991 resultados para Monumentos-Zaragoza


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: La Real Compañia formada por S.M. para llevar a efecto el canal de navegación y riego del reyno de Murcia, las... experiencias de que informa D. Domingo Aguirre... le han confirmado en los abusos y fraudes que hacen muchos... (XVIII/4279).


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Se describen los siguientes monumentos, conjuntos hist??rico-art??sticos y paisajes pintorescos a los que se les ha otorgado tal declaraci??n y protecci??n oficial: el Convento de San Jos?? de ??vila, la ciudad de Ibiza, el Palacio del marqu??s de Comillas (Barcelona), la 'Casa del Cord??n' (Burgos), Barrio jud??o de Herv??s (C??ceres), la villa de Llivia (Gerona), la villa de Ba??os de la Encina (Ja??n), la Herrer??a de Compludo (Le??n), la ciudad de Alcal?? de Henares, alrededores de Maro-Cueva de Nerja (??M??laga), Palacio de los Condes de Casa Galindo (Sevilla), antigua Universidad Literaria (Sevilla), la ciudad de Daroca (Zaragoza), y la villa de Sos del Rey Cat??lico (Zaragoza). Se describen tambi??n las razones que abonan la creaci??n del Museo Hist??rico Municipal de Requena (Valencia), las tres nuevas salas de pintura flamenca en el Museo del Prado, la conferencia del catedr??tico don Jos?? Mar??a Azc??rate sobre obras que incluyen el 'Comentario del Apocalipsis' de Beato de Li??bana, la 'alegr??a vital del arte cretense', la 'teor??a de Miguel ??ngel' y 'La m??stica y el arte en la Espa??a de Felipe II' por el profesor Cam??n Aznar y, por ??ltimo, se hace un repaso por la vida de Daniel V??zquez D??az, con motivo de su fallecimiento.


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Revista Lusófona de Arquitectura e Educação


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Este artigo discute a relação discursiva constituída entre duas obras historiográficas: a História geral do Brasil, de Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen e a História da colonização portuguesa no Brasil, empreendimento coletivo com vistas a difundir boa imagem do processo colonizador da América portuguesa. A hipótese é que encontramos registrado em tais obras um substrato discursivo comum referente ao passado colonial luso-brasileiro com implicações teóricas e epistemológicas desse fenômeno ocorrido ao longo de suas notas de rodapé.


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Plasmodium falciparum sensitivity to chloroquine (CHL), amodiaquine (AMO) and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SDX/PYR) was assessed in vivo and in vitro in a representative sample from the population of Zaragoza in El Bajo Cauca region (Antioquia-Colombia). There were 94 patients with P. falciparum evaluated. For the in vivo test the patients were followed by clinical examination and microscopy, during 7 days. The in vitro test was performed following the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The in vivo prevalence of resistance to CHL was 67%, to AMO 3% and to SDX/PYR 9%. The in vitro test showed sensitivity to all antimalarials evaluated. Concordance for CHL between the in vivo and in vitro tests was 33%. For AMO and SDX/PYR, the concordance was 100%. We conclude that a high percentage of patients are resistant to CHL (in vivo). A high rate of intestinal parasitism might explain in part, the differences observed between the in vivo and the in vitro results. Therefore, new policies and treatment regimens should be proposed for the treatment of the infection in the region. Nationwide studies assessing the degree of resistance are needed.


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BACKGROUND: Three different burnout types have been described: The "frenetic" type describes involved and ambitious subjects who sacrifice their health and personal lives for their jobs; the "underchallenged" type describes indifferent and bored workers who fail to find personal development in their jobs, and the "worn-out" in type describes neglectful subjects who feel they have little control over results and whose efforts go unacknowledged. The study aimed to describe the possible associations between burnout types and general sociodemographic and occupational characteristics. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a multi-occupational sample of randomly selected university employees (n = 409). The presence of burnout types was assessed by means of the "Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BCSQ-36)", and the degree of association between variables was assessed using an adjusted odds ratio (OR) obtained from multivariate logistic regression models. RESULTS: Individuals working more than 40 hours per week presented with the greatest risk for "frenetic" burnout compared to those working fewer than 35 hours (adjusted OR = 5.69; 95% CI = 2.52-12.82; p < 0.001). Administration and service personnel presented the greatest risk of "underchallenged" burnout compared to teaching and research staff (adjusted OR = 2.85; 95% CI = 1.16-7.01; p = 0.023). Employees with more than sixteen years of service in the organisation presented the greatest risk of "worn-out" burnout compared to those with less than four years of service (adjusted OR = 4.56; 95% CI = 1.47-14.16; p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to our knowledge that suggests the existence of associations between the different burnout subtypes (classified according to the degree of dedication to work) and the different sociodemographic and occupational characteristics that are congruent with the definition of each of the subtypes. These results are consistent with the clinical profile definitions of burnout syndrome. In addition, they assist the recognition of distinct profiles and reinforce the idea of differential characterisation of the syndrome for more effective treatment.


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El material de dientes faringeos de Ciprinidos procedentes de las sucesiones lacustres del Oligoceno superior y Aquitaniense inferior del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro es atribuido a Rutilus antiquus n.p. Esta nueva especie es morfologicamente proxima a R. pachecoi (ROYO) y ccLeuciscusa antunesi GAUDANT, reconocidas en el Mioceno de la Pennsula Ibrica, asi como a la especie actual R. alburnoides (STEINDACHNER). R. antiquus n.p. habito durante el Oligoceno superior y probablemente durante el Aquitaniense 1os lagos someros endorreicos de salinidad variable (Sistema lacustre de Los Monegros) del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro.


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La revista Palaeohispánica, en su número cinco, ha realizado un meritorio y encomiable esfuerzo al acoger en su interior las Actas del IX Coloquio sobre lenguas y culturas paleohispánicas, celebrado en Barcelona los días 20 a 24 de octubre de 2004. Las 1.150 páginas del volumen pueden dar una idea de la complejidad de la tarea, de la que han sido editores J. Velaza Frías, F. Beltrán Lloris, C. Jordán Cólera y B. Díaz Ariño. En la nota editorial que precede al volumen los responsables dejan claras dos satisfacciones, que sin duda alguna compartirán todos aquéllos que se dedican a temas relacionados con la antigua Hispania: la coincidencia del primer lustro de vida de una revista multidisciplinar y las dos décadas alcanzadas por los ya veteranos coloquios, que, con el mismo fin, han venido reuniendo un número creciente de investigadores.