990 resultados para Moïse médiateur exile perse Pentateuque
Mois est sans doute l'homme le plus important de la Bible hébraïque. Sans Moïse, il n'y aurait ni judaïsme, ni christianisme. Pour le judaïsme, Moïse est le médiateur par exclellence, celui par qui le peuplereçoit l'alliance et la Loi. Pour le christianisme, il préfigure lésus-Christ, que le Nouveau Testament dépeint souvent comme un nouveau Moïse, un nouveau médiateur. Et le Coran voit en Moïse un précurseur de Manomel.
Contiene: T. I (XI, [1] en bl., 538 p.) -- T. III (530 p.)
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The origins of biblical historiography may be dated to the end of the VIIth c. and linked to those of the deuteronomic school itself. In order to justify Josiah's politics, his scribes elaborated a collection of texts (Deut, Josh, Kings, a vita Mosis in Gen-Nb) which were widely inspired by Assyrian ideology. During the Babylonian exile, this literature underwent a transformation: the new created « Deuteronomistic History, (Deut-2 Kings) converted propaganda into theodicee. The Deuteronomists were still at work in the Persian period as can be seen in numerous texts in Deut-2 Kings, as well as in the edition of the prophetic corpus. From now on, dtr ideology was centered on three points: the restauration by law, the end of prophecy and the need to separate Israel from the « others » (cf. EsdNeh). But the Persian period was also the, time of compromise. The Pentateuch was made by putting together dtr and priestly ideologies, « autochtonous » and « exodic » views about the origins of Israel.
Vejo a sociedade portuguesa como sendo naturalmente inclusiva. Quero dizer que esta parece ser uma tendência mais forte do que, por exemplo, no meu país, nos Estados Unidos da América. Isto poderá explicar porque o degredo era eficaz e era muito temido. Dá para entender também os longos períodos de degredo em substituição de pena capital em Portugal. Segundo as estimativas do autor, pelo menos 50,000 portugueses foram deslocados para dentro e fora de Portugal continental entre 1550-1755. O número era muito significativo na segunda metade do século XVIII. O número dos degredados foi ainda maior no século XIX.