16 resultados para Millets.


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Millets are versatile in tolerating to diverse climatic and soil conditions such as poor soil fertility and moisture deficit. Establishing optimum regeneration method for each millet type and ecotype is a pre-requisite prior to embarking on plant transformation as successes in plant transformation is largely dependent on the efficiency of regeneration. Various studies made to identify optimum regeneration and transformation methods as well as prospects of applying advanced techniques to these vital but under-studied crops of developing world are discussed.


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Millets are major food and feed sources in the developing world especially in the semi-arid tropical regions of Africa and Asia. The most widely cultivated millets are pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn], foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois], Japanese barnyard millet [Echinochloa esculneta (A. Braun) H. Scholz], Indian Barnyard millet [Echinochloa frumetacea Link], kodo millet [Paspalum scrobiculatum L.], little millet [Panicum sumatrense Roth.ex.Roem. & Schult.], proso millet [Panicum miliaceum L.], tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] and fonio or acha [Digitaria exilis (Kippist) Stapf and D. iburua Stapf]. Millets are resilient to extreme environmental conditions especially to inadequate moisture and are rich in nutrients. Millets are also considered to be a healthy food, mainly due to the lack of gluten (a substance that causes coeliac disease) in their grain. Despite these agronomic, nutritional and health-related benefits, millets produce very low yield compared to major cereals such as wheat and rice. This extremely low productivity is related to the challenging environment in which they are extensively cultivated and to the little research investment in these crops. Recently, several national and international initiatives have begun to support the improvement of diverse millet types.


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Two species of root-lesion nematode (predominantly Pratylenchus thornei but also P. neglectus) are widespread pathogens of wheat and other crops in Australia's northern grain belt, a subtropical region with deep, fertile clay soils and a summer-dominant rainfall pattern. Losses in grain yield from P. thornei can be as high as 70% for intolerant wheat cultivars. This review focuses on research which has led to the development of effective integrated management programs for these nematodes. It highlights the importance of correct identification in managing Pratylenchus species, reviews the plant breeding work done in developing tolerant and resistant cultivars, outlines the methods used to screen for tolerance and resistance, and discusses how planned crop sequencing with tolerant and partially resistant wheat cultivars, together with crops such as sorghum, sunflower, millets and canaryseed, can be used to reduce nematode populations and limit crop damage. The declining levels of soil organic matter in cropped soils are also discussed with reference to their effect on soil health and biological suppression of root-lesion nematodes.


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Background: With the advances in DNA sequencer-based technologies, it has become possible to automate several steps of the genotyping process leading to increased throughput. To efficiently handle the large amounts of genotypic data generated and help with quality control, there is a strong need for a software system that can help with the tracking of samples and capture and management of data at different steps of the process. Such systems, while serving to manage the workflow precisely, also encourage good laboratory practice by standardizing protocols, recording and annotating data from every step of the workflow Results: A laboratory information management system (LIMS) has been designed and implemented at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) that meets the requirements of a moderately high throughput molecular genotyping facility. The application is designed as modules and is simple to learn and use. The application leads the user through each step of the process from starting an experiment to the storing of output data from the genotype detection step with auto-binning of alleles; thus ensuring that every DNA sample is handled in an identical manner and all the necessary data are captured. The application keeps track of DNA samples and generated data. Data entry into the system is through the use of forms for file uploads. The LIMS provides functions to trace back to the electrophoresis gel files or sample source for any genotypic data and for repeating experiments. The LIMS is being presently used for the capture of high throughput SSR (simple-sequence repeat) genotyping data from the legume (chickpea, groundnut and pigeonpea) and cereal (sorghum and millets) crops of importance in the semi-arid tropics. Conclusions: A laboratory information management system is available that has been found useful in the management of microsatellite genotype data in a moderately high throughput genotyping laboratory. The application with source code is freely available for academic users and can be downloaded from http://www.icrisat.org/bt-software-d-lims.htm


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研究结果表明不同坡度谷子地 ,高 N处理小区径流中铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮浓度平均为 1.0 6、0 .76和1.82 mg/kg,低 N分别为 0 .6 4、1.2 9和 1.93mg/kg;高氮处理土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮平均流失量分别达到17.90、12 .93和 30 .84kg/(km2 · a) ,低 N流失量为 11.90、2 3.86和 35 .77kg/(km2 · a)。高氮处理小区泥沙中有机质和全氮浓度平均为 5 .2 1和 0 .5 36 g/kg,而低氮处理分别为 4.94和 0 .481g/kg;高氮和低氮处理土壤有机质流失量分别为 5 70 2和 5 743kg/(km2 · a) ,土壤全氮流失量为 498和 5 5 9kg/(km2 · a)


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Quantificou-se a contribuição da fixação biológica de N2 (FBN) na cultura da soja em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, utilizando-se a técnica da abundância natural do isótopo 15N. Foram estudados cinco tratamentos: 1) soja de primeiro ano em solo cultivado por quatro anos com Brachiaria decumbens, sob pastejo, e preparado mecanicamente (arado, grade pesada e niveladora); 2) mesmas condições anteriores, mas com plantio direto da soja; 3) soja em cultivo contínuo por cinco anos, como cultura de verão, sem plantio de milheto no outono/ inverno, e solo preparado de forma convencional (arado, grade pesada e niveladora); 4) soja com cultivo contínuo por cinco anos, com cultivo de outono/inverno de milheto (Pennisetum atropurpureum) e preparo de solo conservacionista (arado de disco, aiveca e subsolador); 5) mesmas condições anteriores, mas com plantio direto. Amostras de plantas foram coletadas no estádio vegetativo, enchimento de grãos, na maturação, e na colheita final de grãos. Em cada coleta analisaram-se as produções de matéria seca (MS) e teores de N e 15N. As produções de MS e N total acumulado foram semelhantes no estádio vegetativo, mas as plantas no plantio direto mostraram taxas de FBN acima de 50%, enquanto que as de plantio convencional estavam abaixo de 40%. No enchimento de grãos, as produções de MS, N total e as taxas de FBN(entre 60% e 68%) foram semelhantes em todos os sistemas de preparo do solo. Na maturação dos grãos, o preparo de solo convencional resultou numa maior produção de MS do que no plantio direto. Os grãos apresentaram a maior parte do N fixado (66% a 82%), ficando entre 51% e 68% para a parte aérea e entre 15% e 32% para as raízes. No balanço do N total obtido por FBN e o que foi alocado aos grãos, obtiveram-se valores indicativos de que a maior parte do N fixado seria retirada do sistema na colheita de grãos, o que foi confirmado na colheita final. A soja de plantio direto mostrou um balanço ligeiramente mais positivo do que a soja de plantio convencional. Como a soja é pouco dependente do N do solo, usando eficientemente o N de fixação, este seria poupado como resíduo para uso de culturas subseqüentes, o que explicaria o efeito benéfico imediato observado na prática em sistemas produtivos de rotação de cultura entre soja e cereais ou pastagem. No entanto, os resultados obtidos indicam que a soja, que tem um índice de colheita alto (proporção do N total nos grãos em relação ao N total da planta), não contribui significativamente para aumento dos teores de N total do solo capazes de beneficiar por longo tempo as culturas em sucessão.


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Depuis la fin des années 1990, une nouvelle génération d’écrivaines s’est emparée des thèmes du corps et de la sexualité. Certaines de leurs œuvres ont fait scandale pour l’impudeur qui les caractériserait, d’autres pour leur violence ou leur appartenance supposée à la pornographie. Si ces textes témoignent de changements profonds au sein de la société, ils attirent également notre attention sur leur inscription manifeste hors des catégories génériques qu’ils semblaient indiquer. Ce mémoire rend compte de la façon dont À ciel ouvert de Nelly Arcan, Baise-moi de Virginie Despentes, La brèche de Marie-Sissi Labrèche, La vie sexuelle de Catherine M. de Catherine Millet et La nouvelle pornographie de Marie Nimier traitent la thématique du corps et du sexe. La politique des corps révèle que les récits d’aujourd’hui expriment, certainement aussi fortement que dans les années 1970, la nécessité de dissoudre et de réinventer les identités sexuées. De plus, une analyse centrée sur la notion de sujet telle qu’elle s’écrit dans la relation du plaisir et du désir montre que le thème sexuel est un moyen pour les auteures d’explorer une réalité qui devient flagrante lorsque les êtres de langage se mettent à habiter leur corps. Enfin, une lecture générique souligne toute la complexité de l’utilisation de la pornographie dans les récits étudiés et s’intéresse aux stratégies de légitimation indiquant vers quelle définition de la littérature tendent les auteures.


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A multidisciplinary investigation of the collective burial of Cova do Santo is presented as a novel approach to understand daily life during the Bronze Age in Northwest Iberia. The research is focused on three main aspects: i) taphonomy and patterns of disposal, ii) paleopathology and -demography as indicators of health status and lifestyle, and iii) stable isotope analysis to reconstruct paleodiet and to investigate the timing of the introduction of millet to the Iberian Peninsula. Osteological analyses were performed on 64 bones (61 human and 3 animal); additionally, bone collagen was extracted from 15 samples (13 human and 2 animal) and analyzed for its carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes composition. The radiocarbon age of the human remains is consistent with the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1890 to 1600 cal BC). The recovered remains belonged to a minimum number of 14 individuals with an estimated age at death of forty years or younger. This relatively young age is in contrast to a high prevalence of degenerative joint disease in the group. The isotopic results suggest a very homogeneous diet, which was almost exclusively based on C3 plants and terrestrial animal products. Overall, the data suggest that the studied population belonged to a period prior to the introduction of spring or summer-grown crops such as millets. The collective burial from the cave of Cova de Santo, Galicia, currently represents the largest assemblage of prehistoric human remains from Northwest Spain and the relatively good preservation of the bones offers a unique opportunity to investigate daily life in Northern Iberia during the Bronze Age.


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Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de digestibilidade, objetivando-se estudar o valor nutricional de quatro diferentes milhetos (BN2, COMUM, IAPAR e IAPAR-REPASSE) processados em moinhos com três tipos de peneiras (diâmetros de furo de 3, 2 e 1 mm). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade (CD) da energia bruta (CDEB) e o coeficiente de metabolizabilidade (CM) da energia bruta (CMEB) relativos à peneira de 3 mm foram: 63,09 e 61,20% (COMUM); 71,57 e 69,66% (IAPAR) e 67,39 e 65,60% (BN2). Os CD e CM da energia do COMUM foram inferiores ao IAPAR e ambos foram semelhantes ao BN2. O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou CDEB de 70,62% e CMEB de 68,49%, semelhante ao IAPAR. O IAPAR-1 mm apresentou maior CDEB e CMEB (84,61 e 81,41%) que o IAPAR-3 mm (70,59 e 68,71%) e o IAPAR-2 mm (77,73 e 75,46%). Os valores de energia digestível (ED) e energia metabolizável (EM) para o IAPAR (3 mm) foram de 3.030 kcal/kg e 3.001 kcal/kg, respectivamente. Verificou-se ED de 3.083 e 3.355 kcal/kg e em de 2.993 e 3.228 kcal/kg para o IAPAR (2 e 1 mm). O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou valores de 2.849 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.763 kcal/kg (EM), enquanto o COMUM (3 e 2 mm), de 2.574 e 3.022 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.497 e 2.932 kcal/kg (EM), e o BN2 (3 e 2 mm), de 2.692 e 3.047 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.620 e 2.966 kcal/kg (EM). As diferentes variedades de milheto apresentaram variações em sua composição química que resultaram em diferenças no valor nutricional, sendo o milheto IAPAR o que apresentou melhor valor, seguido pelo BN2 e o COMUM.