926 resultados para Mobile Social Android
Questo elaborato tratta della progettazione e dell'implementazione di una piattaforma social, destinata alla commercializzazione, per creare, gestire, condividere un insieme di liste organizzate di oggetti. La piattaforma è di tipo client-server, dove il client consiste in un'applicazione Android e il server in un'applicazione Node.js e un database MySQL che offrono un'API RESTful. Nello specifico è stata trattata l'implementazione delle notifiche push (anche geolocalizzate) e la sincronizzazione dei dati per l'utilizzo offline.
Il presente documento si prefigge di affrontare lo sviluppo di un idea astratta e di descrivere accuratamente il processo che la trasforma in un prodotto finito. L'idea in questione si basa su un'applicazione Mobile per Android ed il conseguente progetto si articola su un portale di gestione di eventi (MiRambla) del quale l'app rappresenta una sua estensione. Tramite diversi step tra i quali descrizione del mondo social mobile, analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di affronterà tutto il lavoro che sta dietro alla creazione di quest'applicazione.
One of the advantages of social networks is the possibility to socialize and personalize the content created or shared by the users. In mobile social networks, where the devices have limited capabilities in terms of screen size and computing power, Multimedia Recommender Systems help to present the most relevant content to the users, depending on their tastes, relationships and profile. Previous recommender systems are not able to cope with the uncertainty of automated tagging and are knowledge domain dependant. In addition, the instantiation of a recommender in this domain should cope with problems arising from the collaborative filtering inherent nature (cold start, banana problem, large number of users to run, etc.). The solution presented in this paper addresses the abovementioned problems by proposing a hybrid image recommender system, which combines collaborative filtering (social techniques) with content-based techniques, leaving the user the liberty to give these processes a personal weight. It takes into account aesthetics and the formal characteristics of the images to overcome the problems of current techniques, improving the performance of existing systems to create a mobile social networks recommender with a high degree of adaptation to any kind of user.
Increasing availability (andaffordability) of mobile broadband - In 2015 half of the subscriber base will be in 3G/4G, and 80% in 2020 (27% in 2011) - 7.6 billion mobile users by 2020 (5.4 billion in 2011). Mobile subscribers per 100 inhabitants:99%. Increasing availability (and affordability) of smartphones - In 2020 81% of phones sold globally will be smartphones (2.5 billion) from 26% in 2011 (400 million) - 595 million tablets in 2020 (70 million in 2011)
Social networking and social networking sites have gained popularity among internet users during the past few years. Social networks fulfill the need of users to stay connected to friends and other people interested in the same issues. Combining social networks to the mobile environment is a growing interest of mobile device users as it allows the users to be in their online social community despite their mobility. This thesis highlights the basics of mobile environment, social networking and PeerHood and introduces a new approach of social networking on mobile environment, which is a new concept in mobile social networking. This approach is based on dynamic group discovery in accordance to some common user interests and management in the PeerHood environment. A reference implementation of a social networking application built on top of PeerHood is presented and it is tested and analyzed to understand the social networking on mobile environment and the new concept of dynamic group discovery in it.
Con questo lavoro ci si pone l’obiettivo di creare un social network che possa aiutare i praticanti del ciclismo, sia a livello agonistico che a livello amatoriale, ad organizzare le loro attività di allenamento, attraverso l’utilizzo di un software sviluppato per smartphone. Attualmente questo tipo di servizio non è mai stato implementato: l’unica via per poter ottenere un servizio simile è quello di utilizzare pagine su altri tipi di social network oppure effettuare contatti telefonici fra conoscenti.
It is technically feasible for mobile social software such as pairing or ‘matchmaking’ systems to introduce people to others and assist information exchange. However, little is known about the social structure of many mobile communities or why they would want such pairing systems. While engaged in other work determining requirements for a mobile travel assistant we saw a potentially useful application for a pairing system to facilitate the exchange of travel information between backpackers. To explore this area, we designed two studies involving usage of a low-fidelity role prototype of a social pairing system for backpackers. Backpackers rated the utility of different pairing types, and provided feedback on the social implications of being paired based on travel histories. Practical usage of the social network pairing activity and the implications of broader societal usage are discussed.
Mobile applications are becoming increasingly more complex and making heavier demands on local system resources. Moreover, mobile systems are nowadays more open, allowing users to add more and more applications, including third-party developed ones. In this perspective, it is increasingly expected that users will want to execute in their devices applications which supersede currently available resources. It is therefore important to provide frameworks which allow applications to benefit from resources available on other nodes, capable of migrating some or all of its services to other nodes, depending on the user needs. These requirements are even more stringent when users want to execute Quality of Service (QoS) aware applications, such as voice or video. The required resources to guarantee the QoS levels demanded by an application can vary with time, and consequently, applications should be able to reconfigure themselves. This paper proposes a QoS-aware service-based framework able to support distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system.
In this paper we propose a framework for the support of mobile application with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as voice or video, capable of supporting distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system.
En aquest treball s'exposa un petit estudi de la tecnologia Android, també es fa un anàlisi de la realitat augmentada i del framework LookAR. Es comença amb una visió general del funcionament d'Android, es repassa el concepte de realitat augmentada i s'analitzen diferents eines de treball per RA. Es fa una descripció del funcionament de LookAR i s'analitzen les eines per a mapes GoogleMaps i OpenstreetMaps. Finalment es realitza una aplicació en Android amb quatres funcionalitats. Una funció de càmera de realitat augmentada amb el framework Lookar, una funció de GoogleMaps per mostrar la nostra ubicació en un mapa, una altre funció per mostrar la localització via GPS o WIFI i finalment una funció per mostrar una llista de diferents punts d'interès que s'utilitzaran per mostrar informació sobre el mapa i en la càmera de realitat augmentada.
L'evolució que la tecnologia de les comunicacions sense fils ha experimentat en els darrers anys permet que avui en dia els dispositius mòbils proporcionin una resposta més que acceptable. Ja s'han superat molts dels problemes de mobilitat, d'infraestructura i d'ample de banda que fins ara dificultaven l'ús d'aquests dispositius. Aquest fet ha fomentat l'expansió de diferents sistemes dels que es pot destacar Android, iPhone OS i Windows Mobile/Windows Phone 7. Els dos primers són els que actualment es disputen el lideratge del mercat dels dispositius i aplicacions mòbils i és Android el que ha experimentat el major creixement els darrers anys. Paral·lelament, la constant introducció de programari d'e-learning destinat a activitats de formació no presencial basades en Internet ha permès arribar a milions d'usuaris en diferents àmbits, com ara universitats, empreses i institucions d'arreu del món. D'aquest conjunt de programari destaca Moodle, suite de codi obert que permet crear llocs web de formació en línia de forma senzilla i eficaç.Aquest Projecte de Final de Carrera, emmarcat en l'àrea de Xarxes de Computadors, conjugaaquests tres conceptes mitjançant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils Android que connecta a un servidor Moodle. La comunicació entre ells utilitza intensivament les xarxes sense fils i fa crides als serveis que aquest ofereix gràcies als Web Services, mètode de comunicacions composat d'un conjunt de protocols i de programari que permet la comunicació entre dos dispositius a través de la xarxa.
Aquest projecte final de carrera pretén realitzar el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per al sistema Android, programada amb el llenguatge Java, que consulta una base de dades de cases rurals i aprofita les característiques i funcionalitats dels dispositius mòbils actuals com el posicionament geogràfic per GPS o la connexió a Internet.
Aquest projecte desenvolupa una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils compatibles amb el sistema operatiu Android. El resultat és el programa "Paga lo justo", una calculadora per repartir el compte d'un restaurant.
La memòria descriu el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a Android que empra l'API UOC per accedir als recursos de missatgeria de la UOC (fòrums, taulers i correu).