death. Necropsy was performed and diagnosis of extranodal natural killers/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type with ocular involvement was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física