994 resultados para Miss Kovis (elokuva)


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Tutkin työssäni elokuvaa modernin maisemana, millä viittaan lähtökohtaisesti kahteen aspektiin elävää kuvaa ja moderniteettia yhteen kietovassa ajattelussa. Yhtäältä elokuva on leimallisesti moderni keksintö, modernin mediakulttuurimme audiovisuaalinen perusmuoto ja modernin ajan ilmiökenttä, ja sellaisena juuri elokuva maisemallistaa eli koostaa kuvallisiksi tapahtumiksi luontevasti monia moderniteetin ulottuvuuksia. Toisaalta moderni kulttuuri itsessään on peruuttamattomasti elokuvallistunut, mikä ei tarkoita pelkästään mediakuvien määrällistä ja yhä monimuotoisempaa vyöryä vaan eritoten muutosta yksilön laadullisissa suhteissa kuvalliseen ympäristöönsä sekä aistimuksien ja ajattelun uudenlaisia liikahduksia ja siirtymiä suhteessa kuvaan 1900-luvun kuluessa. Maisema on valittu tutkielmani ydinkäsitteeksi, jotta tavoittaisin representaationa jäsennettyä elokuvaesitystä paremmin elokuvan kokemuksellisen luonteen audiovisuaalisena tapahtumana, jossa kuva ja subjekti kietoutuvat erottamattomasti yhteen – kuvaan upotaan tai pukeudutaan. Siinä missä representaatio viittaa määritelmällisesti jonkin poissaolevan uudelleen esittämiseen, maisemassa korostuu voimakas läsnäolon vaikutelma. Maisema on meissä ja me maisemassa. Maisemallinen kuvakäsitys kiinnittyy työssäni määrittelyyn moderniteetista hermostollisena ja aistimellisena murroksena, jota leimaa sensomotorisesti, emotionaalisesti ja kognitiivisesti yhä yltäkylläisempi ärsykeympäristö. Tähän esimerkiksi Georg Simmel viittasi kirjoituksissaan jo yli sata vuotta sitten. Saman määritelmän kautta tärkeäksi osoittautuu Gilles Deleuzen elokuva-ajattelusta peräisin oleva muotoilu modernista maailmasta metaelokuvana ja liikekuvien konemaisena koosteena, johon aistimuksen, havainnon ja ajattelun prosessit erottamattomasti niveltyvät. Elokuva modernin maisemana on tutkimuskysymys ja kehys, jonka puitteissa työstän tutkielmani analyysiosion käsitteelliset kehittelyt ja keskeiset väittämät. Ennen muuta tämä tarkoittaa kuvan peruskysymyksiä, jotka Deleuze johtaa Aloïs Rieglin kuvataiteen periodisointiin ja Serge Daneyn elokuvahistoriallisiin ja -esteettisiin huomioihin viitaten, sekä Deleuzen omia jäsennyksiä elokuvasta automaattisen liikkeen taiteena. Tässä kehyksessä esimerkkielokuvani – Fritz Langin Metropolis ja Wachowskin veljesten Matrix –osoittautuvat hyödylliseksi ja havainnolliseksi aineistoksi.


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To assess quality of care of women with severe maternal morbidity and to identify associated factors. This is a national multicenter cross-sectional study performing surveillance for severe maternal morbidity, using the World Health Organization criteria. The expected number of maternal deaths was calculated with the maternal severity index (MSI) based on the severity of complication, and the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for each center was estimated. Analyses on the adequacy of care were performed. 17 hospitals were classified as providing adequate and 10 as nonadequate care. Besides almost twofold increase in maternal mortality ratio, the main factors associated with nonadequate performance were geographic difficulty in accessing health services (P < 0.001), delays related to quality of medical care (P = 0.012), absence of blood derivatives (P = 0.013), difficulties of communication between health services (P = 0.004), and any delay during the whole process (P = 0.039). This is an example of how evaluation of the performance of health services is possible, using a benchmarking tool specific to Obstetrics. In this study the MSI was a useful tool for identifying differences in maternal mortality ratios and factors associated with nonadequate performance of care.


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To evaluate the occurrence of severe obstetric complications associated with antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage among women from the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity. Multicenter cross-sectional study. Twenty-seven obstetric referral units in Brazil between July 2009 and June 2010. A total of 9555 women categorized as having obstetric complications. The occurrence of potentially life-threatening conditions, maternal near miss and maternal deaths associated with antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage was evaluated. Sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and the use of criteria for management of severe bleeding were also assessed in these women. The prevalence ratios with their respective 95% confidence intervals adjusted for the cluster effect of the design, and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to identify factors independently associated with the occurrence of severe maternal outcome. Antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage occurred in only 8% (767) of women experiencing any type of obstetric complication. However, it was responsible for 18.2% (140) of maternal near miss and 10% (14) of maternal death cases. On multivariate analysis, maternal age and previous cesarean section were shown to be independently associated with an increased risk of severe maternal outcome (near miss or death). Severe maternal outcome due to antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage was highly prevalent among Brazilian women. Certain risk factors, maternal age and previous cesarean delivery in particular, were associated with the occurrence of bleeding.


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To assess the occurrence of severe maternal complications owing to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and its associated factors. A secondary analysis of data from a multicenter cross-sectional prospective surveillance study included 9555 cases of severe maternal morbidity at 27 centers in Brazil between July 2009 and June 2010. Complications of PPH, conditions of severity management, and sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics were assessed. Factors independently associated with severe maternal outcome (SMO) were identified using multiple regression analysis. Overall, 1192 (12.5%) of the 9555 women experienced complications owing to PPH (981 had potentially life-threatening conditions, 181 maternal near miss, and 30 had died). The SMO ratio was 2.6 per 1000 live births among women with PPH and 8.5 per 1000 live births among women with other complications. Women with PPH had a higher risk of blood transfusion and return to the operating theater than did those with complications from other causes. Maternal age, length of pregnancy, previous uterine scar, and cesarean delivery were the main factors associated with an increased risk of SMO secondary to PPH. PPH frequently leads to severe maternal morbidity. A surveillance system can identify the main causes of morbidity and could help to improve care, especially among women identified as being at high risk of PPH.


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Objective To evaluate the occurrence of severe obstetric complications associated with antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage among women from the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity.Design Multicenter cross-sectional study.Setting Twenty-seven obstetric referral units in Brazil between July 2009 and June 2010.Population A total of 9555 women categorized as having obstetric complications.Methods The occurrence of potentially life-threatening conditions, maternal near miss and maternal deaths associated with antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage was evaluated. Sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and the use of criteria for management of severe bleeding were also assessed in these women.Main outcome measures The prevalence ratios with their respective 95% confidence intervals adjusted for the cluster effect of the design, and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to identify factors independently associated with the occurrence of severe maternal outcome.Results Antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage occurred in only 8% (767) of women experiencing any type of obstetric complication. However, it was responsible for 18.2% (140) of maternal near miss and 10% (14) of maternal death cases. On multivariate analysis, maternal age and previous cesarean section were shown to be independently associated with an increased risk of severe maternal outcome (near miss or death).Conclusion Severe maternal outcome due to antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage was highly prevalent among Brazilian women. Certain risk factors, maternal age and previous cesarean delivery in particular, were associated with the occurrence of bleeding.


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Miss Equal Pay in sportscar during May Day procession, 1967, Queen Street, Brisbane, Australia.


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Purpose: To evaluate the risk of geographic miss associated with the classic four-field ""box"" irradiation technique and to define the variables that predict this risk. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 80 patients with uterine cervix cancer seen between 2001 and 2006. Median age was 55 years (23-82 years), and 72 (90%) presented with squamous cell carcinoma. Most patients (68.7%) presented with locally advanced disease (IIb or more). Magnetic resonance imaging findings from before treatment were compared with findings from simulation of the conventional four-field ""box"" technique done with rectal contrast. Study variables included tumor volume; involvement of vagina, parametrium, bladder, or rectum; posterior displacement of the anterior rectal wall; and tumor anteroposterior diameter (APD). Margins were considered adequate when the target volume (primary tumor extension, whole uterine body, and parametrium) was included within the field limits and were at least 1 cm in width. Results: Field limits were inadequate in 45 (56%) patients: 29 (36%) patients at the anterior and 28 (35%) at the posterior border of the lateral fields. Of these, 12 patients had both anterior and posterior miss, and this risk was observed in all stages of the disease (p = 0.076). Posterior displacement of the anterior rectal wall beyond S2-S3 was significantly correlated with the risk of geographic miss (p = 0.043). Larger tumors (APD 6 cm or above and volume above 50 cm(3)) were also significantly correlated with this risk (p = 0.004 and p = 0.046, respectively). Conclusions: Posterior displacement of the anterior rectal wall, tumor APD, and volume can be used as guidance in evaluating the risk of geographic miss. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc.


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Lei de cria????o do Inep. Decreto 6317/2007


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O presente Estudo de Caso trata da realiza????o de um evento de cunho social dentro das instala????es de uma unidade militar do Ex??rcito. O Evento ?? referente ??s comemora????es ao dia da crian??a que tem ocorr??ncia contumaz. Neste sentido discute-se uma problem??tica relacionada ?? legitimidade de realiza????o deste tipo de atividade ante o dilema: A????es socioculturais x Seguran??a Nacional. Desdobra-se ainda, a discuss??o sobre a possibilidade de o particular realizar doa????es diretamente ao quartel bem como o devido processo que se deve promover quanto ao recolhimento dos recursos recebidos aos cofres p??blicos. O presente caso pode ser trabalho dentro de dois grandes temas: Gest??o de Pessoas e Gest??o Or??ament??rio-Financeira


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Relat??rio elaborado ap??s miss??o de prospec????o a Maputo, Mo??ambique, realizada em junho de 2009 com vistas a obter subs??dios para a elabora????o do projeto de coopera????o t??cnica internacional "Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Gerencial Estrat??gico do Governo de Mo??ambique"


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 55231


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 55010