965 resultados para MOTOR FUNCTION
Background. Previous works showed potentially beneficial effects of a single session of peripheral nerve sensory stimulation (PSS) on motor function of a paretic hand in patients with subacute and chronic stroke. Objective. To investigate the influence of the use of different stimulus intensities over multiple sessions (repetitive PSS [RPSS]) paired with motor training. Methods. To address this question, 22 patients were randomized within the second month after a single hemispheric stroke in a parallel design to application of 2-hour RPSS at 1 of 2 stimulus intensities immediately preceding motor training, 3 times a week, for 1 month. Jebsen-Taylor test (JTT, primary endpoint measure), pinch force, Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and corticomotor excitability to transcranial magnetic stimulation were measured before and after the end of the treatment month. JTT, FIM scores, and pinch force were reevaluated 2 to 3 months after the end of the treatment. Results. Baseline motor function tests were comparable across the 2 RPSS intensity groups. JTT improved significantly in the lower intensity RPSS group but not in the higher intensity RPSS group at month 1. This difference between the 2 groups reduced by months 2 to 3. Conclusions. These results indicate that multiple sessions of RPSS could facilitate training effects on motor function after subacute stroke depending on the intensity of stimulation. It is proposed that careful dose-response studies are needed to optimize parameters of RPSS stimulation before designing costly, larger, double-blind, multicenter clinical trials.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is the most widely distributed neurotrophin in the CNS, where it plays several pivotal roles in synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival. As a consequence, BDNF has become a key target in the physiopathology of several neurological and psychiatric diseases. Recent studies have consistently reported altered levels of BDNF in the circulation (i.e., serum or plasma) of patients with major depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer`s disease, Huntington`s disease and Parkinson`s disease. Correlations between serum BDNF levels and affective, cognitive and motor symptoms have also been described. BDNF appears to be an unspecific biomarker of neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by neurodegenerative changes.
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to investigate the success rate of using the facial motor evoked potential (FMEP) of orbicularis oculi and oris muscles for facial nerve function monitoring with use of a stepwise protocol, and its usefulness in predicting facial nerve outcome during cerebellopontine angle (CPA) surgeries. METHODS: FMEPs were recorded intraoperatively from 60 patients undergoing CPA surgeries. Transcranial electrocortical stimulation (TES) was performed using corkscrew electrodes positioned at hemispheric montage (C3/C4 and CZ). The contralateral abductor pollicis brevis muscle was used as the control response. Stimulation was always applied contralaterally to the affected side using 1, 3, or 5 rectangular pulses ranging from 200 to 600 V with 50 mu s of pulse duration and an interstimulus interval of 2 ms. Facial potentials were recorded from needles placed in the orbicularis oculi and oris muscles. RESULTS: FMEP from the orbicularis oris and oculi muscles could be reliably monitored in 86.7% and 85% of the patients, respectively. The immediate postoperative facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP ratio in the orbicularis oculi muscle at 80% amplitude ratio (P =.037) and orbicularis oris muscle at 35% ratio (P =.000). FMEP loss was always related to postoperative facial paresis, although in different degrees. CONCLUSION: FMEPs can be obtained reliably by using TES with 3 to 5 train pulses. Stable intraoperative FMEPs can predict a good postoperative outcome of facial function. However, further refinements of this technique are necessary to minimize artifacts and to make this method more reliable.
Involuntary choreiform movements are a clinical hallmark of Huntington's disease. Studies in clinically affected patients suggest a shift of motor activations to parietal cortices in response to progressive neurodegeneration. Here, we studied pre-symptomatic gene carriers to examine the compensatory mechanisms that underlie the phenomenon of retained motor function in the presence of degenerative change. Fifteen pre-symptomatic gene carriers and 12 matched controls performed button presses paced by a metronome at either 0.5 or 2 Hz with four fingers of the right hand whilst being scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects pressed buttons either in the order of a previously learnt 10-item finger sequence, from left to right, or kept still. Error rates ranged from 2% to 7% in the pre-symptomatic gene carriers and from 0.5% to 4% in controls, depending on the condition. No significant difference in task performance was found between groups for any of the conditions. Activations in the supplementary motor area (SMA) and superior parietal lobe differed with gene status. Compared with healthy controls, gene carriers showed greater activations of left caudal SMA with all movement conditions. Activations correlated with increasing speed of movement were greater the closer the gene carriers were to estimated clinical diagnosis, defined by the onset of unequivocal motor signs. Activations associated with increased movement complexity (i.e. with the pre-learnt 10-item sequence) decreased in the rostral SMA with nearing diagnostic onset. The left superior parietal lobe showed reduced activation with increased movement complexity in gene carriers compared with controls, and in the right superior parietal lobe showed greater activations with all but the most demanding movements. We identified a complex pattern of motor compensation in pre-symptomatic gene carriers. The results show that preclinical compensation goes beyond a simple shift of activity from premotor to parietal regions involving multiple compensatory mechanisms in executive and cognitive motor areas. Critically, the pattern of motor compensation is flexible depending on the actual task demands on motor control.
Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires therapeutic monitoring during the habilitation or rehabilitation of children. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use systems of evaluation to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and assist in the organization of a therapeutic program. The aim of this study was to quantitatively verify the performance of children with spastic di-paresia type CP.Methods: The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFM) tests were used and classification made through the GMFCS in the assessment of 7 patients with CP, 4 females and 3 males, average age of 9 years old.Results: According to GMFCS scales, 17% (n=1) were level II and 83% (n=6) were level III. The PEDI test and 88 GMFM items were used in the area of mobility. We observed that there was high correlation between mobility and gross motor function with Pearson's correlation coefficient =0.929) showing the likely impact of these areas in the functional skills and the quality of life of these patients.Conclusion: We suggest the impact of the limitation of the areas in functional skills and quality of life of these patients.
This study aimed to compare and characterize the fine, sensory and perceptive function performance and handwriting quality between students with learning difficulties and students with good academic performance. Methods: This study comprised 192 students from 2nd to 4th grades, both genders, whose ages ranged from 7 to 11 years old. The students were distributed into: GI, GII, GIII and GIV, comprising 96 students with learning difficulties, and groups GV, GVI, GVII, GVIII comprising 96 students with good academic performance. The students were submitted to evaluation of fine motor, sensorial and perception functions and handwriting evaluation under dictation. Results: The results showed that the students with learning difficulties, from 1st to 3rd grade, had lower performance on tests of fine motor, sensory and perceptive function, when compared to the students with good academic performance in the same grade; the students from 4th grade, both groups, did not show changes on fine motor, sensory and perceptive function; and only the students of GII showed dysgraphia. Conclusions: the results presented in this study suggest that the qualitative aspects of fine motor, sensory and perceptive skills reflect the integrity and maturity of central nervous system and can probably play an important role in early diagnosis of development disorders and consequently prevent academic disorders such as handwriting performance.
Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires therapeutic monitoring during the habilitation or rehabilitation of children. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use systems of evaluation to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and assist in the organization of a therapeutic program. The aim of this study was to quantitatively verify the performance of children with spastic di-paresia type CP. Methods: The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFM) tests were used and classification made through the GMFCS in the assessment of 7 patients with CP, 4 females and 3 males, average age of 9 years old. Results: According to GMFCS scales, 17% (n=1) were level II and 83% (n=6) were level III. The PEDI test and 88 GMFM items were used in the area of mobility. We observed that there was high correlation between mobility and gross motor function with Pearson's correlation coefficient =0.929) showing the likely impact of these areas in the functional skills and the quality of life of these patients. Conclusion: We suggest the impact of the limitation of the areas in functional skills and quality of life of these patients.
Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the unaffected hemisphere can enhance function of the paretic hand in patients with mild motor impairment. Effects of low-frequency rTMS to the contralesional motor cortex at an early stage of mild to severe hemiparesis after stroke are unknown. In this pilot, randomized, double-blind clinical trial we compared the effects of low-frequency rTMS or sham rTMS as add-on therapies to outpatient customary rehabilitation, in 30 patients within 5-45 days after ischemic stroke, and mild to severe hand paresis. The primary feasibility outcome was compliance with the interventions. The primary safety outcome was the proportion of intervention-related adverse events. Performance of the paretic hand in the Jebsen-Taylor test and pinch strength were secondary outcomes. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, after ten sessions of treatment administered over 2 weeks and at 1 month after end of treatment. Baseline clinical features were comparable across groups. For the primary feasibility outcome, compliance with treatment was 100% in the active group and 94% in the sham group. There were no serious intervention-related adverse events. There were significant improvements in performance in the Jebsen-Taylor test (mean, 12.3% 1 month after treatment) and pinch force (mean, 0.5 Newtons) in the active group, but not in the sham group. Low-frequency rTMS to the contralesional motor cortex early after stroke is feasible, safe and potentially effective to improve function of the paretic hand, in patients with mild to severe hemiparesis. These promising results will be valuable to design larger randomized clinical trials.
Objective: To assess the evolution of motor function in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) treated with steroids (prednisolone or deflazacort) through the Motor Function Measure (MFM), which evaluates three dimensions of motor performance (D1, D2, D3). Methods: Thirty-three patients with DMD (22 ambulant, 6 non-ambulant and 5 who lost the capacity to walk during the period of the study) were assessed using the MFM scale six times over a period of 18 months. Results: All the motor functions remained stable for 14 months in all patients, except D1 for those who lost their walking ability. In ambulant patients, D2 (axial and proximal motor capacities) motor functions improved during six months; an improvement in D3 (distal motor capacity) was noted during the total follow-up. D1 (standing posture and transfers) and total score were useful to predict the loss of the ability to walk. Conclusions: The use of the MFM in DMD patients confirms the benefits of the steroid treatment for slowing the progression of the disease.
A characteristic feature of all myosins is the presence of two sequences which despite considerable variations in length and composition can be aligned with loops 1 (residues 204-216) and 2 (residues 627-646) in the chicken myosin-head heavy chain sequence. Recently, an intriguing hypothesis has been put forth suggesting that diverse performances of myosin motors are achieved through variations in the sequences of loops 1 and 2 [Spudich, J. (1994) Nature (London) 372, 515-518]. Here, we report on the study of the effects of tryptic digestion of these loops on the motor and enzymatic functions of myosin. Tryptic digestions of myosin, which produced heavy meromyosin (HMM) with different percentages of molecules cleaved at both loop 1 and loop 2, resulted in the consistent decrease in the sliding velocity of actin filaments over HMM in the in vitro motility assays, did not affect the Vmax, and increased the Km values for actin-activated ATPase of HMM. Selective cleavage of loop 2 on HMM decreased its affinity for actin but did not change the sliding velocity of actin in the in vitro motility assays. The cleavage of loop 1 and HMM decreased the mean sliding velocity of actin in such assays by almost 50% but did not alter its affinity for HMM. To test for a possible kinetic determinant of the change in motility, 1-N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate (epsilon-ADP) release from cleaved and uncleaved myosin subfragment 1 (S1) was examined. Tryptic digestion of loop 1 slightly accelerated the release of epsilon-ADP from S1 but did not affect the rate of epsilon-ADP release from acto-S1 complex. Overall, the results of this work support the hypothesis that loop 1 can modulate the motor function of myosin and suggest that such modulation involves a mechanism other than regulation of ADP release from myosin.
At rest, the primary motor cortex (M1) exhibits spontaneous neuronal network oscillations in the beta (15–30 Hz) frequency range, mediated by inhibitory interneuron drive via GABA-A receptors. However, questions remain regarding the neuropharmacological basis of movement related oscillatory phenomena, such as movement related beta desynchronisation (MRBD), post-movement beta rebound (PMBR) and movement related gamma synchronisation (MRGS). To address this, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study the movement related oscillatory changes in M1 cortex of eight healthy participants, following administration of the GABA-A modulator diazepam. Results demonstrate that, contrary to initial hypotheses, neither MRGS nor PMBR appear to be GABA-A dependent, whilst the MRBD is facilitated by increased GABAergic drive. These data demonstrate that while movement-related beta changes appear to be dependent upon spontaneous beta oscillations, they occur independently of one other. Crucially, MRBD is a GABA-A mediated process, offering a possible mechanism by which motor function may be modulated. However, in contrast, the transient increase in synchronous power observed in PMBR and MRGS appears to be generated by a non-GABA-A receptor mediated process; the elucidation of which may offer important insights into motor processes.
The objective of this study was to verify the association between some mobility items of the International Classification Functionality (ICF), with the evaluations Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88), 1-minute walk test (1MWT) and if the motor impairment influences the quality of life in children with Cerebral Palsy (PC), by using the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL 4.0 versions for children and parents). The study included 22 children with cerebral palsy spastic, classified in levels I, II, and III on the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), with age group of 9.9 years old. Among those who have participated, seven of them were level I, eight of them were level II and seven of them were level III. All of the children and teenagers were rated by using check list ICF (mobility item), GMFM-88, 1-minute walk test and PedsQL 4.0 questionnaires for children and parents. It was observed a strong correlation between GMFM-88 with check list ICF (mobility item), but moderate correlation between GMFM-88 and 1-minute walk test (1MWT). It was also moderate the correlation between the walking test and the check list ICF (mobility item). The correlation between PedsQl 4.0 questionnaires for children and parents was weak, as well as the correlation of both with GMFM, ICF (mobility item) and the walking test. The lack of interrelation between physical function tests and quality of life, indicates that, regardless of the severity of the motor impairment and the difficulty with mobility, children and teenagers suffering of PC spastic, functional level I, II and III GMFCS and their parents have a varied opinion regarding the perception of well being and life satisfaction.