998 resultados para Mal estar
Mal-estar na civilização (Freud S.) inclui os elementos que vêm inaugurar uma querela sobre a ética da psicanálise, tal como Lacan a circunscreveu. A tese de base é que a resignação em relação às pulsões da demanda contem uma certa satisfação.
O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em 14 escolas da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro, onde se analisou o processo de implementação do ensino religioso confessional como disciplina regular. Os depoimentos de 96 professores demonstraram que ainda que predomine o apoio à disciplina, há um mal-estar nas escolas quanto ao seu caráter confessional. O estudo mostrou também que a expectativa de reforço do controle social foi a base para a aceitação da disciplina pelos professores.
O objetivo do artigo é discutir a crítica de Philonenko (1981) aos conceitos sartrianos de "má-fé" e "liberdade". Um dos pilares dessa crítica é a defesa da noção de "coerência do estilo", elemento indispensável para resguardar a autenticidade tão prezada por Sartre, segundo Philonenko. Contudo, continua este último, ao afirmar "eu não sou jamais nenhuma de minhas condutas, nenhuma de minhas atitudes", Sartre limita a liberdade por ele defendida ao horizonte de uma maliciosa dissimulação, quer dizer, da má-fé. Nós constatamos três imprecisões nessa crítica. Em primeiro lugar, a citada afirmação de Sartre foi mal interpretada. Mas, em segundo, se essa interpretação está correta, supondo que o estilo seja indispensável à autenticidade, ainda assim a liberdade sartriana não pode ser "para o mal", pois ela se caracteriza, em termos ontológicos, como o próprio ser da realidade humana "em situação", e não em termos morais, como uma propriedade dessa realidade, cristalizada por um olhar atento sobre si ou sobre o outro, e julgada como boa ou má. Por fim, queremos concluir que, numa possível conduta autêntica, a derrocada da má-fé não apenas prescinde do amparo a uma coerência do estilo como também pressupõe o reconhecimento angustiante de sua gratuidade.
The discourse about love, in the Western modern world, is an effect of the power that constructs bodies that matter, paraphrasing Butler, which represents a performative reiterarion of the domination drive, forming and ego of love through the imposition of a cultural super-ego. The domination, a real process of social constraint, is concomitant to its ideological secret, which lead us to the expression domideology , inspired by Sousa Filho, to determine the unconscious domination of the ideological discourse, Through a critical analysis of the bases of Freudian discourse about love, we question, inspired by Foucault, the sexual nature of the drive, to put it in a place insecure of critics to the substance metaphysics expression used by Nietzsche. In our point of view, the domination drive is a critical tool for the individual to think about, as interpellated by the love domideology , making believe the only interpretation of the social interchange is love, nuclear element of our modern Western love complex
The current dissertation has as its main object of study the malaise with politics phenomenon. To comprehend it, is carried out in this work a inquiry, in different stages of analysis, based in the empirical data raised by the research Os Processos Sociais de Recepção do Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral , made by the Grupo de Estudos Mídia e Poder, of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, during the local elections of 2004 in the city of Natal. Based in the focus group technique, such research raised an ample set of information about the decoding process of the electoral television programs, made by six different groups of citizens from the popular classes. Beginning from the presuppose which such process is influenced by the representations about politics made by those subjects, we use that set of empirical information to inquiry not only the decoding, but that same representations which this process is based. In this way, we analyse, in one side, the globally contrary decoding which subjects made from a conforming code of opposition and, in the other, the structure of feeling which it s based, called structure of feeling of the malaise with politics. Such structure is compound by generating themes which expresses the contraposition about the institutionalized politics and, in the same time, a resignation about politics which fortifies the dominant groups hegemony. We support the thesis which this set of representations about politics is caused by the denial of rights frame which those subjects are immersed
Considering articles written for Fernando Pessoa in 1912 about The new Portuguese poetry , where he already proclaimed the appearance of the Super-Camões, poet that would be able to revolutionize Portuguese literature e, concomitantly, to make resurging from rubble the Portuguese nation; we understand that, decades before the writing of Message, the poet was already armed with a Will of Power , expression of Friedrich Nietzsche that incorporate the idea of resurgence to the man like creator of news values. Fernando Pessoa believed to make his poetical word, the epic, restoring word of the ideas of Messianism and Fifth Empire as the pushing force of the new Portuguese largeness. However, we look for to investigate the conditions of Malaise that surround the universe of the poem and that restrict its capacity of action on the reality in its return, a time that the space destined in modernity to the poet and to his poetry hindered him of a devoted and positive action, We select therefore theorist like Sigmund Freud e Walter Benjamin
Nerves has been perceived as generalized suffering with multiple complaints, such as pain and other physical sensations, usually followed by symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Even after medications have been prescribed, mainly psychotropic drugs to reduce these symptoms, exams aiming to discover the causes of the disorders, and a significant referral to health services, the problem tends to get progressively worse. The objective of this study is to characterize the diseases of clients who complain of nerves at the Unidade Mista de Felipe Camarão, Natal/RN, through in depth interviews, allowing for the clarification of ideas, beliefs and the meanings attributed to nerves by that person; to identify the symptoms and to know how they interfere in daily activities; to investigate the causes attributed to the problem and their relation to the biographical and psychosocial context of the patient. Thirteen women, health service clients, aged 30 to 59 years old, participated in the research. It was observed that they perceive, feel and act in unique ways with relation to symptoms, as well as to the attributed explanations and treatments given, showing the influence of life conditions, family context and their own subjectivity. Daily concerns and overwhelming responsibilities in the domestic environment, which usually stem from their precarious survival conditions, as well as marital conflicts motivated by the inequity of gender relations, contribute to trigger this type of suffering. The methodology of the research itself proved to be crucial to the comprehension and understanding of the meanings attributed to the complaints as well as to the argumenting process and the redefinition of the illness experience. Therefore, the importance of interdisciplinary intervention must be emphasize and specially the role of listening as relevant intervention resource
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Atualmente, ouvimos demasiadamente o significante depressão ecoar nos mais variados contextos e, em especial, naqueles que se dedicam ao atendimento de questões relacionadas à saúde mental. Diante disso, torna-se relevante o contínuo pensar e repensar a respeito dessa modalidade de subjetivação e/ou mal-estar contemporâneo. O interesse pelo tema proposto nasceu da prática clínica cotidiana em Saúde Pública, realizada num Centro de Saúde (CS-III) de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo. Nossa problemática assentou-se no intuito de compreender a exacerbada medicalização da depressão na atualidade, especificamente os impactos subjetivos provocados por tais intervenções. Utilizamos de uma metodologia qualitativa cujo método clínico psicanalítico nos permitiu trabalhar no resgate de fragmentos clínicos, sendo estes constituídos com base nas reminiscências do próprio pesquisador, de maneira que selecionamos para a pesquisa aqueles casos em que o paciente se dizia depressivo e insatisfeito com relação ao tratamento medicamentoso.