969 resultados para Lineage Specification


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We have compared the molecular architecture and function of the myeloperoxidase upstream enhancer in multipotential versus granulocyte-committed hematopoietic progenitor cells. We show that the enhancer is accessible in multipotential cell chromatin but functionally incompetent before granulocyte commitment. Multipotential cells contain both Pu1 and C-EBP alpha as enhancer-binding activities. Pu1 is unphosphorylated in both multipotential and granulocyte-committed cells but is phosphorylated in B lymphocytes, raising the possibility that differential phosphorylation may play a role in specifying its lymphoid versus myeloid functions. C-EBP alpha exists as multiple phosphorylated forms in the nucleus of both multipotential and granulocyte-committed cells. C-EBP beta is unphosphorylated and cytoplasmically localized in multipotential cells but exists as a phosphorylated nuclear enhancer-binding activity in granulocyte-committed cells. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-induced granulocytic differentiation of multipotential progenitor cells results in activation of C-EBP delta expression and functional recruitment of C-EBP delta and C-EBP beta to the nucleus. Our results implicate Pu1 and the C-EBP family as critical regulators of myeloperoxidase gene expression and are consistent with a model in which a temporal exchange of C-EBP isoforms at the myeloperoxidase enhancer mediates the transition from a primed state in multipotential cells to a transcriptionally active configuration in promyelocytes.


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We have investigated the differentiation potential of precursor cells within the developing spinal cord of mice and have shown that spinal cord cells from embryonic day 10 specifically give rise to neurons when plated onto an astrocytic monolayer, Ast-1. These neurons had the morphology of motor neurons and > 83% expressed the motor neuron markers choline acetyltransferase, peripherin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and L-14. By comparison, < 10% of the neurons arising on monolayers of other neural cell lines or 3T3 fibroblasts had motor neuron characteristics. Cells derived from dorsal, intermediate, and ventral regions of the spinal cord all behaved similarly and gave rise to motor neuron-like cells when plated onto Ast-1. By using cells that expressed the lacZ reporter gene, it was shown that > 93% of cells present on the Ast-1 monolayers were motor neuron-like. Time-lapse analysis revealed that the precursors on the Ast-1 monolayers gave rise to neurons either directly or following a single cell division. Together, these results indicate that precursors in the murine spinal cord can be induced to differentiate into the motor neuron phenotype by factors produced by Ast-1 cells, suggesting that a similar factor(s) produced by cells akin to Ast-1 may regulate motor neuron differentiation in vivo.


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Along with the tri-lineage of bone, cartilage and fat, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) retain neural lineage potential. Multiple factors have been described that influence lineage fate of hMSCs including the extracellular microenvironment or niche. The niche includes the extracellular matrix (ECM) providing structural composition, as well as other associated proteins and growth factors, which collectively influence hMSC stemness and lineage specification. As such, lineage specific differentiation of MSCs is mediated through interactions including cell–cell and cell–matrix, as well as through specific signalling pathways triggering downstream events. Proteoglycans (PGs) are ubiquitous within this microenvironment and can be localised to the cell surface or embedded within the ECM. In addition, the heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) families of PGs interact directly with a number of growth factors, signalling pathways and ECM components including FGFs, Wnts and fibronectin. With evidence supporting a role for HSPGs and CSPGs in the specification of hMSCs down the osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages, along with the localisation of PGs in development and regeneration, it is conceivable that these important proteins may also play a role in the differentiation of hMSCs toward the neuronal lineage. Here we summarise the current literature and highlight the potential for HSPG directed neural lineage fate specification in hMSCs, which may provide a new model for brain damage repair.


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Multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs) provide a model to investigate neurogenesis and develop mechanisms of cell transplantation. In order to define improved markers of stemness and lineage specificity, we examined self-renewal and multi-lineage markers during long-term expansion and under neuronal and astrocyte differentiating conditions in human ESC-derived NSCs (hNSC H9 cells). In addition, with proteoglycans ubiquitous to the neural niche, we also examined heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) and their regulatory enzymes. Our results demonstrate that hNSC H9 cells maintain self-renewal and multipotent capacity during extended culture and express HS biosynthesis enzymes and several HSPG core protein syndecans (SDCs) and glypicans (GPCs) at a high level. In addition, hNSC H9 cells exhibit high neuronal and a restricted glial differentiative potential with lineage differentiation significantly increasing expression of many HS biosynthesis enzymes. Furthermore, neuronal differentiation of the cells upregulated SDC4, GPC1, GPC2, GPC3 and GPC6 expression with increased GPC4 expression observed under astrocyte culture conditions. Finally, downregulation of selected HSPG core proteins altered hNSC H9 cell lineage potential. These findings demonstrate an involvement for HSPGs in mediating hNSC maintenance and lineage commitment and their potential use as novel markers of hNSC and neural cell lineage specification.


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La dérégulation de l'expression génétique est une base pathophysiologique de plusieurs maladies. On a utilisé le locus du gène β-globine humain comme modèle pour élucider le mécanisme de régulation de la transcription génétique et évaluer son expression génétique durant l'érythropoïèse. La famille des protéines 'E' est composée de facteurs de transcription qui possèdent plusieurs sites de liaison au sein de locus du gène β-globine, suggérant leur rôle potentiel dans la régulation de l’expression de ces gènes. Nous avons montré que les facteurs HEB, E2A et ETO2 interagissent d’une manière significative avec la région contrôle du Locus (LCR) et avec les promoteurs des gènes de la famille β-globine. Le recrutement de ces facteurs au locus est modifié lors de l'érythropoïèse dans les cellules souches hematopoitiques et les cellules erythroides de souris transgéniques pour le locus de la β-globine humain, ainsi que dans les cellules progénitrices hématopoïétiques humaines. De plus par cette étude, nous démontrons pour la première fois que le gène β-globine humain est dans une chromatine active et qu’il interagit avec des facteurs de transcriptions de type suppresseurs dans les cellules progénitrices lymphoïdes (voie de différentiation alternative). Cette étude a aussi été faite dans des souris ayant une génétique mutante caractérisée par l'absence des facteurs de transcription E2A ou HEB.


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PAX2 is one of nine PAX genes regulating tissue development and cellular differentiation in embryos. PAX2 promotes cell proliferation, oncogenic transformation, cell-lineage specification, migration, and survival. Unattenuated PAX2 has been found in several cancer types. We therefore sought to elucidate the role of PAX2 in ovarian carcinomas. We found that PAX2 was expressed in low-grade serous, clear cell, endometrioid and mucinous cell ovarian carcinomas, which are relatively chemoresistant compared to high grade serous ovarian carcinomas. Four ovarian cancer cell lines, RMUGL (mucinous), TOV21G (clear cell), MDAH-2774 (endometrioid) and IGROV1 (endometrioid), which express high-levels of PAX2, were used to study the function of PAX2. Lentiviral shRNAs targeting PAX2 were used to knock down PAX2 expression in these cell lines. Cellular proliferation and motility assays subsequently showed that PAX2 stable knockdown had slower growth and migration rates. Microarray gene expression profile analysis further identified genes that were affected by PAX2 including the tumor suppressor gene G0S2. Reverse phase protein array (RPPA) data showed that PAX2 knockdown affected several genes that are involved in apoptosis, which supports the fact that downregulation of PAX2 in PAX2-expressing ovarian cancer cells inhibits cell growth. We hypothesize that this growth inhibition is due to upregulation of the tumor suppressor gene G0S2 via induction of apoptosis. PAX2 represents a potential therapeutic target for chemoresistant PAX2-expressing ovarian carcinomas.


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The mammalian Cutl1 gene codes for the CCAAT displacement protein (CDP), which has been implicated as a transcriptional repressor in diverse processes such as terminal differentiation, cell cycle progression, and the control of nuclear matrix attachment regions. To investigate the in vivo function of Cutl1, we have replaced the C-terminal Cut repeat 3 and homeodomain exons with an in-frame lacZ gene by targeted mutagenesis in the mouse. The CDP-lacZ fusion protein is retained in the cytoplasm and fails to repress gene transcription, indicating that the Cutl1(lacZ) allele corresponds to a null mutation. Cutl1 mutant mice on inbred genetic backgrounds are born at Mendelian frequency, but die shortly after birth because of retarded differentiation of the lung epithelia, which indicates an essential role of CDP in lung maturation. A less pronounced delay in lung development allows Cutl1 mutant mice on an outbred background to survive beyond birth. These mice are growth-retarded and develop an abnormal pelage because of disrupted hair follicle morphogenesis. The inner root sheath (IRS) is reduced, and the transcription of Sonic hedgehog and IRS-specific genes is deregulated in Cutl1 mutant hair follicles, consistent with the specific expression of Cutl1 in the progenitors and cell lineages of the IRS. These data implicate CDP in cell-lineage specification during hair follicle morphogenesis, which resembles the role of the related Cut protein in specifying cell fates during Drosophila development.


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The RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST) is an important regulator of normal nervous system development. It negatively regulates neuronal lineage specification in neural progenitors by binding to its consensus RE-1 element(s) located in the regulatory region of its target neuronal differentiation genes. The developmentally coordinated down-regulation of REST mRNA and protein in neural progenitors triggers terminal neurogenesis. REST is overexpressed in pediatric neural tumors such as medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma and is associated with poor neuronal differentiation. High REST protein correlate with poor prognosis for patients with medulloblastoma, however similar studies have not been done with neuroblastoma patients. Mechanism(s) underlying elevated REST levels medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma are unclear, and is the focus of this thesis project. We discovered that transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms govern REST mis-regulation in medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma. In medulloblastoma, REST transcript is aberrantly elevated in a subset of patient samples. Using loss of function and gain of function experiments, we provide evidence that the Hairy Enhancer of Split (HES1) protein represses REST transcription in medulloblastoma cell lines, modulates the expression of neuronal differentiation genes, and alters the survival potential of these cells in vitro. We also show that REST directly represses its own expression in an auto-regulatory feedback loop. Interestingly, our studies identified a novel interaction between REST and HES1. We also observed their co-occupancy at the RE-1 sites, thereby suggesting potential for co-regulation of REST expression. Our pharmacological studies in neuroblastoma using retinoic acid revealed that REST levels are controlled by transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Post-transcriptional mechanisms are mediated by modulation of E3 ligase or REST, SCFβ-TRCP, and contribute to resistance of some cells to retinoic acid treatment.


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One way developing embryos regulate the expression of their genes is by localizing mRNAs to specific subcellular regions. In the oocyte of the frog, Xenopus laevis, many RNAs are localized specifically to the animal or the vegetal halves of the oocyte. The localization of these RNAs contributes to the primary polarity of the oocyte, the asymmetry that is the basis for patterning and lineage specification in the embryo. I have screened a cDNA library for clones containing the Xlsirt repeat, an element known to target RNAs to the vegetal cortex of the oocyte. I have identified seventeen cDNA clones that contain this element. One of these cDNAs encodes the RNA binding protein Hermes. The Hermes mRNA is localized to the vegetal cortex of the oocyte. Additionally, Hermes protein is also vegetally localized in the oocyte and is found in subcellular structures known to contain localized mRNAs. This suggests that Hermes might interact with localized RNAs. While Hermes protein is present in oocytes, it disappears at germinal vesicle breakdown during maturation. We therefore believe that the time period during which Hermes functions is during oogenesis or maturation prior to the time of Hermes degradation. To determine Hermes function, an antisense depletion strategy was used that involved injecting morpholino oligos (HE-MO) into oocytes. Injection of these morpholinos causes the level of Hennes protein to drop prematurely during maturation. Embryos produced from these oocytes exhibit cleavage defects that are most prevalent in the vegetal blastomeres. The phenotype can be partially rescued by injection of a heterologous Hermes mRNA and is therefore specific to Hermes. The Hermes expression and depletion results are consistent with a model in which Hermes interacts with one or more vegetally localized mRNAs in the oocyte and during the early stages of maturation. The interaction is required for cleavage of the vegetal blastomeres. Therefore, it is likely that at least one mRNA that interacts with Hermes is a cell cycle regulator. ^


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Hematopoiesis is the tightly controlled and complex process in which the entire blood system is formed and maintained by a rare pool of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and its dysregulation results in the formation of leukaemia. TRIB2, a member of the Tribbles family of serine/threonine pseudokinases, has been implicated in a variety of cancers and is a potent murine oncogene that induces acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in vivo via modulation of the essential myeloid transcription factor CCAAT-enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα). C/EBPα, which is crucial for myeloid cell differentiation, is commonly dysregulated in a variety of cancers, including AML. Two isoforms of C/EBPα exist - the full-length p42 isoform, and the truncated oncogenic p30 isoform. TRIB2 has been shown to selectively degrade the p42 isoform of C/EBPα and induce p30 expression in AML. In this study, overexpression of the p30 isoform in a bone marrow transplant (BMT) leads to perturbation of myelopoiesis, and in the presence of physiological levels of p42, this oncogene exhibited weak transformative ability. It was also shown by BMT that despite their degradative relationship, expression of C/EBPα was essential for TRIB2 mediated leukaemia. A conditional mouse model was used to demonstrate that oncogenic p30 cooperates with TRIB2 to reduce disease latency, only in the presence of p42. At the molecular level, a ubiquitination assay was used to show that TRIB2 degrades p42 by K48-mediated proteasomal ubiquitination and was unable to ubiquitinate p30. Mutation of a critical lysine residue in the C-terminus of C/EBPα abrogated TRIB2 mediated C/EBPα ubiquitination suggesting that this site, which is frequently mutated in AML, is the site at which TRIB2 mediates its degradative effects. The TRIB2-C/EBPα axis was effectively targeted by proteasome inhibition. AML is a very difficult disease to target therapeutically due to the extensive array of chromosomal translocations and genetic aberrations that contribute to the disease. The cell from which a specific leukaemia arises, or leukaemia initiating cell (LIC), can affect the phenotype and chemotherapeutic response of the resultant disease. The LIC has been elucidated for some common oncogenes but it is unknown for TRIB2. The data presented in this thesis investigate the ability of the oncogene TRIB2 to transform hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo. TRIB2 overexpression conferred in vitro serially replating ability to all stem and progenitor cells studied. Upon transplantation, only TRIB2 overexpressing HSCs and granulocyte/macrophage progenitors (GMPs) resulted in the generation of leukaemia in vivo. TRIB2 induced a mature myeloid leukaemia from the GMP, and a mixed lineage leukaemia from the HSC. As such the role of TRIB2 in steady state hematopoiesis was also explored using a Trib2-/- mouse and it was determined that loss of Trib2 had no effect on lineage distribution in the hematopoietic compartment under steady-state conditions. The process of hematopoiesis is controlled by a host of lineage restricted transcription factors. Recently members of the Nuclear Factor 1 family of transcription factors (NFIA, NFIB, NFIC and NFIX) have been implicated in hematopoiesis. Little is known about the role of NFIX in lineage determination. Here we describe a novel role for NFIX in lineage fate determination. In human and murine datasets the expression of Nfix was shown to decrease as cells differentiated along the lymphoid pathway. NFIX overexpression resulted in enhanced myelopoiesis in vivo and in vitro and a block in B cell development at the pre-pro-B cell stage. Loss of NFIX resulted in disruption of myeloid and lymphoid differentiation in vivo. These effects on stem and progenitor cell fate correlated with changes in the expression levels of key transcription factors involved in hematopoietic differentiation including a 15-fold increase in Cebpa expression in Nfix overexpressing cells. The data presented support a role for NFIX as an important transcription factor influencing hematopoietic lineage specification. The identification of NFIX as a novel transcription factor influencing lineage determination will lead to further study of its role in hematopoiesis, and contribute to a better understanding of the process of differentiation. Elucidating the relationship between TRIB2 and C/EBPα not only impacts on our understanding of the pathophysiology of AML but is also relevant in other cancer types including lung and liver cancer. Thus in summary, the data presented in this thesis provide important insights into key areas which will facilitate the development of future therapeutic approaches in cancer treatment.


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The cells of the specialized mating structures of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans adult male tail develop from sex-specific divisions of postembryonic blast cells. One male-specific blast cell, B, is the precursor to all the cells of the copulatory spicules. Both cell interactions and autonomous fate specification mechanisms are utilized in the B lineage to specify fate.

During development the anterior daughter of B, B.a, generates four distinct pairs of cells. Cell ablation experiments indicate that the cells of each pair respond to positional cues provided by other male-specific blast cells. F and U promote anterior fates, Y.p promotes some posterior fates, and the B.a progeny promote posterior fates. The cells within each pair may also interact.

The lin-3/let-23 signalling pathway, identified for its function in C. elegans hermaphrodite vulval induction, mediates the signal from F and U. Reduction-of-function mutations in lin-3 (EGF-like signal), let-23 (receptor), sem-5 (adaptor), let-60 (ras), or lin-45 (raf) disrupt the fates of the anterior cells, and mimic F and U ablation. In addition, ectopically expressed lin-3 disrupts the fates of the posterior cells, and can promote anterior fates even in the absence of F and U.

A genetic screen of over 9000 mutagenized gametes recovered 22 mutations in 20 loci that disrupt fate specification in male tail lineages. Seven of these mutations may represent new genes that play a role in male tail development.

The first division of the B cell is asymmetric. The gene vab-3 is required for specification of B.a fates, and it may represent a factor whose activity is localized to the B.a cell via the gene lin-17. lin-17 acts both at the first division of the B cell and at specific other cell divisions in the lineage.


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An important question in developmental biology is how embryonic cell types are derived from a fertilized egg. To address this question, this thesis investigates the mechanisms by which the aboral ectoderm-specific Spec2a gene is spatially and temporally regulated during sea urchin embryogenesis. The Spec2a gene of the sea urchin Strongylocentratus purpuratus has served as a valuable maker to understand the basis of lineage-specific gene activation and the role of transcription factors in cell fate specification. The hypothesis is that transcription factors responsible for cell type-specific gene activation are key components in the initial cell specification step. The Spec2a gene, which encodes a small cytosolic calcium-binding protein, is expressed exclusively in aboral ectoderm cell lineages. The 1516-bp control region of the Spec2a gene contains a 188-bp enhancer element required for temporal activation and aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cell expression, while an unidentified element upstream of the enhancer represses expression in mesenchyme cells. Using an enhancer activation assay, combined with site-directed mutagenesis, I showed that three TAATCC/T sites within the enhancer are responsible for enhancer activity. Mutagenizing these sites and a fourth one just upstream abolished all activity from the Spec2a control region. A 77-bp DNA fragment from the Spec2a enhancer containing two of the TAATCC/T sites is sufficient for aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cell expression. A cDNA encoding SpOtx, an orthodenticle-related protein, was cloned from S. purpuratus and shown to bind with high affinity to the TAATCC/T sequences within the Spec2a control region. SpOtx transcripts were found initially in all cells of the cleaving embryo, but they gradually became restricted to oral ectoderm and endoderm cells, suggesting that SpOtx might play a role in the initial temporal activation of the Spec2a gene and most likely has additional functions in the developing embryo. To reveal the broader biological functions of SpOtx, I injected SpOtx mRNA into living sea urchin eggs to determine what effects overexpressing the SpOtx protein might have on embryo development. SpOtx mRNA-injected embryos displayed dramatic alterations in development. Instead of developing into pluteus larvae with 15 different cell types, uniform epithelia balls were formed. These balls consisted of a thin layer of squamous cells with short cilia highly reminiscent of aboral ectoderm. Immunohistochemical staining and RT-PCR demonstrated that the SpOtx-injected embryoids expressed aboral ectoderm markers uniformly, but showed very weak or no expression of markers for non-aboral ectoderm cell types. These data strongly suggested that overexpression of SpOtx redirected the normal fate of non-aboral ectoderm cells to that of aboral ectoderm. These results show that SpOtx is involved in aboral ectoderm differentiation by activating aboral ectoderm-specific genes and that modulating its expression can lead to changes in cell fate. ^


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Mutations in the nubbin (nub) gene have a phenotype consisting of a severe wing size reduction and pattern alterations, such as transformations of distal elements into proximal ones. nub expression is restricted to the wing pouch cells in wing discs since early larval development. These effects are also observed in genetic mosaics where cell proliferation is reduced in all wing blade regions autonomously, and transformation into proximal elements is observed in distal clones. Clones located in the proximal region of the wing blade cause in addition nonautonomous reduction of the whole wing. Cell lineage experiments in a nub mutant background show that clones respect neither the anterior–posterior nor the dorsal–ventral boundary but that the selector genes have been correctly expressed since early larval development. The phenotypes of nub el and nub dpp genetic combinations are synergistic and the overexpression of dpp in clones in nub wings does not result in overproliferation of the surrounding wild-type cells. We discuss the role of nub in the wing’s proximo–distal axis and in the formation of compartment boundaries.


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Specification of unequal daughter cell fates in the Drosophila external sense organ lineage requires asymmetric localization of the intrinsic determinant Numb as well as cell-cell interactions mediated by the Delta ligand and Notch receptor. Previous genetic studies indicated that numb acts upstream of Notch, and biochemical studies revealed that Numb can bind Notch. For a functional assay of the action of Numb on Notch signaling, we expressed these proteins in cultured Drosophila cells and used nuclear translocation of Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] as a reporter for Notch activity. We found that Numb interfered with the ability of Notch to cause nuclear translocation of Su(H); both the C-terminal half of the phosphotyrosine binding domain and the C terminus of Numb are required to inhibit Notch. Overexpression of Numb during wing development, which is sensitive to Notch dosage, revealed that Numb is also able to inhibit the Notch receptor in vivo. In the external sense organ lineage, the phosphotyrosine binding domain of Numb was found to be essential for the function but not for asymmetric localization of Numb. Our results suggest that Numb determines daughter cell fates in the external sense organ lineage by inhibiting Notch signaling.