998 resultados para Malaltia de von Willebrand


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar alterações quantitativas e estruturais do fator von Willebrand (fvW) circulante em 40 pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar pré-capilar e verificar possíveis implicações prognósticas dos resultados iniciais, em um ano de seguimento. MÉTODOS: A atividade antigênica plasmática do fator von Willebrand (vWF:Ag) foi analisada por imunoeletroforese. A concentração de multímeros de baixo peso molecular em relação ao total de multímeros do fvW (MBPM%) e o grau de fragmentação de sua subunidade principal foram analisados por Western immunoblotting. RESULTADOS: Em 40 pacientes, observamos aumento significativo de vWF:Ag em relação aos controles (p<0,001). Também foi observado aumento de MBPM% (p<0,001), além de degradação patológica da subunidade do fvW (p<0,05). Em 11 pacientes que evoluíram para óbito no 1º ano, os valores iniciais de vWF:Ag foram 95% superiores em relação aos sobreviventes (p<0,001). Os não sobreviventes tiveram ainda 31% de aumento em MBPM% (p<0,005). A variável MBPM% foi selecionada por regressão logística (p<0,05), como preditor de óbito no primeiro ano de evolução. CONCLUSÃO: As alterações do fvW circulante, consideradas como índices de lesão endotelial, têm valor prognóstico em hipertensão arterial pulmonar, com potencial impacto em decisões terapêuticas, como a indicação de transplante cardiopulmonar.


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Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 60 anos portadora da doença de von Willebrand tipo I, submetida a cirurgia da valva mitral. A paciente necessitou de cuidados especiais em razão da coagulopatia e foi necessária a utilização de concentrado de fator VIII (VIIIf) e fator de von Willebrand (vWf) antes, durante e depois da cirurgia. Não houve complicações durante e após a cirurgia. Nove meses depois, a paciente encontra-se assintomática. A correção para valores adequados de VIIIf e vWf permitiu a realização da cirurgia com segurança.


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OBJETIVOS: Determinar os valores plasmáticos de homocisteína e fator von Willebrand, como marcador de disfunção endotelial, em ratos com diabete melito induzido por estreptozotocina. MÉTODOS: Trinta e cinco ratos (rattus norvegicus albinus), machos, adultos (180-200 g), randomizados em três grupos: controle (n=10) não receberam agente ou veículo; sham (n=10) receberam solução veículo da estreptozotocina; e diabético (n=15) receberam estreptozotocina. Após oito semanas de indução do diabete melito, os animais foram pesados, anestesiados e tiveram sangue colhido da aorta abdominal para determinação dos valores de homocisteína plasmática total, fator von Willebrand e glicemia. RESULTADOS: O modelo experimental foi reprodutível em 100% dos animais. A média das concentrações plasmáticas de homocisteína foi: 7,9 µmol/l (controle); 8,6 µmol/l (sham) e 6,1 µmol/l (diabético), com diferença entre os grupos (p<0,01). Pelo método de comparações múltiplas entre os grupos, observou-se que os valores no grupo diabético foram menores que no sham (p<0,01). A média dos valores do fator von Willebrand foi 0,15 U/l (controle), 0,16 U/l (sham) e 0,18 U/l (diabético), com diferença entre os grupos (p=0,03). A média dos seus valores no grupo diabético foi maior que no grupo controle (p<0,05). No grupo diabético não houve correlação entre homocisteína e fator von Willebrand. CONCLUSÃO: No diabete melito induzido por estreptozotocina constataram-se valores reduzidos de homocisteína e elevados de fator von Willebrand, sem, contudo, haver correlações entre si e com níveis de glicemia final.


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Less than 50 patients are reported with platelet type von Willebrand disease (PT-VWD) worldwide. Several reports have discussed the diagnostic challenge of this disease versus the closely similar disorder type 2B VWD. However, no systematic study has evaluated this dilemma globally. Over three years, a total of 110 samples/data from eight countries were analysed. A molecular approach was utilised, analysing exon 28 of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) gene, and in mutation negative cases the platelet GP1BA gene. Our results show that 48 cases initially diagnosed as putative type 2B/PT-VWD carried exon 28 mutations consistent with type 2B VWD, 17 carried GP1BA mutations consistent with a PT-VWD diagnosis, three had other VWD types (2A and 2M) and five expressed three non-previously published exon 28 mutations. Excluding 10 unaffected family members and one acquired VWD, 26 cases did not have mutations in either genes. Based on our study, the percentage of type 2B VWD diagnosis is 44% while the percentage of misdiagnosis of PT-VWD is 15%. This is the first large international study to investigate the occurrence of PT-VWD and type 2B VWD worldwide and to evaluate DNA analysis as a diagnostic tool for a large cohort of patients. The study highlights the diagnostic limitations due to unavailability/poor application of RIPA and related tests in some centres and proposes genetic analysis as a suitable tool for the discrimination of the two disorders worldwide. Cases that are negative for both VWF and GP1BA gene mutations require further evaluation for alternative diagnoses.


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An increased plasma concentration of von Willebrand factor (vWF) is detected in individuals with many infectious diseases and is accepted as a marker of endothelium activation and prothrombotic condition. To determine whether ExoU, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytotoxin with proinflammatory activity, enhances the release of vWF, microvascular endothelial cells were infected with the ExoU-producing PA103 P. aeruginosa strain or an exoU-deficient mutant. Significantly increased vWF concentrations were detected in conditioned medium and subendothelial extracellular matrix from cultures infected with the wild-type bacteria, as determined by enzyme-linked immunoassays. PA103-infected cells also released higher concentrations of procoagulant microparticles containing increased amounts of membrane-associated vWF, as determined by flow cytometric analyses of cell culture supernatants. Both flow cytometry and confocal microscopy showed that increased amounts of vWF were associated with cytoplasmic membranes from cells infected with the ExoU-producing bacteria. PA103-infected cultures exposed to platelet suspensions exhibited increased percentages of cells with platelet adhesion. Because no modulation of the vWF mRNA levels was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assays in PA103-infected cells, ExoU is likely to have induced the release of vWF from cytoplasmic stores rather than vWF gene transcription. Such release is likely to modify the thromboresistance of microvascular endothelial cells.


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Résumé du travail de thèse Introduction : Les différentes cellules endothéliales du lit vasculaire ont de nombreuses similitudes fonctionnelles et morphologiques. Cependant, elles présentent également une importante hétérogénéité structurelle et fonctionnelle qui peut avoir des implications notamment dans l'angiogenèse et le développement des maladies cardio-vasculaires. Peu d'études ont été publiées au sujet de l'expression et de la distribution des marqueurs endothéliaux dans les tissus humain normaux. Objectif : Nous avons étudié l'expression immunohistochimique des marqueurs endothéliaux CD31, CD34, vWF et Fli-1 dans les vaisseaux périphériques du rein, du poumon, de la rate, du foie, du cour et des gros vaisseaux ; incluant l'aorte, la veine cave inférieure, l'artère rénale ainsi que les artères et veines pulmonaires et fémorales. Matériel et méthodes : Les échantillons tissulaires ont été obtenus à partir de matériel d'autopsie et de biopsies. Le matériel a été fixé en formaline et inclus en paraffine. Les coupes de paraffine ont été colorées immunohistochimiquement avec CD31, CD34 et vWF. Les biopsies ont également été colorées immunohistochimiquement avec Fli-1, D2-40 et Lyve-1. Résultats : L'expression immunohistochimique de ces marqueurs est hétérogène dans les différents organes étudiés. Dans le rein, l'endothélium fenêtré des glomérules exprime fortement CD31 et CD34. Par contre, il n'exprime pas ou alors de manière faible et focale vWF. Dans le poumon, les capillaires alvéolaires expriment fortement CD31 et CD34 mais sont habituellement négatifs pour le vWF. L'expression de vWF augmente graduellement avec le calibre vasculaire dans le poumon. Les sinusoïdes de la rate expriment CD31 de manière diffuse mais ils n'expriment pas CD34. Les sinusoïdes du foie expriment CD31 de part et d'autre des lobules. Par contre, CD34 est exprimé seulement dans la région périportale. L'expression de Fli-1 dans les cellules endothéliales est ubiquitaire et ne varie pas suivant le type de vaisseau ou d'organe. Fli-1 est également exprimé dans d'autres types de cellules, essentiellement des lymphocytes. D2-40 est exprimé seulement dans l'endothélium des vaisseaux lymphatiques. L'expression de Lyve-1 dans ce matériel de routine était inconstante et non reproductible. Conclusion : Ces résultats indiquent que l'expression des marqueurs endothéliaux CD31, CD34 et vWF est hétérogène dans le lit vasculaire et qu'elle varie entre différents vaisseaux et différents compartiments anatomiques du même organe. D2-40 ne marque que les cellules endothéliales lymphatiques.


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Platelet adhesion, the initial step of platelet activation, is mediated by the interaction of von Willebrand factor (VWF) with its platelet receptor, the GPIb-IX complex. The binding of VWF to GPIb-IX is induced either by increased shear stress or by exogenous modulators, such as botrocetin. At a molecular level, this interaction takes place between the A1 domain of VWF and the GPIb alpha chain of the GPIb-IX complex. We report here the design and functional characteristics of a VWF template-assembled synthetic protein (TASP), a chimeric four-helix-bundle TASP scaffold mimicking the surface of the A1 domain. Twelve residues located on helices alpha 3 and alpha 4 in the native A1 domain were grafted onto a surface formed by two neighboring helices of the TASP. VWF TASP was found to inhibit specifically botrocetin-induced platelet aggregation and to bind both botrocetin and GPIb alpha. However, in contrast to the native A1 domain, VWF TASP did not bind simultaneously to both ligands. Modeling studies revealed that the relative orientation of the alpha helices in VWF TASP led to a clash of bound botrocetin and GPIb alpha. These results demonstrate that a chimeric four-helix-bundle TASP as a scaffold offers a suitable surface for presenting crucial residues of the VWF A1 domain; the potential of the TASP approach for de novo protein design and mimicry is thereby illustrated.


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von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a protein that mediates platelet adherence to the subendothelium during primary hemostasis. High plasma vWF concentrations have been reported in patients with various types of cancer, such as head and neck, laryngeal and prostatic cancer, probably representing an acute phase reactant. In the present study we determined the plasma levels of vWF antigen (vWF:Ag) by quantitative immunoelectrophoresis in 128 female patients with breast cancer as well as in 47 women with benign breast disease and in 27 healthy female controls. The levels of vWF:Ag were 170.7 ± 78 U/dl in patients with cancer, 148.4 ± 59 U/dl in patients with benign disease and 130.6 ± 45 U/dl in controls (P<0.005). We also detected a significant increase in the levels of vWF:Ag (P<0.0001) in patients with advanced stages of the disease (stage IV = 263.3 ± 113 U/dl, stage IIIB = 194.0 ± 44 U/dl) as compared to those with earlier stages of the disease (stage I = 155.3 ± 65 U/dl, stage IIA = 146.9 ± 75 U/dl). In conclusion, vWF levels were increased in plasma of patients with malignant breast disease, and these levels correlated with tumor progression.


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The objective of the present study was to establish a method for quantitative analysis of von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimeric composition using a mathematical framework based on curve fitting. Plasma vWF multimers from 15 healthy subjects and 13 patients with advanced pulmonary vascular disease were analyzed by Western immunoblotting followed by luminography. Quantitative analysis of luminographs was carried out by calculating the relative densities of low, intermediate and high molecular weight fractions using laser densitometry. For each densitometric peak (representing a given fraction of vWF multimers) a mean area value was obtained using data from all group subjects (patients and normal individuals) and plotted against the distance between the peak and IgM (950 kDa). Curves were constructed for each group using nonlinear fitting. Results indicated that highly accurate curves could be obtained for healthy controls and patients, with respective coefficients of determination (r²) of 0.9898 and 0.9778. Differences were observed between patients and normal subjects regarding curve shape, coefficients and the region of highest protein concentration. We conclude that the method provides accurate quantitative information on the composition of vWF multimers and may be useful for comparisons between groups and possibly treatments.


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High levels of von Willebrand factor (vWF) have been associated with cardiovascular disease. The A allele of the -1185A/G polymorphism in the 5'-regulatory region of the vWF gene was associated with the highest plasma vWF levels in a normal population. To examine the association between -1185A/G polymorphism and coronary artery disease (CAD), 173 Brazilian Caucasian subjects submitted to coronary angiography were studied. Of these, 57 (33%) had normal coronary arteries (control group) and 116 (67%) had CAD (patient group). Plasma vWF levels were higher in patients (145 U/dl) than in controls (130 U/dl), but the differences were significant only for O blood group subjects. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of the 864-bp vWF promoter region followed by AccII restriction digestion was used to identify the -1185A/G genotypes. The -1185A allele frequency was 43.1% in patients and 44.7% in controls. Allele and genotype frequencies were not significantly different between patients and controls. No association was observed between the -1185A/G genotypes and plasma vWF levels in patients or controls. These results suggest that -1185A/G polymorphism is not an independent risk factor for CAD.


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Biomarkers have been identified for pulmonary arterial hypertension, but are less well defined for specific etiologies such as congenital heart disease-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (CHDPAH). We measured plasma levels of eight microvascular dysfunction markers in CHDPAH, and tested for associations with survival. A cohort of 46 inoperable CHDPAH patients (age 15.0 to 60.2 years, median 33.5 years, female:male 29:17) was prospectively followed for 0.7 to 4.0 years (median 3.6 years). Plasma levels of von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and its inhibitor (PAI-1), P-selectin, reactive C-protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6 and -10 were measured at baseline, and at 30, 90, and 180 days in all subjects. Levels of six of the eight proteins were significantly increased in patients versus controls (13 to 106% increase, P < 0.003). Interleukin-10 level was 2.06 times normal (P = 0.0003; Th2 cytokine response). Increased levels of four proteins (t-PA, PAI-1, P-selectin, and interleukin-6) correlated with disease severity indices (P < 0.05). Seven patients died during follow-up. An average VWF:Ag (mean of four determinations) above the level corresponding to the 95th percentile of controls (139 U/dL) was independently associated with a high risk of death (hazard ratio = 6.56, 95%CI = 1.46 to 29.4, P = 0.014). Thus, in CHDPAH, microvascular dysfunction appears to involve Th2 inflammatory response. Of the biomarkers studied, plasma vWF:Ag was independently associated with survival.


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Changes in plasma von Willebrand factor concentration (VWF:Ag) and ADAMTS-13 activity (the metalloprotease that cleaves VWF physiologically) have been reported in several cardiovascular disorders with prognostic implications. We therefore determined the level of these proteins in the plasma of children with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) undergoing surgical treatment. Forty-eight children were enrolled (age 0.83 to 7.58 years). Measurements were performed at baseline and 48 h after surgery. ELISA, collagen-binding assays and Western blotting were used to estimate antigenic and biological activities, and proteolysis of VWF multimers. Preoperatively, VWF:Ag and ADAMTS-13 activity were decreased (65 and 71% of normal levels considered as 113 (105-129) U/dL and 91 ± 24% respectively, P < 0.003) and correlated (r = 0.39, P = 0.0064). High molecular weight VWF multimers were not related, suggesting an interaction of VWF with cell membranes, followed by proteolytic cleavage. A low preoperative ADAMTS-13 activity, a longer activated partial thromboplastin time and the need for cardiopulmonary bypass correlated with postoperative bleeding (P < 0.05). Postoperatively, ADAMTS-13 activity increased but less extensively than VWF:Ag (respectively, 2.23 and 2.83 times baseline, P < 0.0001), resulting in an increased VWF:Ag/ADAMTS-13 activity ratio (1.20 to 1.54, respectively, pre- and postoperative median values, P = 0.0029). ADAMTS-13 consumption was further confirmed by decreased ADAMTS-13 antigenic concentration (0.91 ± 0.30 to 0.70 ± 0.25 µg/mL, P < 0.0001) and persistent proteolysis of VWF multimers. We conclude that, in pediatric CCHD, changes in circulating ADAMTS-13 suggest enzyme consumption, associated with abnormal structure and function of VWF.