859 resultados para Membrane fouling
The present work investigates the fouling mechanisms of PVDF hollow fibre membrane (0.03 μm) during the dead end ultrafiltration at a fixed permeate flux (outside to inside configuration) of complex synthetic seawater composed by humic acids, alginic acids, inorganic particles and numerous salts at high concentrations. Short term ultrafiltration experiments at 100 L.h-1.m-2 show that the optimal specific filtered volume seems to be equal to 50 L.m-2. A residual fouling resistance equal to 2.1010 m-1 is added after each cycle of filtration during 8h of ultrafiltration at 100 L.h-1.m-2 and 50 L.m-2. Most of the fouling is reversible (80%). Organics are barely (15% of humic acids) retained by the membrane. Backwash efficiency drops during operation which induces less organics into backwash waters. Humic acids could preferentially accumulate on the membrane early in the ultrafiltration and alginic acids after the build-up of a fouling pre-layer. Colloids and particulates could accumulate inside a heterogeneous fouling layer and/or the concentrate compartment of the membrane module before being more largely recovered inside backwash waters.
Filtration membrane technology has already been employed to remove various organic effluents produced from the textile, paper, plastic, leather, food and mineral processing industries. To improve membrane efficiency and alleviate membrane fouling, an integrated approach is adopted that combines membrane filtration and photocatalysis technology. In this study, alumina nanofiber (AF) membranes with pore size of about 10 nm (determined by the liquid-liquid displacement method) have been synthesized through an in situ hydrothermal reaction, which permitted a large flux and achieved high selectivity. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are subsequently doped on the nanofibers of the membranes. Silver nanoparticles can strongly absorb visible light due to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect, and thus induce photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes, including anionic, cationic and neutral dyes, under visible light irradiation. In this integrated system, the dyes are retained on the membrane surface, their concentration in the vicinity of the Ag NPs are high and thus can be efficiently decomposed. Meanwhile, the usual flux deterioration caused by the accumulation of the filtered dyes in the passage pores can be avoided. For example, when an aqueous solution containing methylene blue is processed using an integrated membrane, a large flux of 200 L m-2 h-1 and a stable permeating selectivity of 85% were achieved. The combined photocatalysis and filtration function leads to superior performance of the integrated membranes, which have a potential to be used for the removal of organic pollutants in drinking water.
In this study, a bench scale forward osmosis (FO) process was operated using two commonly available FO membranes in different orientations in order to examine the removal of foulants in the coal seam gas (CSG) associated water, the water flux and fouling behaviours of the process were also investigated. After 48 h of fouling simulation experiment, the water flux declined by approximately 55 and 35% of its initial level in the TFC-PRO and CTA-PRO modes (support layer facing the feed), respectively, while the flux decline in the TFC-FO and CTA-FO modes (active layer facing the feed) was insignificant. The flux decline in PRO modes was caused by the compounding effects of internal concentration polarisation and membrane fouling. However, the declined flux was completely recovered to its initial level following the hydraulic cleaning using deionised water. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) and major inorganic scalants (Ca, Mg and silica) in the CSG feed were effectively removed by using the FO process. The results of this study suggest that the FO process shows promising potential to be employed as an effective pre-treatment for membrane purification of CSG associated water.
In this study, optimization of operational conditions of a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal waste-water was studied. Mixed liquid suspended solid (MLSS), membrane flux (J(v)), aeration (Q), ratio of pumping, time to break time (t(p)/t(b)), and ratio of up flow area to down flow area (A Ad) were chosen as the easily manipulable parameters to study their effects on removal efficiency and membrane fouling. Totally, 16 different runs were designed to compare and select the best combination of the 5 parameters. The results showed that the optimal operational conditions were MLSS = 7g(.)L(-1), J(v) = 10L(.)m(-2.)h(-1), Q = 6 m(3.)h(-1), t(p)/t(b)= 4 min/1 min, and A(r)/A(d) = 1.7 m(2)/m(2). Under such conditions, the SMBR could achieve a double win of high removal efficiency and low membrane fouling.
A novel lower critical solution temperature (LCST) membrane forming system containing cellulose acetate (CA)/poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP 3 60K)/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)/1,2-propanediol with a weight ratio of 24.0:5.0:62.6:8.4 had been developed. CA hollow fiber ultrafiltration (UF) membranes were fabricated using the dry-wet spinning technique. The fibers were post-treated with a 200 mg/L hypochlorite solution over a period of 6 It at pH 7. The experimental results showed that water flux of a membrane decreased while retention increased with increasing CA concentration in a dope. It was concluded that the membrane pore size decreased with increasing CA concentration. The membrane fouling tendency for BSA was 3 times higher than that for PVP 24K. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, the filtration process and the biomass characteristics in a laboratory-scale submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) equipped with a hollow fiber (HF) microfiltration membrane were studied at different solid retention times (SRT). The MBR was fed by synthetic wastewater and the organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.08 kg COD kg VSS−1 d−1 for 10, 30, 60, and 90 days of SRT, respectively. The hydraulic retention time was 8.4 h and the permeate flux was 6 L m−2 h−1(LMH). Data analysis confirmed that at all the studied SRTs, the HF-MBR operated very good obtaining of high quality permeates. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 95%. The best filtration performance was reached at SRT of 30 d. On the other hand, the respirometric analysis showed that biomass was more active and there was more biomass production at low SRTs. The concentration of soluble extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) decreased with increasing SRT. A decrease of soluble EPS caused a decrease of membrane fouling rate, decreasing the frequency of chemical cleanings. The floc size decreased with SRT increasing. At high SRTs, there was more friction among particles due to the increase of the cellular density and the flocs broke decreasing their size.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is used by coal seam gas (CSG) operators to treat produced water as it is a well-established and proven technology worldwide. Despite the suitability of RO, there are problems associated with RO technology such as membrane fouling which although not preventing use of RO does decrease effectiveness and increase operating costs. Hence, effective pre-treatment of water samples is essential. Electrocoagulation (EC) potentially can provide improved water purification compared to conventional coagulation prior to an RO unit. This paper provides the first reported study of EC for CSG water pre-treatment and compares the performance to a range of aluminium and iron based coagulants. It was found that EC was superior in terms of removal of silica, calcium, magnesium, barium and strontium in the produced water.
Tese dout., Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
La gazéification est aujourd'hui l'une des stratégies les plus prometteuses pour valoriser les déchets en énergie. Cette technologie thermo-chimique permet une réduction de 95 % de la masse des intrants et génère des cendres inertes ainsi que du gaz de synthèse (syngaz). Le syngaz est un combustible gazeux composé principalement de monoxyde de carbone (CO), d'hydrogène (H2) et de dioxyde de carbone (CO2). Le syngaz peut être utilisé pour produire de la chaleur et de l'électricité. Il est également la pierre angulaire d'un grand nombre de produits à haute valeur ajoutée, allant de l'éthanol à l'ammoniac et l'hydrogène pur. Les applications en aval de la production de syngaz sont dictées par son pouvoir calorifique, lui-même dépendant de la teneur du gaz en H2. L’augmentation du contenu du syngaz en H2 est rendu possible par la conversion catalytique à la vapeur d’eau, largement répandu dans le cadre du reformage du méthane pour la production d'hydrogène. Au cours de cette réaction, le CO est converti en H2 et CO2 selon : CO + H2O → CO2 + H2. Ce processus est possible grâce à des catalyseurs métalliques mis en contact avec le CO et de la vapeur. La conversion catalytique à la vapeur d’eau a jusqu'ici été réservé pour de grandes installations industrielles car elle nécessite un capital et des charges d’exploitations très importantes. Par conséquent, les installations de plus petite échelle et traitant des intrants de faible qualité (biomasse, déchets, boues ...), n'ont pas accès à cette technologie. Ainsi, la seule utilisation de leur syngaz à faible pouvoir calorifique, est limitée à la génération de chaleur ou, tout au plus, d'électricité. Afin de permettre à ces installations une gamme d’application plus vaste de leurs syngaz, une alternative économique à base de catalyseur biologique est proposée par l’utilisation de bactéries hyperthermophiles hydrogénogènes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'utiliser Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans, une bactérie thermophile carboxydotrophe hydrogénogène comme catalyseur biologique pour la conversion du monoxyde de carbone en hydrogène. Pour cela, l’impact d'un phénomène de biominéralisation sur la production d’H2 a été étudié. Ensuite, la faisabilité et les limites de l’utilisation de la souche dans un bioréacteur ont été évaluées. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation de la phase inorganique prédominante lorsque C. hydrogenoformans est inoculé dans le milieu DSMZ, a révélé une biominéralisation de phosphate de calcium (CaP) cristallin en deux phases. L’analyse par diffraction des rayons X et spectrométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier de ce matériau biphasique indique une signature caractéristique de la Mg-whitlockite, alors que les images obtenues par microscopie électronique à transmission ont montré l'existence de nanotiges cristallines s’apparentant à de l’hydroxyapatite. Dans les deux cas, le mode de biominéralisation semble être biologiquement induit plutôt que contrôlé. L'impact du précipité de CaP endogène sur le transfert de masse du CO et la production d’H2 a ensuite été étudié. Les résultats ont été comparés aux valeurs obtenues dans un milieu où aucune précipitation n'est observée. Dans le milieu DSMZ, le KLa apparent (0.22 ± 0.005 min-1) et le rendement de production d’H2 (89.11 ± 6.69 %) étaient plus élevés que ceux obtenus avec le milieu modifié (0.19 ± 0.015 min-1 et 82.60 ± 3.62% respectivement). La présence du précipité n'a eu aucune incidence sur l'activité microbienne. En somme, le précipité de CaP offre une nouvelle stratégie pour améliorer les performances de transfert de masse du CO en utilisant les propriétés hydrophobes de gaz. En second lieu, la conversion du CO en H2 par la souche Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans fut étudiée et optimisée dans un réacteur gazosiphon de 35 L. Parmi toutes les conditions opérationnelles, le paramètre majeur fut le ratio du débit de recirculation du gaz sur le débit d'alimentation en CO (QR:Qin). Ce ratio impacte à la fois l'activité biologique et le taux de transfert de masse gaz-liquide. En effet, au dessus d’un ratio de 40, les performances de conversion du CO en H2 sont limitées par l’activité biologique alors qu’en dessous, elles sont limitées par le transfert de masse. Cela se concrétise par une efficacité de conversion maximale de 90.4 ± 0.3 % et une activité spécifique de 2.7 ± 0.4 molCO·g–1VSS·d–1. Malgré des résultats prometteurs, les performances du bioréacteur ont été limitées par une faible densité cellulaire, typique de la croissance planctonique de C. hydrogenoformans. Cette limite est le facteur le plus contraignant pour des taux de charge de CO plus élevés. Ces performances ont été comparées à celles obtenues dans un réacteur à fibres creuses (BRFC) inoculé par la souche. En dépit d’une densité cellulaire et d’une activité volumétrique plus élevées, les performances du BRFC à tout le moins cinétiquement limitées quand elles n’étaient pas impactées par le transfert de masse, l'encrassement et le vieillissement de la membrane. Afin de parer à la dégénérescence de C. hydrogenoformans en cas de pénurie de CO, la croissance de la bactérie sur pyruvate en tant que seule source de carbone a été également caractérisée. Fait intéressant, en présence simultanée de pyruvate et de CO, C. hydrogenoformans n’a amorcé la consommation de pyruvate qu’une fois le CO épuisé. Cela a été attribué à un mécanisme d'inhibition du métabolisme du pyruvate par le CO, faisant ainsi du pyruvate le candidat idéal pour un système in situ de secours.
Programa de Doctorado: Ingeniería Ambiental y Desalinización
Membrane filtration has become an accepted technology for the removal of pathogens from drinking water. Viruses, known to contaminate water supplies, are too small to be removed by a size-exclusion mechanism without a large energy penalty. Thus, functionalized electrospun membranes that can adsorb viruses have drawn our interest. We chose a quaternized chitosan derivative (HTCC) which carries a positively-charged quaternary amine, known to bind negatively-charged virus particles, as a functionalized membrane material. The technique of electrospinning was utilized to produce nanofiber mats with large pore diameters to increase water flux and decrease membrane fouling. In this study, stable, functionalized, electrospun HTCC-PVA nanofibers that can remove 3.6 logs (99.97%) of a model virus, porcine parvovirus (PPV), from water by adsorption and filtration have been successfully produced. This technology has the potential to purify drinking water in undeveloped countries and reduce the number of deaths due to lack of sanitation.
The 21st Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium was held at Colorado State University on April 20, 1991. The primary goals of this symposium series are to provide an opportunity for students to present and publish their research work and to promote informal discussions on biochemical engineering research. Contents High Density Fed-Batch Cultivation and Energy Metabolism of Bacillus thuringtensis; W.-M. Liu, V. Bihari, M. Starzak, and R.K. Bajpai Influences of Medium Composition and Cultivation Conditions on Recombinant Protein Production by Bacillus subtilis; K. Park, P.M. Linzmaier, and K.F. Reardon Characterization of a Foreign Gene Expression in a Recombinant T7 Expression System Infected with λ Phages; F. Miao and D.S. Kompala Simulation of an Enzymatic Membrane System with Forced Periodic Supply of Substrate; N. Nakaiwa, M. Yashima, L.T. Fan, and T. Ohmori Batch Extraction of Dilut Acids in a Hollow Fiber Module; D.G. O'Brien and C.E. Glatz Evaluation of a New Electrophoretic Device for Protein Purification; M.-J. Juang and R.G. Harrison Crossflow Microfiltration and Membrane Fouling for Yeast Cell Suspension; S. Redkar and R. Davis Interaction of MBP-β-Galactosidase Fusion Protein with Starch; L. Taladriz and Z. Nikolov Predicting the Solubility of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli; D.L. Wilkinson and R.G. Harrison Evolution of a Phase-Separated, Gravity-Independent Bioractor; P.E. Villeneuve and E.H. Dunlop A Strategy for the Decontamination of Soils Containing Elevated Levels of PCP; S. Ghoshal, S. K. Banelji, and RK. Bajpai Practical Considerations for Implementation of a Field Scale In-Situ Bioremediation Project; J.P. McDonald, CA Baldwin, and L.E. Erickson Parametric Sensitivity Studies of Rhizopus oligosporus Solid Substrate Fermentation; J. Sargantanis, M.N. Karim, and V.G. Murphy, and RP. Tengerdy Production of Acetyl-Xylan Esterase from Aspergillus niger; M.R Samara and J.C. Linden Biological and Latex Particle Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems; D.T.L. Hawker, RH. Davis, P.W. Todd, and R Lawson Novel Bioreactor /Separator for Microbial Desulfurization of Coal; H. Gecol, RH. Davis, and J .R Mattoon Effect of Plants and Trees on the Fate, Transport and Biodegradation of Contaminants in the Soil and Ground Water; W. Huang, E. Lee, J.F. Shimp, L.C. Davis, L.E. Erickson, and J.C. Tracy Sound Production by Interfacial Effects in Airlift Reactors; J. Hua, T.-Y. Yiin, LA Glasgow, and L.E. Erickson Soy Yogurt Fermentation of Rapid Hydration Hydrothermal Cooked Soy Milk; P. Tuitemwong, L.E. Erickson, and D.Y.C. Fung Influence of Carbon Source on Pentachlorophenol Degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosportum in Soil; C.-Y.M. Hsieh, RK. Bajpai, and S.K. Banerji Cellular Responses of Insect Cells Spodopiera frugiperda -9 to Hydrodynamic Stresses; P.L.-H. Yeh and RK. Bajpa1 A Mathematical Model for Ripening of Cheddar Cheese; J. Kim, M. Starzak, G.W. Preckshoi, and R.K. Bajpai