997 resultados para MPEG video


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In this paper investigation is made of the. use of entropic methods to identify smooth image blocks in order to filter the reconstructed image of block based transform coded images. We know that blocking artefact is Visually more prominent in the smooth region of a block rather than in the textured region. The entropic methods are employed to distinguish between smooth and textured blocks in a reconstructed image. The linear filtering is then carried out on the smooth region of the image to reduce the blocking artefact. The en tropic criteria investigated in this paper are: Shannon's (Logarithmic) Entropy, Exponential Entropy, and Quadratic Entropy.


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Traditional data compression algorithms for 2D images work using the information theoretic paradigm, attempting to reduce redundant information by as much as possible. However, through the use of a depletion algorithm that takes advantage of characteristics of the human visual system, images can be displayed using only half or a quarter of the original information with no appreciable loss of quality.

The characteristics of the human visual system that allows the viewer to perceive a higher rate of information than is actually displayed is known as the beta or picket fence effect. It is called the picket fence effect because its effect is noticeable when a person is travelling along a picket fence. Despite the person not having an unimpeded view of the objects behind the fence at any instant, as the person is moving, the objects behind the picket fence are clearly visible. In fact, in most cases the fence is hardly noticeable at all.

The techniques we have developed uses this effect to achieve higher levels of compression than would otherwise be possible. As a fundamental characteristic of the beta effect is the requirement that there is movement of the fence in relation to the object, the beta effect can only be used in image sequences where movement between the depletion pattern and objects within the image can be achieved.

As MPEG is the recognised standard by which image sequences are coded, compatibility with MPEG is essential. We have modified our technique such that it performs in conjunction with MPEG, providing further compression over MPEG.


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A large volume of TCP/IP traffic is currently, and in the future will be, carried over ATM networks. A major part of the traffic, which is produced by multimedia sources, is encoded using the MPEG standard. For the performance analysis of transferring MPEG video sequence via TCP/IP over A TM networks, there is a need for appropriate simulation models. This paper describes one such simulation model that we have constructed. A sct of preliminary simulation experiments have been conducted with the mode to assess the impact of different network configurations on the MPEG traffic transmission performance. Our simulation model is able to simulate many of the potential performance issues regarding video traffic via TCPIIP and A TM and can be used to evaluate any potential solutions.


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Nodule is 19'54" musical work for two electronic music performers, two laptop computers and a custom built, sensor-based microphone controller - the e-Mic (Extended Mic-stand Interface Controller). This interface was developed by one of the co-authors, Donna Hewitt. The e-Mic allows a vocal performer to manipulate their voice in real time by capturing physical gestures via an array of sensors - pressure, distance, tilt – in addition to ribbon controllers and an X-Y joystick microphone mount. Performance data are then sent to a computer, running audio-processing software, which is used to transform the audio signal from the microphone in real time. The work seeks to explore the liminal space between the electro-acoustic music tradition and more recent developments in the electronic dance music tradition. It does so on both a performative (gestural) and compositional (sonic) level. Visually, the performance consists of a singer and a laptop performer, hybridising the gestural context of these traditions. On a sonic level, the work explores hybridity at deeper levels of the musical structure than simple bricolage or collage approaches. Hybridity is explored at the level of the sonic gesture (source material), in production (audio processing gestures), in performance gesture, and in approaches to the use of the frequency spectrum, pulse and meter. The work was designed to be performed in a range of contexts from concert halls, to clubs, to rock festivals, across a range of staging and production platforms. As a consequence, the work has been tested in a range of audience contexts, and has allowed the transportation of compositional and performance practices across traditional audience demographic boundaries.


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This research explores a new approach to Beckett’s Not I, a work in which the spectator is asked to focus primarily on a human mouth suspended in space eight feet off the ground. The digital reconstitution of the x, y and z axes in Beckett's work has been retitled "?ot I". In "?ot I", the prescribed x, y and z axes of the original have been re-spatialised environmentally, physically and aurally to create an invigorated version of the text. In this work, it is primarily the reconstitution of spatial dynamics and time that are explored. An adaption and series of responses to Samuel Beckett's "Not I", first performed at Melbourne University and Deakin Motion.Lab, Deakin University, 2007


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This study surveys and interrogates key conceptual frameworks and artistic practises that flow through the distinct but interconnected traditions of non-narrative film and experimental music, and examines how these are articulated in my own creative sound practise.


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Due to the popularity of security cameras in public places, it is of interest to design an intelligent system that can efficiently detect events automatically. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for multi-person event detection. To ensure greater than real-time performance, features are extracted directly from compressed MPEG video. A novel histogram-based feature descriptor that captures the angles between extracted particle trajectories is proposed, which allows us to capture motion patterns of multi-person events in the video. To alleviate the need for fine-grained annotation, we propose the use of Labelled Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a “weakly supervised” method that allows the use of coarse temporal annotations which are much simpler to obtain. This novel system is able to run at approximately ten times real-time, while preserving state-of-theart detection performance for multi-person events on a 100-hour real-world surveillance dataset (TRECVid SED).


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Fluvial systems form landscapes and sedimentary deposits with a rich hierarchy of structures that extend from grain- to valley scale. Large-scale pattern formation in fluvial systems is commonly attributed to forcing by external factors, including climate change, tectonic uplift, and sea-level change. Yet over geologic timescales, rivers may also develop large-scale erosional and depositional patterns that do not bear on environmental history. This dissertation uses a combination of numerical modeling and topographic analysis to identify and quantify patterns in river valleys that form as a consequence of river meandering alone, under constant external forcing. Chapter 2 identifies a numerical artifact in existing, grid-based models that represent the co-evolution of river channel migration and bank strength over geologic timescales. A new, vector-based technique for bank-material tracking is shown to improve predictions for the evolution of meander belts, floodplains, sedimentary deposits formed by aggrading channels, and bedrock river valleys, particularly when spatial contrasts in bank strength are strong. Chapters 3 and 4 apply this numerical technique to establishing valley topography formed by a vertically incising, meandering river subject to constant external forcing—which should serve as the null hypothesis for valley evolution. In Chapter 3, this scenario is shown to explain a variety of common bedrock river valley types and smaller-scale features within them—including entrenched channels, long-wavelength, arcuate scars in valley walls, and bedrock-cored river terraces. Chapter 4 describes the age and geometric statistics of river terraces formed by meandering with constant external forcing, and compares them to terraces in natural river valleys. The frequency of intrinsic terrace formation by meandering is shown to reflect a characteristic relief-generation timescale, and terrace length is identified as a key criterion for distinguishing these terraces from terraces formed by externally forced pulses of vertical incision. In a separate study, Chapter 5 utilizes image and topographic data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to quantitatively identify spatial structures in the polar layered deposits of Mars, and identifies sequences of beds, consistently 1-2 meters thick, that have accumulated hundreds of kilometers apart in the north polar layered deposits.


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My focus in this thesis is to contribute to a more thorough understanding of the mechanics of ice and deformable glacier beds. Glaciers flow under their own weight through a combination of deformation within the ice column and basal slip, which involves both sliding along and deformation within the bed. Deformable beds, which are made up of unfrozen sediment, are prevalent in nature and are often the primary contributors to ice flow wherever they are found. Their granular nature imbues them with unique mechanical properties that depend on the granular structure and hydrological properties of the bed. Despite their importance for understanding glacier flow and the response of glaciers to changing climate, the mechanics of deformable glacier beds are not well understood.

Our general approach to understanding the mechanics of bed deformation and their effect on glacier flow is to acquire synoptic observations of ice surface velocities and their changes over time and to use those observations to infer the mechanical properties of the bed. We focus on areas where changes in ice flow over time are due to known environmental forcings and where the processes of interest are largely isolated from other effects. To make this approach viable, we further develop observational methods that involve the use of mapping radar systems. Chapters 2 and 5 focus largely on the development of these methods and analysis of results from ice caps in central Iceland and an ice stream in West Antarctica. In Chapter 3, we use these observations to constrain numerical ice flow models in order to study the mechanics of the bed and the ice itself. We show that the bed in an Iceland ice cap deforms plastically and we derive an original mechanistic model of ice flow over plastically deforming beds that incorporates changes in bed strength caused by meltwater flux from the surface. Expanding on this work in Chapter 4, we develop a more detailed mechanistic model for till-covered beds that helps explain the mechanisms that cause some glaciers to surge quasi-periodically. In Antarctica, we observe and analyze the mechanisms that allow ocean tidal variations to modulate ice stream flow tens of kilometers inland. We find that the ice stream margins are significantly weakened immediately upstream of the area where ice begins to float and that this weakening likely allows changes in stress over the floating ice to propagate through the ice column.


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This work presents a procedure based on spatially-resolved near-infrared imaging, in order to observe temperature and composition maps in gas-solid packed beds subjected to effects of aspect ratio and non-isothermal conditions. The technique was applied to the water vapour flow in a packed bed adsorber of low aspect ratio, filled with silica gel, using a tuneable diode laser, focal planar array detector and tomographic reconstruction. The 2D projected images from parallel scanning permitted data to be retrieved from the packing and above the packing sections of 12.0×12.0×18.2mm at a volume-resolution of 0.15×0.15×0.026mm and a time-resolution of less than 3min. The technique revealed uneven temperature and composition maps in the core packed bed and in the vicinity of the wall due to flow maldistribution. In addition, the heat uptake from the packed bed and local cross-mixing were experimentally ascertained by local profiles of the water vapour composition and temperature under various aspect ratios and feed flow rates. The relative deviations in temperature and compositions were 11.1% and 9.3%, respectively. The deviation in composition, which covers the packing and above the packing sections, was slightly higher than the deviation of 8% obtained up-to-date but was limited to the exit of a packed bed adsorber. © 2011.


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This lecture outlines the decisions which need to be made early in a software project regrading the management of a professional sustainable software product or website. This lecture looks at the many different platforms and languages that can be used on these and outlines the differences between interpreted and "native" languages. We also outline the importance of using revision control systems properly and how these are essential for both distribution and supporting of software. Finally this lecture describes how to build a package for the Debian Linux platform.


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La embriogénesis es el proceso mediante el cual una célula se convierte en un ser un vivo. A lo largo de diferentes etapas de desarrollo, la población de células va proliferando a la vez que el embrión va tomando forma y se configura. Esto es posible gracias a la acción de varios procesos genéticos, bioquímicos y mecánicos que interaccionan y se regulan entre ellos formando un sistema complejo que se organiza a diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales. Este proceso ocurre de manera robusta y reproducible, pero también con cierta variabilidad que permite la diversidad de individuos de una misma especie. La aparición de la microscopía de fluorescencia, posible gracias a proteínas fluorescentes que pueden ser adheridas a las cadenas de expresión de las células, y los avances en la física óptica de los microscopios han permitido observar este proceso de embriogénesis in-vivo y generar secuencias de imágenes tridimensionales de alta resolución espacio-temporal. Estas imágenes permiten el estudio de los procesos de desarrollo embrionario con técnicas de análisis de imagen y de datos, reconstruyendo dichos procesos para crear la representación de un embrión digital. Una de las más actuales problemáticas en este campo es entender los procesos mecánicos, de manera aislada y en interacción con otros factores como la expresión genética, para que el embrión se desarrolle. Debido a la complejidad de estos procesos, estos problemas se afrontan mediante diferentes técnicas y escalas específicas donde, a través de experimentos, pueden hacerse y confrontarse hipótesis, obteniendo conclusiones sobre el funcionamiento de los mecanismos estudiados. Esta tesis doctoral se ha enfocado sobre esta problemática intentando mejorar las metodologías del estado del arte y con un objetivo específico: estudiar patrones de deformación que emergen del movimiento organizado de las células durante diferentes estados del desarrollo del embrión, de manera global o en tejidos concretos. Estudios se han centrado en la mecánica en relación con procesos de señalización o interacciones a nivel celular o de tejido. En este trabajo, se propone un esquema para generalizar el estudio del movimiento y las interacciones mecánicas que se desprenden del mismo a diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales. Esto permitiría no sólo estudios locales, si no estudios sistemáticos de las escalas de interacción mecánica dentro de un embrión. Por tanto, el esquema propuesto obvia las causas de generación de movimiento (fuerzas) y se centra en la cuantificación de la cinemática (deformación y esfuerzos) a partir de imágenes de forma no invasiva. Hoy en día las dificultades experimentales y metodológicas y la complejidad de los sistemas biológicos impiden una descripción mecánica completa de manera sistemática. Sin embargo, patrones de deformación muestran el resultado de diferentes factores mecánicos en interacción con otros elementos dando lugar a una organización mecánica, necesaria para el desarrollo, que puede ser cuantificado a partir de la metodología propuesta en esta tesis. La metodología asume un medio continuo descrito de forma Lagrangiana (en función de las trayectorias de puntos materiales que se mueven en el sistema en lugar de puntos espaciales) de la dinámica del movimiento, estimado a partir de las imágenes mediante métodos de seguimiento de células o de técnicas de registro de imagen. Gracias a este esquema es posible describir la deformación instantánea y acumulada respecto a un estado inicial para cualquier dominio del embrión. La aplicación de esta metodología a imágenes 3D + t del pez zebra sirvió para desvelar estructuras mecánicas que tienden a estabilizarse a lo largo del tiempo en dicho embrión, y que se organizan a una escala semejante al del mapa de diferenciación celular y con indicios de correlación con patrones de expresión genética. También se aplicó la metodología al estudio del tejido amnioserosa de la Drosophila (mosca de la fruta) durante el cierre dorsal, obteniendo indicios de un acoplamiento entre escalas subcelulares, celulares y supracelulares, que genera patrones complejos en respuesta a la fuerza generada por los esqueletos de acto-myosina. En definitiva, esta tesis doctoral propone una estrategia novedosa de análisis de la dinámica celular multi-escala que permite cuantificar patrones de manera inmediata y que además ofrece una representación que reconstruye la evolución de los procesos como los ven las células, en lugar de como son observados desde el microscopio. Esta metodología por tanto permite nuevas formas de análisis y comparación de embriones y tejidos durante la embriogénesis a partir de imágenes in-vivo. ABSTRACT The embryogenesis is the process from which a single cell turns into a living organism. Through several stages of development, the cell population proliferates at the same time the embryo shapes and the organs develop gaining their functionality. This is possible through genetic, biochemical and mechanical factors that are involved in a complex interaction of processes organized in different levels and in different spatio-temporal scales. The embryogenesis, through this complexity, develops in a robust and reproducible way, but allowing variability that makes possible the diversity of living specimens. The advances in physics of microscopes and the appearance of fluorescent proteins that can be attached to expression chains, reporting about structural and functional elements of the cell, have enabled for the in-vivo observation of embryogenesis. The imaging process results in sequences of high spatio-temporal resolution 3D+time data of the embryogenesis as a digital representation of the embryos that can be further analyzed, provided new image processing and data analysis techniques are developed. One of the most relevant and challenging lines of research in the field is the quantification of the mechanical factors and processes involved in the shaping process of the embryo and their interactions with other embryogenesis factors such as genetics. Due to the complexity of the processes, studies have focused on specific problems and scales controlled in the experiments, posing and testing hypothesis to gain new biological insight. However, methodologies are often difficult to be exported to study other biological phenomena or specimens. This PhD Thesis is framed within this paradigm of research and tries to propose a systematic methodology to quantify the emergent deformation patterns from the motion estimated in in-vivo images of embryogenesis. Thanks to this strategy it would be possible to quantify not only local mechanisms, but to discover and characterize the scales of mechanical organization within the embryo. The framework focuses on the quantification of the motion kinematics (deformation and strains), neglecting the causes of the motion (forces), from images in a non-invasive way. Experimental and methodological challenges hamper the quantification of exerted forces and the mechanical properties of tissues. However, a descriptive framework of deformation patterns provides valuable insight about the organization and scales of the mechanical interactions, along the embryo development. Such a characterization would help to improve mechanical models and progressively understand the complexity of embryogenesis. This framework relies on a Lagrangian representation of the cell dynamics system based on the trajectories of points moving along the deformation. This approach of analysis enables the reconstruction of the mechanical patterning as experienced by the cells and tissues. Thus, we can build temporal profiles of deformation along stages of development, comprising both the instantaneous events and the cumulative deformation history. The application of this framework to 3D + time data of zebrafish embryogenesis allowed us to discover mechanical profiles that stabilized through time forming structures that organize in a scale comparable to the map of cell differentiation (fate map), and also suggesting correlation with genetic patterns. The framework was also applied to the analysis of the amnioserosa tissue in the drosophila’s dorsal closure, revealing that the oscillatory contraction triggered by the acto-myosin network organized complexly coupling different scales: local force generation foci, cellular morphology control mechanisms and tissue geometrical constraints. In summary, this PhD Thesis proposes a theoretical framework for the analysis of multi-scale cell dynamics that enables to quantify automatically mechanical patterns and also offers a new representation of the embryo dynamics as experienced by cells instead of how the microscope captures instantaneously the processes. Therefore, this framework enables for new strategies of quantitative analysis and comparison between embryos and tissues during embryogenesis from in-vivo images.


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O presente relatório regista a descrição do processo de trabalho de um projecto de investigação inserido no âmbito do Mestrado em Ilustração e Animação, do Instituto Politécnico de Cávado e do Ave. Este projecto, intitulado de “Histórias Sem Interesse”, resume-se no contínuo desenvolvimento de uma série de cartoons, tanto ao nível ilustrado como animado, e ao estudo das diferenças metodológicas na sua construção para os dois media. As tiras – ou comic strips – e os clips animados resultantes, são inspirados no dia-a-dia de uma jovem adulta (com apontamentos de carácter autobiográfico) e na subsistência social, académica e profissional, deparando-se com inúmeros episódios do quotidiano urbano. Estas histórias assumem um olhar humorístico, ainda que baseadas na experiência pessoal enquanto autora, assim como na dos restantes intervenientes. A partir desta premissa, pretendeu-se que a análise da relação entre as versões estática e animada fosse concretizada através de uma comparação de processos de construção e, numa segunda fase, entre os métodos e resultados da auto-publicação de ambas, levada a cabo por meio das plataformas digitais.


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Despite the wide swath of applications where multiphase fluid contact lines exist, there is still no consensus on an accurate and general simulation methodology. Most prior numerical work has imposed one of the many dynamic contact-angle theories at solid walls. Such approaches are inherently limited by the theory accuracy. In fact, when inertial effects are important, the contact angle may be history dependent and, thus, any single mathematical function is inappropriate. Given these limitations, the present work has two primary goals: 1) create a numerical framework that allows the contact angle to evolve naturally with appropriate contact-line physics and 2) develop equations and numerical methods such that contact-line simulations may be performed on coarse computational meshes.

Fluid flows affected by contact lines are dominated by capillary stresses and require accurate curvature calculations. The level set method was chosen to track the fluid interfaces because it is easy to calculate interface curvature accurately. Unfortunately, the level set reinitialization suffers from an ill-posed mathematical problem at contact lines: a ``blind spot'' exists. Standard techniques to handle this deficiency are shown to introduce parasitic velocity currents that artificially deform freely floating (non-prescribed) contact angles. As an alternative, a new relaxation equation reinitialization is proposed to remove these spurious velocity currents and its concept is further explored with level-set extension velocities.

To capture contact-line physics, two classical boundary conditions, the Navier-slip velocity boundary condition and a fixed contact angle, are implemented in direct numerical simulations (DNS). DNS are found to converge only if the slip length is well resolved by the computational mesh. Unfortunately, since the slip length is often very small compared to fluid structures, these simulations are not computationally feasible for large systems. To address the second goal, a new methodology is proposed which relies on the volumetric-filtered Navier-Stokes equations. Two unclosed terms, an average curvature and a viscous shear VS, are proposed to represent the missing microscale physics on a coarse mesh.

All of these components are then combined into a single framework and tested for a water droplet impacting a partially-wetting substrate. Very good agreement is found for the evolution of the contact diameter in time between the experimental measurements and the numerical simulation. Such comparison would not be possible with prior methods, since the Reynolds number Re and capillary number Ca are large. Furthermore, the experimentally approximated slip length ratio is well outside of the range currently achievable by DNS. This framework is a promising first step towards simulating complex physics in capillary-dominated flows at a reasonable computational expense.