958 resultados para Lychee trees
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of 'Feizixiao', 'Nuomici', 'Heiye', 'Kway May Pink' and 'Bengal' lychee cultivars topworked onto bearing 'Bengal' trees. The experiments were carried out in commercial orchard at Rio das Pedras Farm in Jundiaí, state of São Paulo. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks in a subdivided parcel arrangement, in which the parcel consisted of five cultivars and the sub-parcel consisted of six evaluation periods. Five replicates of three plants per parcel and six grafts per plant, (with two grafts per main branch) were used. The trees were approximately 10 years old propagated by air layering and planted with 6 x 4 m (416 plants/ha) spacing. The following characteristics were evaluated: success rate of the grafts, number of shoots, shoot length, number of nodes, number of leaves and chlorophyll content (SPAD). The control ('Bengal'/'Bengal') had the highest grafting success rate with 89.9%. On the other hand, 'Heiye', 'Feizixião', 'Nuomici' and 'Kway May Pink' had, respectively, 60.6, 55.0, 52.6 and 47.0% grafting success rates. All of the shoot grafts had normal growth with no signs of incompatibility. Therefore, the cultivars studied are compatible with 'Bengal' and may be used on commercial orchards.
Potted lychee trees (cv. Tai so) of varying vegetative flush maturity were grown under a range of temperature regimes and monitored for subsequent shoot structure and development. A combination of low temperature (15/17 or 18/13 degreesC day/night) and high vegetative flush maturity was necessary for floral initiation to occur, Exposure to high temperatures (28/23 degreesC) invariably resulted in the production of vegetative shoots, irrespective of flush maturity. Strong floral initiation was marked by the emergence of terminal particles and accompanying axillary particles. A decrea,;e in vegetative flush maturity or increase in temperature (e.g. 23/18 degreesC) resulted in a decrease in axillary shoot formation and the production of several intermediate shoot structures. These included leafy particles, stunted particles, partially emerged buds and non-emergent swollen buds, often produced on the same tree. At 23/18 degreesC, closer synchronisation of initial flush maturity was required for the production of a consistent shoot-type. Trees with synchronised mature flushes (I-2) at 23/18 degreesC resulted in the production of swollen terminal buds. Healthy trees were maintained in this state for at least 11 months. These results indicate that both temperature and flush maturity can influence subsequent shoot structure of lychee. In the absence of either a strong floral temperature (18/13 degreesC) or strong vegetative temperature (28/23 degreesC), slight differences in initial flush maturity have gteater impact on the type of emerging shoot formed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Potted lychee trees (cv. Tai so) with mature vegetative flushes were grown under three day/night temperature regimes known to induce floral (18/13degreesC), intermediate (23/18degreesC) and vegetative (28/23degreesC) shoot structures. Heating roots respective to shoots accelerated bud-break and shoot emergence, but reduced the level of floral initiation in emergent shoots. At 18/13degreesC, root temperatures of 20 and 25degreesC decreased the period of shoot dormancy from 9 weeks to 5 and 3 weeks, respectively. A root temperature of 20degreesC also increased the proportion of both leafy and stunted panicles to normal leafless panicles, and reduced the number of axillary panicles accompanying each terminal particle. A root temperature of 25degreesC produced only vegetative shoots. At 23/18degreesC, heating roots increased the proportion of vegetative shoots and partially emerged buds to leafy and stunted particles as well as accelerating bud-break. Cooling of roots in relation to the shoot resulted in non-emergence of buds at both 28/23 and 23/18degreesC. Bud-break did not occur until root cooling was terminated and root temperature returned to that of the shoot. At 23/18degreesC, subsequent emergent shoots had a greater proportion of leafy panicles relative to control trees. At 28/23degreesC, all emergent shoots remained vegetative. Lychee floral initiation is influenced by both root and shoot temperature. Root temperature has a direct effect on the length of the shoot dormancy period, with high temperatures reducing this period and the subsequent level of floral initiation. However, an extended period of dormancy in itself is not sufficient for floral initiation, with low shoot temperatures also a necessary prerequisite. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Avaliou-se o efeito do anelamento de ramos sobre o florescimento e frutificação de lichieiras 'Bengal' com 17 anos de idade. Os tratamentos constaram de anelamento em ramos ou pernadas principais e ramos de 6; 4 e 2 cm de diâmetro, além do controle. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. As avaliações quanto à floração foram: percentagem de floração e comprimento de inflorescências por quadrante e árvore; quanto à frutificação, avaliaram-se: vingamento de frutos maduros por panícula, massa, diâmetros longitudinal e equatorial dos frutos, sólidos solúveis totais, época de colheita e rendimento. O anelamento nos ramos principais induziu maior florescimento, sem alterar as características das inflorescências; não houve diferenças no vingamento de frutos, mas o aumento na floração incrementou o rendimento por árvore, com significativa antecipação da colheita.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Due to its relationship with other properties, wood density is the main wood quality parameter. Modern, accurate methods - such as X-ray densitometry - are applied to determine the spatial distribution of density in wood sections and to evaluate wood quality. The objectives of this study were to determinate the influence of growing conditions on wood density variation and tree ring demarcation of gmelina trees from fast growing plantations in Costa Rica. The wood density was determined by X-ray densitometry method. Wood samples were cut from gmelina trees and were exposed to low X-rays. The radiographic films were developed and scanned using a 256 gray scale with 1000 dpi resolution and the wood density was determined by CRAD and CERD software. The results showed tree-ring boundaries were distinctly delimited in trees growing in site with rainfall lower than 25 10 mm/year. It was demonstrated that tree age, climatic conditions and management of plantation affects wood density and its variability. The specific effect of variables on wood density was quantified by for multiple regression method. It was determined that tree year explained 25.8% of the total variation of density and 19.9% were caused by climatic condition where the tree growing. Wood density was less affected by the intensity of forest management with 5.9% of total variation.
The tree Gmelina arborea has been widely introduced in Costa Rica for commercial purposes. This new conditions for melina cause variations on anatomy in secondary xylem of the trees growing in plantations. The objective of the present research was to determine the variation in the anatomy of xylem caused by the ecological conduction variation. Dimensions of fiber, axial parenchyma percentage of cross sections, parameters of vessels and the ray were measured. The results showed that some anatomical characteristics remained stable despite variations of ecological conditions, especially radial parenchyma and anatomical features which were less affected by the altitude. On the other hand, the vessels, axial parenchyma and fiber were less stable because they were affected significantly by the longitude, latitude, altitude and precipitation. Latitude significantly affected vessel percentage, length and diameter of the fiber and lumen. Longitude affected vessel percentage and fiber diameter. Altitude had a significant correlation with the amount of cells at my height. Annual average precipitation affected vessel percentage and diameter, not only of the fiber, but also of the lumen. These results suggest that the new growth conditions of G. arborea trees in Costa Rica have produced an anatomic adaptation.
The heartwood of candeia tree is a source of essential oil rich in alpha-bisabolol, a substance widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Bearing in mind the economic importance of alpha-bisabolol, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of tree age on the yield and content of alpha-bisabolol present in essential oil from candeia, considering two distinct reliefs and three diameter classes, in Aiuruoca region, south Minas Gerais state. The two distinct reliefs correspond respectively to one section of the stand growing at 1,000m of altitude (Area 1) and another section growing at 1,100m of altitude (Area 2). In each section, 15 trees were felled from among 3 different diameter classes. Discs were removed from the base of each tree to estimate their age by doing growth ring count. Soil samples were taken and Subjected to physical and chemical analysis. The logs were reduced into chips and random samples were taken for distillation to extract essential oil. The method used was steam distillation at a pressure of 2 kgf/cm(2)/2.5 h. The chemical analysis was performed in a gas chromatograph (GC) based on the alpha-bisabolol standard reference. The yield of essential oil from trees in Area I was higher than that from trees in Area 2, with the same pattern of influence for older trees. In Area 2, the alpha-bisabolol content was higher in younger trees. No differences were found between the relevant parameters in relation to diameter classes.
Efficient automatic protein classification is of central importance in genomic annotation. As an independent way to check the reliability of the classification, we propose a statistical approach to test if two sets of protein domain sequences coming from two families of the Pfam database are significantly different. We model protein sequences as realizations of Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC) and we use the context trees as a signature of each protein family. Our approach is based on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov-type goodness-of-fit test proposed by Balding et at. [Limit theorems for sequences of random trees (2008), DOI: 10.1007/s11749-008-0092-z]. The test statistic is a supremum over the space of trees of a function of the two samples; its computation grows, in principle, exponentially fast with the maximal number of nodes of the potential trees. We show how to transform this problem into a max-flow over a related graph which can be solved using a Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in polynomial time on that number. We apply the test to 10 randomly chosen protein domain families from the seed of Pfam-A database (high quality, manually curated families). The test shows that the distributions of context trees coming from different families are significantly different. We emphasize that this is a novel mathematical approach to validate the automatic clustering of sequences in any context. We also study the performance of the test via simulations on Galton-Watson related processes.
Loebl, Komlos, and Sos conjectured that if at least half the vertices of a graph G have degree at least some k is an element of N, then every tree with at most k edges is a subgraph of G. We prove the conjecture for all trees of diameter at most 5 and for a class of caterpillars. Our result implies a bound on the Ramsey number r( T, T') of trees T, T' from the above classes.
In low fertility tropical soils, boron (B) deficiency impairs fruit production. However, little information is available on the efficiency of nutrient application and use by trees. Therefore, this work verified the effects of soil and foliar applications of boron in a commercial citrus orchard. An experiment was conducted with fertigated 4-year-old `Valencia` sweet orange trees on `Swingle` citrumelo rootstock. Boron (isotopically-enriched 10B) was supplied to trees once or twice in the growing season, either dripped in the soil or sprayed on the leaves. Trees were sampled at different periods and separated into different parts for total B contents and 10B/11B isotope ratios analyses. Soil B applied via fertigation was more efficient than foliar application for the organs grown after the B fertilization. Recovery of labeled B by fruits was 21% for fertigation and 7% for foliar application. Residual effects of nutrient application in the grove were observed in the year after labeled fertilizer application, which greater proportions derived from the soil supply.
In this work the influence of four different ligands present in the xylem sap of Quercus ilex (histidine, citric, oxalic and aspartic acids) on Ni(II) adsorption by xylem was investigated. Grinded xylem was trapped in acrylic columns and solutions of Ni(II), in the absence and presence of the four ligands prepared in KNO(3) 0-1 mol L(-1) at pH 5.5, were percolated through the column. Aliquots of solutions were recovered in the column end for Ni determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). The experimental. data to describe Ni sorption by xylem in both the presence and absence of ligands was better explained by the Freundlich isotherm model. The decreasing affinity order of ligands for Ni was: oxalic acid > citric acid > histidine > aspartic acid. On the other hand, the Ni(II) adsorption by xylem increased following the inverse sequence of ligands. Potentiometric titrations of acidic groups were carried out to elucidate the sorption site groups available in Q. ilex xylem. The potentiometric titration has shown three sorption sites: pK(a) 2.6 (57.7% of the sorption sites), related to monobasic aliphatic carboxylic acids or nitrogen aromatic bases, pK(a) 8.1 (9.6%) and pK(a) 9.9 (32.7%), related to phenolic groups. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
This study tests the hypothesis that potted sweet orange plants show a significant variation in photosynthesis over seasonal and diurnal cycles. even in well-hydrated conditions. This hypothesis was tested by measuring diurnal variations in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf water potential, and the responses of CO(2) assimilation to increasing air CO(2) concentrations in 1-year-old `Valencia` sweet orange scions grafted onto `Cleopatra` mandarin rootstocks during the winter and summer seasons in a subtropical climate. In addition, diurnal leaf gas exchange was evaluated under controlled conditions, with constant environmental conditions during both winter and summer. In relation to our hypothesis, a greater rate of photosynthesis is found during the summer compared to the winter. Reduced photosynthesis during winter was induced by cool night conditions, as the diurnal fluctuation of environmental conditions was not limiting. Low air and soil temperatures caused decreases in the stomatal conductance and in the rates of the biochemical reactions underlying photosynthesis (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation and RuBP regeneration) during the winter compared to the values obtained for those markers in the Summer. Citrus photosynthesis during the summer was riot impaired by biochemical or photochemical reactions. as CO(2) assimilation was only limited by stomatal conductance due to high leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD) during the afternoon. During the winter, the reduction in photosynthesis during the afternoon Was Caused by decreases in RuBP regeneration and stomatal conductance, which are both precipitated by low night temperature. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present paper the process of wood biodeterioration of tipuana trees planted in 7 regions of the city of Sao Paulo, SP was evaluated. On the sidewalks, 1109 trees were analyzed taking into consideration the occurrence and association of the xylophagous organisms (decay fungi and subterranean termites), the wood deterioration and the BHD (breast height diameter). The percentage of wood internal deterioration (%) was obtained by non destructive analysis, using a penetrometer. The results had shown that 75% of the tipuana trees presented BHD superior to 50 cm, characterizing them as adult. Decay fungi in the roots and/or trunk had been observed in 338 trees (30.5%). Subterranean termites of Heterotermes sp. and Coptotermes gestroi species had occurred in 307 trees (27.7%), the latter in high infestation level. The association between the fungi and termites was observed, as well as its relation with the BHD, where a greater value of BHD meant higher wood biodeterioration intensity. For tipuana trees, the BHD was considered an indicative attribute of the internal deterioration intensity, caused by these xylophagous organisms.
The evaluations of the effect of the climatic conditions and of the intensity of forest management in the trunk of the Gmelina arborea Linn. Roxb. trees are restricted to its physical-mechanical properties and use. The present work has as objective to study the radial variations of the wood anatomy of the gmelina trees sampled in plantations of 30 sites in Costa Rica, characterized by two climatic conditions (tropical dry and humid) and three intensities of forest management (intensive, moderate and without management). The results of the analyses demonstrated the existence of radial variation of the different anatomical parameters, except for the fiber lumen diameter and multiple vessels in the wood of the gmelina trees. For the wood anatomical elements, fibers (width, lumen diameter, and length), vessels (multiple vessels, diameter and frequency) and radial parenchyma (height) relationships were observed with the climate (tropical humid and dry). The radial variations of the wood anatomical elements were, also, influenced by the management regimes of the gmelina trees.