41 resultados para MICRURUS IBIBOBOCA
Oxygen uptake of the fossorial blind snake (Typhlops reticulatus) and the semifossorial coral snake (Micrurus ibiboboca) was measured at 20 and 30 degrees C. Oxygen uptake of blind snakes was within the normal range, whereas oxygen uptake of coral snakes was in the lower end of values reported for snakes. The results do not support the hypothesis of reduced oxygen uptake in fossorial reptiles.
Este estudo apresenta os resultados de um ano de observações de campo para amostragens da fauna de serpentes em um mosaico de habitats, abrangendo matas de terra firme e inundável, plantações de eucalipto e áreas abertas, na Fazenda Santo Amaro, Município de Urbano Santos, Maranhão. A região é dominada por vegetação de Cerrado e possui clima tropical rnegatérmico, com total pluviométrico anual em torno de 1800-mm. O ano de estudo (2001) apresentou-se mais seco que a média anual, com 1197,5mm. As amostragens foram realizadas durante 24 excursões quinzenais, com duração de quatro dias cada, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2001. Estas amostragens totalizaram 768h/observador de procuras visuais diurnas e noturnas, onde os diferentes habitats foram amostrados por sorteios randomizados, nos diversos horários do dia, obtendo o mesmo número de horas de amostragem nas diferentes épocas do ano. Foram capturadas 114 serpentes, representadas por seis famílias, vinte e sete gêneros e trinta e duas espécies. Para cada espécie são apresentadas informações sobre o tamanho, período de atividade, classe etária, habitat e microhabitat. Das 32 espécies amostradas na área seis foram registradas pela primeira vez para o Maranhão como, Apostolepis cearensis, Helicops leopardinus, Oxyrhopus trigeminus, Psornophis joberti, Waglerophis merremii e Micrurus ibiboboca, Em geral, a maioria das espécies registradas tem distribuição Amazônica. Entre as espécies da área, 40,1% foram arborícolas, 25% fossóreas/criptozóicas, 21,9% terrícolas e 12,5% aquáticas, embora algumas espécies ocuparam mais de um microhabitat. A maioria das espécies ocorreu nos ambientes de mata de terra firme, mata inundável e área aberta. A similaridade entre os habitats da área, de modo geral, foi muito baixa, sendo que apenas a mata de terra firme e área aberta tiveram mais de 60% de espécies em comum. A menor complementariedade de fauna ocorreu entre os habitats "mata de terra firme" e "área aberta" e "mata inundável" e "área aberta". Em relação a outras áreas a maior similaridade entre as áreas ocorreu com as serras e maciços do Estado do Ceará. A riqueza estimada para a área, segundo os índices e estimadores utilizados nas análises, indicam que o número de espécies observadas está abaixo do estimado, que variou entre 38 (bootstrap) e 58 (Chao 2) espécies. Esses resultados representam uma primeira contribuição sobre a diversidade de serpentes na região e oferece subsídios para possíveis programas de monitoramento da fauna de serpentes e da situação dos habitats na área.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal inventariar a fauna de serpentes do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, Piraracuruca, Piauí, Brasil, enfocando os seguintes aspectos: composição, riqueza e abundância de espécies nos seus diversos habitats, padrões de atividade diária, dieta, reprodução e comparação de composição com outras áreas estudadas por outros autores. Foram realizadas seis expedições ao Parque, entre setembro de 2005 e agosto de 2006, que totalizaram 120 dias de trabalho de campo. Para a amostragem de campo, foram utilizados três métodos: procura limitada por tempo, armadilhas de interceptação e queda e encontros ocasionais. Foram registradas 87 serpentes, distribuídas em quatro famílias (Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae), 18 gêneros e 24 espécies. A espécie dominante foi Thamnodynastes sp. A (13,1%), seguida de Oxyrhopus trigeminus e Micrurus ibiboboca (10, 3%). Houve um predomínio de espécies terrestres e com períodos de atividade diurna. Como em outras taxocenoses de áreas abertas os colubrídeos mostraram-se dominantes. A fitofisionomia Cerrado Típico apresentou maior diversidade de espécies, sendo as menores diversidades registradas no Campo Limpo e Cerrado Rupestre. O método que apresentou melhor desempenho foi procura limitada por tempo, contudo, a utilização dos métodos de coleta isolados não se mostrou eficiente para inventariar a fauna de serpentes, sendo necessário o uso conjunto destes métodos para uma melhor amostragem da área. Através da análise de ACOP e da análise de agrupamento, foi possível observar que apesar de haver uma semelhança florística e fisionomicamente com Cerrado, a composição de espécies mostrou maior similaridade faunística com taxocenoses de áreas transição Cerrado/Caatinga e Caatinga.
Background: Micrurus corallinus (coral snake) is a tropical forest snake belonging to the family Elapidae. Its venom shows a high neurotoxicity associated with pre- and post-synaptic toxins, causing diaphragm paralysis, which may result in death. In spite of a relatively small incidence of accidents, serum therapy is crucial for those bitten. However, the adequate production of antiserum is hampered by the difficulty in obtaining sufficient amounts of venom from a small snake with demanding breeding conditions. In order to elucidate the molecular basis of this venom and to uncover possible immunogens for an antiserum, we generated expressed sequences tags (ESTs) from its venom glands and analyzed the transcriptomic profile. In addition, their immunogenicity was tested using DNA immunization. Results: A total of 1438 ESTs were generated and grouped into 611 clusters. Toxin transcripts represented 46% of the total ESTs. The two main toxin classes consisted of three-finger toxins (3FTx) (24%) and phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) (15%). However, 8 other classes of toxins were present, including C-type lectins, natriuretic peptide precursors and even high-molecular mass components such as metalloproteases and L-amino acid oxidases. Each class included an assortment of isoforms, some showing evidence of alternative splicing and domain deletions. Five antigenic candidates were selected (four 3FTx and one PLA(2)) and used for a preliminary study of DNA immunization. The immunological response showed that the sera from the immunized animals were able to recognize the recombinant antigens. Conclusion: Besides an improvement in our knowledge of the composition of coral snake venoms, which are very poorly known when compared to Old World elapids, the expression profile suggests abundant and diversified components that may be used in future antiserum formulation. As recombinant production of venom antigens frequently fails due to complex disulfide arrangements, DNA immunization may be a viable alternative. In fact, the selected candidates provided an initial evidence of the feasibility of this approach, which is less costly and not dependent on the availability of the venom.
Antivenom in order to be effective in the treatment of coral snake accidents must be injected very soon after the bite owing to the rapid rate of absorption of the venom neurotoxins. As this is not always possible, other forms of treatment besides serotherapy must be employed to avoid asphyxia and death. Neostigmine and artificial respiration are used for this purpose. Neostigmine restores neuromuscular transmission if the venom-induced blockade results from a reversible interaction of its neurotoxins with the end-plate receptors. This is the mechanism of the neuromuscular blockade produced by the venom of M. frontalis snakes from centereastern and southern Brazil, and Argentine. Neostigmine is able, therefore, to antagonize the blockade, and has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of the experimental envenomation of dogs and monkeys. In the present communication, two cases of M. frontalis accidents treated with antivenom and neostigmine are reported. In both, neostigmine was successful in producing regression of the paralysis, confirming the effectiveness shown in the treatment of the poisoning induced in animals by M. frontalis venom.
Coral snakes (Micrurus spp.) are the main representatives of the Elapidae in South America. However, bites by these snakes are uncommon. We retrospectively reviewed the data from 11 individuals bitten by coral snakes over a 20-year period; four were confirmed (snake brought for identification) and seven were highly suspected (neuromuscular manifestations) cases of elapid envenoming. The cases were classified as dry-bite (n = 1, caused by M. lemniscatus; did not receive antivenom), mild (n = 2, local manifestations with no acute myasthenic syndrome; M. frontalis and Micrurus spp.), moderate (n = 5, mild myasthenia) or severe (n = 3, important myasthenia; one of them caused by M. frontalis). The main clinical features upon admission were paresthesia (local, n = 9; generalized, n = 2), local pain (n = 8), palpebral ptosis (n = 8), weakness (n = 4) and inability to stand up (n = 3). No patient developed respiratory failure. Antivenom was used in ten cases, with mild early reactions occurring in three. An anticholinesterase drug was administered in the three severe cases, with a good response in two. No deaths were observed. Despite the high toxicity of coral snake venoms, the prognosis following envenoming is good. In serious bites by M. frontalis or M. lemniscatus, the venom of which acts postsynaptically, anticholinesterases may be useful as an ancillary measure if antivenom is unavailable, if there is a delay in obtaining a sufficient amount, or in those patients given the highest recommended doses of antivenom without improvement of the paralysis or with delayed recovery.
Two cases of proven coral snake bites were reported in Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The first case was a severe one caused by Micrurus surinamensis. The patient required mechanical ventilation due to acute respiratory failure. The second case showed just mild signs of envenomation caused by Micrurus filiformis. Both patients received specific Micrurus antivenom and were discharged without further complications. Coral snake bites are scarcely reported in the Amazon region and there is a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, varying from extremely mild to those which may rapidly lead to death if the patient is not treated as soon as possible.
Envenomation by coral snakes (Micrurus sp.) is one of the most dangerous injuries in America and it is considered as a serious medical emergency, however bites by these snakes appear to be rare. We analyzed epidemiological data, clinical signs and antivenom use in Argentina during the period between 1979-2003. During this period of study 46 non-fatal Micrurus bites were reported. The majority of cases were men from 31 to 40 years old. Bites occurred primarily in spring and summer. Most cases were reported from the northeast and northwest provinces of the country. The bites were mostly located on hands or feet and occurred mostly during agricultural activities and so mainly involved farmers. Only four cases occurred as a result of handling snakes. The median time it took for antivenom to be administrated was 60 minutes after the bite, and the median number of vials applied was 2. Local pain was mentioned and edema was reported in 41% of patients. All patients recovered without sequelae. This study showed a low incidence of Micrurus bites and low severity of envenomation. However, although no deaths have been reported during the last 30 years, given the toxicity of the venom of Micrurus snakes, the risk of severe envenomation should be considered.
Micrurus corallinus (Merrem, 1820) kept in laboratory animal rooms swallow voluntarily various colubrid species. The most accepted species belong to the genera Sibynomorphus Fitzinger, 1843, Oxyrhopus Wagler, 1830 and Liophis Wagler, 1830. The voluntary feeding guaranteed resistance against pathogenic agents. The forced feeding was unsatisfactory due to stress resulting from handling, feeding frequency (30 days), susceptibility to pathogenic agents and high occurrence of pathologies.
The weight variation in Micrurus corallinus (Merrem, 1820) during the first 60 days in laboratory animal rooms was very remarkable. This fact demonstrates the difficulty in adaptation of these animals to the captive environment. The weight loss was observed in animals under voluntary feeding as well as forced feeding. The survival rate was significantly higher in voluntarily fed animals. Sex differences were also observed with higher survival rates for males. Low survival rates were observed in both sexes under forced feeding.