991 resultados para Literary Critical
It is commonly assumed that the story of Jephthah's vow refers to an 'old tradition' that was integrated into the Deuteronomistic History. But such a view is contrary to Dtr ideology which is absolutely hostile to any human sacrifice (2 Kgs 16.3; 17.17, 31; 21.6 etc.). A literary-critical approach to Judges 11 shows that vv. 30-31 [32] and 34-40 may be considered as post-Dtr. The author of Judg. 11.30-40 seems to know the story of the Aqedah, but he is not willing to make a happy ending. There is a tragic dimension in the story and quite an Hellenistic atmosphere (the best parallels to Judg. 11.30-40 may be fou Hellenistic nd in texts). So this text should be considered an insertion from the end of the Persian or beginning of the Hellenistic periods. The author tends to show that Jewish classics can be as tragic as Greek ones.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
La mia tesi si riallaccia al dibattito teorico-letterario contemporaneo sulla possibilità di un approccio cognitivo alla narrativa e alla letteratura in particolare. Essa si propone di esplorare il rapporto tra narrazione ed esperienza, ridefinendo il concetto di “esperienzialità” della narrativa introdotto da Monika Fludernik nel suo Towards a “Natural” Narratology (1996). A differenza di Fludernik, che ha identificato l’esperienzialità con la rappresentazione dell’esperienza dei personaggi, la mia trattazione assegna un ruolo di primo piano al lettore, cercando di rispondere alla domanda: perché leggere una storia è – o si costituisce come – un’esperienza? L’intuizione dietro tutto ciò è che le teorizzazioni dell’esperienza e della coscienza nella filosofia della mente degli ultimi venti anni possano gettare luce sull’interazione tra lettori e testi narrativi. Il mio punto di riferimento principale è la scienza cognitiva “di seconda generazione”, secondo cui l’esperienza è un relazionarsi attivo e corporeo al mondo. La prima parte del mio studio è dedicata all’intreccio tra la narrativa e quello che chiamo lo “sfondo esperienziale” di ogni lettore, un repertorio di esperienze già note ai lettori attraverso ripetute interazioni con il mondo fisico e socio-culturale. Mi soffermo inoltre sul modo in cui relazionarsi a un testo narrativo può causare cambiamenti e slittamenti in questo sfondo esperienziale, incidendo sulla visione del mondo del lettore. Mi rivolgo poi al coinvolgimento corporeo del lettore, mostrando che la narrativa può attingere allo sfondo esperienziale dei suoi fruitori anche sul piano dell’esperienza di base: le simulazioni corporee della percezione contribuiscono alla nostra comprensione delle storie, incidendo sia sulla ricostruzione dello spazio dell’ambientazione sia sulla relazione intersoggettiva tra lettori e personaggi. Infine, mi occupo del rapporto tra l’esperienza della lettura e la pratica critico-letteraria dell’interpretazione, sostenendo che – lungi dal costituire due modalità opposte di fruizione dei testi – esse sono intimamente connesse.
Adopting "The Man Without Qualities" as a decisively masculine novel, contemporary literary criticism passed on a trope with which reviewers such as Alfred Döblin, Robert Müller and Franz Blei had already characterised Musil’s earlier texts. The reviews of the novel are therefore typical of how evaluations in terms of originality in the literary-critical and poetological debates of the 20s and 30s were regularly translated into the established gender hierarchy. The need to make such judgements can be seen as much as the symptom of a modern consciousness of crisis in masculinity as the hyper-athletics of the novel’s hero himself and the pitiful figure cut by the other men in "The Man Without Qualities".
Master microform held by: ResP.
“War Worlds” reads twentieth-century British and Anglophone literature to examine the social practices of marginal groups (pacifists, strangers, traitors, anticolonial rebels, queer soldiers) during the world wars. This dissertation shows that these diverse “enemies within” England and its colonies—those often deemed expendable for, but nonetheless threatening to, British state and imperial projects—provided writers with alternative visions of collective life in periods of escalated violence and social control. By focusing on the social and political activities of those who were not loyal citizens or productive laborers within the British Empire, “War Worlds” foregrounds the small group, a form of collectivity frequently portrayed in the literature of the war years but typically overlooked in literary critical studies. I argue that this shift of focus from grand politics to small groups not only illuminates surprising social fissures within England and its colonies but provides a new vantage from which to view twentieth-century experiments in literary form.
This thesis demonstrates a new methodology for the linguistic analysis of literature drawing on the data within The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary (2009). Developing ideas laid out by Carol McGuirk in her book Robert Burns and the Sentimental Era (1985), this study offers a novel approach to the cultural connections present in the sentimental literature of the eighteenth century, with specific reference to Robert Burns. In doing so, it responds to the need to “stop reading Burns through glossaries and start reading him through dictionaries, thesauruses and histories”, as called for by Murray Pittock (2012). Beginning by situating the methodology in linguistic theory, this thesis goes on firstly to illustrate the ways in which such an approach can be deployed to assess existing literary critical ideas. The first chapter does this testing by examining McGuirk’s book, while simultaneously grounding the study in the necessary contextual background. Secondly, this study investigates, in detail, two aspects of Burns’s sentimental persona construction. Beginning with his open letter ‘The Address of the Scotch Distillers’ and its sentimental use of the language of the Enlightenment, and moving on to one of Burns’s personas in his letters to George Thomson, this section illustrates the importance of persona construction in Burns’s sentimental ethos. Finally, a comprehensive, evidence-based, comparison of linguistic trends examines the extent to which similar sentimental language is used by Burns and Henry Mackenzie, Laurence Sterne, William Shenstone and Samuel Richardson. This thesis shows how this new methodology is a valuable new tool for those involved in literary scholarship. For the first time in any comprehensive way the Historical Thesaurus can be harnessed to make new arguments in literary criticism.
Bryant's poems.--Jeremy Bentham and law reform.--Edward Livingston and his code.--Journalism.--John James Audubon.--Percy Bysshe Shelley.--The last half-century.--American authorship.--Alison's histories of Europe.--The "Works" of American statesmen.--Comte's philosophy.--Strauss's Life of Jesus.--The late Horace Binney Wallace.--Thackeray as novelist.--Goethe.--Ruskin's writings.--Causes of the French revolution.--Motley's Rise of the Dutch republic.--Emerson on England.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 3 has imprint: New York, The Macmillan Company; London, Macmillan & Co., ltd., 1902.
Paged continuously.