1000 resultados para Lutzomyia aldafalcaoae sp. n.


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A new sand fly species, Lutzomia aldafalcaoae is described from males collected in Vila Trindade, an urban district in Aquidauana county, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in October 1996. Taxonomic remarks and a description of the new species is presented.


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Se describe el macho de Lutzomyia amilcari sp.n. capturado en el Parque Nacional de Yacambú, Distrito Andrés Eloy Blanco, Estado Lara, Venezuela. La especie puede ser identificada por la forma característica del parámetro. Pertenece al grupo Verrucarum, serie Verrucarum de Theodor (1965).


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Estudando o material de Helcocyrtomyia depositado na coleção de flebotomíneos do Centro de Pesquisas Re© rachou, os autores verificaram a ocorrência de uma nova espécie, Lutzomyia pusilla sp. n., que até o momento era confundida com lutzomyia peresi (Mangabeira, 1942).


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Os autores descrevem uma nova espécie, Lutzomyia capixaba sp.n., pertencente ao grupo dos flebotomíneos de cinco espinhos do subgênero Helcocyrtomyia Barreto, 1962.


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During studies of the phlebotomine sand fly fauna of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a new species was captured with CDC light trap and is described here. The new species resembles Lutzomyia lutziana (Costa Lima) and is named Lutzomyia campograndensis sp. n. after the type locality.


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Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) falquetoi, sp. nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) is described from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. This new species belongs to the series longipalpis and is easily distinguished from the other members of this taxon by the presence of five well-developed spines and a pre-apical spiniform bristle on the gonostyle as well as nine bristles on the basal tuft of the gonocoxite.


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A new species of Brazilian phlebotomine sandfly found in Brazil, municipality of Diamantina, state of Minas Gerais, is described based on males and females collected in a quartzite cave. The body of spermathecae is continuous to the individual duct, lanky and tapering at the end, with conical shaped, not striated and presenting the head with dense setae. The male presents gonostyle with four spines and a small subterminal seta and gonocoxite with one group of persistent setae. The paramere is simple with a group of small setae on the dorsal apex. The morphological features of this new species permit its inclusion in the migonei group.


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São descritos o macho e a fêmea de uma nova espécie de flebotomíneo - Lutzomyia ramirezi sp. n. - coletada em fenda de rocha em Grão Mogol, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O macho é caracterizado por apresentar o dististilo com 5 espinhos e o parámero ramificado. A fêmea assemelha-se superficialmente às fêmeas do subgênero Lutzomyia s. str. porém, apresenta ascóides muito curtos e espinhos extremamente pequenos na parte posterior do faringe. A nova espécie é incluída no grupo das espécies "aberrantes ou isoladas" de acordo com Martins, Williams & Falcão, 1978. É também descrita a fêmea de Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) alencari martins, Souza e Falcão, 1962, coletada na mesma região.


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The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia velezi sp.nov. was described and illustrated from male specimens collected by light trap in the Reserva Natural Cañon del Río Claro in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The new species belongs to the series sanguinaria of the subgenus Helcocyrtomyia, which is represented in Colombia by Lutzomyia cirrita, Lutzomyia hartmanni, Lutzomyia sanguinaria, Lutzomyia scorzai, Lutzomyia sp. of Pichindé and Lutzomyia tortura. The new species can be differentiated from others of the subgenus by the combination of the following characteristics: long antennal ascoids, reaching level of the papilla, coxite with a single basal seta and fifth palpomere longer than or equal to the sum of the lengths of the third and fourth palpomeres.


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A description is presented of Lutzomyia tolimensis sp. nov., a new species of the subgenus Helcocyrtomyia, series sanguinaria. It was collected in dwellings, peridomestic environment and in nearby forest patches located in the foothills of the Andean Central Cordillera, where in 2004-2006 occurred the largest epidemic ever recorded of leishmaniasis in Colombia. The male of this species is differentiated from other members of the series sanguinaria based on the following combination of characters: (i) base of coxite with 0-3 subequal setae, (ii) spines of gonostyle organized in positions 2.1.2, (iii) spines inserted on distal half of gonostyle and (iv) relationship of alar indices. The female is recognized principally by the following characters: (i) palpomere V longer than III, (ii) length of labro-epipharynx and (iii) relationship of the alar indices.


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Lutzomyia chotensis sp. nov. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from Cajamarca Department, Peru, is described and its taxonomic position discussed.


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En localidades ubicadas entre los distritos de San José de Lourdes (05°03'Longitud Sur), provinda de San Ignacio y Lonya Grande (06°05'30" Longitud Sur), provinda de Utcubamba, Region Nor Orietital del Mara³n, donde la bartonellosis humana o Verruga Peruana es endémica, se capturaron 2774 flebótomos entre 1987 y 1992; identificándo se 13 especies; 11 correspondeu al género Lutzomyia, 1 a Brumptomyia y 1 a Warileya. De las especies capturadas, Zutzomyia sp. similar a Lutzomyia serrana y Lutzomyia maranonensis sp. n., Galati, Cáceres & Le Pont, son las mas abundantes (89.74%), por lo que, se especula que puedeit ser consideradas vectores potenciales de la Verruga Peruana. Se reporta Lutzomyia verrucarum (Townsend, 1913) por primem vez para la provinda de Utcubamba.


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Description of Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from interandean areas of Peru and Equador. Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp., probable vector of human bartonellosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis, is described and illustrated. This species presents strong affinity with L. serrana (Damasceno & Arouck, 1949) but they can be distinguished by variance analysis of four male characteristics and only one female characteristic. In the variance analysis, populations of L. serrana, of Amazonian areas of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, the coast of Equador and other areas of Brazil were studied. The synonymy of Lutzomyia guayasi (Rodriguez) and L. serrana was corroborated.


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A taxa de infecção natural de três diferentes espécies de flebotomíneos por Leishmania foi estudada usando a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase. Primers específicos para Leishmania foram designados para examinar se os pools de flebotomíneos estavam infectadas. Um total de 1.100 fêmeas separadas em pools de 10 indivíduos foram examinados, consistindo de 50 Lutzomyia whitmani, 43 Lutzomyia triacantha e 17 Lutzomyia choti. De todos os pools analisados, 4 de Lutzomyia whitmani estavam positivos, mas nenhum pool das duas espécies restantes estava infectado. Deste modo, uma taxa de infecção de 0,4% foi verificada neste estudo. Esta taxa de infecção associada a estudos anteriores sugere que Lutzomyia whitmani transmite Leishmania aos mamíferos em Buriticupu, Maranhão.


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Les auteurs décrivent le mâle et la femelle de Lutzomyia (Trichophoromyia) beniensis n.sp., capturés dans le galerie forestiére du Rio Beni (Département du Beni). L'espèce n'est pas anthropophile mais aurait des appétences omithophiles.