94 resultados para Lek


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Investigating the mechanisms underlying female mate choice is important for sexual-selection theory, but also for population-genetic studies, because distinctive breeding strategies affect differently the dynamics of gene diversity within populations. Using field-monitoring, genetic-assignment, and laboratory-rearing methods, we investigated chorus attendance, mating success and offspring fitness in a population of lek-breeding tree-frogs (Hyla arborea) to test whether female choice is driven by good genes or complementary genes. Chorus attendance explained approximately 50% of the variance in male mating success, but did not correlate with offspring fitness. By contrast, offspring body mass and growth rate correlated with male attractiveness, measured as the number of matings obtained per night of calling. Genetic similarity between mating partners did not depart from random, and did not affect offspring fitness. We conclude that females are able to choose good partners under natural settings and obtain benefits from the good genes, rather than compatible genes, their offspring inherit. This heritability of fitness is likely to reduce effective population sizes below values previously estimated.


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Sexual selection in lek-breeding species might drastically lower male effective population size, with potentially important consequences for evolutionary and conservation biology. Using field-monitoring and parental-assignment methods, we analyzed sex-specific variances in breeding success in a population of European treefrogs, to (1) help understanding the dynamics of genetic variance at sex-specific loci, and (2) better quantify the risk posed by genetic drift in this species locally endangered by habitat fragmentation. The variance in male mating success turned out to be markedly lower than values obtained from other amphibian species with polygamous mating systems. The ratio of effective breeding size to census breeding size was only slightly lower in males (0.44) than in females (0.57), in line with the patterns of genetic diversity previously reported from H. arborea sex chromosomes. Combining our results with data on age at maturity and adult survival, we show that the negative effect of the mating system is furthermore compensated by the effect of delayed maturity, so that the estimated instantaneous effective size broadly corresponded to census breeding size. We conclude that the lek-breeding system of treefrogs impacts only weakly the patterns of genetic diversity on sex-linked genes and the ability of natural populations to resist genetic drift.


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Secondary sexual characters often signal qualities such as physiological processes associated with resistance to various sources of stress. When the expression of an ornament is not sex-limited, we can identify the costs and benefits of displaying a trait that is typical of its own sex or of the other sex. Indeed, the magnitude and sign of the covariation between physiology and the extent to which an ornament is expressed could differ between males and females if, for instance, the regulation of physiological processes is sensitive to sex hormones. Using data collected over 14 years in the nocturnal barn owl Tyto alba, we investigated how nestling body mass covaries with a heritable melanin-based sex-trait, females displaying on average larger black feather spots than males. Independently of nestling sex, year and time of the day large-spotted nestlings were heavier than small-spotted nestlings. In contrast, the magnitude and sign of the covariation between nestling body mass and the size of parental spots varied along the day in a way that depended on the year and parental gender. In poor years, offspring of smaller-spotted mothers were heavier throughout the resting period; in the morning, offspring sired by larger-spotted fathers were heavier than offspring of smaller-spotted fathers, while in the evening the opposite pattern was found. Thus, maternal and paternal coloration is differentially associated with behaviour or physiology, processes that are sensitive to time of the day and environmental factors. Interestingly, the covariation between offspring body mass and paternal coloration is more sensitive to these environmental factors than the covariation with maternal coloration. This indicates that the benefit of pairing with differently spotted males may depend on environmental conditions, which could help maintain genetic variation in the face of intense directional (sexual) selection.


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96 s. ; 8:o.


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Lectio praecursoria, Åbo Akademi 25.1 2013.


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With caring science as its foundation and by means of the perioperative dialogue, the intended contribution and overall aim of this present thesis is to describe what play is and could be in the caring reality, an ideal model. The perioperative dialogue is the nurse anaesthetists’ pre-, intra- and post-operative dialogues with the children they care for in connection with anesthesia. The thesis is composed according to Schopenhauer’s notion that the road to science presupposes the world seen as performances, and has an all-pervading hermeneutic approach. The performances of the thesis are: the performance of all performances, the empirical performance, the transcendental performance and the universal performance. The performance of all performances originates in the theoretical perspective of the thesis and describes what play and its characteristics are. This performance is realized through the hermeneutic interpretation of the etymology and original meaning of the word play along with texts from caring science, philosophy, anthropology and the history of religion. The empirical performance originates in four empirical studies where caring is organized as a perioperative dialogue. In study I, the material was collected with the help of participating observations and semi-structured interviews, in study II, with the help of the critical incident method and in study III, with the help of conversation interviews. In study IV, play develops into a clinical caring science research method. The research participants consist of children with special needs, children with a pronounced fear of anaesthesia, parents of children with severe autism and nurse anaesthetists. The empirical performance relates in what way play manifests in a perioperative child context by interpreting the results from the empiric in the light of the characteristics of play. The transcendental performance is enacted in the playhouse of health and presents a picture of the essence of play, the playing. In the playhouse of health, the light, winged movement of play is actualized when what was previously too difficult, too heavy and pinioned instead is as easy as anything. The eye of love and compassion knows the art of deciphering the secret script where the Other’s holiness resides, even if mere glimpses of it appear. The universal performance depicts three caring acts where the entrance consists of entering play, the ideal of which is realized in the unmasked openness face to face, that which protects the playing human being against encroachment and an unwanted audience. In the second caring act, entering play plays on to the finely-tuned interplay between human beings in the winged play of beauty and dignity. In the third caring act, the world’s deepest plays are staged on the stage of caring, in the sense that the innermost being of each individual, the universal will joins in and allows individuals to live as playing human beings who are at home with themselves and the world. The captivating, graceful and friendly play works from within itself, as long as it illumined by the light of claritas can play undisturbed on the stage of caring where it – like an unclouded mirror of its own ideal watches over children’s health.


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De flesta lekforskare är eniga om att barn lär sig när de leker och att lek har betydelse för barns utveckling. Syftet med denna undersökning var att studera vilka uppfattningar pedagoger har om lek och hur de använder lek för barns lärande i undervisningen i sina tre förskoleklasser. I studien intervjuades sex pedagoger, två barnskötare, två förskollärare och två fritidspedagoger. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna uppfattar lek som viktig för barnens lärande och utveckling och att den använder sig av både fria och styrda lekar i undervisningen.


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Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger använder sig av leken i sin verksamhet och vad de har för syn på lekens betydelse för förskolebarns lärande och utveckling. Studien bygger på litteratur om tidigare forskning kring lek samt kvalitativa intervjuer med sex pedagoger verksamma inom förskola och förskoleklass. Resultatet av vår studie visar att både pedagogerna och de forskare vi tagit del av anser att leken är en viktig bit av barns lärande och utveckling. Pedagogerna lyfter fram leken som barnens arbetsredskap och poängterar hur viktigt det är att skapa goda förutsättningar för lek. De använder leken på ett medvetet sätt i sin verksamhet och är eniga om att begreppen lek, lärande och utveckling är sammanhängande och inte går att skilja åt. Studien visar att leken mestadels ses som god och befrämjande men också att leken har en baksida som enligt pedagogerna kan innehålla inslag av maktutövande och förtryck.


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Denna studie handlar om pedagogers uppfattningar om barns lek och lärande. I litteraturen har vi funnit att de flesta lekforskare är eniga om att lek är viktig för barns utveckling och lärande. Syftet med studien var att beskriva om, och i så fall hur, pedagoger säger sig använda lek för barns lärande. Studien har utförts i en förskola där vi har intervjuat fem pedagoger, fyra lärare i förskolan (förskollärare) och en barnskötare. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna uppfattar lek som viktig och att de använder sig av olika lekformer för att stimulera barns lärande. De ser sig egen närvaro som viktig i barns lek. Pedagogerna är överens om att miljön inverkar på barnen och att den har betydelse för deras lek. De framhåller att de använder sig av dokumentation för att synliggöra barns lärande.


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Syftet med undersökningen är att på en förskola utforska de olika avdelningarnas pedagogiska innemiljö. Hur planerar pedagogerna den pedagogiska innemiljön och vilka konsekvenser får detta för barnens lek och skapande. För att ta reda på detta genomfördes intervjuer med pedagogerna, observationer av barnens lek och beskrivning med hjälp av kort på avdelningarnas olika rum.Resultatet visar att pedagogerna anser att barnens intressen och behov styr hur de planerar den pedagogiska innemiljön. Genom observationer av barnens lek och samtal med barnen tar pedagogerna reda på detta. Eftersom många saker finns utom barnens räckhåll och de inte får använda alla material hur de vill begränsas deras skapande och lek. Den ekonomiska aspekten påverkar också den pedagogiska innemiljön på ett negativt sätt enligt pedagogerna. Men tre av pedagogerna menade att det fanns positiva saker med det också. De var tvungna att använda sin fantasi och kreativitet och ta tillvara på det som fanns i närmiljön. Pedagogernas kännedom om de olika pedagogiska teorierna var liten. Det var bara tre av pedagogerna som direkt kände till några av dem. Ingen av avdelningarna följde någon speciell teori men två pedagoger på en avdelning ansåg att de inspirerades av Reggio Emilia.


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Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur två pedagoger och två rektorer som arbetar på två olika kommunala förskolor ser på innemiljön och dess påverkan på lek. Det innefattar vilket material som används och hur de har utformat miljön. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer och ostrukturerade observationer för att samla in materialet. Resultat av undersökningen visade att båda förskolorna arbetar aktivt med miljön men att den ena förskolan precis har börjat med sitt arbete. Båda förskolorna arbetade efter samma vision, att ha en miljö som är tillgänglig för bar-nen där materialet är synligt och på barnens nivå. Det är något som också tas upp som viktigt i litteratur och forskning. Faktorer som visade sig ha betydelse för utformingen av miljön var eko-nomi, tid, personalens inställning och barnens ålder.


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Play and empowerment: the role of alternative spaces in social movements The article examines the role played by alternative space in social movements and argues that it plays a crucial role in counter-acting feelings of powerlessness and facilitating the empowerment of subaltern groups. Alternative space is defined – using Benjamin’s notions ofshock, nature and history – as constituted by forms of interaction in which society is made to appear as history. To facilitate empowerment, alternative space must, firstly, provide a place for subaltern groups in which they are no longer subordinated; secondly, instill hope that social change is possible and encourage such change; and, thirdly, expand or consolidate alternative space itself. These tasks can easily enter into conflict with each other, since they sometimes appear to require alternative space to adopt more ”abstract” forms of interaction in which aspects of the social situation are bracketed and sometimes more ”concrete”ones in which such aspects are again given attention. In order to study how movements may relate to this difficulty, the article looks at three contemporary Japanese social movements with NAM, New Start / New Start Kansai and the General Freeter Union as central organizations. Only the third successfully combines the three tasks, in large measure through its skillful use of the play-element.


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Determining the genetic structure of tropical bird populations is important for assessing potential genetic effects of future habitat fragmentation and for testing hypotheses about evolutionary mechanisms promoting diversification. Here we used 10 microsatellite DNA loci to describe levels of genetic differentiation for five populations of the lek-mating blue manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata), sampled along a 414-km transect within the largest remaining continuous tract of the highly endangered Atlantic Forest habitat in southeast Brazil. We found small but significant levels of differentiation between most populations. F-ST values varied from 0.0 to 0.023 (overall F-ST = 0.012) that conformed to a strong isolation by distance relationship, suggesting that observed levels of differentiation are a result of migration-drift equilibrium. N(e)m values estimated using a coalescent-based method were small (<= 2 migrants per generation) and close to the minimum level required to maintain genetic similarity between populations. An implication of these results is that if future habitat fragmentation reduces dispersal between populations to even a small extent, then individual populations may undergo a loss of genetic diversity due to an increase in the relative importance of drift, since inbreeding effective population sizes are relatively small (N-e similar to 1000). Our findings also demonstrate that population structuring can occur in a tropical bird in continuous habitat in the absence of geographical barriers possibly due to behavioural features of the species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)