942 resultados para MEIOTIC SEGREGATION


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Abstract Background Infertility is a natural mechanism of selection intended to prevent the delivery of a child with malformations or mental retardation. Male infertility is closely related to chromosomal abnormalities. This study was focused on the analysis of meiotic segregation involving a Robertsonian translocation, 45,XY,der(13;13) [56]/45,XY,der(13;14) [44] and the evaluation of possible interchromosomal effects. Results Hybridisation with LSI 13q14 and subtelomere 14q probes and WCP13 SpectrumGreen and WCP14 SpectrumOrange probes showed a high proportion of unbalanced gametes, corresponding to 71.2% of the spermatozoa. The disomic frequencies of the sexual chromosomes and chromosome 18 of the patient were higher (5.28% and 2.55%, respectively) than those of the control (0.6% and 0.59%, respectively). Conclusion Meiotic segregation studies in sperm are an important tool for genetic counselling of chromosomal aberrations, allowing for a prediction of the risks and consequent implications for the reproductive life. The patient with this rare translocation exhibited meiotic segregation fidelity, and a high rate of unbalanced gametes with disomic spermatozoa.


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Homologous chromosomes pair, and then migrate to opposite poles of the spindle at meiosis I. In most eukaryotic organisms, reciprocal recombinations (crossovers) between the homologs are critical to the success of this process. Individuals with defects in meiotic recombination typically produce high levels of aneuploid gametes and exhibit low fertility or are sterile. The experiments described here were designed to test whether different crossovers are equally able to contribute to the fidelity of meiotic chromosome segregation in yeast. These experiments were performed with model chromosomes with which it was possible to control and measure the distributions of meiotic crossovers in wild-type cells. Physical and genetic approaches were used to map crossover positions on model chromosomes and to correlate crossover position with meiotic segregation behavior. The results show that crossovers at different chromosomal positions have different abilities to enhance the fidelity of meiotic segregation.


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In most eukaryotes, the kinetochore protein complex assembles at a single locus termed the centromere to attach chromosomes to spindle microtubules. Holocentric chromosomes have the unusual property of attaching to spindle microtubules along their entire length. Our mechanistic understanding of holocentric chromosome function is derived largely from studies in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, but holocentric chromosomes are found over a broad range of animal and plant species. In this review, we describe how holocentricity may be identified through cytological and molecular methods. By surveying the diversity of organisms with holocentric chromosomes, we estimate that the trait has arisen at least 13 independent times (four times in plants and at least nine times in animals). Holocentric chromosomes have inherent problems in meiosis because bivalents can attach to spindles in a random fashion. Interestingly, there are several solutions that have evolved to allow accurate meiotic segregation of holocentric chromosomes. Lastly, we describe how extensive genome sequencing and experiments in nonmodel organisms may allow holocentric chromosomes to shed light on general principles of chromosome segregation.


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The order Scorpiones is one of the most cytogenetically interesting groups within Arachnida by virtue of the combination of chromosome singularities found in the 59 species analyzed so far. In this work, mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of 2 species of the family Bothriuridae were detailed. This family occupies a basal position within the superfamily Scorpionoidea. Furthermore, review of the cytogenetic data of all previously studied scorpions is presented. Light microscopy chromosome analysis showed that Bothriurus araguayae and Bothriurus rochensis possess low diploid numbers compared with those of species belonging to closely related families. Gonadal cells examined under light and in transmission electron microscopy revealed, for the first time, that the Bothriuridae species possess typical monocentric chromosomes, and male meiosis presented chromosomes with synaptic and achiasmatic behavior. Moreover, in the sample of B. araguayae studied, heterozygous translocations were verified. The use of techniques to highlight specific chromosomal regions also revealed additional differences between the 2 Bothriurus species. The results herein recorded and the overview elaborated using the available cytogenetic information of Scorpiones elucidated current understanding regarding the processes of chromosome evolution that have occurred in Bothriuridae and in Scorpiones as a whole.


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Background: Lynch syndrome (LS) is the most common form of inherited predisposition to colorectal cancer (CRC), accounting for 2-5% of all CRC. LS is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by mutations in the mismatch repair genes mutL homolog 1 (MLH1), mutS homolog 2 (MSH2), postmeiotic segregation increased 1 (PMS1), post-meiotic segregation increased 2 (PMS2) and mutS homolog 6 (MSH6). Mutation risk prediction models can be incorporated into clinical practice, facilitating the decision-making process and identifying individuals for molecular investigation. This is extremely important in countries with limited economic resources. This study aims to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of five predictive models for germline mutations in repair genes in a sample of individuals with suspected Lynch syndrome. Methods: Blood samples from 88 patients were analyzed through sequencing MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 genes. The probability of detecting a mutation was calculated using the PREMM, Barnetson, MMRpro, Wijnen and Myriad models. To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the models, receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed. Results: Of the 88 patients included in this analysis, 31 mutations were identified: 16 were found in the MSH2 gene, 15 in the MLH1 gene and no pathogenic mutations were identified in the MSH6 gene. It was observed that the AUC for the PREMM (0.846), Barnetson (0.850), MMRpro (0.821) and Wijnen (0.807) models did not present significant statistical difference. The Myriad model presented lower AUC (0.704) than the four other models evaluated. Considering thresholds of >= 5%, the models sensitivity varied between 1 (Myriad) and 0.87 (Wijnen) and specificity ranged from 0 (Myriad) to 0.38 (Barnetson). Conclusions: The Barnetson, PREMM, MMRpro and Wijnen models present similar AUC. The AUC of the Myriad model is statistically inferior to the four other models.


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A transgenic reconstruction experiment has been performed to determine the feasibility of male gametophytic selection to enhance transmission of genes to the next sporophytic generation. For tobacco pollen from a transgenic plant containing a single hygromycin-resistance (hygromycin phosphotransferase, hpt-) gene under control of the dc3 promoter, which is active in both sporophytic and gametophytic tissues, 3 days of in vitro maturation in hygromycin-containing medium was sufficient to result in a 50% reduction of germinating pollen, as expected for meiotic segregation of a single locus insert. Pollination of wild-type plants with the selected pollen yielded 100% transgenic offspring, as determined by the activity of the linked kanamycin-resistance gene--present within the same transferred T-DNA borders--under control of the nos promoter. This is direct proof that selection acting on male gametophytes can be a means to alter the frequency of genes in the progeny.


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The genus Passiflora L. consists of approximately 530 widely distributed species, including Passiflora edulis, which has drawn interest because of its commercial and agronomic value. Passiflora cincinnata is another important species owing to its long flowering period and resistance or tolerance to diseases and pests. In the present study, the meiotic segregation and pollen viability of an interspecific hybrid (P. edulis x P. cincinnata) and its parents were analyzed. The genomic contents were characterized using chromomycin A3 (CMA3)/40-60-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, fluorescent in situ hybridization with 5S/45S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The results indicated the diploid chromosome number for the parents and interspecific hybrid was 2n = 18. We also observed regular meiosis, one pair of S rDNA sites, and two pairs of 45S rDNA sites that colocalized with two pairs of CMA3 /DAPI- bands. The GISH data revealed three distinct chromosomal groups in the hybrid. The genetic origins of the interspecific hybrid, and its relationship with its parents were also confirmed using ISSR markers.


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Topoisomerase II is able to break and rejoin double-strand DNA. It controls the topological state and forms and resolves knots and catenanes. Not much is known about the relation between the chromosome segregation and condensation defects as found in yeast top2 mutants and the role of topoisomerase II in meiosis. We studied meiosis in a heat-sensitive top2 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Topoisomerase II is not required until shortly before meiosis I. The enzyme is necessary for condensation shortly before the first meiotic division but not for early meiotic prophase condensation. DNA replication, prophase morphology, and dynamics of the linear elements are normal in the top2 mutant. The top2 cells are not able to perform meiosis I. Arrested cells have four spindle pole bodies and two spindles but only one nucleus, suggesting that the arrest is nonregulatory. Finally, we show that the arrest is partly solved in a top2 rec7 double mutant, indicating that topoisomerase II functions in the segregation of recombined chromosomes. We suggest that the inability to decatenate the replicated DNA is the primary defect in top2. This leads to a loss of chromatin condensation shortly before meiosis I, failure of sister chromatid separation, and a nonregulatory arrest.


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In most organisms homologous recombination is vital for the proper segregation of chromosomes during meiosis, the formation of haploid sex cells from diploid precursors. This review compares meiotic recombination and chromosome segregation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and the distantly related budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two especially tractable microorganisms. Certain features, such as the occurrence of DNA breaks associated with recombination, appear similar, suggesting that these features may be common in eukaryotes. Other features, such as the role of these breaks and the ability of chromosomes to segregate faithfully in the absence of recombination, appear different, suggesting multiple solutions to the problems faced in meiosis.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology.


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Meiotic drive has attracted much interest because it concerns the robustness of Mendelian segregation and its genetic and evolutionary stability. We studied chromosomal meiotic drive in the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Insectivora, Mammalia), which exhibits one of the most remarkable chromosomal polymorphisms within mammalian species. The open question of the evolutionary success of metacentric chromosomes (Robertsonian fusions) versus acrocentrics in the common shrew prompted us to test whether a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics is present in female and/or male meiosis. Performing crosses under controlled laboratory conditions with animals from natural populations, we found a clear trend toward a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics during male meiosis, two chromosome combinations (gm and jl) being significantly preferred over their acrocentric homologs. Apart for one Robertsonian fusion (hi), this trend was absent in female meiosis. We propose a model based on recombination events between twin acrocentrics to explain the difference in transmission ratios of the same metacentric in different sexes and unequal drive of particular metacentrics in the same sex. Pooled data for female and male meiosis revealed a trend toward stronger segregation distortion for larger metacentrics. This is partially in agreement with the frequency of metacentrics occurring in natural populations of a chromosome race showing a high degree of chromosomal polymorphism.


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Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis were investigated using light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine the chromosomal characteristics and disclose the mechanisms responsible for intraspecific variability in chromosome number and for the presence of complex chromosome association during meiosis. This species is endemic to Brazilian fauna and belongs to the family Buthidae, which is considered phylogenetically basal within the order Scorpiones. In the sample examined, four sympatric and distinct diploid numbers were observed: 2n = 5, 2n = 6, 2n = 9, and 2 = 10. The origin of this remarkable chromosome variability was attributed to chromosome fissions and/or fusions, considering that the decrease in chromosome number was concomitant with the increase in chromosome size and vice versa. The LM and TEM analyses showed the presence of chromosomes without localised centromere, the lack of chiasmata and recombination nodules in male meiosis, and two nucleolar organiser regions carrier chromosomes. Furthermore, male prophase I cells revealed multivalent chromosome associations and/or unsynapsed or distinctly associated chromosome regions (gaps, less-condensed chromatin, or loop-like structure) that were continuous with synapsed chromosome segments. All these data permitted us to suggest that the chromosomal rearrangements of T. bahiensis occurred in a heterozygous state. A combination of various factors, such as correct disjunction and balanced segregation of the chromosomes involved in complex meiotic pairing, system of achiasmate meiosis, holocentric nature of the chromosomes, population structure, and species dispersion patterns, could have contributed to the high level of chromosome rearrangements present in T. bahiensis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Deer species of the genus Mazama show significant inter and intraspecific chromosomal variation due to the occurrence of rearrangements and B chromosomes. Given that carriers of aneuploidies and structural rearrangements often show anomalous chromosome pairings, we here performed a synaptonemal complex analysis to study chromosome pairing behavior in a red brocket deer (Mazama americana) individual that is heterozygous for a Robertsonian translocation, is a B chromosome carrier, and has a multiple sex chromosome system (XY1Y2). The synaptonemal complex in spermatocytes showed normal chromosome pairings for all chromosomes, including the autosomal and sex trivalents. The electromicrographs showed homology among B chromosomes since they formed bivalents, but they also appeared as univalents, indicating their anomalous behavior and non-Mendelian segregation. Thus, synaptonemal complex analysis is a useful tool to evaluate the role of B chromosomes and rearrangements during meiosis on the intraspecific chromosomal variation that is observed in the majority of Mazama species. © FUNPEC-RP.