996 resultados para Multivesicular Body


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Septins (SEPTs) form a family of GTP-binding proteins implicated in cytoskeleton and membrane organization, cell division and host/pathogen interactions. The precise function of many family members remains elusive. We show that SEPT6 and SEPT7 complexes bound to F-actin regulate protein sorting during multivesicular body (MVB) biogenesis. These complexes bind AP-3, an adapter complex sorting cargos destined to remain in outer membranes of maturing endosomes, modulate AP-3 membrane interactions and the motility of AP-3-positive endosomes. These SEPT-AP interactions also influence the membrane interaction of ESCRT (endosomal-sorting complex required for transport)-I, which selects ubiquitinated cargos for degradation inside MVBs. Whereas our findings demonstrate that SEPT6 and SEPT7 function in the spatial, temporal organization of AP-3- and ESCRT-coated membrane domains, they uncover an unsuspected coordination of these sorting machineries during MVB biogenesis. This requires the E3 ubiquitin ligase LRSAM1, an AP-3 interactor regulating ESCRT-I sorting activity and whose mutations are linked with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies.


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Mit etwa 350 Millionen chronisch-infizierten Menschen gehört die Hepatitis-B neben der Tuberkulose und AIDS zu den häufigsten Infektionskrankheiten der Welt. Der einzig sichere Schutz vor dem bis zur Leberzirrhose persistierenden Virus bietet eine vorbeugende Impfung. Eine angemessene Therapie chronisch-erkrankter Patienten ist durch die Unkenntnis über viele Bereiche des HBV-Lebenszyklus nur eingeschränkt möglich. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war vor allem etwas Licht in das Wechselspiel zwischen HBV und der Wirtszelle zu bringen und zelluläre Komponenten und Mechanismen zu identifizieren, die am Sortierungs- und Transportmechanismus viraler Substrukturen zur sogenannten Assembly-Plattform beteiligt sind, um dort die Freisetzung des Virus zu initiieren. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit habe ich Methoden der Zellbiologie, Mikrobiologie, Molekularbiologie und Virologie vereint, um neue Einblicke in den HBV-Lebenszyklus zu gewinnen. Für die Ausschleusung von HBV wird seither der konstitutive Weg der Sekretion angenommen. In Anlehnung an den Mechanismus umhüllter RNA-Viren kann die Hypothese aufgestellt werden, dass das MVB (Multivesicular Body) im Prozess der HBV-Freisetzung beteiligt sein könnte. Die Freisetzung des Hepatitis-B-Virus aus einer infizierten Zelle ist ein streng organisierter Prozess, der sowohl das HBV-Coreprotein als auch die HBV-Hüllproteine zu benötigen scheint. (max. 5.000 Zeichen)Inhaltszusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache deutschenglischfranzösischrussischmehrsprachigsonst.Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit war eine spezifische Interaktion des großen HBV-Hüllproteins (L) mit einem neuen Mitglied der Adaptor-Protein-Komplex-Familie (AP-Komplex), dem g2?Adaptin (Hartmann-Stühler und Prange, 2001), das mutmaßlich an endosomalen Sortierungs- und Transportprozessen beteiligt ist. In Analogie zur Funktionsweise von Adaptin-Molekülen wurde vom g2-Adaptin eine Rolle in der Initiation und Steuerung der Sprossung und Freisetzung von HBV vermutet. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erweiterte Charakterisierung der g2/L-Interaktion zeigte zum einen, dass die Ohrdomäne des Adaptins für die Interaktion essentiell ist und zum anderen, dass die Rekrutierung des Adaptins durch das L-Protein zu cis-Golgi-Strukturen innerhalb kleiner Transportvesikel entlang des Nukleus (perinukleär) erfolgt. Erste Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuteten bereits an, dass das virale Coreprotein mit demselben Adaptorprotein zu interagieren vermag. Für die g2/Core-Interaktion erwies sich in Folgearbeiten die Kopfregion des g2-Adaptins als die entscheidende Bindungsdomäne (Rost et al., 2006). Sowohl eine funktionelle Inaktivierung des g2-Adaptins durch RNA-Interferenz als auch eine g2-Adaptin- Überexpression störten die Virusmontage in späten Phasen der Morphogenese. Während ein g2-Adaptin-Überschuss die HBV-Produktion indirekt durch die Induktion dysfunktioneller endosomaler Kompartimente blockierte, verhinderte der siRNA-induzierte g2-Adaptin-Verlust die späte Ausschleusung des Virus aus der Zelle. Das Silencing von g2-Adaptin zeigte dabei weder einen Einfluss auf endosomale Strukturen noch auf die Freisetzung subviraler Partikel (Viren ohne Genom). Demzufolge scheinen sich die Mechanismen der Produktion von subviralen und viralen HBV-Partikeln bezüglich ihrer Anforderungen an Zellfunktionen und Transportwegen deutlich voneinander zu unterscheiden. Es konnten erste Hinweise darauf gefunden werden, dass die Virusmontage an endosomalen Kompartimenten (zum Beispiel dem MVB) erfolgen könnte, was durch bereits weitergeführte Untersuchungen bestätigt werden konnte (Lambert et al., J Virol, epub ahead of print). Darüber hinaus ist inzwischen bekannt, dass das Hepatitis-B-Virus für den Zusammenbau und die Freisetzung nicht nur das Adaptor-verwandte g2-Adaptin, sondern auch die endosomale Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4, wahrscheinlich in Zusammenhang mit Ubiquitin selbst (Rost et al., 2006), benötigt. Eine Untersuchung dieser weiterführenden Aspekte war jedoch nicht mehr Inhalt dieser Arbeit. Insgesamt weisen die Daten darauf hin, dass die Sortierung und der Transport der Substrukturen des Hepatitis-B-Virus durch den MVB-Komplex zu erfolgen scheint. Dabei könnte das g2-Adaptin mit Hilfe einer Reihe von Kofaktoren (wie zum Beispiel Nedd4, Ubiquitin, etc.) eine entscheidende Rolle an der Sortierung und Anbindung des viralen L- und Coreproteins an die Assembly-Plattform spielen. Doch der genaue Mechanismus, welcher große Ähnlichkeit mit dem umhüllter RNA-Viren (wie zum Beispiel HIV-1) aufweist, bleibt noch ungeklärt. Ob weitere zelluläre Kofaktoren an der HBV-Sprossung und Freisetzung beteiligt sind, bleibt ebenfalls unbekannt und bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen.


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The length of time that integral membrane proteins reside on the plasma membrane is regulated by endocytosis, a process that can inactivate these proteins by removing them from the membrane and may ultimately result in their degradation. Proteins are internalized and pass through multiple distinct intracellular compartments where targeting decisions determine their fate. Membrane proteins initially enter early endosomes, and subsequently late endosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs), before being degraded in the lysosome. The MVB is a subset of late endosomes characterized by the appearance of small vesicles in its luminal compartment. These vesicles contain cargo proteins sorted from the limiting membrane of the MVB. Proteins not sorted into luminal vesicles remain on the MVB membrane, from where they may be recycled back to the plasma membrane. In the case of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, this important sorting step determines whether a protein returns to the surface to participate in signaling, or whether its signaling properties are inactivated through its degradation in the lysosome. Hrs is a protein that resides on endosomes and is known to recruit sorting complexes that are vital to this sorting step. These sorting complexes are believed to recognize ubiquitin as sorting signals. However, the link between MVB sorting machinery and the ubiquitination machinery is not known. Recently, Hrs was shown to recruit and bind an E3 ubiquitin ligase, UBE4B, to endosomes. In an assay that is able to measure cargo movement, the disruption of the Hrs-UBE4B interaction showed impaired sorting of EGF receptor into MVBs. My hypothesis is that UBE4B may be the connection between MVB sorting and ubiquitination. This study addresses the role of UBE4B in the trafficking and ubiquitination of EGF receptor. I created stable cell lines that either overexpresses UBE4B or expresses a UBE4B with no ligase activity. Levels of EGF receptor were analyzed after certain periods of ligand-induced receptor internalization. I observed that higher expression levels of UBE4B correspond to increased degradation of EGF receptor. In an in vitro ubiquitination assay, I also determined that UBE4B mediates the ubiquitination of EGF receptor. These data suggest that UBE4B is required for EGFR degradation specifically because it ubiquitinates the receptor allowing it to be sorted into the internal vesicles of MVBs and subsequently degraded in lysosomes.


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Positively charged Nanogold (Nanoprobes, Stony Brook, NY) has been developed as a new marker to follow the endocytic pathway in yeast. Positively charged Nanogold binds extensively to the surface of yeast spheroplasts and is internalized in an energy-dependent manner. Internalization of gold is blocked in the end3 mutant. During a time course of incubation of yeast spheroplasts with positively charged Nanogold at 15°C, the gold was detected sequentially in small vesicles, a peripheral, vesicular/tubular compartment that we designate as an early endosome, a multivesicular body corresponding to the late endosome near the vacuole, and in the vacuole. Experiments examining endocytosis in the sec18 mutant showed an accumulation of positively charged Nanogold in approximately 30–50 nm diameter vesicles. These vesicles most likely represent the primary endocytic vesicles as no other intermediates were detected in the mutant cells, and they correspond in size to the first vesicles detected in wild-type spheroplasts at 15°C. These data lend strong support to the idea that the internalization step of endocytosis in yeast involves formation of small vesicles of uniform size from the plasma membrane.


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The Niemann Pick C1 protein localizes to late endosomes and plays a key role in the intracellular transport of cholesterol in mammalian cells. Cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in a lysosomal or late endosomal compartment in cells lacking normal NPC1 function. Other than accumulation of lipids, defects in lysosomal retroendocytosis, sorting of a multifunctional receptor and endosomal movement have also been detected in NPC1 mutant cells. Ncr1p is an ortholog of NPC1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we show that Ncr1p is a vacuolar membrane protein that transits through the biosynthetic vacuolar protein sorting pathway, and that it can be solubilized by Triton X-100 at 4 degreesC. Using well-established assays, we demonstrate that the absence of Ncr1p had no effect on fluid phase and receptor- mediated endocytosis, biosynthetic delivery to the vacuole, retrograde transport from endosome to Golgi and ubiquitin- and nonubiquitin-dependent multivesicular body sorting. We conclude that Ncr1p does not have an essential role in known endocytic transport pathways in yeast.


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The yeast genome encodes seven oxysterol binding protein homologs, Osh1p-Osh7p, which have been implicated in regulating intracellular lipid and vesicular transport. Here, we show that both Osh6p and Osh7p interact with Vps4p, a member of the AAA ( ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) family. The coiled-coil domain of Osh7p was found to interact with Vps4p in a yeast two-hybrid screen and the interaction between Osh7p and Vps4p appears to be regulated by ergosterol. Deletion of VPS4 induced a dramatic increase in the membrane-associated pools of Osh6p and Osh7p and also caused a decrease in sterol esterification, which was suppressed by overexpression of OSH7. Lastly, overexpression of the coiled-coil domain of Osh7p (Osh7pCC) resulted in a multi-vesicular body sorting defect, suggesting a dominant negative role of Osh7pCC possibly through inhibiting Vps4p function. Our data suggest that a common mechanism may exist for AAA proteins to regulate the membrane association of yeast OSBP proteins and that these two protein families may function together to control subcellular lipid transport.


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Endocytic and biosynthetic trafficking pathways to the lysosome/vacuole converge at the prevacuolar endosomal compartment. During transport through this compartment, integral membrane proteins that are destined for delivery to the lysosome/vacuole lumen undergo multivesicular body (MVB) sorting into internal vesicles formed by invagination of the endosomal limiting membrane. Vps4 is an AAA family ATPase which plays a key role in MVB sorting and facilitates transport through endosomes. It possesses an N-terminal microtubule interacting and trafficking domain required for recruitment to endosomes and an AAA domain with an ATPase catalytic site. The recently solved 3D structure revealed a P domain, which protrudes from the AAA domain, and a final C-terminal alpha-helix. However, the in vivo roles of these domains are not known. In this study, we have identified motifs in these domains that are highly conserved between yeast and human Vps4. We have mutated these motifs and studied the effect on yeast Vps4p function in vivo and in vitro. We show that the P domain of the budding yeast Vps4p is not required for recruitment to endosomes, but is essential for all Vps4p endocytic functions in vivo. We also show that the P domain is required for Vps4p homotypic interaction and for full ATPase activity. In addition, it is required for interaction with Vta1p, which works in concert with Vps4p in vivo. Our studies suggest that assembly of a Vps4p oligomeric complex with full ATPase activity that interacts with Vta1p is essential for normal endosome function.


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The yeast gene fab1 and its mammalian orthologue Pip5k3 encode the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P] 5-kinases Fab1p and PIKfyve, respectively, enzymes that generates phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(3,5)P(2)]. A shared feature of fab1Delta yeast cells and mammalian cells overexpressing a kinase-dead PIKfyve mutant is the formation of a swollen vacuolar phenotype: a phenotype that is suggestive of a conserved function for these enzymes and their product, PtdIns(3,5)P(2), in the regulation of endomembrane homeostasis. In the current study, fixed and live cell imaging has established that, when overexpressed at low levels in HeLa cells, PIKfyve is predominantly associated with dynamic tubular and vesicular elements of the early endosomal compartment. Moreover, through the use of small interfering RNA, it has been shown that suppression of PIKfyve induces the formation of swollen endosomal structures that maintain their early and late endosomal identity. Although internalisation, recycling and degradative sorting of receptors for epidermal growth factor and transferrin was unperturbed in PIKfyve suppressed cells, a clear defect in endosome to trans-Golgi-network (TGN) retrograde traffic was observed. These data argue that PIKfyve is predominantly associated with the early endosome, from where it regulates retrograde membrane trafficking to the TGN. It follows that the swollen endosomal phenotype observed in PIKfyve-suppressed cells results primarily from a reduction in retrograde membrane fission rather than a defect in multivesicular body biogenesis.


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The Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT)-complex is composed of four complexes, ESCRT-0-III. They sequentially act on a late endosome to sort mono-ubiquitinated transmembrane proteins into the intralumenal vesicle, forming of a multivesicular body(MVB) that is delivered to vacuole for degradation. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the loss of an ESCRT-I component, elch displays a cytokinesis defect; while a dominant negative expression of an ESCRT-III component results in cell death due to vacuolar loss. In this work, the function of a plant-specific ELCH-interactor, CELL DEATH RELATED FYVE/SYLF DOMAIN CONTAINING 1 (CFS1) and its influences on the ESCRT-complex function are investigated. CFS1 is a phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate- and actin-binding protein. The cfs1 mutants mimic lesions in the first eldest leaf that propagate to the next eldest one. Genetic analyses have demonstrated that cell death in cfs1 does not require a functional ESCRT-I component; nevertheless, the loss of CFS1 alleviates elchcytokinesis defect, suggesting its influence on the ESCRT-I function. Further analyses reveal that cfs1 accumulates autophagosomes throughout its lifespan due to a decrease in autophagosome degradation, suggesting that as the plant ages, the cumulated autophagosomes falsely trigger effectors-triggered immunity that executes cell death in cfs1. As the ESCRT-complex has been demonstrated to be involved in the delivery of autophagosomes to vacuole and CFS1 homolog, CFS2 reportedly interacts with ATG8, it can be postulated from the results of this work that CFS1 alone or together with CFS2 function in sequestering mature autophagosomes onto MVBs. At the MVBs, the ESCRT-complex then mediates the fusion of autophagosome and MVB for subsequent delivery to vacuole.


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In the present study a comparative morphological analysis of the fat body cells of ant workers of the basal Attini species Cyphomyrmex rimosus and Mycetarotesparallelus, and the derived species Acromynnex disciger and Atta laevigata was conducted. The results revealed that the fat body is located mainly in the abdomen around organs (perivisceral) and near the integument (parietal). The main cells observed are spherical or polygonal trophocytes with a slightly rough surface. The oenocytes, another cell type found, are closely associated with trophocytes, and present a spherical or polygonal shape and a smoother surface. The morphometric analysis showed that the area of trophocytes and oenocytes of C rimosus and M parallelus is significantly smaller when compared to those of A. disciger and A. laevigata. In the cytoplasm of parietal and perivisceral trophocytes and oenocytes, electronlucent droplets (probably lipids) and electrondense granules (probably proteins) indicate the participation of these cells in the storage of these elements, while digestive vacuoles, residual bodies, and multivesicular bodies suggest a role in intracellular digestion. In perivisceral trophocytes and oenocytes of C rimosus, the presence of mitochondria, lamellar rough endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi complex suggests that these cells synthesize proteins. Based on these data, no significant differences were observed between the fat body cells of basal and derived ants, except regarding the larger size of trophocytes and oenocytes of the derived species A. disciger and A. laevigata. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2009